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In order to eliminate habits that are undesirable and injurious for health
and happiness, used

2. Rail tracks appear to converge with increasing distance with a vanishing

Point at the horizon. This is an example ................monocular cue

3. Betty has green eyes. Though her parents have brown eyes.The colour
of the eyes is considered as...............

4. Tom a small boy feeds his teddy everyday and talks to him .This type of
egocentrism is termed as..................

5. The close emotional bond that develops between parents and their
infants is called.................

6. Mrs Wordsworth wants to study attitude of tribal people towards Covid

vaccination drive. Identify the method of enquiry that will be suitable?

7. After an experiment it was found increase in the screen time also

increases the level aggression in children. This kind of co-relation

8. If a researcher conducts an experiment in natural settings instead of

laboratory, then this kind of study is called...............

9. Belinda wants to study Alexander in detail.Which method of enquiry

will be used by Belinda.

10. In terms of helping the children to solve learning problems which

branch of psychology is appropriate...................
11. ...............believed that instead of focussing on the structure of mind,
psychology should study instead what mind does and how behaviour

12. A tentative solution to a research problem is called...............

13. The school of psychology that gives importance to stimulus and

response is................

14. Who founded Psychoanalysis as a system to understand and cure

psychological disorders?

15. Read the case and answer the questions that follow.

Mr. Bennet conducted a study in which he decided to see the effect of

Brainstorming method on learning of new words. He took 10 seven year
old children and divided them into a group of two. Group one was
taught with regular school method of rote learning. Group two was
taught with brainstorming method. Both the groups were tested at the
end of the experiment and retested after some days too. The scores of
both the tests were analysed using statistical techniques.

i) Identify the Experimental group in the above experiment

a)Students who were taught by rote learning

b)students who were taught by brainstorming method

c)All the 10 students are under experiment

d)Both a and b

ii) What is the benefit of retesting the students after somedays

a)It makes the test more valid

b)it helps in elaborative rehersals of students

c)it establishes reliability

d) it makes the experimenter more confident.

iii) Which is the dependent variable in the above experiment

a)learning of new words

b)students’ retainment level


d)Students age

16. Read the case and answer the questions that follow.

Harold a 14 year old boy. He observed that there are certain changes in
his body like development of facial hair, changes in voice, sudden
growth in height.His teachers observed that now he is capable of writing
essays which reflects his abstract thinking ability.But sometimes Harold
is very upset because he has unresolved quarrels with his parents
regarding different topics and he feels nobody understands him. He has
good bonding with his sister Betty.

The changes that Harold is observing in his body are-

i) a)Primary sexual characteristics

b)secondary sexual characteristics

c)Changes due to menarche

d)signs of adulthood

Identify Piaget’s Stage of development that is reflected in Harold’s

a)concrete operational stage

b)formal operational stage

c)Informal operational stage

d)Abstract thinking stage

Point out the kind of egocentrism in Harold’s case

a)Relationship issues
b)personal fable

c)dislocated identity

d)imaginary audience

What will be the next developmental stage of Harold

b)Early Adulthood


d)Late adulthood

Section III (2*6=12)

17. What is long term memory?

18. Why is informed consent important?

19. Give a brief account of sports Psychology

20. Give any to examples of Flash bulb memory?

21. How speed test is different from power test?

22. “Psychology is a natural science” Comment

Section IV (3*3=9)

23. What do you mean by observational learning? Give some examples.

24. Elaborate Broadbent and Triesman’s Perspective of selective attention

25. How did Bronfrenbrenner explained the context of development?

Section V (4*4=16)

26. Describe any two cues of depth perception in three dimensional space
that are provided by both the eyes.

27. What is Acculturation? Describe its strategies in brief.

28. Why Forebrain is considered as the most important part of the brain?
Discuss its important parts.
29. Explain Limitations of Psychological Enquiry.

Section VI (6*2=12)

30.a. John a 12 year old boy is upset.He is uunable to remember things of his
school curriculum.Suggest him some techniques so that he can improve
his memory


30.b. Shelley is thinking what could be the reason behind forgetting. Explain

Shelley all the possible reasons.

31.a. Elucidate cognitive learning in detail.


31.b. Enlist the determinants of classical conditioning.

1. If you are trying to figure out the answer to a difficult mathematical 1

problem, which psychological process are you using in this situation?
2. Name the psychological approach that studies, what the mind does and 1
how behaviour functions in making people deal with their environment?
3. Identify the independent variable from the given hypothesis 1
“Teachers classroom behaviour affects students performance”
4. Meena was doing research on students' amount of study time and students' 1
academic achievement. During her analysis she found that as the study
time of the students increases their academic achievement also increases.
This type of correlation is called ………... correlation
5. Tina an educational researcher made efforts to remove any anxiety or 1
other adverse effects that her participants may have felt as a result of being
deceived in the course of the study ,so that her participants can leave the
study in the same physical and mental state as when they entered. This
technique is known as….. .…….
6. Raghu, an auto rickshaw driver, was facing issues in thinking, problem 1
solving and paying attention after he met with an accident. Which part of
the cortex must have been damaged?
7. Knee jerks, pupil constriction, pulling away from hot or cold objects are 1
examples of……………...

8. a) Sensorimotor stage i) can think in abstract terms 1

b) preoperational stage ii) child cannot coordinate with

physical attributes of an object

c) concrete operational stage iii)Explores the world by

coordinating sensory experiences
with physical Actions

d) formal operational stage iv) can perform reversible mental

operations on representations of

A) a-iii , b-ii , c-i , d-iv

B) a-iii , b-ii , c-iv , d-i
C) a-iii , b-iv , c-i , d-ii
D) a-iv , b-ii , c-iii , d-i

9. Kittu, an infant, fans out his toes and then curls them, when his foot is 1
stroked at the bottom of the foot. This type of reflex shown by an infant is
called …………...
10. Coal that looks black in the sun also looks black in room light ,this 1
happens due to ……………..
11.a In…………...the onset and the end of CS precede the onset of the US with 1
some time gap between the two.
In…………….a bodily function is monitored and information about the
function is given back to the person to facilitate improved control of the
physiological process.

12.a Name the process by which information is recorded and registered for the 1
first time so that it becomes usable by our memory system.
Through ... ……….it is possible expand the capacity of STM which is
otherwise 7±2
13. The memories of earthquake which Reema experienced in her childhood 1
are frozen like a photograph in her mind, she experiences nightmare due
these memories. Identify the type of memory in the mentioned case
A) autobiographical memory
B) flashbulb memory
C)implicit memory
D)explicit memory
14. Kiara's mother gave her a grocery list so that she can buy the grocery from 1
the market. To remember the list Kiara placed the grocery items arranged
in her kitchen in the form of visual images. In this way she remembered all
the items in serial order. Which technique has Kiara used to remember the
Section II

15. Read the case and answer the questions that follow (1*3=3)

Fourteen-year-old Menaka is very conscious of her looks and is obsessed

with getting a size zero figure. She follows a severe diet plan and is fearful 3
of putting on weight. On medical examination she was found to be grossly
a) What is your diagnosis of this case?
b) What are the other kinds of problems in this category?
c) What could be the reason for this problem?

16. Read the case and answer the question that follows: - (1*4=4) 4
Seven-year-old Sanjay was brought by his parents to the school counsellor
with complaints of often hitting other children and being inattentive in
class. He is often found to be roaming in the classroom and cannot wait for
his turn to answer questions. According to his parents he is quite
intelligent but is restless at home too.
a) Identify the problem with Sanjay.
b) Could he be helped by medication?
c) Is heredity a possible cause for this disorder?
d) Suggest two methods of behavioural management.

Section III (2*6=12)

17.a Describe forgetting due to trace decay theory in brief 2

17.b How does forgetting takes place due to retrieval failure?

18. Define enculturation with the help of an example. 2

19. Shanaya developed a test which is not reliable. Which methods can 2
Shanaya use to make her test reliable,so that it can be used in other
psychological researches also?
20. Elucidate Quasi experimental method support your answer with suitable 2
21. Write a short note on cognitive psychology. 2

22. “Human behaviour is a function of the attributes of persons and 2

environment” Justify

Section IV (3*3=9)

23. Elucidate memory systems of stage model in detail. 3

24. How is reinforcement related to resistance to extinction in the process of 3


25. Discuss any three acculturative strategies adopted by individuals during 3

the course of acculturation.

Section V (4*4=16)
26. Describe some of the areas of everyday life where understanding of 4
psychology can be put to practice?
27. How does the automatic nervous system help us in dealing with an 4
emergency situation?
28. What are the factors influencing the formation of identity during 4
adolescence? Support your answer with examples
29. Priya is aspiring painters.Help Priya with some psychological cues so that 4
she can create a perception of space depth and distance successfully in her

Section VI (6*2=12)

30.A) Anu wants to conduct a research on healthy parent child relationship and 6
emotional adjustment of children. Guide Anu with the basic steps which
she will be required to conduct her research.
30.B) Suvarna wants to conduct a research on literacy rates of Nagpur city.
Which is the most appropriate method to conduct this kind of research,
also list and elaborate the techniques required for the mentioned example?
31.A) What does verbal learning mean? Elucidate the methods required for 6
verbal learning?

31.B) Explain the concept of cognitive learning and its types in detail.

Q. 1 Betty is a food analyst. She feels that the new launched product has less salt so she told her lab (01)
assistant to increase the quantity of salt and tasted different samples of salt at one point she felt
the amount of salt is appropriate. This point is known as………………

Q. 2 Who developed the multimode theory of attention? (01)

Q.3 Mrs Waren is an editor she is proof reading her documents. Which type of processing is (01)
required in this type of task.

Q.4 John works in MNC. He attends phone calls simultaneously he sends emails too .At the same (01)
time he interacts with his colleagues. John is having…………… attention

Q.5 If your everyday maid comes at 6 am. Any knocking at the door around that time is likely to be (01)
perceived by you as your maid. The above case is an example of …………..

Q.6 Sensation, attention and cognition are the elements of…………. (01)

Q.7 Tara learned all the table manners by observing her trainer. This form of learning is called (01)

Q.8 Harry received a chocolate from his mother for completing his homework. Here chocolate is (01)

Q.9 In …………….,the onset and end of the CS precedes the onset of US with some time gap (01)
between the two.

Q.10 Peter presented a monologue in front of the judges. The presentation of monologue is (01)

Q.11 What is operant condiotioning? (02)

Q.12 Dr Nair is a professor in a renowned University. He has observed that his students lack (03)
sustained attention. What are the factors that Mr. Nair can take into consideration to improve his

Q.13 Explain learning along with its distinguishing features. (04)

Q.14 Elucidate the causes of different stimuli of our visual field that are organized into meaningful (06)
wholes with reference to different laws of Gestalt psychologists.

Q. 1 Betty is a food analyst. She feels that the new launched product has less salt so she told her lab (01)
assistant to increase the quantity of salt and tasted different samples of salt at one point she felt
the amount of salt is appropriate. This point is known as………………

Q. 2 Who developed the multimode theory of attention? (01)

Q.3 Mrs Waren is an editor she is proof reading her documents. Which type of processing is (01)
required in this type of task.

Q.4 John works in MNC. He attends phone calls simultaneously he sends emails too .At the same (01)
time he interacts with his colleagues. John is having…………… attention

Q.5 If your everyday maid comes at 6 am. Any knocking at the door around that time is likely to be (01)
perceived by you as your maid. The above case is an example of …………..

Q.6 Sensation, attention and cognition are the elements of…………. (01)

Q.7 Tara learned all the table manners by observing her trainer. This form of learning is called (01)

Q.8 Harry received a chocolate from his mother for completing his homework. Here chocolate is (01)

Q.9 In …………….,the onset and end of the CS precedes the onset of US with some time gap (01)
between the two.

Q.10 Peter presented a monologue in front of the judges. The presentation of monologue is (01)

Q.11 What is operant condiotioning? (02)

Q.12 Dr Nair is a professor in a renowned University. He has observed that his students lack (03)
sustained attention. What are the factors that Mr. Nair can take into consideration to improve his

Q.13 Explain learning along with its distinguishing features. (04)

Q.14 Elucidate the causes of different stimuli of our visual field that are organized into meaningful (06)
wholes with reference to different laws of Gestalt psychologists.
Q.1 An important part of midbrain is known as…………….. is responsible for (01)
alert and active.

Q.2 Species- specific changes are referred to as…………. (01)

Q.3 Meena quickly removed her hand from the top of the hot vessel which she (01)
touched accidentally. This instant removing of a hand is known as………….

Q.4 Development also involves decay (01)

(True or False)

Q.5 Ram is able to understand speech and written language of different (01)
countries ,which part of his cerebral cortex is involved in this

Q.6 Priya, a 55 yrs old lady is always learning new skills and abilities and keeps (01)
on increasing her capabilities every time. In this example we can clearly see
that the assumption development is ……………. is true

Q.7 The butterfly shaped mass of Grey matter present in the centre of spinal (01)
cord contains…………... and other cells

Q.8 The somatic nervous system consists of two types of nerves- cranial (01)

Q.9 The various processes of Human Development that are biological , (01)
………….. and socioemotional are interwoven throughout the lifespan

Q.10 Sanjay's height is similar to his father's height Sunil, here the height is (01)
referred to as…………..
c)similar DNA combination

Q.11 Can you give some examples that reflect socioemotional processes (02)
involved in human development?

Q.12 Elucidate the functions of hindbrain in detail. (03)

Q.13 What was Bronfenbrenner's view regarding the process of development? (04)

Q.14 When Britishers invaded India there were drastic changes in the lives of the (06)
Indian people including their behaviour. What could be the reason behind
this changing of behaviour of the Indians .Explain and list down the possible
strategies which were used by the Indians.

Q.1 The mind has a physical structure like the brain. (True/False)

Q.2 All behaviour is triggered by a ___________

Q.3 The variety of information that is collected through diverse

methods is called ________________
Q.4 Noise is an ____________ variable (organismic/ extraneous/

Q.5 _____________ showed interest in studying the unconscious.

Q.6 John said that he is interested in that field of psychology in

which study of all age groups is done.He talking about

Q.7 Megha is involved in studies where she explores how people

are affected with social environment.She belongs to
……….field of Psychology

Q.8 B = f(P,E) means that behaviour is a product of a person and

his environment. (True/False)

Q.9 In a _____________ test, all the items are of the same degree
of difficulty.

Q.10 Manvi while doing her, experimental studies use the

____________ technique and give wrong information to the

participants when they are being involved in the experiment.

Q.11 Ram is collecting the socio-economic status of his respondent

which will come under the category of
Q.12 Clinical Psychology deals with minor behavioural problems.

Q.13 Radha uses a camera to observe classroom behaviour that

would come under ___________observation.

Q.14 Research is a continuous process. (True/false)

Q.15 A school inspector joining a class to see how the school

functions is an example of

__________observation. (participant/non-participant)

Q.16 Prediction becomes more accurate with the increase in the

number of persons observed.


Q.17 Akira is a Counselling psychologist who wants to study the

views of Parents,students and teachers towards online
learning platforms during this lockdown period, suggest the
most appropriate method of enquiry for her research

Q.18 Elaborate the role of Environmental psychology in human
Q.19 What is the difference between physiological information
and demographic data?

Q.20 Give example of any 2 instances where naturalistic

observation is possible

Q.21 Why is educational Psychology considered to be an

important field of psychology?


Q.22 Describe the alternative paradigm of Research.

Q.23 Which limitations are faced by a Psychologist by doing a

psychological research?

Q.24 Is the discipline of Psychology useful to solve everyday

problems of human life,if so,give suitable examples.


Q.25 How is Gestalt Psychology different from behaviorism?

Q.26 Differentiate between social psychology & cross-cultural


Q.27 Sheeba is wondering how Psychology is related to music and

law,clarify her confusion by suitable explanation.

Q.28 Urvashi, a researcher, is interested in studying the major life

events of “Abdul Kalam”. Identify and explain the most
appropriate method of enquiry for her research problem.

Q.29 Explain Correlational method of enquiry using suitable


Q.30 Enlist any 4 Ethical issues of Psychological research.


Q.31 Elucidate why Psychology is considered as the study of

mental processes,experiences and behaviours?


Explain the following themes used in psychological research

a) Human behaviour is caused

b) Human behaviour can be controlled and modified through

the application of psychological principles

Q.32 Anshika is a Psychology student who is interested in

conducting scientific research in Organisational Psychology.
Help Anshika to make a blueprint of the steps of her
research. Discuss any 1 limitations of Psychological Enquiry.


Bhavna is a researcher who is interested in conducting

scientific research in the field of developmental psychology.
What must be the Goals of her research..

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