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OBJECTIVE: Congratulations, YOU’RE DONE WITH THE FREAKING SENIOR PROJECT! Summarize your Senior Project
experience by reflecting on your entire process and writing a memoir on your journey.

You will be graded on the following requirements:

■ What were the best and worst parts of the Senior Project/Senior Seminar?
The best part of my project was when I started getting registrations in. The worst part of my project was the
amount of stress I felt at times when I was getting behind on other important events in my life.
■ List three things you now know after completing your Senior Project.
I’ve decided to change my college minor to communications because I've had such a wonderful time networking
with other people in a professional stance. I know that I can successfully manage a large event and teach myself
personal growth through working. I know that it is also okay to ask for help when you need it most.
■ Which aspect of the Senior Project/Senior Seminar stretched you the most? How did you feel about and react to
this challenge?
The whole project was a stretch for me since it is so large scale. Though, if I did have to choose a point in time it
would be the month of February. Looking back on my project log, February wasn’t the busiest month on paper, but
in my mind I was so nervous since we were not receiving donations and registrations.
■ How has the Senior Project/Senior Seminar changed you (skills, attitudes, work habits, capabilities, confidence,
poise, presentation, etc.)?
My senior project has disciplined me into proper work skills and networking skills. I have grown more confident
within my planning and professional capabilities, with those skills gained I am better ready for my college and
professional life.
■ Has this experience influenced your future plans?
This experience has taught me many different work readiness skills that I will use in my everyday life. I have not
changed my career of choice because of this project, though this project helped me gain skills I can use to exceed
in the Ag industry.
■ What would you do differently if you had to do the whole Senior Project/Senior Seminar process again?
I would start asking for donations sooner than I did in hopes to get more donations.
■ What advice do you have for next year’s seniors?
Choose a project you have a passion within.
■ What grade would you give yourself for your Senior Project and what justification do you have for that grade?

A+ , this project is a very large scale event. For state shows in the show industry it takes a whole board of
individuals to put it on and it takes a year or 2 to plan. I completed this project in around 11 months.

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