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~ The argument this thesis will pursue is that in sharp awareness of the utilities at his disposal,

Beckett had intended his dramatic works to illustrate the overwhelming absurdity of the inner
language. In embracing ->>>>> NOW: rather than absurdity, as we perceive the notion: as
aimless, senseless and nonsensical – but the sheer inability to REACH that ESSENCE which
DESIRES to be silent – yet WE desire it to be expressed.

- Now, what is inner language. (Something like a private language in Wittgenstein terms)
- Does it have to do something with the activity of thinking
- Thinking - > cognition - > both these processes are amalgamations of sense impressions
and verbal narratives going on in our heads
- (Is this the inner language.?)
- Probably will have to be more specific with illustrating how this inner language is
manifested in plays.
- The ultimate goal, is perhaps to find a mutual ground between the signifier(the inner
language, the thinker, the Ego) and the signified (language that is manifested)

 Engaging in this inner language is what results in utter confusion both in characters and
the spectators.
 Engagement with inner language in Beckett’s drama is set in motion with… blablabla
 The inner language – independent of the linguistic signs they are articulated as, sound
linguistically ambiguous:

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