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Introduction About us Problems Solutions and Competition
Options Analysis
Nhat is a video editor, but he did not have
the workstation to render video after
editing. Meanwhile, Bao has a strong
hardware PC but can only play games 8hr
a day. The computing resources are
allocated in such an ineffective way, and
our project aims to solve that.

Duong Anh Nhat Nguyen Ngoc Han Chu Dinh Bao

CECS-VinUni CBM-VinUni CECS-VinUni
Co-Founder Co-Founder Co-Founder
Increasing demand
Computing The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a surge in demand for electronic
devices and digital services as people rely more on remote work, online

SHORTAGE learning, and entertainment. Additionally, emerging technologies like 5G,

artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things (IoT) have increased the need
for semiconductors.

Capacity constraints
In 2021, the COVID-19 pandemic triggered a
Building new semiconductor fabrication plants, also known as fabs, requires
semiconductor shortage by closing numerous significant investments and time. The industry's capacity to produce
fabricate factories, disrupting global supply semiconductors has struggled to keep up with the surging demand,
exacerbating the shortage.
chains, and causing a surge in demand for
consumer electronics. In that period, computer
components such as memory, hard disk, CPU,
Physical limitation
Even if the processor is adequate, there are still some difficulties when we
and GPU are almost double the price.
perform the computation; for example, you can only deploy AI training on the
If no timely solutions are taken, this scenario may server with the stable power source and heat dissipating, but these machines
repeat anytime soon. are never portable and mobile as a laptop.
User Supplier
People who need to perform the computing task, People who have the hardware, such as gaming
such as AI training, 3D rendering, or data annalistic, computers or personal workstations, cannot exploit
but do no have sufficient hardware. their devices every time.

The user will send his work (including data and The supplier will connect to our system at any time
commands) to our system through the app installed that his device is free. After receiving a task, the app
on his device, then, that task will be sent to the installed on this device will automatically perform it,
supplier side. then return the result to the user.
His work will be performed in the supplier machine; He will also receive a payment after finishing the
he will also need to pay a sum of money to the task.
DistriCom will provide 2 main options for users:
1. Connect directly to the cloud server of DistriCom. This
option is mainly for users who are willing to share their
working data for a simple and fast process.
2. Set up a private network with DistriCom's platform. This
option is mainly for professional departments
(companies, research teams,...) who prefer to share the
working data within the department or with
collaborators. The shared data to the DistriCom
network will be encrypted and can only be decrypted by
an authorized entity. This also means that only the
authorized hardware will be used for processing.
Comeback to the problems in the introduction, after
using DistriCom, Bao will be one of the suppliers and
connect his PC to the system after playing the game.
On the user side, Nhat sends his Adobe Premiere
workspace (including the raw video and effect) through
DistriCom to the supplier; his work will be performed on
one (or multiple) supplier's machines on the system.
After receiving the result, Nhat will pay $1 (example) for
Bao as a wage.
Similar services are centralized platforms
(Google Colab, IBM Watson Studio, Kaggle
Kernel), which could lead to dependence and
less flexibility. DistriCom will require less
hardware cost. Also, by providing service for
many types of demand, from personals user
who is willing to share their working data with
the public system to more advanced users like
departments who only want to share working
data within the department or with
collaborators, DistriCom provides a better
solution for computing and a competitive
business for investors.

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