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John Mark S.

ITM 201

"Improving Athletic Performance: Designing and Developing an Application Exclusive for

Varsity Students and Athletes from STI”

Athlete monitoring is one of the important and becoming standard practice for to those
varsity/athlete students to maximize their performance, reducing injury risks, and improve
preparation for competition. Because of this, how the development and implementation of a
developing application can address this issue effectively at STI because of lack athlete
monitoring? According to the associate director of athlete performance and safety at the
Kerry Stringer Institute, monitoring athletes is essential for understanding how they react to
stress both within and outside of training and competition, In the end, stress levels and the
efficiency of an athlete's training program determine how well they perform.

This study aims to solve the issue of the majority of varsity/athletes at STI not being
monitored. By having an application, monitoring athletes has advantages beyond determining
whether proper training is effective. These advantages include supporting relationships
between coaches and practitioners, offering scientific insights into performance changes and
injury risks, and giving coaches and practitioners more confidence when modifying training
loads. Together, these elements improve the effectiveness and acceptability of monitoring
procedures. In addition, since it can help them develop their talents, this can assist in keeping
an eye on the athletes' activities. Moreover, there’s a possible benefits of being monitored
like optimizing readiness, ensuring proper prescription of stress and recovery, reducing injury
risk, and monitoring safe on how to do proper training to those varsity/athlete students at STI.

Also, the objectives of this study include designing and developing an application for
monitoring the training routine of those varsity/athlete students plus the effectiveness and
impact of this application on their performance. Furthermore, the research can have a broader
implications for athletic development and to reduce the injury risks similar to educational
Logically, this study will do a mix-methods approach like qualitative and quantitative.
Online surveys, interviews, and focus groups will collecting insights from the teacher
coaches, trainer, and varsity/athlete students at STI. This study will make sure that will help
and have a significant especially on athlete students thorough understanding of the
effectiveness and insights for future enhancement of this study.

Belval, L. (2021, September 14). Athlete Monitoring: Purposes and Practices (Training and

Metrifit. (2022, February 21). Why should you monitor your athletes? Metrifit Ready to

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