BE3251 - Set 2

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Reg. No.


CAT-I : JUNE 2023
: 16-06-23 /
Year/Sem : I/II Date
Department : Mech / AI&DS Duration : 180 minutes
Faculty : B. Pandy Selvi Max. Marks : 100
PART (10X2=20)
Q.No Question CO
Convert the given voltage source circuit into current source circuit.

1 Ap CO1

2 State Kirchoff’s Voltage law R CO1

Two resistors of 4Ω and 6Ω are connected in parallel. If the total current is 30A, find CO1
3 Ap
the current through 4Ω resistor.
4 Define inductive reactance. How it depends on the frequency. U CO1
5 Define average value of an alternating quantity. R CO1
6 What is the purpose of yoke in a d.c. machine? R CO2
7 Write the e.m.f equation of transformer. R CO2
8 Find the synchronous speed of 6- pole, 50 Hz alternator. Ap CO2
9 Write the expression of back emf of DC series motor. R CO2
10 How to reverse the direction of rotation of 3-phase induction motor. U CO2

Part B (5x16=80 Marks)

Q.No Question BT Marks CO
11.a Find all branch currents for the given circuit using mesh analysis.

Ap 16 CO1

11.b 1. State the advantages of alternating supply.
R 6 CO1
2. Find the voltage across 5Ω resistor using source transformation

Ap 10

12.a Obtain current in each resistor using reduction methods.

Ap 16 CO1

12.b A resistance of 120 Ω and a inductive reactance of 250Ω are connected
in series across a AC voltage source. If a current 0.9 A is flowing in the
Ap 16
circuit, find out i)Power factor ii) supply voltage (iii) Voltage across CO1
resistance and inductance (iv) Active power and reactive power.
13.a Derive the expression for impedance, power factor and current of RL
series circuit connected across alternating supply. Draw also the phasor R 16 CO1
13.b With a neat diagram explain the construction and working of D.C.
R 16
Generator. CO2
14.a Obtain the mathematical equation for voltage or current equation and
also explain for (i) DC Series Generator (ii) DC Shunt Generator (iii) R 16 CO2
DC Compound Generator with suitable diagram for each.
14.b Describe the terms such as (a) Faraday’s Law of Electro Magnetic
Induction.(b) Fleming’s Left Hand rule, (c) Back emf voltage Equation U 16 CO2
of DC shunt Motor (d)Armature Torque of DC Motor.
15.a i) Obtain the mathematical expression for generated EMF of Generator
R 8
and explain each term. CO2
R 8
ii) Explain the applications of various generators.
15.b Explain the various types of transformer in detail stating their working
R 16
principle and construction. CO2

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