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afraid of: sợ hãi
Ex: Are you afraid of snakes?
angry/annoyed/furious about sth/with sb for doing sth: tức giận
Ex: I was angry with myself for making such a stupid mistake.
accustomed to V-ing (= used to quen với
Ex: I am accustomed to driving on the left.
addicted to sth: nghiện.
Ex: He's addicted to computer games.
anxious about sth/for sb: lo lắng
Ex: He seemed anxious about the meeting.
Parents are naturally anxious for their children.
ashamed of: hổ thẹn, bối rối
Ex: She was deeply ashamed of her behaviour at the party.
amazed/astonished + at/by + sth/sb: ngạc nhiên
Ex: My parents looked astonished at my news.
We were amazed by his generosity.
acquainted with: quen với cái gì (Hay dùng: get acquainted with)
Ex: The students are already acquainted with the work of Shakespeare.
allergic to: bị dị ứng với cái gì.
Ex: I'm allergic to cats.
appreciated for: được đánh giá cao.
Ex: I was appreciated for my help.
associated with: cộng tác với, liên quan tới
Ex: He no longer wished to be associated with the party's policy on education.
aware of: nhận thức về cái gì >< unaware of.
Ex: He was well aware of the problem.
attached to: đính kèm với, gắn bó với
Ex: We've grown very attached to this house.
bad at: không giỏi về
Ex: I bad at Maths.

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bored with: chán

Ex: I’m bored with my job.
brilliant at = very intelligent or skilful
Ex: He’s brilliant at football.
based on: dựa trên cái gì.
Ex: This novel is based on a real story.
beneficial to = advantageous, favourable: có lợi cho.
Ex: A good diet is beneficial to health.
boastful for/about: ba hoa, khoác lác
Ex: I don’t want to sound boastful but I always finish everything on time.
busy with sth/sb (hoặc busy doing sth)
Ex: Irina and Marcus were busy with preparations for their wedding.
clever at: thông minh
Ex: She's clever at getting what she wants.
crazy about: điên cuồng vì cái gì
Ex: It’s pretty obvious he’s crazy about you.
capable of: có khả năng về cái gì
Ex: He is capable of anything if it furthers his ambition.
committed to: tận tâm = devoted to = dedicated to
Ex: She is committed to her family.
concerned about/for sth: lo lắng, quan tâm về cái gì
Ex: The President is deeply concerned about this issue.
content with: bằng lòng với cái gì
Ex: She seemed quite content with her results.
careful with/about/of sth: cẩn thận
Ex: Please be careful with my glasses. (= Don't break them).
I’m very careful about washing my hands before eating. (= I make sure I do
it). certain about/of: chắc chắn về cái gì
Ex: You don’t seem too certain about it.
characteristic of: đặc trưng cho tính cách của ai đó hoặc của vật nào đó
Ex: Enthusiasm is characteristic of him.
connected with: kết nối với, liên hệ với
Ex: The fall in retail sales is directly connected with the decline in employment.
conscious of: nhận thức, chú ý đến
Ex: She's very conscious of the problems involved.

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crowded with sth = packed with.

Ex: a room crowded with books.
curious about: tò mò
Ex: Children are curious about animals and how they live.
disappointed at/by/with/in: thất vọng
Ex: They were bitterly disappointed at the result of the game.
I was disappointed by the quality of the wine.
I'm disappointed in you - I really thought I could trust you!
I was very disappointed with myself.
derived from: bắt nguồn từ cái gì
Ex: In fact the word “fiction” is derived from the Greek “fictus,” which means to
dedicated/devoted to: tận tụy.
Ex: She is dedicated to her job.
discouraged by: bị làm nhụt chí bởi
Ex: He sounded discouraged by the lack of progress in the talks.
dissatisfied with: không hài lòng
Ex: He has been very dissatisfied with his life in recent months.
doubtful about: hoài nghi, không chắc chắn.
Ex: Rose was doubtful about the whole idea.
delighted at/by/with: vui vẻ, hài lòng
Ex: She was delighted by/at the news of the wedding.
I was delighted with my presents.
excited about: có hứng thú với
Ex: I’m very excited about the news.
excellent at/in: xuất sắc
Ex: My teacher is excellent at English.
eager for: hào hứng
Ex: I am eager for my next trip.
eligible for: đủ điều kiện
Ex: Only those over 70 are eligible for the special payment.
enthusiastic about: hứng thú
Ex: You don't sound very enthusiastic about the idea.

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experienced in: có kinh nghiệm về cái gì

Ex: He's very experienced in looking after animals.
envious of: ghen tị (= jealous).
Ex: He was envious of the local boys who could see her every day.
They were envious of his success.
famous for: nổi tiếng
Ex: Hanoi is famous for “pho”.
fed up with/about: chán ngấy
Ex: In the end, I just got fed up with his constant complaining.
I fed up with my job.
fond of: ưa thích.
Ex: I’m fond of cooking
frightened of: sợ hãi
Ex: I’ve always been frightened of snakes.
furious at: giận dữ, điên tiết
Ex: They were furious at not being invited to the party.
faithful to = loyal: trung thành
Ex: He remained faithful to the ideals of the party.
familiar with: quen thuộc
Ex: He is familiar with me.
friendly with: thân thiện
Ex: I am very friendly with the people.
free of/from: không chứa hoặc không bị ảnh hưởng bởi thứ gì đó độc hại, không tốt
Ex: free from difficulty/doubt/fear.
free from artificial colours and flavourings.
It was several weeks before he was completely free of pain.
glad about: vui mừng
Ex: She wasn’t going to leave, and he was glad about that.
guilty of/about: cảm thấy có lỗi, hối lỗi
Ex: I felt guilty about not visiting my parents more often.
generous with: rộng rãi, rộng lượng.
Ex: To be generous with your time.

gentle with: lịch thiệp

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Ex: He is gentle with women and children.

good at: giỏi
Ex: I’m good at English.
grateful to: biết ơn.
Ex: I am extremely grateful to all the teachers for their help.
She was grateful to them for letting her stay at their house.
happy about/with + sb/sth: hạnh phúc
Ex: I'm not happy with his work this term.
If there's anything you're not happy about, come and ask.
I'm not too happy about her living alone.
hopeless at: không còn hy vọng, vô vọng
Ex: I'm hopeless at science.
I am hopeless at paying my bills on time.
hopeful of/about: hi vọng
Ex: He is not very hopeful about the outcome of the interview.
She is hopeful of returning to work soon.
The board is quite hopeful of securing further investment.
involved in/with: liên quan đến; dành nhiều thời gian, sự chú ý
Ex: We need to examine all the costs involved in the project first.
She was deeply involved with the local hospital.
I was so involved in my book I didn't hear you knock.
interested in: quan tâm, thích thú
Ex: I’m interested in football.
incapable of: không có khả năng
Ex: Professors who seem incapable of any original thought.
identical with/to: giống, tương tự
Ex: This house is almost identical to the one where I lived as a child.
immune to/from: miễn dịch, không bị ảnh hưởng bởi, tránh khỏi
Ex: Adults are often immune to German measles.
Not even the President’s wife was immune from criticism by the
press. impressed with/by: ấn tượng
Ex: We were all impressed by her enthusiasm.
I was very impressed by the efficiency of the staff.
inferior to: kém hơn, không tốt
Ex: Modern music is often considered inferior to that of the past.

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indifferent to: thờ ơ, không quan tâm, hờ hững
Ex: The government cannot afford to be indifferent to public opinion.
innocent of: ngây thơ, vô tội
Ex: She was found innocent of any crime.
jealous of: ghen ghét, đố kỵ
Ex: Other girls were jealous of her good looks.
Sophia had admirers, and I was jealous of her.
keen on: thích thú
Ex: The kids are mad keen on computer games at the moment.
I’m keen on playing soccer.
kind to: tốt bụng
Ex: He was very kind to me when the children were ill.
You are very kind to me for buying this gift.
late for: muộn
Ex: He was ten minutes late for school.
limited to: hạn chế
Ex: Racial problems are certainly not limited to the south.
lucky at: may mắn cho cái gì
Ex: I’m lucky at winning this trip.
nervous of/about: lo lắng
Ex: She was nervous about walking home so late.
He’s always been a little nervous of change.
notorious for: được biết đến vì tiếng xấu.
Ex: The country is notorious for its appalling prison conditions.
opposed to: bất đồng
Ex: He was bitterly opposed to the war.
proud of: tự hào về
Ex: They are proud of their daughter.
pleased with: hài lòng với
Ex: It took a long time to complete the work, but I’m very pleased with the
results. Are you pleased with the way things went yesterday
patient with: nhẫn nại
Ex: Susan’s very patient with the children.
pessimistic about: bi quan
Ex: Doctors are pessimistic about his chances of making a full recovery.
polite to: lịch sự
Ex: You must be more polite to the customers.
popular with: được yêu thích bởi số đông
Ex: These policies are unlikely to prove popular with middle-class voters.
punished for: bị trừng phạt
Ex: He was punished for being late for school yesterday.
qualified for: đủ điều kiện, đủ khả năng
Ex: He is qualified for this dangerous mission.
responsible for: chịu trách nhiệm về
Ex: You must be responsible for paying these bills.
ready for: sẵn sàng
Ex: I’m ready for the exam.
related to: liên quan đến
Ex: He was related to that crime.
relevant to: liên quan đến
Ex: I’ll supply the facts relevant to the case.
respectful for/of: lễ phép, tôn trọng
Ex: I’m respectful of your opinion.
be/get + rid of: tống khứ
Ex: We got rid of all the old furniture.
sick of: chán ngấy
Ex: I’m sick of waiting around like this.
sorry about/for: rất hổ thẹn và hối hận
Ex: Are you sorry for what you’ve done?
scared of: sợ hãi
Ex: All small children are scared of ghost.
similar to: tương tự
Ex: Your hat is similar to mine.
surprised at/by: ngạc nhiên
Ex: We were surprised at your behavior.

shocked at/by: sốc

Ex: I was shocked at the news of her death.
satisfied with: hài lòng với
Ex: He felt satisfied with his job.
sensitive to/about: nhạy cảm
Ex: She is very sensitive to other people's feelings.
successful in: thành công
Ex: Finally, they were successful in putting out the fire.
serious about: nghiêm trọng, nghiêm túc
Ex: I’m serious about my work.
skillful at: khéo tay, tài giỏi
Ex: He is skillful at inventing excuses.
slow at: chậm
Ex: She is frequently slow at making up her mind.
suitable for/to: thích hợp
Ex: This programme is not suitable for children.
sure of/about: chắc chắn
Ex: I’m not sure of the results.
suspicious of/about: nghi ngờ
Ex: I’m always suspicious about his kindness.
sympathetic to/towards: thông cảm
Ex: I did not feel sympathetic at all towards Kate.
tired of: chán vì cái gì
Ex: I am tired of studying all the time.
tired from: mệt mỏi vì làm gì
Ex: I am tired from teaching all day.
terrified of: cảm thấy khiếp sợ
Ex: I'm terrified of spiders.
thankful to do sth/for sth: biết ơn
Ex: I was thankful to see they'd all arrived safely.

troubled with: bồn chồn, lo lắng

Ex: Don’t be troubled with that.
typical of: điển hình
Ex: This meal is typical of local cookery.
used to: quen với
Ex: I’m used to getting up early.
upset about: buồn về
Ex: I was upset about losing my money.
unaware of: không nhận thức được
Ex: He was unaware of my presence.
worried about: lo lắng
Ex: He is always worried about his wife.
wrong with/about: sai về
Ex: There's something wrong with the printer.

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