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Double Bigfoot Trouble Delaney s Bigfoot 1st Edition

Delaney Rain

Hero Daddy (MC Daddies Book 2) 1st Edition Laylah


Daddy s Little Darling Montana Daddies Book 2 1st

Edition Laylah Roberts
Brindle Dragon Complete Series 1 9 1st Edition Jada

Run 26 2 stories of blisters and bliss Karnazes

Sheriff Daddy Montana Daddies Book 10 1st Edition

Laylah Roberts Roberts Laylah

Beautiful Fool Queens of Chaos 2 1st Edition L J

Findlay Findlay L J

First Down Oakwood City Players 2 1st Edition C L Cruz

Cruz C L
By Jada L. Roberts

Copyright 2017 Jada L. Roberts.

All rights reserved
1. Forward
2. The Waterfall
3. Skunk Ape
4. MoMo
5. Bigfoot
6. Honey Island Swamp Monster
7. Alaska
8. U.S. Route 41
9. The Caves
By Jada L. Roberts

Greetings Bigfoot believers, skeptics, adventurers, Bigfoot

hunters, eyewitnesses, and mystery seekers.
Since writing my first book series “Sharing the Mountain with
Bigfoot”, I have received many emails, le ers, and phone calls from
other eyewitnesses who wanted their stories to be told, and they
wanted me to share their stories.
This is the second book in the series of “Jada L. Roberts Bigfoot
Stories” and certainly not the last. I have many people wanting me to
write about their stories and I have enjoyed every minute of it.
As I said in the first book, if you have a story that you want told
but want to stay anonymous, please email me at and reach out to me. I will help you
in any way.
So, get relaxed, turn down the lights and be prepared to read
about some very interesting stories that may make you wonder what
could be out in your back yard. But be warned, you may lose a li le
sleep and jump at everything that goes bump in the night.
Please note that all names and places have been changed to
protect the people who were willing to share their stories
William’s Story

I live in the great state of Oregon where there are many beautiful
parks and hiking trails. One of life’s great pleasures for me is to go
hiking with my dog Max (a black Lab) to a secluded waterfall where
I find my happiness and to relax on the boulders that surround it.
Both Max and I enjoy the long hike and the reward we receive when
we get there. It’s another way for he and I to bond a li le more. He
watches out for snakes in the path while I give him snacks and
a ention. It’s a win-win for both of us. Not only that but he is my
hiking companion. I have been married to my beautiful wife for
twenty-seven years but she does not enjoy walking in the woods as I
do. I needed someone to keep me company on the long hikes and
Max was the perfect companion.
Well, that’s how it used to be until one day when we were hiking
to a waterfall near White Water Falls State Park. Sure, there are the
main waterfalls that everyone comes to see but, the ones that I like to
hike to are the ones that are secluded and not many visitors. The
falls are much longer hikes to get to and only a few people go there.
But the Park keeps the trails clean and wide for the hikers that do
like to visit them.
The waterfall that I wanted to visit is called Rushing River Falls.
It was a strenuous hike to get there but the views were amazing and
I was in awe of the falls. But as soon as Max and I arrived, there was
something amiss. A strange feeling came over me and Max started to
act differently.
Here is my story;
I sat patiently in the doctor’s office waiting room, listening for my
name to be called to go back to the small cold room in the back for
my yearly check-up. I had noticed that the front waiting room was
full and I knew that I had a long wait ahead of me.
I was bored of staring at the tan walls and looking at all the
pictures that were placed sparingly around the room. I decided to go
check out the magazine rack to see if there would be anything be er
to stare at instead of the walls.
While I sifted through all the “Be er Homes” and “celebrity”
magazines, I came across an “outdoors” magazine and decided that I
would pick that one to thumb through. I sat back down and started
leafing through the magazine when I came upon an article that read
“Oregon’s Best Kept Secret”. That piqued my curiosity. I started
reading the article and became enveloped in the story. It was telling
of a waterfall that was so beautiful that no one knows about even
though it’s right under our noses, and it was in one of the most
popular parks in the state.
I was about half way through the article when the nurse called
my name out to go to the back and into the small room. I took the
magazine with me, knowing that I had another long wait in the
room before the doctor came in to see me.
By the time the doctor knocked on the door, I had finished the
article and I had decided to hike the trail to the falls with Max on the
very next day.
I arose early the following day in preparation for the trip to the
falls. My wife had packed a lunch while I gathered my necessities for
the long drive and hike through the woods. I made sure that Max
was in good health before we took off on our journey.
It was a long two-hour drive to make it to the popular state park,
but Max and I made the best of it and anticipated to parking the
truck to get out and explore. I parked the truck under an old pine
tree that was leaning precariously toward the parking lot and I
silently hoped that this was not be the day it decided to fall. My
truck would be history if it did and we would be left stranded in the
park for a while.
I soon forgot about the tree as I searched for the trail head that
led to the waterfall. Once found, I was amazed how the trail was
kept in immaculate condition as Max and I tro ed down deeper into
the woods.
The birds were singing and we were making good way on the
trail. We would stop along the way as Max would find something to
sniff out and I would take a break, giving both of us the much-
needed water to keep us hydrated along the dirt trail.
We kept hiking further into the forest and I started to think that
we would never make it to the waterfall and back to our truck before
dark if we were not ge ing close to it. I could not hear the water
falling and I started to think that we should turn around and go back
out of the woods. But before I turned around to start heading back,
we turned a corner on the trail and I started to hear the waterfall and
I noticed the path had become rocky, signifying that we were ge ing
closer to the falls.
As we hiked closer to the falls, the trail started to become rough
with larger boulders to cross, and a steep descend down toward the
falls. When the last large boulder that we had to cross, I looked up
and suddenly the view opened up and we were standing at the edge
of a massive cliff and the waterfall was on the other side, right in
front of us.
What a beautiful sight it was! We were standing on top of the
ridge with at least a five hundred foot drop in front of us where the
waterfall was cascading down to the bo om where a river was
snaking down the canyon and disappearing into the forest.
As I sat down on one of the boulders to take pictures and relax
after the long walk, I felt in awe of the beauty and questioned why
people never come to this wonderful place.
I pulled my backpack close to me to opened it and retrieved our
lunch. I pulled Max’s food out and put it on the ground on a smooth
rock and called him over for him to eat. I started to eat my sandwich
that my loving wife had made me when suddenly, a strange feeling
of being watched came over me. I looked around to find Max, but he
was nowhere around. I called him and after a few minutes, he came
out of the woods and came close to his food.
As soon as he took a bite of his food, he suddenly looked up and
started barking at something from behind us. That startled me as I
quickly turned around to see what he was barking at. I still felt like I
was being watched as I rose from my seat and searched through the
woods. I couldn’t see anything in the dense woods and tried to calm
Max down. He was aggressively barking as I tried to calm him down
when suddenly, he stopped and started whining just when a
powerful, overwhelming stench hit me in the face.
At that moment, I knew it was time to leave the waterfall and
start hiking back out of the forest. I also thought that we had stayed
at the falls for longer than I had wanted to as I noticed the light of
day was fading fast. I knew that if we didn’t hustle to get out of the
woods, we would be walking in the dark.
I picked up my bag, slung it over my shoulder, and started to
make my way back up the large boulders from where we had come.
I turned around to see if Mas was following me, but to my surprise,
he was not budging from his spot. I called him to follow and he
hesitated. I started to get worried about the time and I did not want
him to procrastinate on leaving the area. We needed to leave the falls
at once. I kept looking back as I waited for him to come to me. He
reluctantly started to walk toward me and I watched as he came
close enough for me to start climbing up the boulders and heading
toward the parking lot.
As I turned back around to head back up the path and cross the
large boulders, I looked up toward the top of the path, when
suddenly, a giant beast like creature stepped onto the path right in
front of me, blocking the only way up the path!
When I realized what I was looking at, my heart sunk down into
my stomach and my blood ran cold! I knew at that moment that I
was in trouble for there was nowhere to run and the creature had
blocked the only way out of the area.
While I was frozen in place and couldn’t move. Max started
barking viciously as he tried to protect me while the creature stared
into my eyes and right through to my soul. My hands started to
shake as I slowly brought them up to my chest to give a message
that I was meaning no harm as if that would have helped. When the
Bigfoot creature noticed that I was moving, suddenly I watched as it
inhaled and opened its mouth to reveal his massive teeth and then
the loudest scream came out that paralyzed me with fear and I fell to
the ground with my arms around my head. I thought at that
moment that I was going to die and there was nothing to stop it!
After the long, drawn out scream, the creature turned quickly
and started to run off into the woods, breaking trees and limbs on
the way. I listened to the loud footsteps move away from me as I
crouched in front of the boulder that I was stepping over before I
saw the creature. I could not move until I couldn’t hear the footstep
any longer.
I cautiously peeked out from the boulder to make sure the
creature was gone. Shaking, I slowly moved out of my hiding spot
and stepped onto the boulder and precariously looked around.
When I thought it was safe to move, I quickly started to climb back
up to level ground and run toward the safety of my truck.
When I reached the smooth, level path on our way back out of
the woods, I noticed that the light of the day had almost disappeared
and I knew that Max and I would not make it out of the woods
before dark. I also knew that my small flashlight was in my
backpack and I didn’t want to slow down my pace to stop and
retrieve it.
But soon I had to slow down. My legs started to get weak and I
couldn’t catch my breath. Being away from the waterfall, I could
hear the surrounding forest and knew that we were out of the
danger zone at the moment. The crickets were chirping loudly as I
stopped to catch my breath and quickly retrieved the flashlight from
the front pocket of the backpack.
As soon as I turned the flashlight on, suddenly, the crickets
stopped chirping and the forest fell eerily quiet. That’s when I heard
in the distance another loud scream! I quickly grabbed my pack and
started to run once again.
My lungs started to burn as I was gasping for air. My legs were
ge ing weak and my whole body started to shake. I had to stop and
take a break. I slowed my running and finally came to a stop, pu ing
my hands down on my knees and feverishly tried to catch my
breath. The forest was still very quiet and I could hear my own heart
beat in my ears. But I was starting to calm my breathing when
suddenly, I heard a low growl coming from behind me. I thought
that Max would start barking once again, but he whimpered and
came closer to me looking in the direction of the growl. I could tell
that he was frightened and was shaking. I was terrified and I started
to run once again.
Max and I kept running toward the trail head of the path. I was
ge ing so exhausted that I thought that I could not take another step
when finally, I saw the street lights of the parking lot where I had
parked my truck illuminate through the woods. My adrenaline
started pumping in my veins and I caught my second wind. I started
sprinting toward the lights but to my horror, I came to a sudden stop
as my eye caught a huge, tall figure standing off to the side of the
trail in the woods that was illuminated by the street lights.
As I stood there with bated breath, I watched the creature sway
slightly from side to side and then turned and walked away from me
and out of sight.
I took the last chance I had to make it to safety and started
sprinting toward my truck once again. I finally made it to the
parking lot and to my truck. When I opened the door, Max made a
leap into the truck and cowered on the floor, visibly shaken and
I quickly started the truck and pulled out of the parking lot as
fast as I could go. I wanted to get out of the woods and the park and
at the time, I told myself that I would never go into the woods again.
Even though I was terrorized of the encounter I had with Bigfoot,
my situation could have been worse. I was all alone in a deep forest
with just my dog and I know that I could have been killed easily. But
the Bigfoot never came really close to me and I am grateful of that,
but if it wanted to, I would have never seen another day. I have
thought about that day for many years. I think that I was trespassing
on their territory and they wanted me to leave.
I will say this, I have never been back to that beautiful waterfall
since and I never will. That experience will last for a lifetime, I’m not
going to tempt fate by going back. Sadly, Max never wanted to go on
long trail hikes after that day and now is no longer with me. He was
my best friend and I miss him tremendously.
Jimmie’s Story

The year was 1989 and I was twenty-one years old. At the time, I
was dating my future wife and we lived in Central Florida about an
hour’s drive east of Tampa.
There were not many things to do for entertainment in the small
towns of central Florida as there is in coastal regions, but to go
riding on sand dunes in the woods.
My friends and I enjoyed working on what we called swamp
buggies and modifying our trucks to climb the sand hills. During the
week, we went to school and work, but on the weekends, we would
all meet up in the woods to drive on the sandy roads and climb the
sand hills.
One Saturday night we were all following each other on a small
sandy road that we all knew very well and where the local people
would go to “hang out” with their friends. We were headed for the
massive sand hills that were at the end of the small road where we
would gather and have a fun Saturday night.
We started climbing the massive sand dunes with our trucks, and
one by one we would go up the hill just to get stuck in the sand and
would have to pull back down the hill. That was the fun thing to do.
I guess it was a competitive thing as we would see how far we could
go up the hill before we were forced back down.
As the night wore on, some of the people that were out climbing
the sand dunes started to leave. It was about eleven o’clock at night
and there were about three of my friends, and me, left at the dunes. I
thought that was the best time to be there for there was not many
people to have to wait to climb the hills and not as loud as it was
earlier in the night.
My friends and I decided to build a fire and take a rest from
climbing the hill. The fire was started and we sat around the pit to
enjoy our time together and to take advantage of being out in the
woods alone for a li le while. The sand dunes were a very popular
place to go and we knew that it would be a ma er of a few minutes
before we would hear someone’s truck driving down the small
sandy road to park by the hills.
But as time went on, we were surprised that we didn’t hear
anyone coming our way. We thought that we had been lucky to have
the place to ourselves when at midnight, we were still the only
people around in the area.
A couple hours go by and still no one had driven down the road
toward us. It was ge ing into the early morning hours and we were
ge ing tired so we all decided it was time to pack up and move out. I
was ready to call it a night and go home.
I pulled behind my friend’s truck and we started to make our
way out of the woods, but before we made it all the way out, we
came to a sudden stop. I kept thinking as to why he had stopped in
front of me as I watched him jump out of the truck and go in front of
it. I stepped out and walked toward the front of his truck and
noticed that there was a massive tree that had fallen across the road
and had blocked our way.
The tree that had fallen was so large that we could not drive over
it nor could we go around it and every second that I looked down at
the tree, the more I was concerned that we would have to spend the
rest of the night in the woods.
As I stood there in the beam of my friend’s headlight, listening to
the opinions of my buddies on how to move the tree, I started to
hear strange sounds coming from the woods beside me. At first, I
was the only one that heard the sound for the rest of my friends
were discussing on the how to move the tree out of our way.
The first time I heard it, it sounded like someone was hi ing
rocks together. It was loud enough that I thought that everyone had
heard it, but as I looked around, the guys had their a ention still on
the fallen tree.
After about a minute while listening to my friends come up with
a solution about the tree, there came the same sound again but a
li le louder than the first time.
The guys where still demonstrating and talking about how to
remove the tree when I heard it a third time.
“Shhhh, did you hear that?” I asked as everyone stopped talking
and looked my way.
“Hear what?” said my friend Tommy.
As we stood there listening to our surroundings, we all noticed
that the woods were eerily quiet. We all stood around listening to the
quiet forest when suddenly, we heard the same noise that startled us
and made us jump.
“What was that?” Tommy asked as he walked closer to the
woods where the sound came from.
“I’ve heard it three times now” I replied as we all watch as
Tommy slowly walked closer to the woods on side of the road.
As we watched him move a li le closer to the woods, suddenly
we heard a loud “Thump” that sounded like something hi ing on
side of a hollow tree that echoed through the woods on the other
side of the road behind us. As we turned our a ention to the noise
from the other side, we were surprised to turn back around and
watched as Tommy bolted out of the woods and came running up to
his truck, opened the door and jumped in the driver’s seat.
Before we had a chance to ask any questions, we were stunned as
to what he said.
“Get in the truck! Get in the truck now!” he demanded as he
feverishly motioned us to get moving.
We were shocked to see that he was visibly shaking and his face
was paled. We did as he requested and all jumped into his truck. It
was uncomfortably crowded as we piled into the vehicle and stared
out of the windshield at the massive tree that was in front of us and
blocking our way.
“What now?” I asked, “we can’t run over the tree, we will get
stuck on top” I continued as I watched him put the truck in drive
and moved closer to the fallen tree.

“Come on, man, tell us what happened” said another friend that
was si ing by the passenger side door.
As Tommy was just about to open his mouth to tell us what he
had witnessed and what made him panic, suddenly, the loudest
scream echoed through the woods, frightening us all into silence.
Tommy’s breathing became labored as he looked around for an
escape route. With my truck parked behind us and the tree in front,
we came to the realization that we were stuck. No one wanted to get
out of our safety zone go move my truck from behind. We also knew
that this road was the only way out of the woods and for someone to
go out to move my truck would have been useless.
As we sat there in the truck and debated on what to do next, we
started to hear someone or something running in the woods toward
our location. My friend that was si ing by the passenger side door
quickly rolled the window up to feel more secure. But that didn’t
help. As soon as the window was up, we started seeing rocks flying
toward us and hi ing the trucks. I turned around just in time to see a
huge rock hit the windshield of my truck as it cracked and the rock
rolled off onto the ground.
The forest became loud with long gu ural screams as the rocks
pelted the truck from all sides and I watched as Tommy pulled the
lever in drive and punched the gas pedal. The truck lurched forward
and hit the tree with the tires and stopped. There was no hurdling
the tree and we did not move another inch. We were trapped!
When the “Whoops” and gu ural screams from all around us
continued, I thought that our situation couldn’t have go en any
worse when suddenly, the guy that sat beside me started screaming
and pointing in front of us. When we all looked toward where he
was pointing and we could not believe what we were looking at.
About forty feet in front of the truck in the head light beams, was
a massive creature that stood about six to seven feet tall in the
middle of the road. It was facing us, and in its hand, was a huge club
that seemed to have been broken from a tree. I could see clearly that
the Bigfoot/ Skunk Ape creature had hair all over its body and very
long arms that reached down past its knees. Its stance was slightly
hunched and I could see that it was very angry by the expression on
its ape like features of its face.
My heart was pounding so hard in my chest that I thought that
any moment I would pass out. I kept watching the Bigfoot as it
started to walk toward us while lifting the club up into the air. I
could hear the yells and screams coming from all around us ge ing
louder as the creature moved closer to us. But as soon as it was about
fifteen feet away, we noticed headlights coming from behind the
Bigfoot. In a split second, the creature ran toward the woods and out
of sight as the approaching SUV made its way toward us.
As the vehicle came to a stop in front of our truck, we realized it
was the police. I knew we were now safe and I was the happiest
person alive at that moment. We were panicked and told the officers
what had happened and it seemed that they had believed us. That
didn’t get us out of a ticket for being out in the woods where we
were not supposed to have been, but I had gladly paid my share of
the ticket for them saving our lives. They also helped us move the
tree that was blocking our way. To this day, I still give thanks to the
brave Police Officers who saved our lives that terrorizing night.
Be y’s Story

I was fourteen years old in 1972 and I remember it very well. The
only job that I had was babysi ing. It was the weekend and I was
called to go babysit a couple children while their mother went out to
run some errands. I told the children (ages were four and six) that
they could go out in the back yard to play while I prepared their
lunch and would call them when it was ready.
The back yard was small and it had a small patch of woods that
separated the back yard from a corn field. The corn field was
recently plowed and ready for planting. I could see through the
woods and could tell that there was a bare field on the other side.
The kitchen had a small window that I could look out and watch
the children play in the back yard but, as children would be, they
would go to the far end of the yard where I could not see them and
that made me feel uneasy.
I finished making the lunch and decided that we would eat out
on the back porch. The day was warming up with a nice cool breeze
and I thought it would be so nice to get out of the house myself since
it was becoming spring and we all had been cooped up in the house
all winter.
I took the lunch out on the back porch and sat it down on the
wooden picnic table that took up most of the small porch. I called for
the children to come sit and have their lunch. When I didn’t hear
them, I started to look for them and fear gripped me when I couldn’t
see them.
When I called for them again and they did not answer, I started
to get concerned. I ran down the steps of the porch and started
looking around the yard for any sign of the two li le boys. When I
noticed they were not in the back yard, I started to panic. I started to
yell for them and run around the back yard. When I thought that
they were nowhere around, suddenly, both children came out of the
wooded area running toward me. I felt a relief wash over me as I ran
to them and held them in my arms.
When we se led down and went back to the picnic table to eat
our lunch, I asked the two boys why they went into the woods
without permission.
“We heard a dog in the woods crying and we were going to help
it” said the four-year-old.
I looked at the older boy and noticed that he was looking down
at his food, twirling the fork around, and being silent.
I knew that was unlike him because he was a very sociable li le
guy. For him not to be talking seemed very strange and it had me
curious. But I let it be and kept talking to the four-year-old about the
dog that they heard crying.
I asked a few more questions about the dog that they heard
crying and thought it was probably the next-door neighbor’s Maltese
dog that I saw earlier barking at them while they were out in the
back yard.
When I looked back at the older boy, he still was not eating and
was staring down at his food. I knew that he needed to eat and I
knew something was weighing on his mind.
It took a li le coaching for him to open to me and tell me what
was wrong, but as soon as he opened his mouth to say the first
words, a strong pungent odor came rolling with the breeze from the
woods and made us all cover our noses.
That’s when I looked toward where the smell was coming from
and noticed something walking in the small patch of woods. I could
hear the footsteps and knew that it was bipedal.
When the footsteps got closer to the back yard, I noticed that the
older child was ge ing nervous and started to get up to go into the
house. That concerned me as I didn’t know the neighborhood all that
well and thought it may be someone that wanted to do harm to us.
When the two children jumped up and ran into the house, I was
si ing there alone and waited to see who was in the woods behind
the house. I heard the footsteps ge ing closer and then started to see
a huge figure coming closer to the back yard. My heart started
pounding and I could feel the sweat popping out on my forehead.
As I was watched this bipedal creature come to a stop right
behind the house, I saw what it was and I panicked! I was in shock
and I couldn’t move! I sat there at the picnic table staring at the
biggest monster that I have ever seen.
It was about seven feet tall with hair all over its body. It had large
shoulders, no neck and it was carrying something under its arm.
When I finally realized what I saw under its arm was a dead dog
with blood dripping to the ground, I snapped out of the trance like
stare and started screaming. As I was trying to stand and run, the
creature let out a low growl and continued walking in the woods.
I ran into the house in a complete panic. I closed and locked the
back door, then went into the kitchen and closed the window that I
had been looking out of earlier, returned to the children and
huddled them on the sofa until their mother came home.
When she arrived, she noticed that I was visibly shaken and she
wanted to know what had happened. I told her what I saw but, she
didn’t want to believe me. When I continued to tell her about the
dog story that her four-year-old told me and what I had saw the
creature carrying, she started to have a look of concern come over
her face.
That’s when the older boy started to tell us what he saw. When I
let them out to go play in the back yard, they heard the neighbor’s
dog whimper, then yelp, and thought that it needed help. The two
boys went into the woods where they had heard the dog and saw
the creature “pick the dog up and squeezed it until it didn’t make
another sound”.
When they heard me calling their names, they came running out
of the woods and they sat down at the picnic table to have their
Sadly, that was the last time that I saw the two children and their
mother. They soon moved away after the sighting and I have never
been back to that neighborhood. I still live in Missouri but not
around that area. I also had nightmares for a while after that.
It took a long time for me to be comfortable going into the thick
woods and to this day, I still don’t like going out in the woods and
stay for a long time. My husband is an avid hunter and wants me to
go with him but I’d rather stay in the city and go shopping where I
know I will not encounter another Momo.
Daniel’s Story

I moved to the great state of Colorado in 1986 when I was fifteen

years old. When my mother and I first moved into our new home
that was nestled in the woods of a town known as Bailey, about two
hours Northeast of Colorado Springs, I was in awe of the area. With
thick woods all around and the mountainous terrain that
surrounded the town, I thought that we had moved to the place of
my dreams. I was an avid hunter and with the dense woods that
were around, I could spend all my free time after school hunting in
the massive forest behind our house.
As we se led into our new home and town, I would go to school
during the day and my mother would go to work. I would be the
first one home every day as my mother would not get off work until
late in the evening. I had time after school to roam the woods and
scout out a place to put my tree stand in a place where I thought the
deer would pass by.
One day after school I was ge ing ready to go out into the woods
behind our house to find a suitable place that I wanted to put up my
tree stand. I walked into our small back yard and headed toward the
tree line. As soon as I reached the wooded area, an eerie feeling came
over me. I thought that the feeling was strange but I felt that it was
because the area was new to me and I didn’t want to wander off very
far in fear of ge ing lost.
I was dressed in my camo gear and had my rifle slung over my
shoulder. I started to walk in a straight line and explore the area and
soon spo ed a game trail that led farther into the forest. My interest
was piqued when I saw the trail because it looked as though it was
used often and that I would put my stand close to the trail.
I searched around for the perfect tree to hang my stand that was
close to the trail and made a mental note of where to come the next
day with the stand. It was ge ing late and I needed to go back to the
house for my mother would be worried if I wasn’t close by when she
came home.
As I turned to leave the area, an overwhelming feeling of fright
consumed me that I didn’t understand. I started to look around but
never saw anything but trees and thought that I was feeling this way
because it was in unfamiliar territory and I thought I would get used
to it as time went on.
I left the area and was soon out of the woods and into the back
yard. As soon as I entered the opening of the back yard, the odd
feeling went away and my a ention turned to the sound of a car
pulling up into the driveway that went to the side of the house
where my mother would park.
The next day after school, I gathered my small tree stand and
tools that I needed to put the stand up and headed out into the
woods to find the spot I had marked the day before. my mind was
on trying to find the tree I had marked and thinking of the best way
to put the stand up so it would hold my weight when suddenly, a
small rock came flying toward me that barely missed my head!
Startled, I started to look around to see who the culprit was that
wanted to throw a rock at me. I didn’t know anyone that lived close
to us and the closest neighbor was about a mile down the road from
our house. I didn’t think I would be meeting anyone in the woods
that day.
When I didn’t see anyone close by, I slowly started walking
toward the marked tree to hang my stand. It didn’t take long to
locate the tree and I started to assemble the stand to put it in place. I
was working feverishly and concentrating on making sure that I
assembled it correctly, when I started to feel like someone was
watching me. I stopped what I was doing to look behind me and
what I saw made every hair on my neck stand up!
A tall seven to eight-foot creature with a massive build was
standing about forty feet away from me. At first, I thought it was a
giant bear standing on its hind legs but when I took a closer look, I
knew what I was looking at.
It stood far away from me to see every detail of the face. But what
I could see, I knew that it was a Bigfoot. With massive shoulders,
long arms, no neck, and a coned head, it swayed slightly from side to
side and suddenly stepped behind a large tree and peered out from
the side.
As I stared at the creature, I suddenly heard a weird sound that is
hard to explain. It sounded like a foreign language that I had never
heard before but also in a voice that frightened me to the point that
my heart felt like it would explode out of my chest.
Panicked, I started to move and stand up with my back against
the marked tree that I was planning on pu ing my stand in. But as
soon as I moved, the creature let out a low growl that made my
whole body start to shake and my knees became weak.
My breathing started to become labored as the panic set in. I
began to think that I would never make it out of the woods as I knew
that I was surrounded by these Bigfoots.
As I braced myself against the large tree, I noticed there were
more sounds coming from behind me. I was facing the one creature
and kept my eyes glued to it as to make sure it was not coming
closer to me, I started to hear whoops and clicks coming from behind
me. Not only that but I could hear something walking closer toward
me as I was frozen in place beside the tree.
I could see my rifle that I had brought and leaned it against
another tree close by but it was too far for me to reach without
having to leave my position to retrieve it. I also knew that the
weapon would not help me fend off the creatures, if anything it
would make ma er worse. I was in full panic mode and I knew that
I was in trouble.
As the footsteps came closer from behind me and the Bigfoot
creature that I was watching came out of from behind the tree that it
was behind, I knew that I was in for an a ack. I let out a scream as
loud as I could but my throat was so dry that only a small whimper
came out of my mouth, and that’s when I knew I had made a
The woods became alive with whoops, tree knocks and yells
from all around me as the bigfoot that I was watching started to walk
toward me. I knew there was nothing I could do as I slowly slid
down the tree into a hunched position and covered my face with my
arms, waiting for the a ack to be over and my life to end.
As I sit there hunched over with my eyes closed and my arms
around my face and head for protection, I could hear the footsteps
coming closer and the yells becoming louder. As I thought that the
bigfoot was mere feet away from me, suddenly I heard a gunshot
echo through the forest and everything became silent.
It seemed like a split second when I felt a hand touch my
shoulder. I panicked and started to move as fast as I could to escape
the a ack.
“Easy now” came a deep voice.
As I looked up and saw an older gentleman with a shotgun slung
over his shoulder, I knew that I was safe and I stopped scrambling to
get away.
The sunlight was fading fast as the older man walked with me
toward my house. I told him everything that had happened and he
told me that he knew that the Bigfoot family was in the forest. he
also told me that the Bigfoot were not aggressive but I had ventured
into their territory and they were warning me to leave.
When we reached my back yard, the mysterious man turned
around and vanished back into the woods. that was the last time I
saw the man and I never had the chance to thank him for saving my
life. Through the years I had tried to locate where he was from, but
no one knew of him. It’s hard to find someone without a name or
anything to go by.
I never retrieved my tree stand for I never went back into those
woods again. My mother and I did not live in the rented house for
long because we moved to another state. She had landed her dream
job in her home state and wanted to move closer to her family. I was
happy to move away from Bailey for I now have children of my own
and have se led in a peaceful community where my children will be
safe to go outside and enjoy the great outdoors.
Eugenie’s Story

I lived in Slidell, Louisiana for most of my life. My favorite thing

to do when I had time, was to go to the swamp in my flat bo om
boat. I knew there were dangers out there in the swamp, but I was
young and thought that I wasn’t scared of anything. Well, my
thinking had changed after I had come face to face with a creature
that I never thought existed. Sure, I’ve heard the stories of the Honey
Island Swamp Monster all my life, but I thought it was just folk tales
and I didn’t believe it. Without further ado, here is my story.
It was a beautiful but muggy Saturday afternoon. I had the
weekend off from my job and my girlfriend (now wife) had taken a
trip out of state to visit her family. I was ge ing restless si ing in the
house and wanted to go out to enjoy the nice weather and make the
best of a day off from my job. I decided to take my flat bo om boat
out into the swamp to float around and to see what I could get into.
To me, going into the swamp was a relaxing day. I would daydream
and collect my thoughts on life and I would come home feeling like
a new man.
I gathered my belongings, loaded my small boat into the bed of
my truck and headed toward the swamp. I was lost in the music that
was blaring out of the radio on the way and not thinking of the
dangers that the swamp had. I had been around alligators all my life
so they did not scare me one bit. I never thought of any kind of
dangers in the swamp, and that day was no different.
I pulled off to the side of the road where I parked my truck near
the water. I gathered what I wanted to take with me, hooked the
trolling motor on the back, and pushed the boat into the water. I felt
amazing being out in nature and thought that I would have a
relaxing day without having to worry about anything.
I passed the houses that were near the water and thought of how
nice it would be to have property this close to the water. They were
built on stilts for the main reason of flooding, and they had to be off
grid. There were no electricity running to these houses and the
people that lived in them were truly living the life that I wanted.
After I had passed the last house, I was surrounded by trees and
swamp. I started to relax and made a comfortable place to lay back
in my boat. I was so relaxed in the shade of the trees and listening to
the different kinds of animal noises, I must have dozed off to sleep.
The next thing I remember was waking up to something hi ing the
water right next to my boat and splashing water onto my face.
Startled, I looked around to see where I was and what had hit the
water, when suddenly, a huge rock hit the water again and came
inches from my boat!
I knew I had floated deep into the swamp and I could tell that it
was ge ing later in the day. I kept looking around to see who was
throwing rocks in the water next to my boat, and to see if anyone
was out on the banks. I couldn’t see anyone out there and didn’t
think anyone would be this far out in the swamp where alligators
and wild hogs would roam.
That’s when I realized something strange. The swamp was void
of any kind of animal noises. I didn’t hear any birds singing, I saw
no alligators swimming around, nor did I see any wild hogs on the
banks. Even the mosquitos were not swarming around as usual. It
was very strange indeed.
As I reached back toward the handle of the trolling motor, I kept
scanning the banks to see if I could locate where the perpetrator who
was throwing the rocks when suddenly, I heard someone walking on
the bank in front of me. I looked up in the direction of the footsteps
and saw a dark figure hiding behind a large tree. I put the trolling
motor in reverse and started to move away from the bank. I kept
staring at the figure on the bank as I slowly moved further away.
When I turned the boat toward the direction where I thought was
the way out and moving toward where I had parked my truck, the
dark figure moved away from the tree and stood in the opening
where I had a good view of it.
This beast was massive! At first, I thought that it was a hunter
dressed in dark clothing and wanted me to leave the area so that he
could hunt in peace, but when I got a good look at it, I knew that it
was too large to be a human. As I kept staring at the creature, it
started to growl. That’s when I noticed that it was not wearing
clothes, that was dark brown hair that covered its body from head to
As I stared at the creature, panic started to fill my body. My
hands started to shake as I reached behind me to turn the knob on
the trolling motor to full speed. As soon as I moved, the creature
started to growl once again and started to walk toward the water
and closer to me. I put the motor on full speed and tried to get out of
the area as fast as I could. I knew that the small trolling motor would
be no match for the bigfoot creature and I knew that it could catch
me in no time flat.
Panicked, I started yelling at the creature to make it stop coming
for me, but that made no difference in the speed that it was gaining
on me. I was surprised at how easily it walked down the steep bank
and waded through the swampy water but frightened beyond belief
that I was experiencing it. My only thought was that I needed to
hurry and get out of the slough that I was in and into deeper waters
or I would not live to see another day.
As I kept looking back to see if the creature was still following
me, I finally came out of the slough and into deeper waters. But to
my horror, as I looked back, the creature was still behind me wading
in the water that came up to its chest and I knew that I had to hurry
to get into more deeper water. I was also praying that the ba ery
that powered the motor would not drain on me as I kept trying to
escape the beast that was right behind me.
The daylight was fading fast but I finally came into familiar
territory. I was on my way back to where the houses were on the
banks and thought that the creature would not come close to the
As I passed the first house and steadily made my way toward my
parked truck, I nervously turned around to see if I could locate the
creature that had followed me. the dim light from the fading sun did
not help me in my dire situation, but as I scanned the waters around
me, I did not see anything.
As I came closer to my parked truck, I began to relax a li le and
thought that I was out of harms way. but when I spo ed my truck
and knew I was on the home stretch, suddenly, a huge tree limb
came flying and hit the boat, nearly missing my head by inches! My
heart began racing once again as I made it to dry land and near my
truck. it was dark by the time I loaded my boat into the bed of the
truck and I couldn’t wait to leave the area and head for home.
I haven’t been back to the swamps since that day. I have told my
closest buddies about my experience but no one else. They too have
had strange experiences in the swamp, but nothing like I had the day
I had my terrifying encounter with the creature that lived in the
Honey Island Swamp.
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