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Domain: Eukaryota
Phylum: Euglenozoa
Class: Kinetoplastea
Order: Trypanosomatida
Family: Trypanosomatidae
Genus: Trypanosoma


Humans are considered the main reservoir for Trypanosoma brucei gambiense,
but this species can also be found in animals, including primates and ungulates

Fig: Trypanosoma
General Characters:

 The parasite belongs to the protozoan genus Trypanosoma.

 The carrier tsetse flies fall in the Glossina genus.
 Apart from humans, animals also host this parasite.
 The disease is transmitted to humans from animals via flies carrying the pathogen.
These flies bite and transmit the protozoa to the human body. It then transmits from
one human to the other via the same flies.
 It has been found that only a few species of these flies can harbor the parasites. This is
why only sub-Saharan countries are endemic even though its different species can be
found in various other parts of the world.
 People who practice agriculture, fishing, animal husbandry, hunting, etc are
more prone to contracting this disease.
 It can start in a small spot but can take a humongous shape and convert into an
endemic in no time.
 There are two different forms of human Trypanosoma lower classifications.
Trypanosoma brucei gambiense comprises 95% of the cases in 24 noted
countries in Africa. A person can be infected with this pathogen even for years
without showing any major symptoms.
 The second lower classification is Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense. It can be
found in 13 countries and contribute to only 5% of the reported cases. The
symptoms appear a few weeks or months after the first bite.
 Another format of this disease exists in Latin America. It is known as Chagas
disease or American trypanosomiasis. The vector carrying this pathogen is
kissing bugs. They bite and defecate on the spot. The host then scratches and
spreads the infection.
 When the disease reaches the advanced stage, the parasites attack the central
nervous system crossing the blood-brain barrier. It can literally change a
person’s personality and alter his biological clock. His way of sociological
behavior can abruptly change. In fact, the person will feel difficulty in

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