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What animal is it?

A snake is a long, thin reptile without legs.

Where does it live?

Snakes are distributed worldwide, They have

adapted to different environments, including
terrestrial, arboreal, aquatic, and marine
What does it look like?

Physical Characteristics:

- Snakes are elongated reptiles that do not have

legs, so they move by slithering on the ground.
- They are covered with a series of very hard scales
- They shed their skin periodically and generate a
new one.
- They do not have eyelids, so their eyes remain
always open.

Venomous snakes tend to have nocturnal

habits, although they can also be seen
during the day. In threatening situations,
non-venomous snakes tend to flee, while
venomous ones tend to coil up and prepare
to attack.
Main Characteristics:

- Reptile without legs.

- All snakes are carnivorous and
voracious predators.
- They are divided into venomous and
non-venomous depending on the type of
- Poor eyesight.
- Almost no hearing ability.
- They hunt their prey through smell and
ground vibrations.

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