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mM Linay ENGLisn FORM 2 Namessessseesss sais G1ASE Answer all questions Oral poem: There was a little man. There was a little man And he had a little gun And his bullets were made of Jex<. lead, lead He went to the brook And he saw a little duck And he shot it right through the head. head, head He carried it home To his old wife, Joan, And lit her a fire to make, make. make To roast the little duck He had shot in the brook And he'd gone and fetch her the drake, drake, drake The drake was swimming With his curly tail The old man made his mark. mark. mark, He fired his shot, But he fired too soon. And the drake flew away with a quack, quack, quack. (Anonymous) K seClass Now... 8) 4. Identify and illustrate two sound patterns brought out in this oral poem (4 marks) 41, Ifyou were to perform this oral poem, how would you mike it more interesting? Entry Exam ~Term 3- 2019 English (2 marks) Form 2 i ») ve following utterances indicate whet Jews twith rising or falling intonation (4 Marks) Which Jactory does John work? i. Dad you say you are moving out? iti, How do you sate your parents? iv. They offer very delicious food in that hotel ©) The following is a conversation between a teacher and # student. Fili in the blanks with appropnate exchanges, (4 marks) Student Teacher: Yes, come in Student ‘Teacher: How do you do? Student Teacher: 1 am sorry, I left my copy at home, but J can request my colleague to assist you with one Student Teacher: welcome. b) For each of the following words, provide another word with similar pronunciation, (4marks) (i) gate (ii) bread Gi) you (iv) rest Bniry Exam Term 3- 2019 2 English Form? e1 Study the following genre and answer 1 Hurry hurry has no blessing (i) Identify the genre (ii) Idenbfy and name two parts of the above ge (ii) Identify and illustrate any two aspects of sry Exam Term 32019 3 English ie serve gee cert) instances of alteration mn the poem ' b) Sup appropriate response for each of the following s Staking milo consideration e words wels (2 marks) JOSEPH Can | take you to a movie tonight? You: Declining jrolitely) CLASS PREFECT: Would you please keep quiet. We're revising for the forthcoming examination You: (Apalogizing promptly). up the following words according to sounds /e/ and /ei/. (2 marks) Said, many, fake, lake, pain, any lel rei €) Underline the letier(s) that are silent in the following words. (5 marks) i) Wednesday ii) Campaign ili) Architect iv) Knew v) Hymn s believed n) Reed the riddiing convention below and then identify the parts that follow (6marks) dle riddle’ Challenger: Respondent: Riddle come. Chalienger: What is full of holes but still holds water? Respondent: 4 rack Challenger: You are wrong. Try again Respondent: 4 bed sneet. Challenger: Give me ¢ prize. Respondent: We have given you a boat Challenger: The answer is ¢ sponge. i Guesses — — ii, Invitation a anEEEAnEUEUEEE EERE Eieienieeeeeeneeeeemeee iti, Solution iv. Pose v. Challenge vi. Prize

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