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If we are talking about having companion at home, obviously we’ll talk

about our pets. Having pets are one of the best solutions you can have
to help you cope with a problem or loneliness. There are near 8.3 million
cats throughout the country and most cats are kept as pets at home. Do
you know having cat as your house companion actually giving you big
benefits and be sure to get ready because I will change you opinion on
having cats as your house companion.

Let me share with you the benefits that you will get if you get a cat as
your home companion. First, you can reduce depression problems and
loneliness, cats are also low maintenance and they can helps you to
cope with sadness. How is it? Sound interesting right? Open your eyes
and ears clearly right now because I will show you the benefactors of
having this squishy fluff balls as you companion!

First, you can reduce depression problems and loneliness in our life.
Having pets can help us in enjoying our everyday life since they won’t
stop having funny and cute interactions with us as an owner. Talking
about cats, did you know having cat may reduce depression and
loneliness in socially isolated homebound older adults? Adult are likely
on having cats since they are more calm and easy to be with. Having
touch their soft and hearing them purring really give you relax sensation
that are hard to get from other pets. Plus, most of pet owners are
reported to having less loneliness than non-pet owners.

Now you know cats can help with your loneliness and depression, lets
jump more into having cats as home companion.

Second main reason why we should choose cats as house companion

because cats are low maintenances. Cats are easy to take care for
because we as an owner don’t really need to spend so much money on
them since cats are consider as a free animals. What do I mean by free
life animals? No, they are not means by free of charge. What I mean is
cat are likely to roam around and will do their things freely. Have you
ever heard how the owner buy a big cosy sleep space for their cat but
the cat still choose to sleep on the owners bed or in the box? Living cost
for a cats are much less then other pets such as dogs and fish because
they won’t need a ton of living space and capable of occupying

It’s easy right to take care a cat? Have I persuade you to choose cat
over other pets? If not then lets hear my last point on having cat as your
home companion.

Have you ever feel afraid to tell other people about your feeling or
opinion because of their judgment? Feeling not be heard enough and
sad because of it? Here’s the solutions! Having cat can help you to cope
with sadness. For your information, pets are non-judgemental members
of social network that provide owners with feelings of being cared for,
belief that one is loved and valued. Letting out your rant or problem to
your cats giving you slight comfort even if the only thing they will reply
to you are a slight “meow” and a cute nose boop. Plus, looking at
something cute will give some sort relief and take your attention away
from the problems so you can solve your problems in a more decent

Now, can you see why I say cats are the best companion at your home?

To sum up, you should know by now that having cats as you companion
are giving you benefits such as reducing depression and loneliness, they
are easy to take care since they are low maintenances and they also can
help you to cope with your sadness.
I think that’s will be the end of my speech today. Listen here fellas,
having cats or any pets are great for your life but please, if you are
ready to welcome your feline friend into your life, provide them with
love, care and attention as they also have a feelings. Don’t take it lightly
because as I mention before, they have the abilities to understand our
emotions and actions.

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