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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Grade and Section: 7 - AMITY Learning Area: TLE 7- COOKERY

Teaching Date and Time: Nov. 20, 2023-2:00-3:00 Quarter: 1st Quarter

I. Objectives A. Describe how to clean and store cooking tools and equipment

B. Store and stack cleaned tools and equipment safely and properly in the
designated place

C. State the importance of proper storage and cleaning of equipment

A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of concepts and principles in installing
configuring computer systems.

B. Performance The learners shall be able to install and configure computer systems based on
Standards established procedures and system requirements

C. Learning Lesson 5: LO 1. Assemble Computer Hardware (TLE_IACSS9- 12ICCS-Ia-e-28)

Competencies 1.7 Perform BIOS configuration in accordance with hardware requirements

D. Specific Objectives Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

a. Identify the basic functions of BIOS

b. Identify the processed in BIOS system
c. Discuss the steps to access BIOS/Perform BIOS Configuration

II. Content Basic-Input-Output-System (BIOS) Configuration Procedures

A. Theme

B. Sub-Theme

III. Learning Resources

A. References

1. Curriculum Guide K to 12 ICT – Computer Systems Servicing (NC II) Curriculum Guide May 2016, page 18

2. Learner’s Materials CONTEXTUALIZED LEARNING ACTIVITY SHEETS - TLE Computer System Servicing Quarter I
– Week 5: Performing BIOS Configuration
3. Learning Materials Real Objects, Printed Materials, Tablet PC, and TV
B. Other Learning

Daily Routine Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Prayer Teaching Strategy: Behavior (Students will stand and pray)

“Everybody let us stand. Let us keep
this moment silent for our intentions.”

Teaching Philosophy: Behaviorism

Indicator 5: Established safe and secure
learning environments to enhance
learning through the consistent
implementation of policies, guidelines and
The teacher performs preliminary activities
like prayer, greetings, reminding the
learners about the classroom policies, and
checking the attendance. Moreover,
students are reminded that they are

1|TLE 7/8 BPP

responsible for their own learning.
B. Greetings “Good morning class.” “Good morning, Ma’am.”
“Are you feeling better today?” “Yes, Ma’am, thank you.”

C. Checking of “Before we proceed to our class, may I No one is absent today, Ma’am.
Attendance ask who isn’t here today?”

“Wow, very good class. I’m so glad to

hear that.”

IV. Procedures Teaching Philosophy: Constructivism

Indicator 1: Applied knowledge of content within and across curriculum teaching areas.
Objective 9. Set achievable learning outcomes that are aligned with learning
The integration of content within the curriculum is manifested through the congruency of
learning competency, specific objectives, learners’ activities used in delivering the lesson
and the questions used during the evaluation. The following objectives will be used as the
guide in delivering the lesson.
A. Reviewing the previous “Before we proceed to our new lesson,
lesson or presenting the let me remind you of our safety
new lesson protocols and class rules.”

Get Ready Clap. 1-2 1-2-3

Get Ready Clap means you need to

prepare. Stop what you are doing and
please be ready.

“May I also remind you to sit in your

assigned seats and follow the seat plan.”

“Is that clear? Is that okay with you

class? Let me know if the rules are clear (Students will follow the instruction)
and easy to follow by raising a thumbs

“Thank you.”

“Before we begin, may I request

“It’s okay Ma’am.”
Christine and Precious to sit in front so
that you can clearly hear the discussion
and you can also see the images on the
screen. Is that okay with you girls?”

Teaching Philosophy: Behaviorism

Indicator 5: Established safe and secure
learning environments to enhance
learning through the consistent
implementation of policies, guidelines and
The teacher performs preliminary activities
like prayer, greetings, reminding the
learners about the classroom policies, and
checking the attendance. Moreover,
students are reminded that they are
responsible for their own learning.
“Ma’am, our last topic was about
Installing and uninstalling of System
“What was our last topic, Jacob?”

“That’s correct!”

“Let’s see if you can still recall our

previous lesson, what is the first step in
Assembling System Unit?”
“Ma’am, it’s procure the tools and
equipment need in installing.”
“Yes, Rocky?”

(The students will follow the instruction)

“Very good!”

2|TLE 7/8 BPP

“Let us give Rocky and Jacob a winner

B. Establishing a purpose “Before we start with our new lesson,

for the lesson may I present to you our objectives for

Maureen, can you read it aloud? Maureen will read the objectives.
OHS in bread and pastry production.

a. Identify the basic functions of
b. Identify the processed in BIOS
c. Discuss the steps to access
BIOS/Perform BIOS Configuration

“Yes Ma’am!”
Do you think you can achieve these


Teaching strategy: Game-Based



Student play individually: The AI Robot

has a special message for you! Complete
each number problems below. Using the
key provided, write down the letter that
corresponds to each answer to decode
the message. “Yes Ma’am!”

“Is that clear?” Students will do the task

Student 1: BIOS.

Student 2: POST.
What is the word?
Student 3: PC.
Good job! Next?
Student 4: CMOS.

Student 5: UEFI.

Good job! Did you enjoy it?

“Ma’am, our lesson for today is about

“From the words on the board, what do BIOS.”
you think will be our lesson for today?”

“Very good, Princess!”

“That is correct! We are going to discuss

3|TLE 7/8 BPP

Indicator 1: Applied knowledge of content
within and across curriculum teaching
The learners will decode the acronyms
using simple arithmetic solutions such as
add and subtraction which is a part of
Mathematics subject. The students will also
right their answers on the paper given
which leads to writing and spelling
correction that falls in the subject English.


examples/instances of ACRONYMS
new lesson  BIOS Student: Basic Input Output System
 POST Student: Power-On Self-Test
 UEFI Student: Unified Extended Firmware
 PC Interface
 CMOS Student: Personal Computer
Student: Complementary Metal-Oxide
Now that you have unlocked all the Semiconductor.
Acronyms. Let’s unlock more of their
functions but with a twist. You’re going
to translate the words and identify what
ethnic language is that. Ready?

1. It tests the hardware of your PC and

ensures that there is nothing out
of order and no errors present with your
operating system.

2. Every change you make to your BIOS

structure is saved on this special
memory chip.

3. It is the built-in core processor

software responsible for booting up your

4. The new standard of BIOS

accommodates the limitations the old
BIOS system.

5. Typically used computer for personal

task, simple computations and
Indicator 1: Applied knowledge of content
within and across curriculum teaching
The learners decode the Acronyms, clear
evidence of English Subject.

Indicator 4: Displayed proficient use of

Mother Tongue, Filipino and English to
facilitate teaching and learning.
Indicator 7: Established a learner-
centered culture by using teaching
strategies that respond to their linguistic,
cultural, socio-economic and religious

The learners provide translations for them

to guess the word, ethnic language and
from that we will know who has a
background in the given dialect.

D. Discussing new concepts VIDEO PRESENTATION

and practicing new skills
#1 Perform BIOS Configuration

4|TLE 7/8 BPP

v=zSKZX6EnnQI The students will enumerate the
To begin this session, let us focus our
attention to this video clip. Watch the
video carefully because we will answer
the following questions after:

Student: BIOS stands for Basic Input-

Output System. The very first software
to run when a computer is started.

Student. UEFI stands for Unified

Extended Firmware Interface. This is the
new standard of BIOS or the latest

Student: BIOS is old and uses blue

interface while the UEFI new and uses
black interface with graphical

5|TLE 7/8 BPP

Comprehension Question:
1. What is BIOS?
2. What is UEFI?
3. What is the difference between

Indicator 1: Applied knowledge of content

within and across curriculum teaching
The teacher will play a video and the
learners will answer comprehension
questions after watching; answering
comprehension questions about a viewing
selection is part of English subject.
Moreover, the ability to make meaning and
enhance verbal reasoning ability will be
achieved by answering the comprehension
questions. Media Literacy is also evident
which pertains to the ability to understand
the message being told through video
Indicator 3: Applied a range of teaching
strategies to develop critical and creative
thinking, as well as other higher-order
thinking skills.
The teacher asks comprehension questions
that uses how and why.
Indicator 6: Maintained learning
environments that promote fairness,
respect and care to encourage learning.
The learners always receive a word of
affirmation or praise whenever they
perform a task or answer a question.

“Let us proceed with your next activity”

E. Discussing new concepts SPEEDY DATE

and practicing new skills I will be showing a short video clip and
#2 ask questions about it.

This technique is used after discussing

the basic knowledge to check
understanding of the lesson. The
teacher will give the topic for
discussion/question to be answered.
Ask the students to group themselves
into pairs then into 4 then into 8 then
into 16. Let the students share what
their answer using level 3.


How to Access BIOS?

Good job! Let’s give them 10 claps.

Student: We can access BIOS by
Indicator 8: Adapted and used culturally following the steps. Step 1. Access your
appropriate teaching strategies to address Windows Settings. Step 2. Select

6|TLE 7/8 BPP

the needs of learners from indigenous “Update & Security”. Step 3. Select
groups. “Recovery”. Step 4. Click “Restart now”.
The learners can equally use Tablet PC’s Step 5. Select “Troubleshoot” and Step
and had enough time to Perform the task. 6. Confirm your restart.
Whether they know how to use computers
Students applaud.
or not.

F. Developing mastery At this point I know you are thinking

(Leads to Formative how this situation is related to our
Assessment) lesson this afternoon.

To help you understand better the Steps

in Performing BIOS Configuration, will
going to have a group work. I will give
each group a clean paper and use the
format of Change Points to enumerate
the steps in Performing BIOS

Activity 3. Change Points: Sequence Example Output:

First, we need to access Windows


Second, select update and security.

Third, select Recovery.

Fourth, click Restart Now.

Fifth, select troubleshoot.

Lastly, confirm your restart.


Now, we had sequenced the steps in

None Ma’am!
Performing Bios Configuration.

Before we moved on the next activity, do

you still have question class?

The leaners will present their outputs

followed with processing and
discussions using power point

You will be graded using this Analytic


Indicator 1: Applied knowledge of content

within and across curriculum teaching
Indicator 2: Used a range of teaching
strategies that enhance learner
achievement in literacy and numeracy
The teacher used a graphic organizer
wherein they’re going to show the sequence
of steps and sequencing event is part of
English subject. The students can also use
Ordinal Numbers such as First, Second
and Third in presenting their outputs that is
under Mathematics subject.

Indicator 6: Maintained learning

environments that promote fairness,
respect and care to encourage learning.
The learners always receive a word of

7|TLE 7/8 BPP

affirmation or praise whenever they
perform a task or answer a question.

Objective 9. Used strategies for providing

timely, accurate and constructive feedback
to improve learner performance.
The activity needs to be rated equally. The
teacher provides analytic type of rubric to
assess their work.

G. Finding practical Teaching strategy: Using of REALIA

applications of concepts
and skills in daily living Directions: Group yourselves according
to your rows. I will be giving you 3
minutes to Perform BIOS Configuration.
Tablet PC’s are provided each of the
group. When the screen shows Go! You Analytic RUBRICS
may start, if it says PASS, you’re going 5 3 IMPROVEMENT
to pass the Tablet PC to your groupmate How well
directions are
Directions are
followed to the
directions are
Directions have
not been
sitting next to you. followed fullest extent. followed. followed.
Content Content are Some content Content is not
relevant to the are relevant to relevant to the
task. the task. task.

(Students have the freedom to choose Presentation/

Presenters has
the knowledge
Presenters has
Presenters has
no knowledge of
their partner where they can best of the task.
knowledge of
the task.
the task. No
finished output. Output presented.
exercise their skill/talent. The teacher presented is
not finished.
not only does create greater gender Teamwork The group Some group The group
members members members doing
awareness and inclusion to help collaborate
doing the task.
doing the task.
the task without

students with different backgrounds

and needs, moreover, she encourages
acceptance and helps prepare students
to thrive in an exponentially diverse

You will be graded using this Analytic


Indicator 8: Adapted and used culturally

appropriate teaching strategies to address
the needs of learners from indigenous
The learners can equally use Tablet PC’s
and had enough time to Perform the task.
Whether they know how to use computers
or not.

Objective 9. Used strategies for providing

timely, accurate and constructive feedback
to improve learner performance.
The activity needs to be rated equally. The
teacher provides analytic type of rubric to
assess their work.

H. Making generalization Reflective Questions

and abstractions about
the lesson 1. What does BIOS stand for? Answer: Basic Input Output System. “

2. How to access BIOS? Answer: We can access BIOS by

following the steps. Step 1. Access your
Windows Settings. Step 2. Select
“Update & Security”. Step 3. Select
“Recovery”. Step 4. Click “Restart now”.
Step 5. Select “Troubleshoot” and Step
6. Confirm your restart.

3. Why it is important to study Answer: It is very important because

BIOS? after the assemble and disassemble this
is the next step and every time there is a
problem with the software we can easily
fixed it because we know how to access

8|TLE 7/8 BPP


“Very well said! Thank you for sharing

your learning, It seem that you have a
great understanding of our lesson.”

Is there any clarifications that you

would like to ask about our lesson?

“Great! I am confident that you learned

everything you need to know in our

Indicator 3: Applied a range of teaching

strategies to develop critical and creative
thinking, as well as other higher-order
thinking skills.
The teacher asks refelective questions that
uses how and why.

I. Evaluation Directions: Read and analyze each

statement carefully. Write the letter of
the correct answer on the space
provided before the number.
Objective 1: Identify the type of hazard

1. Which of the following is the first

software that is loaded by the PC and
the prepares the loading the Operating

2. Which of the following stands for the

acronym BIOS?

A. Basic integrated Operating System

B. Built-in Operating System
C. Battery Input / Output System
D. Basic Input / Output System

Objective 2: Perform the different hazard

and risk in bread and pastry production

3. If you fail to access the BIOS multiple

times, what would you do next?
A. Stop and leave it overnight.
B. Open your computer and
troubleshoot it on your own.
C.Find a professional computer
technician to help you solve the
D. Wait for the computer to update/
debug on its own.

Objective 3: Recognize the importance of

OHS in bread and pastry production
4. Which of the following is an example
of a hardware?
A. Hard drive C. UEFI “Students’ checks their paper”
Analyzing Answers:

5. What is the proper arrangement of 1. B

steps on how to enter you’re the BIOS of
your computer?

9|TLE 7/8 BPP

I. Access Windows Settings 2. D
II. Select “Recovery “
III. Confirm your Restart 3. C
IV. Select “Troubleshoot”
V. Select “Update & Security 4. A
VI. Click “Restart Now “
A. I, V, II, VI, IV & III 5. A
B. III, I, IV, VI, V & II
C. I, II, III, IV, V, & VI,
D. II, VI, V, I, III & IV
Leaners raise their hands based on their
respective scores.
Indicator 2: Used a range of teaching
strategies that enhance learner Index of Mastery
achievement in literacy and numeracy
skills. 5=
Reading and understanding the questions
as well as writing the correct answers 4=
allow learners to develop their
foundational literacy which are the 3=
building blocks upon which other skills are
developed. 2=
Indicator 3: Applied a range of teaching
strategies to develop critical and creative 1=
thinking, as well as other higher-order
thinking skills.
The paper and pencil test were used to
gauge the understanding of the learners of
the topic under discussion.
Indicator 6: Maintained learning
environments that promote fairness,
respect and care to encourage learning.
The learners received a word of affirmation
or praise for their scores.

J. Additional activities for Do More Chart Activity

application or
remediation Directions: To sum up what you’ve
learned from this lesson about
Performing BIOS configuration in “Students do the activity”
accordance with hardware
requirements, complete the statements (Answers may vary)
by filling in the missing words or
phrases. Get your answers from the box
below. Remember, the initial letter is
given as your hint.

V. Remarks

VI. Reflection

A. No. of learners who

earned 80% on the
formative assessment

B. No. of learners who

require additional
activities for

C. Did the remedial

lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the

10 | T L E 7 / 8 B P P

D. No. of learners
who continue to
require remediation

E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked
well? Why did this

F. What difficulties did I

encounter that my
principal or
supervisor can help?

G. What innovation or
localized materials did
I use/discover that I
wish to share with
other teachers?

Prepared by: Observed:


Teacher I Master Teacher I

11 | T L E 7 / 8 B P P

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