Appendix 14 - KSC SHE Specification

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Policy Revision No.: 00

GLP Effective date: 22/11/2018
WI/Form √ Ref:

TITLE: KSC SHE Specification (Works)


1.1 This Health and Safety and Environmental Specification (“SHE Specification”) sets out the
health, safety and environmental (“SHE”) requirements that [insert name of contractor]
(“Contractor”) must comply with during the execution of the works set out in the Contract to
which this Annexure is attached (“the Works”), as follows:

1.1.1 The Contractor is required to compile its health and safety and environmental plans
(“HSEP”) and work instructions in accordance with this SHE Specification;
1.1.2 The HSEP must show how the Contractor will control and manage all health and safety
aspects relative to any Works that the Contractor executes;
1.1.3 The HSEP must be relevant to the Works being executed and its numbered clauses
must correspond to the extent practicable with the numbered clauses of this SHE
1.1.4 The Contractor must ensure that this SHE Specification is communicated to any of its
subcontractors who will execute any part of the Works; and
1.1.5 This SHE Specification may be varied or amended if such variation or amendment is
made necessary by the HSEPs and work instructions submitted to Kilombero Sugar
Company Limited (“Employer”) by the Contractor and/or the Employer’s other
contractors, and/or Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control (“HIRA”)
procedures and/or any Variations to the Works.

2.1 The Contractor must:
2.1.1 provide and demonstrate to the Employer a suitable, sufficiently documented and
coherent Works specific HSEP, based on the Employer’s SHE Specifications to which
HSEP must be applied from the date of commencement of and for the duration of the
Works, and which must be reviewed and updated by the Contractor as the Works
2.1.2 open and keep on Site the Health and Safety and Environment File (“HSEF”), in physical
format, which must be made available on request to any inspector and/or the Employer
and/or any third party duly appointed by the Employer as it’s representative and
notified as such in writing to the Contractor (the “Site Manager”) and/or any of the
Contractor’ sub-contractors; and
2.1.3 on appointing any sub-contractor for Works to be rendered for the Employer only, in
order to ensure compliance with the provisions of this SHE Specification: provide sub-contractors who are tendering to execute Works for the Contractor,
with the relevant sections of the SHE Specifications pertaining to the Works
which have to be executed; ensure that potential sub-contractors submitting tenders have made sufficient
provision for health and safety measures during the execution of the Works for
which they are responsible; ensure that no sub-contractor is appointed to execute any Works unless the
Contractor is reasonably satisfied that the sub-contractor that the Contractor
KSC SHE Specification (Works)
intends to appoint has the necessary competencies and resources to execute the
Works safely and has submitted to the Contractor an HSEP in accordance with
this SHE Specification for the Contractor’s review and approval; ensure that prior to any Works commencing in Tanzania, to the extent required
by the laws of the United Republic of Tanzania (the “Country”) including all
national (or state) legislation, statutes, ordinances and other laws, and
regulations and by-laws of any legally constituted public authority of the Country
(the “Laws”), the Contractor and every sub-contractor of the Contractor is
registered and in good standing and otherwise in compliance with:
(a) Any workers’ compensation fund or similar requirement of the Laws;
(b) Any Laws relative to occupational health and safety and the protection of
the environment provided that in the absence thereof, the South African
Occupational Health and Safety Act (“SA OHS Act”), Act 85 of 1993 and
associated shall be deemed to be the minimum legal standard;
and has obtained all permits licenses and approvals as required by the Laws for
the execution of the Works including but not limited to:
(c) Any professional registrations required by the Laws; and
(d) Registration with any construction industry council or any other regulatory
body required by the Laws. appoint each sub-contractor in writing for the part of the Works which they are to
execute; take reasonable steps to ensure that each sub-contractor's HSEP is implemented
and maintained for the duration of the Works; ensure that the periodic Site audits and document verification are conducted at
intervals mutually agreed upon between the Contractor and any sub-contractor,
but at least once every 30 days; stop any sub-contractor from executing Works which are not in accordance with
the Employer’s SHE Specification and the Contractor’ HSEP for the Works or
which poses a threat to the health and safety of any persons or to the
environment; where changes are brought about to the Works, make available sufficient health
and safety information and appropriate resources to the sub-contractor to
execute the Works for which it is responsible safely; discuss and negotiate with the sub-contractor the contents of the sub-
contractor’s HSEP, and thereafter if the HSEP is compliant with the Employer’s
SHE Specification, finally approve the sub-contractor’s HSEP for implementation; ensure that a copy of the Contractor’s HSEP, as well as all of its sub-contractor’s
HSEPs, are available on request to any of the Contractor’s personnel, to any
third party inspector, any sub-contractor, the Employer and/or the Site Manager; hand over a consolidated HSEF to the Employer upon completion of the Works; in addition to the documentation required in the HSEF include and make available
a comprehensive and updated list of all the sub-contractors accountable to the
Contractor, the agreements between the Contractor and its sub-contractors
pertaining to the Works, if not subject to confidentiality undertakings, and the
type of Works being executed by the sub-contractors; and ensure that all of the Contractor’s personnel have a valid medical certificate of
fitness specific to the Works to be executed and issued by a registered
occupational health practitioner.
KSC SHE Specification (Works)


3.1 All Laws of Tanzania applicable to the Contractor, the Contractor’s personnel, the Contractor’s
sub-contractors, and to the Works being executed by the Contractor.

The South African Occupational Health and Safety Act No. 85 of 1993 (“SA OHS Act”) it may
be amended or replaced from time to time, including but not limited to all duly promulgated
regulations thereto.
3.2 The Illovo Sugar Group of companies (“Illovo”) integrated risk management system.


4.1 In this SHE Specification the following words and expressions shall have meanings stated
4.2 Choke/Blockage Clearance Permit:
4.2.1 Means a permit required to be issued before any work can be carried out where there is
a possibility of blocked hot/hazardous substances that could affect workers if it were to
be released i.e. freeing a choked cane carrier, de-ashing boilers, unblocking a choked
caustic line.
4.3 Competent Permit Issuer:
4.3.1 Means a person appointed by the Employer with the authority and discretion to issue
(or refuse to issue) any permits required by the Contractor before any work for which a
permit is required may be performed.
4.4 Competent Person:
4.4.1 Means a person who has in respect of the work or task to be performed the required
knowledge, training and experience and, where applicable, qualifications specific to that
work or task.
4.5 Confined Space:
4.5.1 Means any enclosed, restricted or limited space in which, because of its construction,
location or contents, or any work activity carried on therein, a hazardous substance
may accumulate or an oxygen-deficient atmosphere may occur, and includes any
chamber, tunnel, pipe, pit, sewer, container, valve, pump, sump or similar construction,
equipment or open-topped spaces more than 1.0 meters deep, machinery or object in
which a dangerous liquid or a dangerous concentration of gas, vapour, dust or fumes
may be present.
4.6 Contract:
4.6.1 Means the written agreement concluded between the Contractor and the Employer for
the execution of the Works including without limitation the terms and conditions
applicable to any purchase order agreed and accepted between the Contractor and the
4.7 Contracting Manager:
4.7.1 Means any person appointed by the Employer who is responsible for managing the
Contractor’s organisation and activities relative to the Works.
4.8 Country:
Means the United Republic of Tanzania.
4.9 Demolition Work
KSC SHE Specification (Works)
4.9.1 Means any method to dismantle, wreck, break, pull down or knock down of a structure
or part thereof by way of manual labour, machinery, or the use of explosives.

4.10 Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (“LTIFR”)

4.10.1 Means the number of lost time injuries (“LTAs”) multiplied by a constant 200 000 (man
hours relative to period worked) divided by total man hours worked over a rolling
period (usually 12 months, but can be less) where lost time implies the loss of a shift or
more after the one on which the incident occurred but not including planned days off

4.11 Excavation Work:

4.11.1 Means any work under unsupported overhanging material or in excavations more than
1 meter deep and/or work which includes the making of any man-made cavity, trench,
pit or depression formed by cutting, digging or scooping.
4.12 Fall Protection Plan:
4.12.1 Means the Contractor’s documented plan, which includes and provides for: all risks relating to Working at Height, considering the nature of work
undertaken; the procedures and methods to be applied in order to eliminate the risk of falling;
and a rescue plan and procedures.
4.13 Fall Risk
4.13.1 Means any potential exposure to falling either from, off or into any place when Working
at Height.
4.14 GLG
4.14.1 Means a group level guideline, which indicates minimum standards applicable across all
Illovo operations
4.15 Hazard:
4.15.1 Means any source of or exposure to danger which may cause injury or damage to
persons, property, or the environment.
4.16 Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control (“HIRA”):
4.16.1 Means a documented plan, which identifies Hazards and assesses the risks and detailing
the control measures and safe working procedures, which are to be used to mitigate
and control the occurrence of Hazards and risks during the construction or operation

4.17 Hazardous Chemical Substance (“HCS”):

4.17.1 Means any toxic, flammable, reactive, harmful, corrosive, and irritant or asphyxiate
substance, or a mixture or substances for which an occupational exposure limit is
prescribed, or an occupational exposure limit is not prescribed, but which creates a
Hazard to health and/or the environment.
4.18 Hazardous Material Work:
4.18.1 Means any work requiring the inspection, sampling, removal, and restoration of any
highly toxic, flammable, corrosive or oxygen deficient hazardous chemical i.e. asbestos,
caustic soda, oxygen enrichment.
4.19 Health and Safety and Environment File (“HSEF”)
KSC SHE Specification (Works)
4.19.1 Means a file holding all of the Contractor’s documentation and records on health and
safety and environmental protection for the Works, which shall be available at all times
for inspection and evaluation by the Site Manager and/or the Employer, and a copy of
which must be provided to the Employer upon completion of the Works. The HSEF
comprises the Contractor’s SHE management system and includes inter alia training
records, appointment letters, risk assessments, safe working procedures, near-
miss/incidents/accidents reports, /equipment registers.
4.20 Health and Safety Plan (“HSEP”)
4.20.1 Means a documented plan, which includes risk assessments and addresses all Hazards
identified and includes safe work procedures to mitigate, reduce or control the Hazards
4.20.2 The Contractor must comply with the HSEP from the date of the Contractor’s
establishment on Site (or if there is no Site establishment, from the date of
commencement of the Works on Site) and for the duration of the Works.
4.21 Hot Work:
4.21.1 Means any work that requires welding, cutting or grinding or where hot sparks/flames
are created outside of designated workshop areas.
4.22 Illovo SHERQ Manager:
4.22.1 Means a Competent Person appointed by the Employer as its safety, health,
environment, risk and quality manager for any Site, who is responsible for the planning,
facilitation, monitoring, compliance and continual improvement of the Employer’s SHE
management system for the Site.

4.23 Isolation/Lockout Work:

4.23.1 Means any work to be conducted on any electrical or live machine or unit, or on any
vessel containing hazardous substances, or on any pneumatic line or on any high
pressure (“HP”) steam line.
4.24 Lifting Permit:
4.24.1 Means a permit required to be issued by an appointed Competent Permit Issuer, before
any work requiring the use of power driven hoists or cranes exceeding 5 Tons can be
carried out with the exception of the normal operation of the installed hoists in various
areas of the Site such as the Contractor’s workshop cranes.
4.25 Plant:
4.25.1 Means all types of the Contractor’s equipment and any of the Employer’s equipment
used by the Contractor including but not limited to, cranes, piling frames, boring
machines, and excavators, dewatering equipment and road vehicles with or without
lifting equipment.

4.26 Pollution:
4.26.1 Means the discharge or release of any material or substance to air and/or water and/or
land which damages and/or has an adverse or negative impact on the environment.

4.27 Risk:
4.27.1 Means the probability or likelihood that a Hazard can result in injury or damage to
persons, property, or the environment.
4.28 SA OHS Act:
KSC SHE Specification (Works)
4.28.1 Means the Occupational Health and Safety Act No. 85 of 1993 of the Republic of South
Africa as it may be amended or replaced from time to time, including but not limited to
all duly promulgated regulations thereto;
4.29 SHE Manager:
4.29.1 Means a Competent Person or Competent Persons appointed by the Contractor and
notified to the Employer in writing who is responsible for the planning, facilitation,
monitoring, compliance and continual improvement of the Contractor’s SHE
management system (which must comply with this SHE Specification).
4.30 Security Access Control Requirements:
4.30.1 Means: the contacting of the applicable the Employer’s personnel on the arrival of any
person on Site; the use of access and ID cards issued by the Contractor for all the Contractor’s
Personnel on Site (including sub-contractors personnel); adherence to and enforcement of the Employer’s zero tolerance policy towards
intoxication and substance abuse; requiring all persons on Site to have been inducted on Site through the
Employer’s and the Contractor’s induction processes; the prevention of weapons being brought onto Site; the control of the movement of computers and other information technology
equipment on to and off the Site.
4.31 Works Manager:
4.31.1 Means a Competent Person appointed by the Contractor who is responsible for the
management of the execution of the Works including compliance with the Employer’s
SHE requirements and the coordination, administration and management of the
resources executing any Works on any Site.
4.32 Works Supervisor:
4.32.1 Means a Competent Person employed by the Contractor, appointed in writing to
supervise Works at the Site on a full time basis. The appointment shall stipulate health
and safety responsibilities, area of responsibility and the proposed duration of the
4.33 Site:
4.33.1 Means any work place where Works are being executed by the Contractor, and includes
any area of the Site that is in the possession of the Contractor for the purpose of the
execution of the Works. Where there is no demarcated boundary it will include all
adjacent areas, which are reasonably required for the activities of the Contractor, and
approved for such use by the Employer.
4.34 SLP
4.34.1 Means the Site level procedure which indicates site specific guidelines to ensure
compliance with a specific GLG

4.35 SWP
4.35.1 Means the safe work procedure or similar.
4.36 Total Injury Frequency Rate (“TIFR”)
4.36.1 Means the total number of injuries including fatalities, lost time injuries, injuries
requiring first aid, and injuries requiring medical attention, multiplied by a constant
KSC SHE Specification (Works)
(man hours relative to period worked) divided by total man hours worked over a rolling
period (usually 12 months, but can be less).
4.37 The Contractor’s Personnel:
4.37.1 Means all personnel whom the Contractor utilises on Site, including without limitation
the staff, labour and other employees of the Contractor and of each of its sub-
contractors, and any other personnel assisting the Contractor in the execution of the
4.38 Waste:
4.38.1 Means any materials, consumables, plant, or equipment brought onto Site for the
purposes of execution of the Works and which is of no use and/or is no longer of any
use and/or is surplus to the Parties’ requirements;

4.39 Working at Height:

4.39.1 Means any work carried out in any work position higher than 2.0 meters above ground
or which is not accessible by ordinary stepladders or not specifically designed as
workstation, and includes suspended pipelines, roof work, cabling trays, and platforms
without railings.
4.40 Working Live:
4.40.1 Means any work were the person carrying out the work comes into contact with
energized electrical conductors or circuit parts with the hands, feet, or any other body
parts, with tools, probes, or with test equipment, regardless of the personal protective
equipment that person is wearing. There are two categories of Working Live: Diagnostic work (testing) is taking readings or measurements of electrical
equipment with approved test equipment that does not require making any
physical change to the equipment; and Repair work is any physical alteration of electrical equipment (such as making or
tightening connections, removing or replacing components, etc.).
4.40.2 Working Live includes work such as: Removal/opening of covers exposing live conductors; Disconnection and reconnection of terminations whilst still live; Fault finding/testing on any plant or equipment whilst it is still live such as motor
starters and variable speed drives; Adding/removing miniature circuit breakers on enshrouded distribution boards; Phasing of parallel transformers or turbine alternators (“TAs”); Bypassing mechanical safety interlocks to obtain access to buckets; Typical old panels where the removal of the main fuses provides the isolation

5.1 It is specifically required by the Employer that the Contractor and all of the Contractor’s
Personnel must comply with the provisions of the applicable Laws in Tanzania which regulates
Tanzania’s health and safety requirements in respect of the Works. The RSA OHS Act and
associated regulations shall be deemed to be the minimum standard in the absence of any
Country specific regulatory requirements.
5.2 This SHE Specification shall in no way relieve the Contractor from any of its obligations in
terms of the Laws of the Country.
5.3 The Contractor must establish and maintain one of the following Illovo approved SHE
compliance grading systems for the duration of the Works:
KSC SHE Specification (Works)
5.3.1 a NOSA system, in which a 4 star grading is a minimum requirement; or
5.3.2 OHSAS 18001 certification; or
5.3.3 any other SHE compliance grading system approved in writing by the Employer.
5.4 If there is any discrepancy, ambiguity, inconsistency, or conflict between the provisions of any
of the following:
5.4.1 this SHE Specification; and/or
5.4.2 any other provision of the Contract; and/or
5.4.3 the SA OHS Act; and/or
5.4.4 any applicable Laws of the Country; and/or
5.4.5 any additional SHE requirements which may be agreed in writing between the parties;
the more stringent obligation on the Contractor prevails and the Contractor must comply with
the most stringent obligation.
5.5 The Employer shall prepare a baseline risk assessment for the Works and the Site which shall
be incorporated by reference into and which shall form part of this SHE Specification in
respect of any Works to be executed. The baseline risk assessment shall be provided by the
Employer to the Contractor prior to the commencement of any Works on Site (or if the Works
require the Contractor to establish on Site, prior to such Site establishment commencing) and
shall be used by the Contractor as a base to conduct further risk identification and analysis
processes for the purposes of preparation of the Contractor’s HSEP and work instructions.

5.6 This SHE Specification is not to be read in isolation, and:

5.6.1 all other special instructions to the Contractor should be read together with this SHE
Specification (including without limitation, special instructions provided during any Site
health and safety induction); and
5.6.2 this SHE Specification may be supplemented by any additional Site requirements which
may be agreed to by the Parties from time to time.

5.7 Illovo Group Safety Card System

5.7.1 The Contractor and the Contractor’s Personnel shall be required to follow and abide by
the Illovo Group safety card system (“Safety Card System”). In terms of the Safety
Card System, safety violation cards will be issued by any of the Employer’s line
managers, contracting managers and/or the Employer’s SHERQ Manager to the
Contractor and/or the Contractor’s Personnel executing the Works on the following
basis: YELLOW CARDS will be issued for the following violations:- Not wearing personal protective equipment; Deviation or non-compliance with a safe work procedure; Horseplay; Using un-registered ladders; Using un-registered electrical power tools; Using un-registered lifting equipment; Using un-certified scaffolding; Working in elevated position without safety harness; A Contractor’s line manager or supervisor observing an unsafe work
practice or condition and failing to stop or correct the situation.
KSC SHE Specification (Works)
5.7.2 RED CARDS will be issued for the following violations:- Violation of Employer`s cardinal rules Gross negligence or non-compliance to a safe work procedure which action leads
to an injury to the violating party or another person; A Contractor’s line manager or supervisor instructing an employee to perform or
work in an unsafe condition.
5.7.3 All Red cards issued will be investigated by the Contractor and report signed off by the
Employer’s SHE Manager
5.7.4 Red cards issued will be valid for a period of six months from date of issue.
5.7.5 A record of all cards issued will be kept by the Employer’s SHERQ Manager.
5.7.6 On receipt of three yellow cards by the Contractor or any of the Contractor’s Personnel,
the Contractor will be subjected to a formal inquiry and issued a red card.
5.7.7 On receipt by the Contractor or any of the Contractor’s Personnel of one red card, the
Contractor will be subjected to a formal inquiry and may be given a final written
warning at the Employer’s discretion. This final warning will remain valid for a period of
three continuous months from the date of issue of the red card. Should the same
member of the t Contractor’s Personnel receive a second red card, while a previous red
card remains valid, on written request from the Employer, the Contractor shall remove
that person from the Employer’s premises and provide a suitably qualified replacement.
5.7.8 Should the Contractor receive a third red card while two other red cards remain valid, it
shall constitute a material breach of the Contract, entitling the Employer to exercise the
remedies available to it in respect of a material breach in terms of the Contract.
5.7.9 During the execution of any Works, the Employer’s authorised representatives and/or
the Employer’s SHERQ manager shall have the right to inspect the Contractor’s
equipment, and any plant and materials supplied by the Contractor to ensure
compliance with the provisions of this SHE Specification, the SA OHS Act and any
applicable Laws of the Country.
5.8 The Contractor’s Personnel required to be appointed
5.8.1 The Contractor must appoint all persons required to be appointed by a contractor in
terms of the SA OHS Act and/or any applicable Laws including without limitation a
Works Manager who must be appointed for the duration of the Works.
5.8.2 Should the Employer require the appointment of additional personnel, in addition to
those required in order to comply with clause 5.8.1, the Employer shall reimburse the
Contractor the reasonable and necessary costs incurred by the Contractor in complying
with that requirement, provided those costs have been agreed in writing by the
Employer before they are incurred.
5.8.3 The Contractor must provide the Employer with documentary proof of the competency
of the relevant appointments for such the Contractor’s Personnel as are specified in the
table below and up to date records of all such appointments must be kept in the
Contractor’s HSEF on Site at all times:

Appointment Appointee
Works Manager: The Contractor’s chief Competent Person
executive officer’s delegated responsible
manager appointed in accordance with
Section 100 (2) of the OHS Act
Works Supervisor Competent Person
SHE Officer Competent Person
Risk assessment coordinator Competent Person
Fall protection coordinator Competent Person
Excavation work supervisor Competent Person
KSC SHE Specification (Works)
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Vehicle operators Competent Person

First aider Competent Person
Scaffold supervisor Competent Person
Material hoist inspector Competent Person
vehicle inspector Competent Person
Hazardous substances coordinator Competent person

Stacking supervisor Competent Person

Fire equipment inspector Competent Person
Health and safety Rep Competent Person
SHE Committee member Competent Person
Incident investigator Competent Person
Ladder inspector Competent Person
Lifting equipment Operator Competent Person
Lifting equipment inspector Competent Person
Portable electrical equipment inspector Competent Person
Housekeeping coordinator

5.9 Documentation and Procedures

Before commencing Works the Contractor must provide the Employer with the following:
5.9.1 Letters of good standing: The Contractor and all of its sub-contractors must provide the Employer with
proof, including updated letters of good standing where applicable, of all
registrations, permits, licenses, and approvals required to be obtained and/or any
notifications required to be given by the Contractor for the execution of the
Works in terms of any Laws of the Country. The Contractor must provide proof of suitable public liability insurance.
5.9.2 An emergency plan including: Emergency contact numbers; and Emergency procedures for scenarios identified through the HIRA.
5.9.3 The Contractor’s company organogram showing the hierarchy of responsibility;
5.9.4 The Contractor’s company SHE Policy: The Contractor’s SHE Policy statement must be available for scrutiny by the
Employer. The Contractor’s SHE Policy statement is to be signed by the Contractor’s Chief
Executive Officer or otherwise by the most senior person in the Contractor’s
organisation. Proof of communication of the Contractor’s SHE Policy statement to all of the
Contractor’s Personnel and sub-contractors must be available on request.
5.9.5 The Contractor’s HSEP The Contractor must prepare and submit its HSEP in accordance with this SHE
Specification, which incorporates by reference the baseline risk assessment
prepared by the Employer relative to the Works and/or Site. The Contractor may not commence any Works until the Employer has approved
in writing (with such approval signed by the Employer’s SHERQ Manager) of the
Contractor’s HSEP. The Contractor must require and must ensure that its sub-contractors’ HSEPs are
in accordance with the Contractor’s HSEP approved by the Employer, and must
KSC SHE Specification (Works)
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not permit any sub-contractor to commence any Works until the Contractor has
approved in writing (with such approval signed by the Contractor) of that sub-
contractor’s HSEP. The Contractor’s HSEP, and its sub-contractors’ HSEPs must at a minimum
contain all documents required to be included in the HSEP in terms of this SHE
5.9.6 The Contractor’s work instructions The Contractor must prepare and submit to the Employer for approval, work
instructions showing in detail how the Contractor will conduct all of the work
activities for the Works on Site. The Contractor must: indicate the steps involved in each activity; identify the Hazards applicable at each step; and state the controls that will be implemented by the Contractor to mitigate
each Hazard.
5.10 Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (“HIRA”):
5.10.1 The Contractor must, as part of its HSEP for the Works, perform a HIRA exercise prior
to the commencement of any Works.
5.10.2 All of the Contractor’s work activities, including those to be carried out by its sub-
contractors must be included in the HIRA.
5.10.3 The Contractor must prepare the HIRA methodology for approval by the Employer prior
to conducting the HIRA.
5.10.4 The five most significant work activities to be performed by the Contractor must be
identified in the HIRA.
5.10.5 Rules for compliance with each of the mitigation procedures and arrangements for each
of these work activities must be identified and communicated to and understood by all
the Contractor’s Personnel.
5.10.6 Control measures in the form of an action plan must be prepared by the Contractor
within an approved time frame for all high risk work activities.
5.10.7 Once mitigation procedures and arrangements for all high risk work activities have been
approved by the Employer, the Contractor must prepare similar action plans for all
medium and low risk work activities using the same methodology.
5.10.8 A copy of the Contractor’s HIRA must be included in the Contractor’s HSEF, in either
physical or electronic format and must be available for inspection by the Employer at all
times during the execution of the Works.
5.10.9 The Contractor must ensure that the outcome of all HIRA exercises are communicated
to all of the Contractor’s Personnel involved in the work activities that were assessed
and that the Contractor’s Personnel acknowledge awareness of the Hazards and the
related control measures specified in the HIRA before any work commences.
5.10.10 The outcomes of the HIRA exercise must be included in the formulation of the
Contractor’s work instructions, which must be instructions for each work activity setting
out all the steps involved in performing the activity, the Hazards involved and control
measures to be taken, and which all the Contractor’s Personnel must be required to
understand and to sign acknowledgement thereof.
5.10.11 The approved HIRA must be signed by the Works Manager, SHE Manager, Works
Supervisor, and the Employer’s SHERQ Manager.
5.10.12 The types of work activities which must be assessed in terms of a HIRA if the work
activity is to be carried out on Site includes, but is not limited to, the work activities set
out in the table below:
KSC SHE Specification (Works)
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Driving and Traffic – restrictions, existing Positioning of cranes including mobile cranes
systems, Site traffic, road networks,
intersections, transporting employees,
people-vehicle segregation
Site security and access Activities that affect adjacent sites and roads during
Existing services, overhead and Excavations in particular those adjacent to roads or
underground sidewalks
Ground conditions Working at height in particular roof work and including
the fixing and movement (cranes required) of materials
such as trusses and profiles
Existing structures for demolishing or Lifting operations such as offloading and moving
modification equipment
Removal of existing tanks, pipe-work etc. Stacking, storage of equipment and materials
Loading Confined Space working
Excavations Use of portable electrical equipment (power tools)
Use of hand tools Use of explosive power tools
Use and storage of flammable and Scaffolding
hazardous chemicals
Electrical installations Welding / Hot-Work
Waste management including removal of Workshop maintenance
hazardous Waste and Hazardous Chemical
Temporary site accommodation Environmental restraints such as effluents, boundary
noise and dust
General Hazards to site personnel such as Painting
cleaning, noise and dust
5.10.13 A HIRA must be carried out on any work activity to be performed by the Contractor
irrespective of whether measures for the control of the risks associated with the work
activity are specified in this SHE Specification.
5.11 Fall Protection Plan:
5.11.1 The Contractor must carry out a risk assessment for any work to be carried out from or
at an elevated position whether or not the activity constitutes Working at Height.
5.11.2 The Contractor must prepare, implement, and enforce a fall protection plan and
methods to address all identified risks for each such position and work activity to be
carried out at that position.
5.11.3 The Contractor must procure medical certificates for all of the Contractor’s Personnel
who will carry out the work activities which medical certificates must provide an
evaluation of the person’s physical and psychological fitness for Working at Height.
5.11.4 All of the Contractor’s Personnel must be trained on working in elevated positions and
records maintained in the HSEF.
5.11.5 The Contractor must prepare, implement, and enforce procedures for inspection,
testing and maintenance of all fall protection equipment.
5.11.6 Fall protection equipment must be mandatory whereby a fall risk is equal or greater
than 2 metres.
5.11.7 A roof work plan must be incorporated in the Contractor’s Fall Protection Plan and must
include the following: procedures for the identification of fragile materials and for controlling the risk
thereof; procedures for the barricading of areas where openings covers are not strong
enough to withstand imposed loads;
KSC SHE Specification (Works)
- 13 - procedures for the placement of guardrails/barriers/toe-boards or other means to
prevent the falling of any person, material or equipment.
5.12 Permits to work:
5.12.1 The Contractor must comply with the Employer’s Permit to Work procedures which will
be provided to the Contractor prior to commencing work on Site.
5.12.2 Work for which the issuing of a permit is required shall not be performed prior to the
obtaining of a duly completed and approved permit issued by a Competent Person
appointed by the Contractor as a permit issuer, which appointment must be approved
in writing by the Employer’s SHERQ Manager.
5.12.3 Work for which the issuing of a permit is required includes the following: Energy Isolation; Hot Work; Confined Spaces which includes excavations; Working at Height; Excavations; Demolition; Blockage; Hazardous Chemicals; Lifting operation for weights greater than 3 Tons; Working Live.

5.12.4 All other work activities for which the issuing of a permit is not required will still require
the completion by the Contractor of a risk assessment prior to commencement in
accordance with the Employer’s ‘Take 5’ assessment process which will be provided to
the Contractor by the Employer.
5.13 Machinery and equipment:
5.13.1 All of the Contractor’s machinery and equipment must be subjected by the Contractor
to a program of regular maintenance and this program must be monitored by the
Contractor to ensure compliance with the program.
5.13.2 The frequency and extent of maintenance of all of the Contractor’s machinery and
equipment monitoring must be specified in the Contractor’s maintenance program.
5.13.3 The Contractor must prepare and make use of customized equipment registers to
record the daily inspection by the Contractor of each type of vehicle used for the
execution of the Works, and the Contractor’s responsible person must ensure that all
defective or damaged vehicles and/or any other vehicle maintenance issues are
identified and recorded and the relevant work orders are raised for the maintenance
and/or repair and/or replacement of the relevant vehicle(s).
5.13.4 Similarly, the Contractor must prepare and make use of customized equipment registers
for all other Contractor’s equipment used for the execution of the Works, and the
Contractor responsible person must ensure that all defective or damaged equipment
and/or any other equipment maintenance issues are identified and recorded and the
relevant work orders are raised for the maintenance and/or repair and/or replacement
of the relevant equipment.
5.13.5 The Contractor must keep all fire fighting equipment in good working condition. All fire
equipment must be serviced annually; and inspected internally in accordance with a
pre-determined schedule. All vehicle fire extinguishers must be mounted in a safe,
secure and easily accessible place on the vehicle. All of the Contractor’s Personnel who
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may be expected to have need to make use of the fire extinguishers in the event of a
fire must be properly trained in their use.
5.13.6 All of the Contractor’s trailers used in the execution of the Works or which are brought
on Site for any other reason must have yellow reflective tape displayed along at least
80% of the sides and rear of the trailer. The reflective tape must be fitted at least
250mm above the ground but not higher than 1.5m above the ground.
5.13.7 All of the Contractor’s trailers must be kept clean at all times to ensure the
effectiveness of the reflective tape.

5.14 Working Live

5.14.1 The Contractor must comply with Illovo’s Group Level Guidelines (“GLG”) for “Working
Live and Electrical switching” with respect to who may be an “authorised person”, a
“qualified person”, and/or a “competent person” for the purposes of Working Live.

5.15 Personal Protective Equipment (“PPE”)

5.15.1 The Contractor must through the HIRA process identify all specific PPE needs per each
work activity.
5.15.2 All specific PPE identified in the HIRA as being required for any work activity shall be
recorded in the form of a PPE matrix and displayed in the Contractor’s Site office. The
PPE matrix must clearly identify each work activity or task involved and the specific PPE
requirements required to do that work activity or task.
5.15.3 The Contractor will be responsible for the issuing of the required PPE as identified by
the PPE matrix, to the Contractor’s Personnel, and for replacing any of the Contractor’s
Personnel’s PPE that is lost or stolen.
5.15.4 No person/s shall be permitted entry into the Site unless they are properly equipped
with the required PPE as identified in the PPE matrix.
5.15.5 Should any PPE be worn out or damaged, any Contractor’s Personnel affected must
return the worn or damaged PPE and the Contractor must provide them with
replacement PPE.
5.15.6 The Contractor’s Personnel must be trained in the use, care and limitations of such PPE
and proof of such training must be included in the Contractor’s HSEF.
5.15.7 Visitors brought on to the Site by the Contractor must be informed of PPE requirements
prior to their visit so that they may make necessary arrangements to ensure they arrive
well equipped with the correct PPE.
5.16 Intoxication (Alcohol and drugs)
5.16.1 No person suspected of being under the influence of alcohol or any other intoxicating
substance (including medicines) may be allowed on to the Site or any other of the
Illovo Group of companies’ premises, where a 0.00% tolerance limit is enforced at all
5.16.2 The Contractor must not permit any alcohol or other intoxicating substance to be
brought on to the Site or any other of Illovo’s premises by the Contractor’s Personnel or
any visitors brought on to the Site by the Contractor or its sub-contractors.
5.16.3 The Contractor must furthermore not permit any person suspected of being under the
influence of alcohol or other intoxicating substance to execute or to otherwise be
involved with any of the Works required to be executed off-Site in the Country, and
must not permit any person to be in possession of any alcohol or other intoxicating
substance while executing any of the Works off-Site.
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5.16.4 From time to time the Employer may require the Contractor’s Personnel and any other
person brought on to the Site by the Contractor and/or its sub-contractors to submit to
a breathalyzer test before entering the Site and/or at any time while they are on Site.
5.16.5 The Contractor must prepare a substance abuse policy (the “Substance Abuse Policy”)
for the Site and ensure that all of the Contractor’s Personnel and all sub-contractors are
made aware of and comply with the Substance Abuse Policy.
5.17 Access control:
5.17.1 The Contractor is deemed to be the ‘employer’ of all the Contractor’s Personnel
executing the Works on and off-Site and is responsible for all of the Contractor’s
Personnel on Site (including its sub-contractors and for any other person brought on
Site by the Contractor and its sub-contractors such as visitors and inspectors), and for
all of the Contractor’s Personnel who may be required to execute Works off-Site in the
5.17.2 All persons entering the Site are required to undergo SHE induction training to inform
them of the Hazards present on the Site. This includes all of the Contractor’s Personnel,
the Contractor’s sub-contractors, visitors, any third party inspectors etc.
5.17.3 The Contractor’s Works Supervisor must be aware of all the Contractor’s Personnel and
sub-contractors and visitors brought on Site by the Contractor and/or its sub-
contractors, and their function and activities on Site.
5.17.4 The Contractor’s Works Supervisor must have the authority and the ability to control
work activities tasks that may impact on other work being carried out on the Site by
means of the permit to work system.
5.17.5 The number of the Contractor’s Personnel and other persons brought on Site by the
Contractor and its sub-contractors and their purpose on the Site must be known at all
times by the Contractor for Site security purposes and in case of emergency and
5.18 Contractor Entry/Exit From Work Areas
5.18.1 No private vehicles belonging to the Contractor’s Personnel and/or to visitors shall be
allowed on the Site.
5.18.2 The only exception to the above rule is for the vehicles required for the execution of the
Works on Site. For such vehicles the Employer’s Site security section upon request will
issue a vehicle permit for the duration of the Works.
5.18.3 All of the Contractor’s Personnel who require to bring vehicles on Site for the execution
of the Works on Site will be issued with an entry/exit vehicle permit valid for the
duration of the Contract by the Site security commandant or his authorised
representative, which must at all times be displayed on the vehicle for which the vehicle
permit has been issued.
5.18.4 The Employer reserves the right to have the Contractor’s vehicles and any persons
engaged in executing the Works searched at any time by the Employer’s security
5.18.5 If required to execute Works in access controlled Security areas, the Contractor is
responsible for ensuring that all of the Contractor’s Personnel are issued with an ID
card showing the Contractor’s employee’s name and a photograph for whom such
access has been granted (or its sub-contractor’s employee as the case may be).
5.18.6 The Contractor’s Personnel and any other person brought on Site by the Contractor will
only be permitted to enter the premises upon producing a valid ID card.
5.18.7 All personal tools, suitcases, briefcases, parcels, boxes etc., being brought onto the
premises must be presented for inspection and recording by the Employer’s security
guards at the access control points prior to being brought on Site. Similarly the contents
of any such container being removed from the Site are also subject to examination by
the Employer’s security guards.
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5.18.8 Before entering the Site to execute the Works the Contractor shall be required to
declare its tools, vehicles, machinery and equipment for inspection. The Employer’s
SHE Manager will inspect the Contractor’ tools, vehicles, machinery and/or equipment
as to their condition/safeness. Any tools/equipment found to be unsafe will not be
accepted until they are made safe or replaced by the Contractor. Any acceptance by the
Employer’s SHE Manager of the condition of any of the Contractor’s tools vehicles,
machinery and/or equipment shall not absolve the Contractor of responsibility for their
5.18.9 Any Construction Work on Site completed by the Contractor in the course of the Works
must be inspected by a Competent Person and certified to be in accordance with
recognized standards and an appropriate form completed.
5.19 Security Control at the Site
5.19.1 The Contractor must post conspicuous notices at any Site informing all those entering
the Site of the security requirements, and must ensure that its Site areas are enclosed
to prevent any accidental unauthorized entry or access.
5.20 Ladders:
5.20.1 The Contractor must appoint a Competent Person as its ladder inspector.
5.20.2 Where aluminium ladders cannot be used, then any wooden ladders used must be
straight grained, and unpainted to allow for proper inspection of the grain for cracking.
5.20.3 All ladders must be secured at the top and chocked at the base to prevent slipping.
5.20.4 Where chocking of the base is not possible, the user must ensure that the ladder is held
in position by another person when ascending the ladder.
5.20.5 Ladders must be inspected at a minimum of once per month and results recorded in a
register in the Contractor’s HSEF by the person appointed as the ladder inspector.
5.20.6 Proper storage must be provided for all ladders when not in use.
5.21 Portable Gas containers and hazardous chemical substance management:
5.21.1 The Contractor and its sub-contractors must comply with the Employer’s pressure
equipment and hazardous chemical substance management rules.
5.21.2 The Contractor must ensure that gas cylinders in use and hazardous chemical
substance containers are kept upright and secured by chain to prevent falling.
5.21.3 The Contractor must use flash back arresters on all gas cylinders when welding or
5.21.4 The Contractor’s Works Supervisor must ensure operation of equipment is in
accordance with the HIRA.
5.21.5 All gas cylinders and hoses must be purged when not in use.
5.21.6 All gas cylinders and hazardous chemical substance containers must be stored in well-
ventilated area under cover.
5.21.7 All oxyacetylene sets must be numbered, identified on a register and inspected weekly.
5.22 Portable electric tools:
5.22.1 The Contractor must ensure that only those of the Contractor’s Personnel trained in the
use of the specific portable electronic tool being used are permitted to operate such
5.22.2 All portable electric tools/equipment must be numbered and recorded in a register and
inspected weekly by a Competent Person appointed by the Contractor.
5.22.3 The Contractor’s Works Supervisor must ensure operation of the equipment is
appropriate to the risks identified in the HIRA and in accordance with the SWP.
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5.22.4 All of the Contractor’s Personnel using such equipment must undergo regular
awareness training (“toolbox talk”) to ensure compliance.
5.22.5 The Contractor’s Works Supervisor must ensure the appropriate PPE required for use of
the equipment is worn when the equipment is being operated.
5.23 Scaffolding:
5.23.1 The Contractor must appoint a Competent Person (with such appointment recorded in
writing) who must ensure that all scaffolding work activities are carried out under his or
her supervision and that all scaffold erectors, team leaders and inspectors are
competent to carry out their work.
5.23.2 The Contractor must ensure that all scaffolding is inspected by a Competent Person on
a weekly basis as a matter of routine, with additional inspections made immediately
after any inclement weather (including but not limited to rain and/or wind) if the
scaffolding is located outdoors.
5.23.3 The Contractor must ensure that red (“Not safe to use”) or green (“Safe to use”) signs
are placed on all scaffolding with the signs recording the name of the inspector and
date the unit was inspected.
5.24 Machine guarding
5.24.1 The Contractor must not permit any machine to be operated without the necessary
guards irrespective of whether this machine belongs to the Employer or to the
Contractor or its sub-contractors.
5.24.2 All machine guards must be numbered and recorded on a register included in the
Contractor’s HSEF and inspected weekly by a Competent Person appointed by the
5.25 Driving and traffic requirements:
5.25.1 This clause 5.25 must be read together with the Illovo Motor Fleet GLG 6.3.2 and the
Employer’s SLP.
5.25.2 Any motor vehicle which is used by the Contractor in the execution of any of the Works
or which is brought on Site by the Contractor and/or its sub-contractors and/or their
visitors to the Site, (“Vehicle”) must in all respects comply with applicable Laws
including all current motor vehicle ordinances and with the Employer’s vehicle and
driving policy as set out in the Illovo Motor Fleet GLG 6.3.2 and the Employer’s SLP.
5.25.3 All drivers of such Vehicles (“Drivers”) must be in possession of a valid driver’s license
for the class of Vehicle concerned, and must be able to produce such license when
requested to do so by the Employer and/or the Site Manager.
5.25.4 Drivers must strictly obey all road signs and must give recognised signal of their
intentions as contemplated by traffic Laws of the Country.
5.25.5 Drivers must switch off the Vehicle’s engine and must remove the keys from the ignition
when loading and/or unloading the Vehicle.
5.25.6 The Contractor must ensure that it provides safe transport for all Contractor’s Personnel
to and from the Site, which shall include proper seating, seatbelts, roll over protection,
side restraints and cover.
5.25.7 Where more than 25 people are transported in a single vehicle, a conductor shall be
present to control embarking and disembarking.
5.25.8 Maximum load limits for Vehicles must be displayed on Vehicles and complied with.
5.25.9 When conveying any persons in a Vehicle, the Driver must instruct a responsible person
to maintain discipline in the Vehicle.
5.25.10 Cargo loads and passengers must not be transported in the back of a Vehicle at the
same time.
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5.25.11 The side flaps and end doors of lorries, bakkies (pickups) and similar Vehicles must be
kept closed unless they are required to be dropped depending on the load being
transported. In such cases the load must be securely fastened.
5.25.12 All side flaps and end doors must be fitted with standard type fastening pins and
Drivers must take precautions that these are properly in position when flaps and end
doors are in the closed position.
5.25.13 All Vehicle movement on Site shall be carried out with due regard to the safety of
5.25.14 A general speed restriction of 20 km/h is in operation within the Works area, 50km/h on
estate roads for LDV’s, and 40km/h for HDV’s. Drivers must not exceed a maximum
speed limit of 40km/h when transporting any persons in a Vehicle.
5.25.15 Drivers shall be held responsible for the safety of all loads conveyed, and must ensure
that precautions are taken to secure by ropes or chains all bulky or unwieldy
consignments, which might otherwise move during transit. Should loaders fail to secure
a load to the satisfaction of the Driver the latter must make immediate objection to the
loaders and/or their supervisor and failing satisfaction, he must report the incident to
the Works Supervisor.
5.25.16 Loads projecting from Vehicles must be properly secured and a red flag attached to the
extreme end of such projecting material.
5.25.17 The overhanging portion of the weight of a projecting load from a point over the hub of
the rear wheels of the Vehicle to the end of the projections must not exceed one-
quarter of the total load.
5.25.18 When drums are being conveyed in any Vehicle, they must be securely fastened to
prevent rolling or falling off.
5.25.19 No passengers shall be conveyed on cranes, forklifts, front-end loaders or other
Vehicles not designated for passengers. If the Contractor wishes to hire a mobile crane
or other mobile plant, only approved hire companies shall be contracted to provide such
equipment. The Works Supervisor must ensure compliance of the equipment provider
to the Laws and the Employer’s rules for the use thereof and in particular must ensure
the competence and fitness of the operator and the proper inspection of the equipment
by a Competent Person before its use.
5.26 Roads and haulage routes:
5.26.1 Before any haulage of plant, materials, and other goods required for the Works is
carried out, the road and routes for the haulage must be inspected and approved
together by persons designated by both the Contractor and the Employer. Records of
such inspection and approval by both parties’ designated representatives must be
completed in writing.
5.26.2 Any deviations from the approved roads and routes for the haulage or actions to be
taken by the Contractor or the Employer as a condition to either party’s approval must
be approved in writing by the designated persons representing the Employer and the
Contractor, and a record of such approval must be retained on file.
5.26.3 Any fields and interconnecting roads whereby haulage and other Works being
undertaken by the Contractor must be properly demarcated with signage by the
Contractor so as to ensure that other vehicles using the fields and/or roads are warned
of such activity.
5.26.4 Whenever any non-routine maintenance activities are being undertaken on roads by the
Contractor, the applicable barriers and/or signage must be placed to ensure awareness
and safety of all road users.
5.26.5 Drivers must drive on the left hand side of the road, and drivers of trucks, tractors
and/or any other HDV are not permitted to overtake any other moving vehicle.
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5.26.6 Drivers must always come to a complete stop at the intersections before proceeding
into the intersection, and be must be aware of and give way to the directional right of

5.27 Vehicle Accidents

5.27.1 All incidents involving the Contractor’s Vehicles while executing the Works or which
occur on the Employer’s property must be reported to the Employer’s SHE Manager
using the approved the Employer incident reporting procedure.
5.27.2 The Employer accepts no liability of any kind arising from any accidents involving the
Contractor and/or its sub-contractors and/or the Contractor’s equipment and/or the
Contractor’s Vehicles, save where the accident is the direct result of negligence by the
Employer or the Employer’s personnel.
5.28 Cranes, lifting machinery and lifting tackle:
5.28.1 All lifting equipment including cranes must only be operated by those of the
Contractor’s Personnel who are certified as being trained and competent in its
5.28.2 The rigging of all lifting equipment must be conducted by a trained and competent
rigger appointed by the Contractor.
5.28.3 Rigging plans must be conducted and a lifting permit obtained for all lifts of weights
greater than 3 Tons.
5.28.4 Lifting equipment and machinery must be colour coded quarterly in accordance with the
Employer’s colour code system.
5.28.5 All lifting machinery and equipment must have a valid certificate of inspection and
testing from an Authorised Inspection Authority (“AIA”) authorised in accordance with
the Laws of the Country. If the Laws of the Country make no provision for the
authorisation of AIA, then all lifting machinery and equipment must have a valid
certificate of inspection and testing from an AIA authorised in accordance with the laws
of South Africa.
5.29 Health and safety training and competence:
5.29.1 Induction Training (“Induction”) The Contractor must co-ordinate all Inductions on Site to ensure that no sub-
contractor allows or permits any person to enter the Site or any Site, unless such
person has undergone Induction which is pertinent to the Hazards prevalent on
the Site and/or the Site at the time of entry. Records of attendance on Site must be kept in the Contractor’s HSEF. All of the Contractor’s Personnel must carry a clearly visible identification tag on
him/her displaying his/her name and the company he/she works for and date of
5.29.2 Competency and Training The Contractor must procure certified copies of certificates of competency for any
supervisors appointed by the Contractor and all other the Contractor’s Personnel
appointed in accordance with this SHE Specification, which must be kept in the
Contractor’s HSEF. Valid certificates of training from reputable service providers must be provided by
the Contractor in respect of the Contractor’s Personnel who are first aiders,
health and safety representatives, fire fighters, HIRA assessors, persons with
responsibility for training, incident investigators etc.
KSC SHE Specification (Works)
- 20 - Where any of the Contractor’s Personnel have acquired competency through
experience, a brief CV for such Contractor’s Personnel recording such experience
must be provided and included in the Contractor’s HSEF. All of the Contractor’s Personnel must be trained on work instructions and the
work instructions for each work activity that they are required to perform and
proof of such training must be kept in the Contractor’s HSEF. Any other training required, including any training requirements identified
through the HIRA, must be completed by the Contractor’s Personnel and proof of
such training must be kept in the Contractor’s HSEF. The Contractor must carry out awareness training weekly in the form of “Toolbox
Talks” on relevant topics e.g. manual lifting, wearing PPE, safe use of portable
electric tools etc. The Contractor must ensure that all persons attending awareness training sign an
attendance register which must be kept in the Contractor’s HSEF.
5.30 Medical Certificate of fitness:
5.30.1 All of the Contractor’s Personnel must have a valid medical certificate of fitness specific
to the Works to be executed and issued by the registered occupational health
practitioners of the Employer, per site.
5.30.2 All medical certificates of fitness provided must be valid for a period of 12 months.
5.30.3 The Contractor must procure that entry and exit medicals are conducted for all of the
Contractor’s Personnel.
5.30.4 The Contractor must comply with the provisions of the SA OHS Act and all Laws of the
Country applicable to the fitness of the Contractor’s Personnel to execute the Works.
5.31 Health and safety Representatives:
5.31.1 If 20 or more of the Contractor’s Personnel are on the Site, the Contractor must appoint
in writing health and safety representatives on Site.
5.31.2 The Contractor must ensure that a minimum of one Contractor’s health and safety
representative is appointed for every 50 of the Contractor’s Personnel on Site.
5.31.3 Every health and safety representative appointed must be in possession of a certificate
of competency.
5.31.4 The Contractor must ensure that a documented delegation process has been followed
and recorded.
5.31.5 The Contractor must ensure that monthly checks are conducted by its appointed health
and safety representatives in their designated areas and all of their findings must be
recorded in a register kept in the Contractor’s HSEF.
5.31.6 The health and safety representatives must investigate any complaints by the
Contractor’s Personnel and ensure that written reports thereon are submitted to the
Contractor’s responsible manager
5.32 Health and safety Committee:
5.32.1 Where two or more health and safety representatives have been appointed by the
Contractor, the Contractor must ensure that a health and safety committee is formed.
5.32.2 The number of the Contractor’s management representatives on the health and safety
committee must not exceed the number of health and safety representatives.
5.32.3 The Contractor must hold a minimum of three meetings of the health and safety
committee per year, with a representative of the Site Manager and/or Employer’s SHE
Manager in attendance.
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5.32.4 Minutes of such meetings, attaching a register of attendance of the meeting, must be
kept and included in the Contractor’s HSEF for the duration of the Works.

5.33 Audits:
5.33.1 The Employer’s SHE Manager will schedule audits of the Contractor’s compliance with
this SHE Specification with the Contractor in the course of the Works, provided that
such audits must be conducted at intervals of no greater than 90 days for the duration
of the Works.
5.33.2 The Contractor must carry out health and safety audits on the Works, on the
Contractor’s Personnel, and on the Contractor’s sub-contractors at least once per
5.33.3 The Contractor must prepare and submit a table to the Employer which reflects the
sub-contractors’ company names, description of work, dates of audits and audit scores
5.33.4 The results the audits required to be performed by the parties shall be tabled for action
and discussed monthly at the health and safety committee meetings or the Site
5.34 Incident management
5.34.1 The Contractor must report all incidents and accidents within 24 hours of their
occurrence to the Employer’s SHE Manager, (or any other person appointed by the
Employer to receive such reports and whose appointment is notified to in writing the
Contractor), irrespective of whether such incidents caused damage to property of any
person (including the Contractor and the Employer) or to the environment (or had the
potential to cause such damage), or caused injury to any persons (or had the potential
to cause injury to any person).
5.34.2 The Employer shall have the right to make any inquiries either on the worksite or
elsewhere as to the cause of the incident. the Contractor must share information with
the investigator to the best of his ability and as accurately as possible.
5.34.3 The Employer’s LTIFR and TIFR targets for health and safety incidents on Site must be
adopted and enforced by the Contractor as its minimum standard.
5.34.4 All incidents must be recorded in an incident register by the Contractor.
5.34.5 The Contractor must fully investigate all incidents such as near misses, unsafe
situations, first aid injuries, etc. and the result of such investigation provided to the
health and safety committee.
5.34.6 The Contractor must investigate and report in accordance with the Employer’s
procedures and forms for such investigations, which will be provided to the Contractor
by the Employer.
5.34.7 The Contractor must ensure that an investigation team is formulated which will consist
of a management representative, a safety representative and an employee
representative as a minimum requirement. All representatives are to be trained
investigators with valid certificates.
5.34.8 All incidents that occur must be filtered into a statistic format which is to determine the
Site’s Incident Rate (LTIFR and TIFR). Such rate is to be notified to all of the
Contractor’s Personnel and all sub-contractors on a monthly basis.
5.34.9 All incidents must be recorded and the Contractor shall be liable for a fine if there is any
omission of any incident from the incident record.
5.34.10 The Contractor must provide proof by means of a procedure or chart that it is fully
aware of the “hierarchy” of incidents that can occur e.g. unsafe situations, near misses,
first aid injuries, medical cases, disabling injuries etc. and how each incident will be
dealt with.
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5.34.11 If an incident or accident investigation needs to be conducted by the Contractor, the
Contractor’s appointed incident investigator (who must be a Competent Person with a
valid certificate of training on file in the Contractor’s HSEF) must conduct the said
investigation, in accordance with the procedure specified by the Employer.
5.34.12 The Contractor must further comply with the requirements of any of the Laws with
respect to the reporting of certain incidents to any government authority of the
Country, if applicable.
5.34.13 The Contractor must ensure that written records of all investigations are retained in the
Contractor’s HSEF and that the outcome of the investigation is communicated to all
affected parties as required including but not limited to the Site Manager and/or to the
Employer and to the Contractor’s sub-contractors.
5.34.14 The Employer is entitled in its sole discretion to participate in all investigations by the
Contractor into accidents or incidents and to conduct its own investigation if it considers
such investigation necessary.
5.35 Sub-contractors and suppliers
5.35.1 If the Contractor or any of its sub-contractors hire any construction vehicles or mobile
plant, the companies from which the equipment is hired must provide any maintenance
and test certification as required. In addition, if operators are hired with the equipment,
proof of competence and medical certification must be provided.
5.35.2 The Contractor must ensure that all of its sub-contractors are issued with this SHE
Specification and any additional SHE documentation issued by the Employer to the
Contractor, should such documentation not be contained in the SHE Specification.
5.35.3 The Contractor must ensure that all of its sub-contractors and suppliers comply with the
requirements of this SHE Specification and with any applicable Laws of the Country.
5.35.4 The Contractor’s sub-contractors and suppliers will be stopped from working on Site or
executing the Works in the event of unsafe conditions and activities being observed on
Site or in the execution of the Works by the Site Manager or any of the Employer’s
5.35.5 All of the Contractor’s sub-contractors and suppliers shall be subject to the
requirements specified in the Contractor’s HSEP and must be provided with a copy of
the HSEP.
5.35.6 If any prospective sub-contractor or supplier to the Contractor is unable to comply with
the requirements set out in the Contractor’s HSEP, the Contractor must not appoint
such person as its sub-contractor or supplier.
5.36 Electricity, Compressed Air and Steam Services
5.36.1 Under no circumstances will the Contractor be permitted to couple up to any of the
above services without first obtaining permission from the electrical engineer or plant
engineer in charge.
5.36.2 All installations under the responsibility of the Contractor must have the applicable
safety features and certificates of compliance and testing.
5.37 Electrical Equipment
5.37.1 All electrical equipment brought on Site must be in good condition and suitably
5.37.2 Portable electric tools may only be used in conjunction with approved earth leakage
protection equipment. All portable electrical tools belonging to the Contractor for use on
Site shall be identifiable by means of an engraved number or marking. These must be
kept on a register with the SHE Manager and will subject to inspection by the Employer
and /or by any other person required to inspect such equipment in terms of any
applicable Law of the Country.
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5.37.3 Portable electric lights may be used only if they conform to regulations of the SA OHS
Act, and if using a portable electrical light in wet or damp situations or in Confined
Spaces inside metal vessels or in general contact with large masses of metal or where
there is a risk of igniting a flammable or explosive substance the requirements or
regulations of the SA OHS Act must be adhered to at all times.
5.37.4 No temporary connections to fuse boards etc. will be permitted.
5.38 Notices and Signs
5.38.1 All of the Contractor’s Personnel must comply with all restrictive, prohibitive and other
SHE notices while on Site. Strict adherence to No Smoking and Fire Hazard restriction
notices must be enforced by the Contractor.
5.39 Welding, Flame Cutting and Flame Heating.
5.39.1 Before any Hot Work is undertaken, the Contractor shall ensure that he is in possession
of a Hot Work permit issued in accordance with Illovo’s Hot Work permit GLG 6.1.6.
5.39.2 The Contractor will be responsible for taking all necessary fire precautions. the
Contractor’s Personnel shall familiarise themselves with the Employer’s fire precautions
which include the fire alarm signals, fire drills and means of escape in case of fire and
will ensure that they are strictly adhered to.
5.39.3 Braziers and open fires on Site are strictly prohibited.
5.39.4 All No Smoking and No Naked Flames notices must be adhered to at all times.
5.40 Excavations and Diggings
5.40.1 Under no circumstances should any excavation work or digging of any holes, trenches
etc. or driving any stakes into the ground commence, unless the Employer’s SHE
Manager has inspected the area to be excavated and has satisfied himself about the
position of underground cables, piping, and has given his approval via an authorised
excavation permit for the Contractor to commence the work.
5.40.2 Persons are not allowed to leave materials or equipment lying around causing
obstruction in walkways, passages or stairways nor leave materials or equipment that
may injure any person or cause damage to other equipment. Work areas must be kept
neat and tidy.
5.40.3 All excavations must be barricaded and a safety alert regarding the excavation
communicated to the SHE Manager.
5.40.4 All tools used in manual excavation work must be properly insulated.
5.41 Damage
5.41.1 Damage to the Employer’s property, accidental or otherwise, must be reported to the
SHE Manager immediately after it occurs and the Contractor shall be liable to
compensate the Employer should the loss or damage to the said property be as a result
of the negligence of the Contractor or any sub-contractor appointed by the Contractor
to execute the Works.
5.41.2 Should any property belonging to or in the care of the Contractor or any sub-contractor
appointed by the Contractor to execute the Works be damaged by the Contractor, the
Employer shall not be liable to compensate the Contractor or its sub-contractor or any
other person for such loss or damage. The exclusion of such liability will not apply
where the damage is the direct result of the negligence of the Employer or the
Employer’s personnel.
5.42 Hazardous Areas
5.42.1 All areas, which become hazardous through work, carried out by the Contractor or its
sub-contractors are to be cordoned off by the Contractor or sub-contractor. Temporary
barricades are to be erected to a standard reasonably acceptable to the Employer and
KSC SHE Specification (Works)
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in accordance with any permit to work conditions. Chevron tape will in addition only be
used as an indicator warning of possible danger, and may not be used for a barricade.
5.43 Cameras
5.43.1 Cameras may not be brought onto the Site. Should the Contractor require photographs
of work being undertaken the Contractor must request approval from the Employer’s
SHE Manager prior to any photographs being taken.
5.44 Waste Management (Generation, temporary storage, and disposal of Waste)
5.44.1 The Contractor must ensure that the different types of Waste are separated at the point
of generation and are disposed of in accordance with the Laws of the Country and with
the Employer’s Waste management procedures for the Site which will be provided to
the Contractor.
5.45 Disposal of Scrap Material
5.45.1 The Employer’s rules do not permit the giving away or selling of any of the Employer’s
property whether valuable, redundant or considered as scrap to any person without the
prior written approval of the Employer, including but not limited to any packing cases
and or other material in which machinery and other goods are received.
5.45.2 Should the Contractor wish to dispose of any such material being the Contractor’s own
property, to any of the Contractor’s Personnel, the permission of the Employer must be
obtained in advance. For this purpose, the Employer will provide the standard form of
request for approval to be completed.
5.45.3 Scrap must be stored in designated bins or areas provided.
5.46 Clean Up On Site
5.46.1 It is the responsibility of the Contractor to keep the work areas on Site where the
Works are performed in a clean and tidy condition during execution of the Works and to
leave it in a clean and tidy condition on completion of any of the Works.
5.46.2 If cleaning up during or after construction/execution of work is not completed by the
Contractor to the satisfaction of the Employer within 48 hours of a specific instruction in
this regard, the Employer has the right to clean up the Site at the Contractor’s cost.
5.47 Pollution Control and Prevention
5.47.1 Storm water and other drains are not to be used for the disposal of Hazardous Chemical
Substances including without limitation, fuels, chemicals and/or any Waste matter. Care
must be exercised to ensure that there is no possibility of drains becoming blocked.
5.47.2 All spillages i.e., diesel, oil, fuels, molasses, chemicals, etc. must be reported
immediately to the Employer’s SHE Manager.
5.48 Explosives
5.48.1 Explosive or percussion tools may not be used on site without the written permission of
the Employer’s SHE Manager. Maximum safety precautions must be observed.
5.49 Locking Out Machinery and Equipment
5.49.1 The Contractor must ensure all machinery and or equipment being worked on/in is
locked out in accordance with the requirements of the Employer’s lock out procedure
and any applicable Laws of the Country.
5.49.2 All sources of energy i.e. electrical, mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, and chemical and
substance release must be locked out. The Contractor must ensure that it checks that
equipment is at zero potential prior to commencing work.
5.49.3 The Contractor must follow the Employer’s lockout procedures at all times.
5.49.4 The Contractor must display all isolation and lockout permits on Site.
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5.49.5 If more than one person is carrying out work on any machinery or equipment isolation
callipers must be used (multiple isolations)
5.49.6 Workplace facilities - the Contractor shall supply workplace facilities for the Contractor’s
Personnel in accordance with the OHS Act. .
5.49.7 Monthly inspections of facilities must be conducted by the Contractor and recorded in a
designated register.

5.50 Accident Prevention/Loss Control

5.50.1 The Contractor must appoint a person who is authorised to sign for accepting
responsibility for safety. Appointment in writing must be made prior to the Works
5.50.2 For the duration of the Works the Employer will have the right at any time to inspect
The Contractor’s tools, machinery and equipment and Vehicles used to execute the
Works to ascertain whether the Employer’s SHE requirements, the SA OHS Act, the
Factories Act and any other applicable Laws of the Country are being complied with by
the Contractor.
5.50.3 Any deviations by the Contractor from the Employer’s SHE requirements will be brought
to the attention of the Contractor’s appointed safety representative, who must ensure
that corrective action is taken within a time period specified by the Employer’s SHE
5.50.4 In the event of failure by the Contractor to correct deviations within the specified time,
the Employer will have the right to effect any required corrections at the Contractor’s
5.51 The Contractor’s Plant, Material, Storage, Offices and Workshop Facilities
5.51.1 The Contractor’s temporary site offices, stores, sheds, etc. shall be erected at a place
approved in writing by the Employer, and any structure erected by the Contractor
without the Employer’s prior written approval may at the Employer’s discretion be
required to be removed or moved by the Contractor at its own cost. Unless specifically
agreed otherwise in the Contract, the Contractor will be responsible for the security of
its own tools, machinery, equipment and Vehicles.
5.51.2 Unless specifically agreed otherwise in the Contract, the Contractor must make its own
arrangements relative to telephone / internet access and the use of the Employer’s
telephone and any other related facilities is strictly forbidden unless specific
arrangements for such access are agreed in writing by the Employer.
5.52 Use of the Employer’s Tools, Equipment, Materials, Vehicles and/or Services
5.52.1 Unless specifically agreed otherwise in the Contract: under no circumstances will the Contractor be allowed to use of the Employer’s
tools, equipment, workshop facilities, or consumables such as fuels, grinding
machines, nuts and bolts from the Employer’s stock unless specific arrangements
for such use are agreed in writing by the Employer. The Contractor shall not be permitted to operate the Employer’s cranes, hoists
or vehicles. If the use of any the Employer crane, hoist, or vehicle is required by
the Contractor specific arrangements for such use must be agreed in writing by
the Employer.
5.53 Contractor Accommodation
5.53.1 Unless specifically agreed otherwise in the Contract: The Contractor shall be responsible for arranging all accommodation in respect of
the Contractor’s Personnel; and none of the Contractor’s Personnel are permitted to sleep within the work area.
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5.53.2 If any accommodation is provided by the Employer for the Contractor’s Personnel, an
inspection will be conducted before the Contractor moves into the accommodation and
stock taken of the condition of such accommodation. At the end of the Contract another
inspection will be undertaken to validate the condition of the said accommodation and
all damage to the Employer’s accommodation will be made good by the Contractor at
its own cost.


6.1 Copies of the Contractor’s SHE documents must be kept on Site by the Contractor and must
be available for inspection by the Employer at any time for the duration of the Contract.

Task Responsibility Signature Date

Approved By :
Authorised By :
Annexure A: SHE inspection responsibilities of the Contractor

No. Inspection By who Frequency Record

1 Structures Appointed person As required for design Checklist

2 Formwork & Support work Appointed

person person Before, during, after
compliance Checklist
loading, then daily
3 Excavations Appointed person Daily before shift, plus Checklist

4 Scaffolding (static and Appointed

person person Before
other use and as Inventory / checklist
5 Suspended Platforms person
Appointed person required
Manufacturer’s spec, not Inventory / checklist

6 Material Hoists Appointed

person person Daily
more than 3 mo. Checklist

7 Construction Vehicles and Appointed person Daily Inventory / checklist

Mobile Plant

8 Electrical Appointed person Weekly Inventory / checklist


9 Explosive Powered Tools Appointed person Daily Inventory / checklist

10 Fire Equipment Appointed

person person Manufacturer’s spec Inventory / checklist

11 First Aid Box Contents First

personAider Monthly Inventory
12 Ladders Competent Monthly Inventory / checklist
13 Lifting Tackle Appointed person 3-monthly Inventory / checklist

14 Hand Tools Appointed

person Monthly Inventory / checklist

15 Portable Electrical Appointed

person person Monthly Inventory / checklist
16 Gas Bottle Sets (Oxy- Appointed person Monthly Inventory / checklist
17 Safety Harnesses H&S Rep / Monthly Inventory / checklist

18 Health & Safety Rep H&S

SHE Rep / Monthly Checklist
19 Good Housekeeping H&S
SHE Rep / Monthly Report
20 Stacking and Storage Appointed
SHE person Monthly Report
21 Change rooms and toilets H&S Rep / Monthly Inventory / checklist
22 Pneumatic tools Appointed
SHE person Monthly Inventory / checklist
23 Lifting machines Appointed
person person Annual Load test report
24 Cranes (Mobile or tower) Operator
person Daily Checklist

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