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JSC Kazakh-British Technical University

School of Information Technology and Engineering



Prepared by: Kurmangazy.G.J

Checked by: Samigulina Z.I.

Almaty, 2024

Function Block Diagram (FBD) programming, as per IEC 61131-3, offers a
graphical approach for PLC programming. It employs function blocks
interconnected with variables to execute logical operations. FBD ensures
ordered execution based on block connections, with error detection facilitated
through special inputs and outputs. The language's grid-based layout enhances
visual clarity and supports syntactic and semantic checks for error-free

8.1 Example of solving a problem in FBD language (0,5 point)

Task 8.0. It is necessary to program the horizontal movement of the crane, while
moving in one direction, the crane should not perceive a command to change
the direction of movement, the crane must be stopped. Simultaneous submission
of single changes to the outputs is not allowed.
STEP 1. Creating a section in FBD language.
STEP 2. Creating a table of variables (Figure 8.1).

Figure 8.1 - Table of variables

STEP 3 Figure 8.2 illustrates the program implementing horizontal movement.

This program utilizes Function Block Diagram (FBD) methodology as per IEC
61131-3 standard.
The results of the program are shown in Figure 8.3

Figure 8.3 - A program that implements horizontal movement of the crane.

Operator screen, animation table

Task 8.1 It is necessary to develop an application in the FBD language to

implement the following arithmetic and logical expressions. ((0,5 point).
Figure 8.7 - Implementation of task 1 in the FBD programming language

Task 8.2 It is necessary to develop an application in the FBD language to

implement the arithmetic and logical expressions presented in Table 8.3 (2
8.4 Drawing up a report on the results of work performed.


Figure 8.8 Implementation of №1 in the FBD programming language

Figure 8.9 Implementation of №2 in the FBD programming language

Figure 9.0 Implementation of №3 in the FBD programming language

Figure 9.1 Implementation of №4 in the FBD programming language

Figure 9.2 Implementation of №5 in the FBD programming language

8.5 Control questions.
1) What is the FBD function block language?
The Function Block Diagram (FBD) function block language is a graphical
programming language standardized by the IEC 61131-3 standard. It allows
programmers to visually design control algorithms for Programmable Logic
Controllers (PLCs) using interconnected function blocks. These function blocks
represent various logical and arithmetic operations, timers, counters, and other
elements necessary for industrial automation. FBD simplifies the development
of control systems by providing a clear and intuitive way to represent complex
logic and algorithms.
2) What are connections used for when developing programs on FBD?
Connections in FBD programming link function blocks together, enabling the
flow of data and control within a program. They define the logical sequence of
execution, facilitating interaction between blocks and allowing coordinated
operations. These connections organize function blocks and specify the order of
execution, crucial for creating complex control algorithms in PLC
3) What is the purpose of the inputs and outputs of the function blocks?
Inputs and outputs of function blocks in FBD programming facilitate data
transfer, control signals, interconnection between blocks, and error handling,
enabling effective communication and collaboration within PLC programs.
4) How are the functional blocks located in the FBD program editor?
Functional blocks in the FBD program editor are positioned and interconnected
graphically. Users drag and drop blocks from a library onto the editor canvas,
arranging them as needed. Blocks are connected by drawing lines between their
input and output terminals, establishing the flow of data and control. The editor
typically provides tools for aligning and organizing blocks on the canvas to
create clear and readable diagrams.

Task 8.7 Сreate a custom function block that will contain the pump operation.
For students group Friday (12.00-16.00).
8.8 Drawing up a report on the results of work performed.
STEP 1 . Creating a table of variables (Figure 9.3).

Figure 9.3 - Table of variables

STEP 2. Creating a section in ST and FBD language (Figure 9.4).

Figure 9.5 Code on ST language

The results of the program are shown in Figure 9.6

Figure 9.6

In conclusion, this lab on Function Block Diagram (FBD) programming has
provided comprehensive insights into PLC automation. Through practical
exercises and theoretical understanding, we've grasped the significance of FBD
elements, connections, and controller configuration. This knowledge equips us
to design and implement effective control systems, contributing to our
proficiency in industrial automation.

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