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(About malware and type of malware )
• 236400316099-Parekh Manthan
Malware, short for malicious software, refers to any intrusive
software developed by cybercriminals (often called hackers) to
steal data and damage or destroy computers and computer
systems. Examples of common malware include viruses, worms,
Trojan viruses, spyware, adware, and ransomware.
• Viruses: A computer virus is a program that
spreads by first infecting files or the system
• TYPES OF areas of a computer or network router’s
MALWARE: hard drive and then making copies of
itself. Some viruses are harmless, others
1. Viruses : Worms : may damage data files, and some may
2. Adware :
destroy files.
3. Spyware : • Worms:A worm is a type of malware or
4. Trojans : malicious software that can replicate
5. Rootkits : rapidly and spread across devices within a
6. Crime ware : network. As it spreads, a worm consumes
7. bandwidth, overloading infected systems
and making them unreliable or unavailable
• Adware : • Spyware:
• Adware in cyber security refers to a • Spyware is malicious software that
type of malware that displays enters a user’s computer, gathers
unwanted advertisements on your data from the device and user, and
computer or device. Adware is sends it to third parties without
commonly activated unknowingly their consent. A commonly accepted
when users are trying to install spyware definition is a strand of
legitimate applications that adware malware designed to access and
is bundled with. damage a device without the user’s
• Trojans
• A Trojan Horse Virus is a type of malware
that downloads onto a computer
disguised as a legitimate program. The
delivery method typically sees an
• Crime ware :
attacker use social engineering to hide • Crime ware is a general term for
malicious code within legitimate software used to perpetrate crime,
software to try and gain users’ system
access with their software.
such as stealing personal identities,
money or proprietary information.
• Rootkits : Crime ware can spread by way of
• A common rootkit definition is a type of viruses, Trojan horse programs,
malware program that enables cyber worms, spyware, or adware
criminals to gain access to and
infiltrate data from machines without •
being detected


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