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Nama : M.

Ikhsandi Agung Setiyawan

Kelas : XI-6

Solo - Surakarta Palace or also known as Solo Palace is one of the kingdoms or
palaces that still exists in Central Java. There is a long story behind the founding of the
Surakarta Palace, which apparently started with the damaged Kartasura Palace.
Even though the founding of the Surakarta Palace is said to have started from the
damaged Kartasura Palace, the founding of this palace led by Pakubuwono cannot be
separated from the long history of the Mataram Kingdom.
The move from the Kartasura Palace to the Surakarta Palace was also caused by
the Chinatown Geger incident in the 1740s.
The establishment of the Surakarta Palace cannot be separated from the Mataram
Kingdom. The Mataram Kingdom was founded by Panembahan Senapati Ing Ngalogo in
1575 and became the first sultan. The Mataram Kingdom developed until it reached the
peak of its glory during the time of Sultan Agung in 1613-1645.
From the Mataram Kingdom, the descendants of the next dynasty were born,
namely the Surakarta Palace which was founded by Pakubuwono II with the title
Susuhunan Paku Buwana Senapati Ing Alaga Abdul Rahman Sayidin Panatagama.
During the reign of Pakubuwono II, the Chinatown commotion occurred. This
rebellion began in 1740 when the VOC implemented a policy to reduce the number of
Chinese people in Batavia, which then caused many Chinese to flee to the Central Java
region and form resistance troops.
The flight of the Chinese troops received support from the regents in the coastal
areas and Pakubuwono II also secretly supported the resistance movement of the Chinese
troops against the VOC through Adipati Natakusuma as a governor of the Kartasura
Kingdom with the aim of repelling the VOC's power in the Mataram Kartasura territory.
However, after seeing that the city of Semarang, which was the center of the VOC
east of Batavia, had not fallen into the hands of the Chinese, Pakubuwono II withdrew his
support and again sided with the VOC to fight the resistance of the Chinese troops.
Pakubuwono II then arrested Duke Natakusuma who was finally sentenced to
exile to Sailon (Srilanka) to cover up the VOC's suspicions about him. However, the
strength of the Chinese troops became stronger with the support of the Regent of Pati,
Grobogan, and several of the king's relatives.
In fact, these Chinese soldiers were able to appoint Mas Garendi as the new ruler
of the Mataram Kartasura kingdom with the title Sunan Kuning.
In 1742 the kingdom became increasingly pressured, causing the king, his
relatives and his loyal followers to flee to Ponorogo.
The rebels managed to occupy and damage the Kartasura Palace building. The
rebellion was then suppressed by Pakubowono II with the help of VOC troops.
Pakubuwono II succeeded in reclaiming the Kartasura Kingdom which was previously
occupied by Chinese troops.
After returning to the throne, Pakubuwono II felt that the Kartasura Palace was no
longer suitable to be the center of the kingdom. This is because according to Javanese
belief, a palace that has been damaged has lost its revelation.
Finally, after going through various considerations, Solo Village was chosen as the
replacement location for the damaged Kartasura Palace, which was later named Surakarta
Palace by Pakubuwono II. Officially the Surakarta Palace was founded on February 17,
This is an explanation of the history of the Surakarta Palace, which began with the
destruction of the Kartasura Palace during the Chinatown commotion.

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