Reflection On Prof. Ed. 1 and 2

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1 and 2


BSED/Math, Romblon State University

September 24, 2021

Child Adolescent and Learning Principles: My First Prof. Ed.


This class has taught me a great deal about socio- emotional and cognitive
development from infancy to adolescence. The theories of Piaget, Vygotsky, Bandura, and
Erickson, to name a few, have helped me understand the different characteristics of
development which will be very helpful when I become a Teacher. The most essential aspect
influencing a child's overall development is the environment in which they grow up. " Nurture"
is important in children's growth, but so is " nature." I've discovered that the two are
complicated interactions that both influence how a youngster develops.

On Becoming a Future Educator: A Reflective Essay

Teaching is, in my opinion, is a noble job. When I started studying this course in education, a new world
opened up to me. It didn't take long for me to realize that the second half of my life would be dedicated
to children and their education. By the end of the year, I'll have a far better understanding of the art and
science of education. Whatever possibilities come my way, I'll be ready to put my heart and soul into
them. I'm looking forward to the learning opportunities ahead of me, and I'm grateful for the
opportunity to make a difference in people's lives.

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