Kunci BHS Inggris Vii K13 Pk-W-I

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CHAPTER 1 2. b. Patricia gave Yohannes a hat

GOOD MORNING. HOW ARE YOU? d. Patricia didn’t think that Yohanes can be
Observing and Questioning 3. a. Gratitude
Teacher’s Policy 4. a. School
5. c. Last Month
Communicating (page 3) 6. c. good morning
1. Arimbi and her teacher. 7. c. Good morning
2. In the classroom. 8. d. certainly
3. doing his English homework. 9. b. you’re welcome
4. No, he did not 10. c. good night
5. He is looking for some books to write his homework. 11. a. Graduation
Collecting information Sudah jelas gambar tersebut merupakan gambar
Teacher’s Policy upacara kelulusan
12. a. Apologize
Observing and questioning Discussion:
Teacher’s Policy Karena ada gambar the yang tumpah, maka ekspresi
yang tepat adalah ekspresimen minta maaf
Communicating (page 7) 13. a. Gratitude
Teacher’s Policy Discussion:
Thanks a lot = berterimakasih = gratitude
14 c. The party will be held again next week
Read the dialogues and answer the questions!(page 8)
1. Teacher and the students Sudah jelas dalam percakapan tersebut bahwa akan
2. Rangga and jerry ada pesta lagi yang digelar minggu depan
3. In the classroom 15. a. Get up early
4. Rangga is going to sentosa swimming pool. Discussion:
5. No, he will not Dalam teks tersebut, Kita bisa menyimpulkan bahwa
Bagus harus bangun pagi-pagi di keesokan harinya
Look at the following dialogue. After that State T for 16. a. good night
true statements and F for false statements based on 17. a. you are welcome
the dialogue! (page 8) 18. b. Never mind
1. T 19. b. Don’t do that
2. T 20. b. Never mind
3. T 21. a. nice to meet you, too.
4. T 22. d. That’s fine
5. F 23. a. good night
24. d. Your welcome
Read the dialogues, then complete the blank spaces! 25. a. Good afternoon
(page 8)
B. Essay
e. Nice to see you again.
1. Stadiuminent Enterprise
a. Nice to see you too
2. Because his employees had done a mistake last
b. How are you doing
c. Pretty well
3. They will end the collaboration
d. He's fine.
4. To fix the problem soon
5. Work colleague When the mistake is small
Indiviudal Task
6. Hi, Imas/Hey Imas
1. In the supermarket
7. I am fine. Thank you
2. eight thousand and five hundred rupiahs
8. How do you do
3. He was wrong in giving an exchange
9. I’m sorry for losing your pencil
4. Oh, I’m so sorry, Sir
10. Thank you for being good friend
5. Yes, he did
Group Task
1. Good afternoon
Teacher’s Policy
2. Is
3. I’m
4. Not
1. Emplty apologize is dangerous or us becvause we
5. OK
don’t really acknowledge our mistake
6. Coming
2. a. Sincere apologize
7. Hi
b. know our mistake and place ourselves in other’s
8. The game
9. See you
3. Yes, I agree
10. Bye
Because it makes us running from our responsibilities
1. Friend
A. Pilihan Ganda
2. Library
1. c. Patricia felt she did a mistake
3. Hi, Helen! How’s it going?


4. Next week Individual Task
5. Leave taking 1. Keysha
2 A student
CHAPTER 2 3. 10 years old
THIS IS ME! 4. Bogor
5. Reading a book
Observing and Questioning
Teacher’s policy Literacy
1. I will introduce myself
Communicating (page 16) 2. d. Susan likes watching television
1. T 3. But
2. T
4. T A. Pilihan Ganda
5 F 1. a. Ayu Dian is a student
2. a. Ayu Dian lives near the beach
Collecting Information 3. a. Introduction
Task 1 4. b. See you later
1. Surname 5. b. Who
2. Live 6. a. have a safe journey
3. Tall 7. b. at
4. Have 8. b. on
5. Wearing 9. b. live
6. Ribbons 10. b. Who
7. Polite 11. c. Aiko’s parents
8. Favorite 12. d. Canada
9. Cats 13. c. Aiko” parent
10. Tennis 14. b. 155 cm
Task 2 Sudah jelas bahwa ibu penulis memiliki tinggi badan
Teacher’s Policy 155 CM.
15. a.
Task 3
1. Nindya’s longtime friend
2. Since senior high school
3. Good things
4. I would like to introduce you to one of my old friends,
5. At the party
16. a. To prepare the breakfast
Task 4 Discussion:
1. Radit and hendra Ibu sang penulis selalu bangun lebih awal karena
2. He has curly hair harus menyiapkan makanan untuk keluarganya.
3. He is a student 17. a. Let me introduce myself
4. Yes he does 18. a. Sarah
5. She is beautiful and has straight hair 19. c. Where do you live
20. b. Next to Lestari.
Associating 21. a. 1
Task 1 22. d. Lestari and her family.
1. Angga,Ivan,Pradipta and Mr.Hasan. 23. c. Where do you go to school
2. Hello Ivan, hello Pradipta. How are you? 24. c. How old
3. Hello Angga, hi Angga 25. d. Where
4. His name is ahdiyat.
5. Yes. B Essay
1. Introduction of a new student
Task 2 2. Yes, he does. That’s because his sister is married
Teacher’s Policy 3. Eighteen years old
4. What is your name
Task 3 5. Where do you come from
1. 20 years old
2. Kolaka Remedial
3. Marine and Technological Industry Teacher’s Policy
4. To be one of the most successful person
5. Jogging and Playing football Enrichment
1. Bandung
Task 4 2. With his aunt
1. From Medan, North Sumatra. 3. Police
2. From Gorontalo 4. Yes, he does
3. Gianyar Bali. 5. Reading and spending time doing nothing
4. Cimahi West Java
5. Yes she does MID SEMESTER TEST
A. Pilihan Ganda
Communicating 1. a. Putu Wijaya is a student and b. Putu likes doing
Teacher’s Policy sports
2. a. Slef introduction


3. c. Putu lives alone with his parents After that, State whether the statements below is true
4. a. Allow me to introduce myself. (T) or false (F)
5. b. How do you do? 1. T
6. b. good morning 2. T
7. c. leave taking 3. T
8. d. I am sorry, I have to leave now. 4. F
9. a. have a safe journey 5. F
10. a. You’re welcome 6. T
11. a. Oh, thank you 7. F
12. b. leave 8. T
13. a. Thank you very much 9. T
14. c. Thank you very much 10. F
15. d. introducing
16. d. Fatya Kartika Associating
17. a. Fatya Task 1
18. d. ten 1. d. Rabu
19. a. Bogor 2. i. Minggu
20. a. You are welcome 3. e. Kamis
21. c. Bob 4. g. Senin
Discussion: 5. a. Tahun
Sudah jelas bahwa pengirim surat tersebut adalah 6. h. Selasa
Bob 7. b. Sabtu
22. d. looks after the family 8. i. Minggu
Discussion: 9. c. Bulan
Bob adalah ibu rumahtangga yang mengurus seluruh 10. f. Jumat
23. a. Bob Task 2
Discussion: 1. eight o’clock
Bob adalah anak termuda di dalam keluarganya 2. a half past nine
24. c. Five 3. a quarter to eight
Discussion: 4. a half past ten
Bob memiliki 2 saudara. Jadi, total jumlah keluarga 5. a quarter past eleven
Bob adalah 5 orang
25. a. United Kingdom Individual Task
Discussion: Teacher’s Policy
Lina tinggal di Inggris (UK)
Group Task
CHAPTER 3 Teacher’s Policy
Observing and Questioning
Observing and Questioning Task 1
Teacher’s Policy 1 Who drove the car?
2. Where was the plane flown?
Associating 3. What was drunk by him everyday
Task 1 4. Are flowers picked by secretary?
Teacher’s Policy 5 Was material girl sung by Madonna?

Task 2 Task 2
1. November 25th. 1. Was 6. Will be
2. It’s April 28th 2. Will be 7. Was
3. Yes, he can 3 Was 8. Is
4. Andrea’s mother 4. Is 9. Will be
5. Dengan senang hati 5. Was 10. Was

Exploring Task 3
Task 1 1. The address was written on a sheet of paper.
Teacher’s Policy 2. The dress is made of silk.
3. The dog was injected yesterday.
Task 2 4. The letter will be been sent soon.
Teacher’s Policy 5. The lectures are attended by all the students.
6. The helicopter is piloted by my dad.
Task 3 7. The flowers will be watered tomorrow.
1. English 8. The keys were lost yesterday.
2. Maths 9. The tests are written every month.
3. Geography 10. The car was repaired three days ago
4. History
5. Physics Task 4
6. PE 1. The documents / print The documents are printed
7. Art, 2. The window / open The window is opened.
8. Spanish 3. The shoes / buy The shoes are bought.
9. Chemistry 4. The car / wash The car is washed.
10. Music 5. The litter / throw away The litter is thrown away.
11. Biology 6. The letter / send The letter is sent.
12. Computer Science 7. The book / read / not The book is not read
13. RE 8. The songs / sing / not The songs are not sung


9. The food / eat / not The food is not eaten Berdasarkan teks tersebut, kita dapat mengetahui
10. The shop / close / not The shop is not closed bahwa mata pelajaran yang tidak diajarkan pada hari
rabu adalah kewarganegaraan. Mata pelajaran ini
Task 5 diajarkan pada hari selasa dan jumat.
1. The test was written. 13. d. Science, Math, Indonesian, and English
2. The table was set. Discussion:
3. The cat was fed. Berdasarkan teks tersebut, kita dapat mengetahui
4. The lights were switched on. bahwa mata pelajaran yang dipelajari pada hari kamis
5. The house was built. di antaranya ialah ilmu pengetahuan (science),
6. Dinner was served. matematika, bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Inggris.
7. This computer was not sold. 14. a. No, he will not
8. The car was not stopped. Discussion:
9. The tables were not cleaned. Berdasarkan dialog pada soal, maka kita dapat
10. The children were not picked up. mengetahui bahwa Hendri tidak datang tepat waktu.
15. b. tardily
Task 6 Discussion:
1. March Kata “late” bermakna terlambat. Jadi padanan katanya
2. September ialah “tardily”.
3. July 16. a. twenty past five
4. sunday Discussion:
5. Wednesday Berdasarkan gambar jam pada soal, maka kita dapat
6. Saturday mengetahui bahwa waktu menunjukkan pukul lima
7. Satuday lebih dua puluh menit.
8. Saturday and Monday 17. b. is dan a quarter past three
9. November 18. c. is dan a half past eight
10. February 19. a. a half –past seven
20. b. in
Individual Task 21. c. Praying
1. This car was bought by us yesterday. Discussion:
2. “Romeo and Juliet” was written by W. Shakespeare. Dalam teks di atas disebutkan bahwa penulis sholat
3. The report will be made by me next week. terlebih dahulu setelah bangun tidur
4. Mobiles are used by us every day. 22. b. An half of hour
5. The airplane is piloted by my brother Discussion:
Dalam teks di atas dijelaskan bahwa penulis
Literacy menonton mahabarata selama setengah Jam
1. Yes, I do 23. a. daily activity
Online learning is more effective, especially during the Discussion:
pandemic years Teks tersebut membahas tentang aktivitas seharihari
2. Social Media 24. a. I got up at five
3. a. Online learning has risen its popularity and Discussion:
c. People started to choose online learning since Biasanya, seseorang akan bangun tidur jam 5 pagi
2003 25. a. Next week
EVALUATION TEST 3 Kata yang menunjukkan masa depan terdapat pada
A. Pilihan Ganda jawaban A
1. c. was destroyed
2. d. has been promoted B. Essay
3. a. is neglected 1. At 4.00 a.m.
4. d. is cleaning 2. half an hour
5. d. has never been performed 3. 8 hours
6. d. twenty five past eight 4. Change clothes
Discussion: 5. Watching movie
Berdasarkan gambar jam pada soal, maka kita dapat
mengetahui bahwa waktu menunjukkan pukul delapan Remedial
lebih dua puluh lima menit. Rewrite the sentences in passive voice!
7. a. 05.14 1. That piece is really enjoyed by the choir.
8. d. 07.15 2. By whom were you taught ski?
9. a. Sindhu 3. the forest fire destroyed the whole suburb
Discussion: 4. The two Kings are signing the treaty
Berdasarkan dialog pada soal, maka kita dapat 5. The cleaning crew vacuums and dusts the office every
mengetahui bahwa yang datang terlambat adalah night
Shindu. 6. Money was generously donated to the homeless
10. b. Sindhu shelter by Larry.
Discussion: 7. My sales ad were responded by none.
Berdasarkan dialog pada soal, maka kita dapat 8. The application for a new job was faxed by her.
mengetahui bahwa seseorang yang jamnya rusak 9. The entire house was painted by Tom.
kemarin adalah Shindu. 10. The students questions are always answered by the
11. a. Science, Indonesian, Art, and Citizenship teacher.
Berdasarkan teks tersebut, kita dapat mengetahui Enrichment
bahwa mata pelajaran ilmu pengetahuan (science), 1. Breakfast is being served in the dining room.
bahasa Indonesia, kesenian, dan kewarganegaraan 2 Rugby is played in all the Commonwealth countries.
diajarkan pada hari selasa. 3. The suit must be cleaned for the ceremony.
12. d. citizenship 4. The town health centre is being opened next week.
Discussion: 5. Liverpool cannot be beaten.


CHAPTER 4 Nomor 3, letak hospital dengan tourist office sangat jauh
THIS IS MY WORLD sehingga tidak mungkin 'next to' pada soal ini. Next to
berarti bersebelahan.
Observing and Questioning Nomor 5, hanya ada 2 bank pada gambar tersebut.
1. There are three trees Nomor 7, yang terletak di sudut Marley Avenue dan
2. There is a cat playing with the ball Queen street adalah tourist office.
3. There are two motorcycle Nomor 8, sebelah city hall adalah post office.
4. There is a couch
5. There are two houses After that, tell the way to the places mentioned below!
(page 48)
Observing and Questioning Teacher’s Policy
Task 1
Teacher’s Policy Task 2
1. e. bag
Task 2 2. j. Book
1. T 3. c. dictionary
2. T 4. h. Pencil
3. T 5. d. pen
4. T 6. i. ruler
5. T 7. a. eraser
8. f. picture
Task 3 9. b. globe
1. Rangga and Melisa. 10. g. chalk
2. Yes, she does.
3. She prefers to tame animals. Task 3
4. a cat, a cackatoo and two rabbits. 1. F
5. His father has six birds. 2. A
3. I
Task 4 4. J
Teacher’s Policy 5. H
6. G
Communicating 7. D
Task 1 8. C
1. 7B 9. B
2. 35 tables 10. E
3. Cabinet
4. Because his classroom is so clean Task 4
5. Vase Teacher’s policy

Task 2 Individual Task

1. Puspa and Sari. Teacher’s Policy
2. in the Bird Park.
3. It comes from Papua. Group Task
4. It has fanlike tails. Teacher’s policy
5. They talks about birds.
Observing and Questioning
Task 3 Task 1
1. The writer’s favorite toy is a doll. Teacher’s policy
2. The writer got the toy when he/she was 13th birthday.
3. In Singapore Task 2
4. Dodo is 15 cm tall. Teacher’s policy
5. It has a long auburn-red brush-able hair, green eye.
There are freckles on her cheek. There are also two Task 3
dimples near her mouth on the left and on the right. 1. Are
2. Are
Communicating 3. Are
Teacher’s Policy 4. Is
5. Is
Task 1 Individual Task
True (T) or False (F) Teacher’s Policy
1. The stadium is opposite the swimming pool. (F)
2. The cinema is between the shoe shop and the florist. Group Task
(T) Teacher’s policy
3. The tourist office is next to the hospital. (F)
4. The school is on Elton Street. (T) Literacy
5. There are 4 banks. (F) 1. b. English and French are the most popular
6. The florist is next to the bakery. (T) language learned by students
7. There is a pub at the corner of Marley Avenue and c. Students don’t like learning Italian as they learn
Queen Street. (F) Russian
8. The city hall is beside the station. (F) 2. English
Penjelasan: Because English has the first rank
Nomor 1, opposite berarti berlawanan. Penggunaan 3. More popular
opposite pada soal ini kurang tepat. Seharusnya the
stadium is across from the swimming pool.


A. Pilihan Ganda 1. The writer’s classmate
1. d. (4) and (5) 2. The students
2. c. Supermarket. 3. Traditional dances
Discussion: 4. She is a dancer
Lihat kutipan bacaan pada paragraf pertama “Today, 5 Luisa’s performance
my mother asks me to accompany to the
supermarket.” Pada kutipan bacaan tersebut diketahui Remedial
bahwa penulis akan menemani ibunya yang akan 1. There’s a television on the cabinet.
pergi berbelanja ke supermarket. 2. There’re some drawers on the cabinet.
3. b. beside the bakery. 3. There’s a refrigerator beside the cabinet.
Discussion: 4. There are some books on the cabinet.
Lihat kutipan bacaan pada paragraf kedua “There is 5. There’s a carpet between the sofa and the cabinet.
also a cinema. It is beside a bakery.” Jadi, diketahui 6. Are there any armchairs in the living room? Yes, there
bahwa gedung bioskop tersebut terletak di samping are.
toko roti. 7. Is there a rubbish basket between the sofa and the
4. d. across from police station. table? Yes, there is.
Discussion: 8. Are there any glasses on the table? No, there aren’t.
Lihat kutipan bacaan pada paragraf kedua “There is a 9. Is there a fan on the cabinet? No, there isn’t.
bank across from the police station.” Jadi, diketahui 10. Is there a duster between the cabinet and the
bahwa bank tersebut terletak di seberang kantor refrigerator? Yes, there is.
5. d. between the drugstore and the museum. Enrichment
Discussion: 1. Necklace
Lihat kutipan bacaan pada paragraf kedua “At last, the 2. You just have to go straight until the intersection then
supermarket itself. It is between the drugstore and the turn left. Follow the street and the store will be on your
museum. “ Jadi, diketahui bahwa supermarket left, just in front of the Dee highschool.”
tersebut berada diantara apotek dan museum. 3. Teacher’s policy
6. d. beside the bakery. 4. Ada tiga kalung
7. c. Pahlawan Street. 5. Apakah ada dua kucing
8. a. Supermarket.
9. a. across from police station. SEMESTER TEST
10. a. between the drugstore and the museum. A. Pilihan Ganda
11. c. They usually eat grasses, some of vegetables and 1. b. get up
some of fruits. 2. b. oh, t hanks
12. a. Bayu 3. a. how’s life?
13. b. the petshop 4. c. t urn on
14. c. adore 5. d. oops, sorry
15. b. Yes, he does 6. b. I am twelve years old.
16. b. It’s near the parking lot. 7. d. Where do you live?
17. b. He is going to the school library 8. a. Very well, thank you
18. a. passageway 9. d. quarter past seven
19. d. It’s upstairs between the school laboratory and 10. d. Sunday
school hall. 11. c. goes
20. c. 7 12. b. Monday
21. c. Nineteen students 13. a. Tuesday
Discussion: 14. c. ten past ten
Berdasarkan pernyataan pada soal diketahui bahwa 15. d. December
para siswa yang berasal dari luar Yogyakarta 16. a. May
berjumlah 23. Jadi, Jumlah siswa yang berasal dari 17. b. Thursday
Yogyakarta berjumlah 19 siswa. 18. c. to be called
22. b. Eighty six 19. d. has not been cleaned
Discussion: 20. b. be ordered
Di sebuah peternakan besar, ada delapan sapi, tiga 21. b. Thank you
belas kambing, dua puluh satu ayam, enam belas 22. a. See you
ayam jantan, dan delapan belas bebek. Jadi jumlah 23. b. there are
binatang keseluruhannya adalah sebanyak delapan 24. b. there are
puluh enam binatang ternak. 25. c. How old
23. d. A hospital 26. a. 4
Discussion: 27. d. annoying
Seseorang yang ingin memeriksakan kesehatannya. 28. a. her days are quit e long
Maka ia harus pergi kesebuah bangunan publik atau 29. a. shorts
sarana umum berupa rumah sakit ( a hospital). 30. d. Trousers
24. a. A bakery
Discussion: B. Essay
Seseorang yang ingin makan atau membeli roti, 1. Seventy Kilometres from malang
maka ia dapat pergi ketoko roti (bakery). 2. It is well known for its long beautiful white sandy
25. d. (4) and (5) beach as well as the similarity of its temple to the one
Discussion: of Tanah Lot in Bali.
Kata bendajamak (plural noun) ditunjukkan pada 3. tanah Lot
nomor 4 dan 5 yaitu: 4. One of the small rocky islands near Bale Kambang
(4) men 5. Describing Bale Kambang
(5) geese


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