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Petar Popović

Kale-Krševica, izbor metalnih Kale-Krševica: a selection of

nalaza s akropole metallic finds from the acropolis

Petar Popović Petar Popović

27. marta 28 27. marta 28
SRBIJA, 11120 Beograd SERBIA, 11120 Belgrade

UDK: 902/904(497.11Kale-Krševica) UDC: 902/904(497.11Kale-Krševica)

Pregledni članak Review article
Primljeno: 15. 5. 2017. Received: 15 May 2017
Prihvaćeno: 30. 5. 2017. Accepted: 30 May 2017

Na akropoli Kale-Krševica otkrivena su i četiri Four metallic items of a type used in workshops
metalna predmeta kakvi se koriste u radionicama. To were found at the Kale-Krševica acropolis. These are:
su: kalup za izradu lunulastih naušnica, dva olovna a punch for making lunular earrings, two lead weights
utega i vjerojatno vaga. and, likely, a scale.

Ključne riječi: kalup, lunulaste naušnice, olovni Key words: punch, lunular earrings, lead weight,
uteg, vaga scale

VAHD 110-1, 2017, 275-280

Sl. 1. Pogled na akropolu 2003. (foto: M. Jeremić) Sl. 2. Iskopavanja u Krševici 2008. (foto: A.
Fig. 1. View of the acropolis in 2003 (photo: M. Đorđević)
Jeremić) Fig. 2. Krševica excavations in 2008 (photo: A.
Prva arheološka iskopavanja u Krševici započela
su godine 1966. Nakon istraživanja na akropoli posta- The first archaeological excavations at Krševica
lo je razvidno da je lokalitet značajan zbog dominan- began in 1966. After investigations at the acropo-
tne količine grčkog materijala (Mikulčić, Jovanović lis, it became apparent that the site was significant
1968). Daljnjih iskopavanja na ovom značajnom lo- due to the predominance of ancient Greek materials
kalitetu nije bilo sve do 2001. godine (Kale-Krsevica. (Mikulčić, Jovanović 1968). Further excavations at
com). this important site did not resume until 2001 (Kale-
Akropola na Krševici leži na obroncima planine
Rujan, između doline Južne Morave i Vranjske kotli- The acropolis at Krševica rests on the slopes of
ne, a potječe iz prapovijesnog razdoblja. Na masivu Mt. Rujan, between the valley of the South Morava
iznad Krševičke reke nalazi se plato s ostacima utvr- and the Vranje Valley, and it dates to the prehistoric
đenja i s kompleksom građevina na središnjem dijelu era. The remains of a fortification and a complex of
prostora (sl. 1). Prilikom sondiranja otkriveni su ele- buildings in the central part of the location (Fig. 1)
menti arhitekture, ostaci javnih građevina, kao i do- are situated on a plateau on the massif overlooking
sta arheološkog materijala s obiljem ulomaka slikane the Krševička River. During test excavations, archi-
keramike, nakitom i numizmatikom (Popović 2007a; tectural elements, the remains of public buildings and
Popović 2007b). Akropola se nalazi na dominantnom a considerable quantity of archaeological materials
mjestu, a glavni dio naselja, koje se prostiralo na oko with an abundance of painted pottery, jewellery and
4 ha, nalazio se istočno od akropole, na padini pre- coins were found (Popović 2007a; Popović 2007b).
ma Krševičkoj reci. Zbog značenja naselja arheološka The acropolis is located on a dominant point, and
iskopavanja nastavljena su u donjem dijelu padine i the main portion of the settlement, which extended
na ravnom prostoru prema rijeci. Tokom istraživanja over 4 ha, was east of the acropolis, on a slope to-
otvoren je dio naselja sa značajnim ostacima arhitek- ward the Krševička River. Due to the significance of
ture kao i velikom količinom arheološkog materijala. the settlement, archaeological excavations continued
Naselje je smješteno na strmoj padini pa su zbog jake down the lower part of the slope and in the flat area
erozije arheološki nalazi formirani u podnožju ili u in the direction of the river. During these excavations,
velikim kulturnim slojevima u podgrađu. Zbog jakih a part of the settlement was opened to reveal signifi-
podzemnih voda arheološka iskopavanja bila su veoma cant architectural remains and a considerable quantity
spora i složena, jer su istraživanja u ovom dijelu bila of archaeological materials. The settlement was situ-
moguća samo uz pomoć stalnog rada crpki za vodu. ated on a steep slope, so due to intense erosion, the
Do godine 2011., kada su podzemne vode onemogu- archaeological finds were clustered at its foot or in
ćile daljnji rad na tom mjestu, u podnožju je ispitan large cultural layers in the settlement’s periphery. The
prostor od oko 1000 metara četvornih (sl. 2). Otkriven voluminous groundwater meant that the archaeologi-
je raznovrstan materijal, počevši od velike količine ži- cal excavations were slow-going and complex, be-
votinjskih kostiju, obične i slikane keramike, amfora, cause work in these section could only be done with
veći broj metalnih i kamenih predmeta koji bi u kro- the constant operation of a water pump. Until 2011,
nološkom smislu odgovarali IV. st. pr. Kr. i početku when the groundwater prevented any further work at
III. st. Razvidno je da je naselje bilo značajno, očito this location, an area of roughly 1,000 square meters

Petar Popović, Kale-Krševica, izbor metalnih nalaza s akropole
Kale-Krševica: a selection of metallic finds from the acropolis

Sl. 3. 1-4 nalazi s akropole, 5 zlatna naušnica iz Demir Kapije (foto: N. Borić)
Fig. 3. 1-4 finds from the acropolis, 5 golden earring from Demir Kapija (photo: N. Borić)

s dobrim vezama s Makedonijom i Grčkom (Popović (Fig. 2) at the foot of the slope was investigated. A va-
2012). Rezultati i analogije odmah su otvorili pitanje riety of materials were discovered, beginning with a
o razlogu zbog kojeg se u središtu Balkana, u dolini large quantity of animal bones, unadorned and paint-
Južne Morave, formira utvrđeno naselje s helenistič- ed pottery, amphorae, and numerous metallic and
kim značajkama. Za vrijeme iskopavanja je na osnovi stone items which would chronologically correspond
arhitekture i brojnih nalaza iznesena pretpostavka da to the 4th century and early 3rd century BC. It is appar-
se radi o ostacima rudarskog grada Damastiona, koji ent that this was an important settlement, given the
je u IV. st. pr. Kr. kovao srebrni novac (Popović, Vra- good ties to Macedonia and Greece (Popović 2012).
nić 2013). Lokalitet je samo djelomično istražen i na The results and analogies immediately opened the
osnovi rezultata iznesena je i pretpostavka da se u Ka- question of why a fortified settlement with Hellenis-
le-Krševici nalazio emporij (Guštin, Kuzman 2016) tic features would have developed in the valley of the
Za ovu priliku načinili smo mali izbor nalaza s South Morava. During excavations, a hypothesis was
akropole. formulated on the basis of the architecture and numer-
1. Na jugozapadnom su dijelu akropole u sondi (S ous finds that they are the remains of the mining city
44-47) godine 2002., pored drugih nalaza, uglavnom Damastion, which minted silver coins in the 4th centu-
ulomaka oslikane keramike, otkrivene dvije srebrne ry BC (Popović, Vranić 2013). The site has only been
drahme Aleksandra Velikog, kao i brončani predmet partially examined, but based on the results, a further
cilindričnog oblika. Pokazalo se da je to dragocjena hypothesis was made according to which there was an
alatka - kalup za kovanje lunulastih naušnica od zlata, emporium at Kale-Krševica (Guštin, Kuzman 2016).
srebra ili bronce (sl. 3-4). Takve naušnice izrađivane On this occasion, I have compiled a limited selec-
su kovanjem pomoću kalupa kao što je ovaj nađen na tion of finds from the acropolis.
akropoli, od dva metalna dijela koji su potom spajani 1. Two silver drachmas of Alexander the Great and
(Triester 2001, str. 90, 186). Lunulaste naušnice po- a bronze item with a cylindrical shape were found in
znate su i s motiva na novcu, a među mnogobrojnim the south-western part of the acropolis in a test trench

VAHD 110-1, 2017, 275-280

Sl. 4. Nalazi s akropole (crteži: A. Kapuran)

Fig. 4. Finds from the acropolis (sketches: A. Kapuran)

nalazima možemo izdvojiti par zlatnih, umjetničke (S 44-47) in 2002 among other finds, mainly sherds
izrade, s nekropole Derveni, kao i jednostavnije nauš- of painted pottery. The bronze article proved to be a
nice od bronce iz Olinta (Olynthos) (Franke, Maratha- valuable tool - a punch to cast lunular earrings made
ki 1999, str. 56; Touratsoglou, Themelis 1997, str. 26; of gold silver or bronze (Fig. 3-4). Such earrings were
Robinson 1941, Pl. XVII-XVIII). made by casting with the help of a punch like this one
Tokom iskopavanja nije nađena nijedna naušnica found at the acropolis, with two metal components
ovog tipa, ali treba spomenuti zlatnu naušnicu iz De- that were then soldered (Triester 2001, p. 90, 186).
mir Kapije (sl. 3.5), koja se nalazi u Narodnom muzeju Lunular earrings were also known as motifs on coins,
u Beogradu (Popović Lj. 1994, 192). Ta vrsta naušni- and among the numerous finds notable examples are a
ca, ukrašenih rozetama, privjescima, s granulacijama pair of golden, artistically rendered earrings from the
i filigranom, bila je dugo veoma cijenjena. Javljaju Derveni necropolis, as well as the simpler bronze ear-
se od kraja V. st. pr. n. e. i posebno u IV. st. pr. Kr. rings from Olynthos (Franke, Marathaki 1999, p. 56;
oko Halkidike i Tesalonike, veći broj nalaza potječe Touratsoglou, Themelis 1997, p. 26; Robinson 1941,
iz Makedonije (Skoplje), središnjeg Balkana, Trakije, Pl. XVII-XVIII).
Bugarske i Velike Grčke u Italiji (Vasić 1991). Iz Pela- During excavations, not one earring of this type
gonije i doline Vardara zabilježeno je više primjeraka, was found, but a noteworthy example is the earring
ne samo naušnica nego i ostalog nakita, što ukazuje da from Demir Kapija (Fig. 3.5), which is held in the Na-
su na tom prostoru postojale radionice vještih zanatli- tional Museum in Belgrade (Popović Lj. 1994, 192).
ja koji su izrađivali skupocjeni nakit za makedonsku This type of earring, adorned with rosettes, pendants
elitu (Bitrakova-Grozdanova 2003, 280-281; Guštin, and granulation and filigree, was quite valued over a
Kuzman 2016). Kalup za izradu lunulastih naušnica long period. It appeared since the end of the 5th cen-
otkriven na akropoli vjerojatno je dio alata koji je pri- tury BC, and particularly in the 4th century BC, around
padao majstoru ili radionici za izradu nakita. Chalcis and Thessalonica, while a high number of
2. - 3. U sondi na središnjem dijelu akropole go- finds were originally from Macedonia (Skoplje), the
dine 2004. otkriven je kvadratni olovni uteg težine central Balkans, Thrace, Bulgaria and Magna Grae-
42,20 g koji na prednjoj strani ima oznaku ∆Ρ. Pre- cia in Italy (Vasić 1991). Several examples, not just
ma jasnim oznakama i atičkim standardima ovaj uteg earrings but also other types of jewellery, were from
ima težinu od 10 drahmi. Drugi sličan uteg otkriven Pelagonia and the Vardar Valley, which indicates that

Petar Popović, Kale-Krševica, izbor metalnih nalaza s akropole
Kale-Krševica: a selection of metallic finds from the acropolis

je na sjeveroistočnom dijelu akropole 2001. godine. S there were workshops there employing skilled crafts-
prednje strane tog također olovnog utega stoji oznaka men who made expensive jewellery for the Mace-
Ε, a s druge strane je duboko zasječen, tako da je nje- donian elite (Bitrakova-Grozdanova 2003, 280-281;
gova težina reducirana. Zbog toga je teže procijeniti i Guštin, Kuzman 2016). The punch for making lunular
rastumačiti njegovu težinu (37,96 g). earrings discovered at the acropolis was probably part
4. U središnjem dijelu akropole godine 2003. ot- of a tool that had belonged to a master craftsman or a
kriven je pomno obrađen brončani predmet, nažalost workshop that manufactured jewellery.
djelomično deformiran, koji je očito imao namjenu, 2. - 3. A square lead weight weighing 42.2 kg with
ali je ona nejasna. S obzirom na prethodne nalaze, u the designation ∆Ρ on its front was discovered in a
nedostatku izravne analogije, može se prema obliku test trench in the central section of the acropolis. Ac-
pretpostaviti da je bio dio neka vrsta vage. cording to clear designations and Attic standards, this
Ovih nekoliko nalaza, gledamo li ih kao cjelinu weight weighed 10 drachmas. Another similar weight
izgleda kao da pripadaju radionici. Dosadašnja istra- was discovered in the north-eastern section of the
živanja, međutim, nisu dala drugih naznaka da se ra- acropolis in 2001. That weight has the designation Ε
dionica ondje nalazila. on its front, while it has a deep cut on other side, so
Utvrđeno naselje u Krševici očito je značajan lo- that its actual weight has been greatly reduced. Thus,
kalitet, ali tek kad se istraži i dio naselja koje je na pa- it is much more difficult to determine and understand
dini ispod akropole, možemo se nadati da ćemo dobiti its weight (37.96 g).
točnije podatke o njegovoj povijesti, od formiranja 4. A carefully rendered bronze item, unfortunately
grčkog naselja do kasnijeg razdoblja, o kojem svjedo- partially deformed, was found in the central section
če mnogobrojni keltski nalazi otkriveni na akropoli. of the acropolis in 2003. It obviously had a purpose,
Ovaj kratak tekst o nekoliko nalaza iz Krševice po- although what it was is not clear. Given the preceding
svećen je dragom kolegi i prijatelju Branku Kiriginu. finds, and in the absence of direct analogies, it may be
assumed that it was part of some type of scale.
If these several finds are viewed as a set, then it
would appear that they had belonged to a workshop.
All previous research, however, has not yielded any
other indications that there had, in fact, been a work-
shop there.
The fortified settlement at Krševica was obviously
an important location, but only when that part of it
on the slope below the acropolis is excavated will we
have any hope of obtaining more precise data on its
history, from the formation of the Greek settlement to
the later period, to which the numerous Celtic finds
discovered at the acropolis testify.
This brief text on several finds from Krševica is
dedicated to my dear colleague and friend, Branko

VAHD 110-1, 2017, 275-280

literatura / Bibliography

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Opvscvla Arhaeologica 27, Zagreb 2003, 277-282.
Franke, Marathaki 1999 P. Franke, I. Marathaki, Wine and Coins in Ancient Grece, Athens 1999.
Guštin, Kuzman 2016 M. Guštin, P. Kuzman, The Elitte, The Upper Vardar river region in the period
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Jevtić, Dmitrović, Ljuština (eds.), Beograd - Čačak 2016, 313-332.
Mikulčić, Jovanović 1968 I. Mikulčić, M. Jovanović, Helenistički oppidum iz Krševice kod Vranja, Vranjski
glasnik IV, Vranje 1998, 355-375.
Popović Lj. 1994 Lj. Popović, Antička grčka zbirka, Narodni muzej Beograd, Beograd 1994.
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Blečić, Črešnar, Hänsel, Helmuth, Kaiser, Metzner-Nebelsick (eds.), Situla 44,
Ljubljana 2007, 813-820.
Popović 2007b P. Popović, Numismatic finds of the 4th and 3rd century BC from Kale at Krševica
(Southeastern Serbia), Arheološki Vestnik 58, Ljubljana 2007, 411-417.
Popović 2012 P. Popović, Central Balkans Between Greek and Celtic World, Beograd 2012.
Popović, Vranić 2013 P. Popović, I. Vranić, One Possible Location of Damastion - Kale by Krševica
(South-Eastern Serbia), in: The Bosporus: Gateway Between Ancient West and
East (1st Millenium BC-5th Century AD), Tsetskhladze, Atasoy, Avram, Dönmez,
Hargrave (eds.), BAR Int. Ser. 2517, Devon 2013, 309-313.
Robinson 1941 D. M. Robinson, Excavations at Olynthos άX, Baltimore 1941.
Torbov, Antonov 2002 N. Torbov, D. Antonov, Bronze Tools from North-Western Bulgaria (6th-1st Centu-
ries BC), Archaeologia Bulgarica VI, Sofia 2002, 37-53.
Touratsoglou,Themelis 1997 P. G. Touratsoglou, G. P. Themelis, Οι τάφοι τον ∆ερβενίου, Athens 1997.
Treister 2001 M. Treister, Hammering Techniques in Greek and Roman Jewellery and Toreutics
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