SEEMOUS 2023 Third - Announcement

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for the South Eastern European Mathematical Olympiad for University

Students with International Participation SEEMOUS 2023
Struga, North Macedonia, March 7 – 12, 2023

Mathematical Society Union of Mathematicians of Macedonia
of South Eastern Europe (MASSEE)

Ss. Cyril and Methodius University Faculty of Natural Sciences

in Skopje and Mathematics

Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to inform you that the Mathematical Society of South Eastern Europe (MASSEE)
will launch the 17th Mathematical Olympiad for first and second year university students -
SEEMOUS 2023. The student competition will be hosted by the Union of Mathematicians of
Macedonia and the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics from Ss. Cyril and Methodius
University in Skopje, between 7 - 12 March, 2023 in hotel Drim in Struga, North Macedonia.
The aim of the competition is to encourage mathematically gifted university students towards
further mathematical accomplishments and to create new, friendly and beneficial relationships.

We cordially invite you to participate in SEEMOUS 2023 with a team from your university. A
team may consist of up to 6 students and 2 professors (a team leader and a deputy team leader).
Eligible are students who are not beyond the second university year of undergraduate studies by
the end of the 2022/23 academic year or have not completed more than 120 ECTS credits.
Students can form a national team to represent a country as well. The SEEMOUS regulations as
well as the previous competition problems and final results can be found at http://www.massee-

Each team can send up to three problem proposals until February 17, 2023. Problem proposals
must be written in English in MS Word document (doc or docx), with Times New Roman font,
formulas in Equation or Math Type 6 or in LaTex. PDF file of the document must be sent as
well. The proposals should be sent to Prof. Nikita Shekutkovski at

If you intend to participate this competition, please fill the registration form and send it to The registration form as well as the other details about the
registration can be found at

Please note that the deadline for early registration and submitting the proposed problems is
extended to February 17, 2023. Also, we recommend late registration until February 27,
2023, for the purpose of timely organization of the event.
The contestants will be accommodated in the hotel Drim in Struga. The Leaders/Deputy Leaders
will stay in the hotel Beograd in Struga (5-10 minutes to hotel Drim by walk) during the first 2
nights and the remaining nights in the hotel Drim. The preliminary program of the event can be
found here.
All SEEMOUS 2023 participants will have to cover their own travel, accommodation and
subsistence expenses.


Room type Early registration Late registration
(until February 17, 2023) (recommended until February
27, 2023)
Single bed room 580 EUR 610 EUR
Double bed room 500 EUR 530 EUR
Triple room 450 EUR 480 EUR
Quadruple room 430 EUR 460 EUR

The registration fee covers full board accommodation for five nights, working materials,
excursion and farewell dinner. Please specify (in the registration form) the type of room you
want to be accommodated in.

Participants from non-MASSEE member-countries have to pay extra 50 Euros, whereas

observers and accompanying persons have to pay extra 100 Euros.

A participation fee is prepaid to the Union of Mathematicians of Macedonia. The payment (in
EUROS) can be done by bank transfer to the bank account:

Acc. No. : 0270100300114
IBAN: MK07300701003001147
Komercijalna banka AD Skopje
Ul. Orce Nikolov br.3, 1000 Skopje, Macedonia

After the bank transfer, please email to a copy of your successful
deposit/transfer accompanied with the details that you would like to be included in the invoice
that we shall return to you (Organization Legal Name, Street Name, Town, Postal Code, VAT

Information about the visa regime can be found at

If you have any question about the competition, please contact us ( or
visit the local website

We hope that your university and your country will participate in this Mathematical University
Olympiad. We look forward to welcome your team in North Macedonia!

Best regards,
Prof. Gorgi Markoski
President of the Union of Mathematicians of Macedonia
Chairman of the Organizing Committee of SEEMOUS 2023

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