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A. Answer these questions with reference to the context.

‘Then a computer made their limbs move as decided by the scientists and the programmers’

1. Whose limbs are being referred to here?

Ans. Dinosaurs’ limbs are being referred to here.

2. Why was a computer needed to move their limbs?

Ans. To create the dinosaurs, mechanical puppets or robots of different types of dinosaurs were
developed. Thus, a computer was needed to move their limbs as decided by the scientists and the

3. What is this kind of science called?

Ans. The science of recreating animal movement with robots is called animatronics.

C. Answer these questions.

1. Why was the park’s security system turned off? Why was it wrong to do so?

Ans. The park’s security system was turned off with the intention to steal dinosaur eggs. Yes, it was
wrong thing to do so, because this situation has put everyone in danger of getting killed by the dinosaurs
in the park.

2. What was the most challenging part of making Jurassic Park? Why?

Ans. The most challenging part of this film was scripting the dinosaurs because nobody really knows how
they moved or sounded.

3. How did Spielberg overcome the challenge of not having enough information about dinosaurs?

Ans. Spielberg made sure that his team included scientists who had studied dinosaurs.

4. How were the robot dinosaurs made to seem real?

Ans. To create the dinosaurs, mechanical puppets or robots of different types of dinosaurs were
developed. These robots looked and moved like animals. Then a computer made their limbs move as
decided by the scientists and the programmers. After that, the models were fitted with foam rubber

5. Why is Jurassic Park called a landmark film? Give two reasons.

Ans. Jurassic Park is called a landmark film because:

i. The quality of animatronics used in the film had never before been achieved.

ii. This was the first film to use digital surround sound.
Think and answer

1. What do you think would be the advantages and disadvantages of having robot?

Ans. Advantages of robots

i. They can complete tasks faster.

ii. They have the ability to work around the clock since they do not require vacations,
sick days, or breaks.

iii. They also make fewer mistakes than humans.

iv. They can work in any environment.

Disadvantages of robots

i. They need a supply of power.

ii. They cost much money in maintenance & repair.

iii. They are not able to act any different from what they are programmed to do.

iv. They are not intelligent or emotional.

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