Science 9

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Science 9 — Quarter 4, MELC 1

1. The ball was thrown straight across from the top.

2. The ball followed a downward curve, like the graph in Figure 3, going both
sideways and downwards.
3. It took 5 times to match the curves of the parabola.
4. When you aim for specific points you can get better at throwing and make your
throws more accurate.

5. I threw the ball upward from the bottom left at the second grid at an angle
from horiontal.
6. First, the ball went up in a curve, then it reached the highest point and started
going down, still in a curve.
7. It's preferable to have a target right at the top of the curve rather than
anywhere else on the curve.
8. Both times the balls ended up lower than where they started. They never ended
up higher.
9. Hori ontal force .
10. Gravity pulled the ball down the whole time.
11. The horizontal lines are evenly spaced, but the vertical lines get farther apart,
showing that the up-and-down movement speeds up because of gravity.
12. The spaces between the unit and span lines get bigger because the ball speeds
up as it falls, due to gravity
Science 9 — Quarter 4, MELC 2
Activity 1
Angle/Position of Stacked Popsicle
Height (m) Distance/Range(m)
Near the Edge/ Near the bottle cap 0.35m 0.37m
Middle/ Center 0.54m 0.93m
Towards the end 0.84m 0.55m

1. A. The cotton ball moves through the air in a curved path.

1. B. When the ball is close to the edge or the cap, it doesn't go very high because
it's pulled down faster by gravity. But when it's in the middle, it goes higher
because the cap pushes it with more force.
1. C. The ball travels farthest when it's in the middle.
1. D. When the cotton ball is let go from the catapult, it goes up, then down and
forward until it hits the ground.
2. A. Height: Pushing the cap down more makes it harder, so the ball goes higher.
Range: Pushing the cap down more also means the ball lands farther away.
2.B. Height: Pushing the cap down a bit makes it easier, so the ball doesn't go as
high. Range: Pushing the cap down a bit also means the ball doesn't land as far.

1. Shortest Distance: 15° and 750 Longest Distance: 45°

2. If you launch something at 30°, it's like launching it at 60°. Same goes for 15° and
75°. These pairs add up to 90°, and they're called complementary angles.
3. 450
4. The angle you launch something at affects how high it goes and how far it goes.
If it's more than 45°, it goes higher but not as far. If it's less than 45°, it goes lower
but farther.

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