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‭What is Virtualization?

‭Virtualization is the process of creating a virtual (rather than actual) version of something, such as a‬
‭server, operating system, storage device, or network resources. It allows multiple operating systems to‬
‭run concurrently on a single physical machine.‬

‭Benefits of Virtualization:‬
‭●‬ ‭Resource Optimization:‬‭Efficiently utilize hardware‬‭resources by running multiple virtual‬
‭machines (VMs) on a single physical server.‬
‭●‬ ‭Cost Savings:‬‭Reduce hardware and energy costs by‬‭consolidating multiple servers onto a‬
‭single physical machine.‬
‭●‬ ‭Isolation:‬‭Isolate applications and operating systems‬‭from each other, improving security and‬
‭●‬ ‭Flexibility:‬‭Easily scale resources up or down based‬‭on demand without significant hardware‬
‭●‬ ‭Disaster Recovery:‬‭Simplify backup and recovery processes‬‭by encapsulating entire VMs.‬

‭VirtualBox Installation:‬‭Download and install VirtualBox‬‭from the official website. Follow the‬
‭installation wizard.‬
‭VirtualBox Configuration:‬‭Create a new virtual machine,‬‭specify its settings such as memory, storage,‬
‭and network, and install the desired guest operating system.‬
‭VirtualBox Management:‬‭Use the VirtualBox Manager‬‭to create, start, stop, and configure virtual‬
‭machines. It provides a graphical user interface (GUI) for managing VMs.‬
‭VirtualBox Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) Installation:‬‭Install the KVM packages on a Linux‬
‭host system. Ensure hardware virtualization support is enabled in the BIOS.‬
‭VirtualBox Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) Configuration:‬‭Configure networking, storage, and‬
‭other settings for virtual machines using tools like libvirt or virsh.‬
‭VirtualBox Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) Management:‬‭Use command-line tools like virsh or‬
‭graphical interfaces like virt-manager to manage virtual machines. These tools allow you to create,‬
‭start, stop, and monitor VMs.‬
‭Bare-metal Virtualization:‬
‭Bare-metal virtualization, also known as Type 1 or native virtualization, runs directly on the hardware‬
‭without a host operating system. It provides high performance and efficiency compared to Type 2‬

‭Comparison of Xen, Hyper-V, and VMware ESXi:‬

‭Xen:‬‭Free and open-source, often used with Linux.‬
‭Hyper-V:‬‭Made by Microsoft, works well with Windows.‬‭It is reliable.‬
‭VMware ESXi:‬‭Reliable and powerful, good for big businesses.‬

‭AWS Services list:‬‭EC2, VPC, IAM‬

‭EC2 lifecycle:‬‭Launch run stop terminate reboot retirement‬
‭Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) (IaaS):‬‭Virtual‬‭servers in the cloud that you can rent and‬
‭configure for running your applications.‬
‭Amazon VPC (Virtual Private Cloud):‬‭A customizable‬‭network environment where you can launch‬
‭AWS resources in isolation.‬
‭IAM (Identity and Access Management)():‬‭Controls access‬‭to AWS services and resources by‬
‭managing users, groups, and permissions.‬
‭Role-based access control (RBAC)‬
‭AWS Elastic Beanstalk (PaaS):‬‭Deployment, and managing‬‭web apps.‬
‭AWS GuardDuty (SecaaS):‬‭An intelligent threat detection‬‭service that continuously monitors for‬
‭malicious activity and unauthorized behavior in your‬‭AWS environment‬‭.‬
‭AWS WAF (Web Application Firewall) (SecaaS):‬‭A web‬‭application firewall service that helps protect‬
‭your web applications and APIs against common web exploits and security vulnerabilities.‬
‭AWS CloudWatch (SecaaS):‬‭A monitoring and observability‬‭service that collects and tracks metrics,‬
‭monitors log files, sets alarms, and automatically reacts to changes in your‬‭AWS resources and‬
‭StaaS:‬‭Users can upload, store, and share files securely‬‭on their own infrastructure or on a cloud‬
‭provider of their choice.‬

‭ BS (Amazon Elastic‬
E ‭ 3 (Amazon Simple Storage‬
‭Feature‬ ‭Block Store)‬ ‭Service)‬ ‭OwnCloud‬

‭ torage‬
‭Block storage‬ ‭Object storage‬ ‭File storage‬

‭ rimary storage for EC2‬

P ‭ toring and retrieving large‬
S ‭ elf-hosted file sharing,‬
‭ se‬
‭instances, databases, and‬ ‭amounts of data, backups,‬ ‭collaboration, and‬
‭applications‬ ‭static website hosting‬ ‭synchronization‬

‭AWS RDS (DBaaS):‬ ‭With RDS, users can easily set up, operate, and scale relational databases in the‬
‭cloud, such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQL Server, and MariaDB.‬
‭MongoDB Atlas:‬‭It is developed by MongoDB and‬‭is a‬‭fully managed cloud database service for‬
‭storing document-oriented data, offering features like automatic scaling and global clusters.‬
‭Firebase Realtime Database:‬‭It is optimized for real-time‬‭data synchronization across connected‬
‭clients, making it ideal for real-time applications like chat apps and gaming leaderboards.‬

‭Containers‬‭are like small packages that hold everything‬‭your application needs to run, like files,‬
‭libraries, and settings.‬
‭Docker‬‭is a tool that helps you create and manage‬‭these packages so you can run your applications‬
‭smoothly on any computer or server.‬

‭Kubernetes is like a conductor for your containers, orchestrating how they run and interact with each‬
‭It automates tasks like deploying containers, scaling them up or down based on demand, and‬
‭managing updates and rollbacks.‬
‭Kubernetes provides advanced features for load balancing, service discovery, and storage‬
‭orchestration, making it suitable for complex, large-scale applications.‬
‭Docker Swarm:‬
‭Docker Swarm is like a simpler version of Kubernetes, focused on managing clusters of Docker‬
‭It allows you to deploy and manage containers across multiple nodes in a cluster, providing basic‬
‭features for scaling, load balancing, and service discovery.‬
‭Docker Swarm is easier to set up and use compared to Kubernetes, making it a good choice for smaller‬
‭projects or teams new to container orchestration.‬

‭Jenkins is an automation server that helps automate various parts of the software development‬
‭process, such as building, testing, and deploying applications.‬

‭serverless computing:‬‭it is like outsourcing the management‬‭of servers and infrastructure for your‬
‭software applications.‬
‭Hyperspace is like a super-fast highway in the c loud. It helps data travel quickly between different parts‬
‭of a cloud system, making everything run smoother and faster.‬
‭Docker Images:‬
‭Docker images are like ready-to-go packages for your software. They contain everything your‬
‭application needs to run, like code, libraries, and settings, all bundled up together.‬
‭Benefits of Hyperspace in Cloud:‬
‭Hyperspace in the cloud means your data can move really fast between different parts of the cloud‬
‭system. This makes your applications run faster, improves performance, and ensures a better user‬
‭AWS Lambda:‬‭It's a service provided by Amazon Web‬‭Services (AWS) where you can upload snippets‬
‭of code, and AWS will execute them for you whenever certain events occur, like when a file is uploaded‬
‭or a message is received. It's handy for running code without the hassle of managing servers or‬
‭Mobile cloud computing:‬‭It is like having a powerful‬‭computer (the cloud) that you can access from‬
‭your phone or tablet. Instead of relying only on the processing power and storage of your device, you‬
‭can tap into the resources of remote servers through the internet. This allows you to run apps, store‬
‭data, and perform tasks that might be too demanding for your mobile device alone.‬

‭How to Create a Docker Image?‬

‭1.‬ W ‭ rite a Dockerfile: This is a text file that contains instructions on how to build your Docker‬
‭image. It specifies things like what base image to use, what files to include, and what‬
‭commands to run.‬
‭2.‬ ‭Build the Image: Once you have a Dockerfile, you use the docker build command to build your‬
‭image. Docker reads the instructions from the Dockerfile and creates a custom image based on‬
‭those instructions.‬
‭3.‬ ‭Tag the Image: After building, you can tag your image with a name and version for easier‬
‭4.‬ ‭Push the Image (Optional): If you want to share your image with others or deploy it to a server,‬
‭you can push it to a Docker registry like Docker Hub.‬

‭How to Use a Docker Image?‬

‭1.‬ P ‭ ull the Image: If you want to use an existing Docker image, you can pull it from a Docker‬
‭registry using the docker pull command.‬
‭2.‬ ‭Run a Container: Once you have the image, you can run containers based on that image using‬
‭the docker run command. A container is an instance of an image that runs your application in an‬
‭isolated environment.‬

‭Overview of DBaaS‬
‭AWS RDS, Azure SQL Database: Deployment, configuration, backup, and restore‬
‭NoSQL databases: MongoDB Atlas, Firebase Realtime Database‬
‭Differences between SQL and NoSQL databases‬
‭Introduction to containers and Docker‬
‭Container orchestration: Kubernetes, Docker Swarm‬
‭AWS/Azure/Google Cloud Platform: Container services and management‬
‭Container lifecycle management, networking, and security‬
‭Kubernetes architecture: Master and worker nodes, pods, services‬
‭Kubernetes components: etcd, kube-apiserver, kube-controller-manager, kube-scheduler‬
‭Deploying applications on Kubernetes clusters‬
‭Kubernetes networking and service discovery‬
‭Cloud deployment models: Public cloud, Private cloud, Hybrid cloud, Multi-cloud‬
‭Docker images‬
‭Uses of Saas pass iaas‬
‭Benefit of hyperspace bendover‬
‭Service used as storage‬
‭Nosql or sql for cloud‬
‭Cloud computing‬
‭Data base as a service‬
‭Infrastructure asa service‬
‭AWS services‬
‭AWS use cases‬
‭Security as a service u have use as security propose‬
‭Docker process‬

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