Astro 2apa Bojan hp.64161.1244846

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Natal Chart (Data Sheets) ASTRODIENST AG
EBojan Time 11:15 p.m. Type D2APA, Order 0.0-1
born on Mo., 25 June 1979 Univ.Time 22:15 Method: Astrodienst (Arabic Points)
in Belgrade, RS, 20e30, 44n50 Sid. Time 17:50:49 Page 1 of 2, 24-Jan-2024 [as]

Planet positions Jul.Day 2444050.427663 TT, pT 50.1 sec

Planet Longitude house Speed Latitude Declination Houses (Plac.) Declination

A Sun d 3°45' 1" 4 57'15" 0° 0' 0" S 23°23'10" N Asc. l 25°36'14" 1°44'50" S
B Moon d 20° 5'57" 5 12°14'48" 3°54'24" S 18° 4'12" N 2 b 10°22' 0" 14°55'46" N
C Mercury d 28° 3'46" 5 1°20'19" 1°18'43" N 21°50' 4" N 3 c 7°12'34" 21°30'49" N
D Venus c 17°14'44" 3 1°13' 9" 0°34'54" S 22°14'56" N IC c 27°53'33" 23°25'21" N
E Mars b 29°53'28" 2 42'50" 0°16' 4" S 19°51'56" N 5 d 18°12'29" 22°12' 4" N
F Jupiter e 9°45'48" 5 11'49" 0°40' 6" N 18°26'54" N 6 e 13°38'45" 16°43'43" N
G Saturn f 8°56'12" 6 4'30" 1°51'36" N 9°56'34" N Desc. f 25°36'14" 1°44'50" N
O Uranus h 17°18'21"# 8 - 1'28" 0°19'55" N 16°40'51" S 8 h 10°22' 0" 14°55'46" S
I Neptune i 18°42'51"# 9 - 1'33" 1°27' 1" N 21°30'53" S 9 i 7°12'34" 21°30'49" S
J Pluto g 16°25'20"( 7 - 2" 17°16' 6" N 9°29'43" N MC i 27°53'33" 23°25'21" S
K Mean Node f 11°54'33" 6 - 3'11" 0° 0' 0" N 7° 5'43" N 11 j 18°12'29" 22°12' 4" S
L True Node f 10°38'27" 6 - 9'18" 0° 0' 0" N 7°34'37" N 12 k 13°38'45" 16°43'43" S
N Chiron b 12°38'17" 2 2'43" 1°16' 2" S 14°25'24" N
M Lilith e 28°28'55" 6 6'39" 1°11'52" S 10°52'41" N
#a Fortune l 9°15'18" 12 0" 0° 0' 0" N 8° 5'59" S
#b Spirit a 11°57'10" 1 0" 0° 0' 0" N 4°43'32" N
#c Necessity a 28°18' 5" 1 0" 0° 0' 0" N 10°52'14" N
#d Eros k 22°54'23" 12 0" 0° 0' 0" N 13°52'52" S
#e Courage c 16°14'23" 3 0" 0° 0' 0" N 22°43'42" N
#f Nemesis f 25°17' 7" 6 0" 0° 0' 0" N 1°52'25" N
#g Victory h 27°47'35" 8 0" 0° 0' 0" N 19°40' 5" S
#h Vertex f 28°15'25" 7 0°41'36" N
[ Juno b 24°10'49" 2 33'37" 6°56'11" S 12° 5'10" N

C m 7a C
E q -1a E
G q 5a o -8s o 9a r -0s G
O u -1s p -2s s 0a o 7a O
I s -1s n -1a p 8a o 9a r 1a I
J o -3s p -0s u 1a r 0a q 2a J
K m 2a K
N o -2a p -3a n -4a w -0a p -0s N
M r 0a v -0s o -1s M
#a s 0s n -0a Fortune
#b p -2a w 0s n -4a r 0s Spirit
#c o -0a Necessity
#d Eros
#e m 1s n -2a p 0a Courage
#f q -2s p -4s t 0a Nemesis
#g w 0a p -0s n -2s Victory
#h q 0a p -1s u 0a Vertex
[ [
Q o 8a p -5s p 2a o -8s q 4a u -0s p 8s o 6s n -0s p -2a n -2a q -1s Q
T n -5a s -0a s 2a m 9s v -0a u -0s p -0a v -0s p 0a o 2s r 0s o -0a T

Copyright Astrodienst AG
Natal Chart (Data Sheets) Page 2 of 2
for Bojan, 25 June 1979 Type D2APA Order 0.0-1

Arabic Parts (Al-Biruni) for Bojan, 25 June 1979 11:15 p.m.

The Fortunes of the Seven Planets b 6°28'40" Danger of violence asc + me - sa *
l 9°15'18" Fortune (Moon) asc + mo - su * 9th House Themes
a 11°57'10" Spirit/Daemon (Sun) asc + su - mo * d 23° 2'59" Journeys asc + cusp 9 - ruler of cusp 9
a 28°18' 5" Necessity (Mercury) asc + fortune - spirit * b 19°32'26" Travel by water asc + 15 can - sa *
k 22°54'23" Eros (Venus) asc + spirit - fortune * l 17°38'25" Timidity and hiding asc + me - mo *
c 16°14'23" Courage (Mars) asc + fortune - ma * b 14°26'29" Deep reflection asc + mo - sa *
h 27°47'35" Victory (Jupiter) asc + ju - spirit * c 0°47'25" Understanding and wisdom asc + su - sa *
f 25°17' 7" Nemesis (Saturn) asc + fortune - sa * k 19°35'26" Traditions, knowledge of affairs asc + ju - su *
Fortunes of the Twelve Houses l 17°38'25" Knowledge whether true or false asc + mo - me
1st House Themes 10th House Themes
k 26°25'51" Life asc + sa - ju * c 12°42'11" Noble births asc + exaltation of time lord - time lord *
k 22°54'23" Permanence asc + spirit - fortune * k 5°23'45" Kings asc + mo - ma *
b 23°46'32" Reasoning and eloquence asc + ma - me * b 23°46'32" Administrators and ministers asc + ma - me *
2nd House Themes j 20°25' 3" Conquest asc + sa - su *
b 2°28'58" Property asc + cusp 2 - ruler of cusp 2 * f 25°17' 7" Those who rise in station asc + fortune - sa *
b 6°28'40" Debt asc + me - sa * j 20°25' 3" Celebrated persons of rank asc + su - sa
k 14°47'12" Treasure trove asc + ve - me i 16°33'30" Armies and police asc + sa - ma *
3rd House Themes k 6°45'59" Ruler (those concerned in nativities) asc + mo - sa
k 26°25'51" Siblings asc + ju - sa b 6°25'16" Merchants and their work asc + ve - me *
b 6°28'40" Number of siblings asc + sa - me a 28°18' 5" Buying and selling asc + fortune - spirit *
a 12° 8'41" Death of siblings asc + 10° 3rd house - su * k 19°35'26" Medical treatment asc + ju - su *
4th House Themes k 22°45' 1" Mothers asc + mo - ve *
j 20°25' 3" Parents asc + sa - su (- ju, if |su-sa| < 15) * 11th House Themes
a 24°46'37" Death of parents asc + ju - sa * k 22°54'23" Friends and foes asc + spirit - fortune *
i 16°40' 2" Grandparents asc + sa - 0 gem * i 1° 6'31" Known by men and revered asc + sun - fortune *
d 4°38'58" Ancestors and relations asc + ma - sa * g 25° 5'44" Success asc + ju - fortune *
b 14°26'29" Real estate (Hermes) asc + mo - sa * i 17°36'49" Worldliness asc + ve - fortune *
l 13°54'11" Real estate (Persians) asc + ju - me * a 7°18'17" Hope asc + me - ju *
c 17°17'42" Agriculture asc + sa - ve a 3°34' 3" Friends asc + me - mo
k 6°45'59" Issue of affairs asc + ruler of last syzygy - sa d 11°42'50" Violence asc + me - spirit
5th House Themes l 9°15'18" Abundance in house asc + su - mo
k 26°25'51" Children asc + sa - ju * a 19°54'59" Liberty of person asc + su - me *
c 5°28'35" Condition of males asc + ju - ma b 18° 7'19" Praise and acceptation asc + ve - ju *
k 22°45' 1" Condition of females asc + ve - mo 12th House Themes
l 25°36'14" Gender expected asc + mo - ruler of mo * f 0°18'47" Enmity (Hermes) asc + cusp 12 - ruler of cusp 12
6th House Themes i 16°33'30" Enmity (others) asc + ma - sa
d 4°38'58" Disease (Hermes) asc + ma - sa * k 22°54'23" Bad luck asc + fortune - spirit
j 27°25'56" Disease (others) asc + ma - me Other Fortunes
l 25°36'14" Captivity asc + ruler of house of time lord - time lord a 13°18'57" Hyleg asc + mo - last syzygy
l 17°38'25" Slaves asc + mo - me j 4°58' 5" Debilitated bodies asc + ma - fortune *
7th House Themes b 14°26'29" Horsemanship and bravery asc + mo - sa *
j 3°54'46" Marriage of a man asc + ve - sa a 15°16' 6" Boldness, violence, murder asc + mo - ruler of asc *
l 9° 5'57" Intercourse of a man asc + ve - su d 11°42'50" Trickery and deceit asc + spirit - me *
c 17°17'42" Marriage of a woman asc + sa - ve i 16°33'30" Necessity and wish asc + ma - sa
k 5°23'45" Intercourse of a woman asc + ma - mo a 2°55'20" Requirements and necessities asc + cusp 3 - ma
k 22°45' 1" Chastity of women asc + ve - mo e 14°24'41" Realisation of needs and desires asc + me - fortune
d 3°57'44" Marriage asc + cusp 7 - ve k 21°44'41" Retribution asc + su - ma *
a 11°57'10" Time of marriage asc + mo - su b 23°46'32" Rectitude asc + ma - me *
j 3°54'46" Fraudulent marriage asc + ve - sa
c 17°17'42" Sons in law asc + ve - sa * * With night births, the calculation is reversed
j 15°43'53" Lawsuits asc + ju - ma * Sources:
8th House Themes - Al-Biruni, "The Book of Instruction in the Elements of the Art of Astrology",
i 29°12'15" Death sa + cusp 8 - mo (tr. R. Ramsay Wright, 1934).
a 15°16' 6" Anareta asc + mo - ruler of asc * -
k 14°43'48" Year feared for death asc + house r. last syz. - sa
h 7° 6'30" Place of murder and sickness me + ma - sa *

Copyright Astrodienst AG

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