Chapter 4 Edited

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This chapter presents the results, the analysis and the interpretation of data gathered from

the answers to the questionnaires distributed to the field. The said data were presented in a

tabular form in accordance with the specific questions posited on the statement of the problem.

Part I. Demographic Profile of the Respondents

The demographic profile of the respondents in terms of age, gender, type of MSME that

the business falls under, age of business and monthly average expenses paid through the digital

wallet were gathered and analyzed to have an accurate description of the respondents. Then, the

following table presents the frequency distribution of the respondents.

Table 1.1

Age of the Respondents

Age bracket Frequency Percentage

25 years old and below 123 37%
26 years old- 38 years old 92 28%
39 years old- 50 years old 68 20%
51 years old and above 50 15%
TOTAL 333 100%
It is seen on table 1.1 that most of the MSME business owners were 25 years old and

below, with a frequency of 123 that comprised 37% of the total respondents. Then, 92

respondents or 28% belong to the 26-to-38 years old bracket, 68 respondents that ages from 39

to 50 years has a percentage of 20% and lastly, 50 respondents or the remaining 15% of the total

population are already 51 years old and above.

Table 1.2

Gender of the Respondents

Gender Frequency Percentage

Male 110 33%
Female 223 67%
TOTAL 333 100%
Table 1.2 indicates that 223 respondents or 67% of the total respondents have answered

the questionnaire that they are female. Meanwhile, 110 male business owners have participated

in the research, so it only has 33% of the total population.

Table 1.3

Type of MSME that the business of respondents falls under

Type of MSME that the business falls Frequency Percentage

Manufacturing business 32 10%
Service business 171 51%
Merchandising business 98 29%
Hybrid business 32 10%
TOTAL 333 100% It could

be gleaned from the table that the researchers had 171 service business owners answer the

questionnaire hence, comprising 51% of the total respondents. Moreover, there are also 98

merchandising business (29%), 32 manufacturing business (10%) and 32 hybrid business (10%)

owners who participated with the study.

Table 1.4 Age of business Frequency Percentage

Age of the business 5 years and below 165 50%
6 years- 10 years 50 15%
11-15 years 44 13%
16 years and above 74 22%
TOTAL 333 100%
As shown in table 1.4, majority of the respondents (50%) have their businesses been

established 5 years or less than that. Then, this is followed by 74 businesses (22%) that have

been operating for 16 years and more. It can also be observed that 50 business owners have put

up their MSME for 6-10 years (15%) and the remaining 44 respondents or 13% of the total

population has been engaged to transactions for about 11-15 years.

Table 1.5

Monthly average expenses paid through digital wallet

Monthly average expenses paid through digital wallet Frequency Percentage

Less than P 5,000 87 26%
P5,001 – P 10,000 65 20%
P10,001 – P 15,000 80 24%
More than 15,000 101 30%
TOTAL 333 100%
The table 1.5 illustrates that 101 businesses or 30% of them have monthly average

expenses paid through the digital wallet amounting to more than 15, 000 pesos. Then out of 50

respondents, 87 of them (26%) have less than 5,000 pesos, 80 (24%) have 10, 001 to 15,000

pesos and lastly, 65 businesses (20%) are paying bills of their monthly expenses amounting to

5,001 to 10,000 pesos.

Part II. E-Wallet Profile of the Respondents

The e-wallet profile of the respondents in terms of their awareness, familiarity, length of

usage and how frequent it is being used were collected and analyzed to have an accurate

description of the respondents.

Table 2.1

Awareness to e-wallet

Awareness to e-wallet Frequenc Percentage

Become aware because of personal reasons. 133 40%
Heard about it through social media. 54 16%
Become aware due to other people’s suggestion. 48 14%
Become aware because of the customers or clients. 98 29%
TOTAL 333 100%

It can be deduced on table 2.1 that 133 MSME business owners or 40% of the total

population utilize the e-wallet due to personal reasons or specifically, on their own initiative.

Additionally, 98 or 29% of the respondents became accustomed to it in order to deal with their

customers or clients. Moreover, 54 respondents (16%) became informed about the e-wallet since

they heard about it through social media applications. Lastly, the remaining 48 respondents

(14%) answered that they became aware because other people, may it be friends or family

suggested it to them.

Table 2.2

Mobile money service/s platform use

Mobile money service/s platform use Frequency Percentage

GCash 192 58%
PayMaya 52 16%
7-eleven CliQQ 73 22%
AllEasy 8 2%
Other: Palawan Pay 8 2%
TOTAL 333 100%
Based from the data that the researchers have gathered, the commonly used e-wallet is

GCash which has been selected by 192 or 58% MSME business owners. Furthermore, it seems

like 7-eleven CliQQ have been utilized by 73 respondents or 22% of them and is followed by the

pick of 52 (16%) participants, which is the PayMaya. Lastly, AllEasy and Palawan Pay are equal
since from the questionnaire that have been distributed to people, they only have 8 (2%) user,


Table 2.3

Length of usage

Length of usage Frequency Percentage

3 years and below 182 55%
4 years - 6 years 121 36%
7 years- 10 years 24 7%
11 years and above 6 2%
TOTAL 333 100%

It is seen from table 2.3 that 182 respondents (55%) have only used an e-wallet for about

3 years and less. However, those 121 individuals who choose 4 year to 6 years are not far behind

because they are 36% of the total respondents. Additionally, only 24 business owners (7%) have

been into e-wallet for about 7 years to 10 years. Coincidentally, it is not surprising that only six

respondents (2%) has utilized a digital wallet 11 years or more because it only bloomed


Table 2.4

Frequency of usage

Frequency of usage Frequency Percentage

Always 189 57%
Often 84 25%
Sometimes 39 12%
Rarely 21 6%
TOTAL 333 100%

The table 2.4 indicates that out of the 333 respondents, 189 of them (57%) have always

used a digital wallet to pay their monthly bills. Consequently, only 84 or 25% of the total

population have realized that they often work with a digital wallet and 39 (12%) have pointed out
that they only access their digital wallet sometimes. However, what's surprising is the fact that

despite being a form of payment for expenses, there are still 21 respondents or 6% of the total

population rarely used any e-wallet platform.

Part III. Perception of the Respondents towards E-wallet

The insights of the respondents with the advantages and disadvantages of digital wallet

have been gathered and scrutinized in order for the interpretation to be precise, thus, beneficial to

the future researchers. Here, the researchers have presented the data in a tabular form after they

have computed it based on the formula and scale given in the Chapter 3 of this study.

Table 3.1
Level of Agreement on the Advantages of Using E-wallet Application

Frequency Weighted
(x) Mean Descriptive
Indicator Score
S ∑ wx Equivalent
SA A N D ∑ wx
D n
1. E-wallet enables me to
store my favourite
payment methods in one
place, including 189 90 42 12 0 1455 4.37 Agree
Credit cards, bank
accounts, gift cards, and
2. Once I have money in
my e-wallet, I can use it
to pay my expenses by Strongly
scanning 197 109 27 0 0 1502 4.51
QR code, selecting
auto-pay and “Tap and
3. Digital wallet uses 189 66 78 0 0 1443 4.33 Agree
tokenization, and
encryption to keep
my information safe.
4. I can set up my e-wallet
to synchronize with my
mobile devices, macs,
PCs, and 189 66 78 189 66 1296 3.89 Agree
servers hence; I can use
my account on multiple
5. Digital wallet often
have promotions,
reward points, cash 90 108 60 48 27 1185 3.56 Agree
back, bonuses, gifts,
discounts and other
6. Digital wallets have
small to zero transaction
fees, making them a
competitive 54 84 140 37 18 1118 3.36 Neutral
alternative to traditional
money transfer
7. Transactions through
most e-wallets are
instantaneous, 168 102 48 15 0 1422 4.27 Agree
regardless of the time of
day, working days, or
8. E-wallet is often
accepted worldwide,
making them a valuable
tool whenever I 126 133 63 11 0 1373 4.12 Agree
travel or when I have
9. It is easier to conduct
financial transactions
since I do not need to Strongly
keep entering 204 105 24 0 0 1512 4.54
my personal details
every time I make a
10. E-wallet provides an 182 108 30 13 0 1458 4.38 Agree
all-in-one view of all
my transactions, making
it easy to
keep track of my
spending and budget.
Average Weighted Mean 4.13 Agree
Note: Highest frequencies are in boldface;
Legend: 4.51-5.0 (SA - Strongly Agree) 2.51-3.50 (N - Neutral) 1.0-1.50 (SD - Strongly Disagree)
3.51-4.50 (A - Agree) 1.51-2.50 (D - Disagree)

Table 3.1 illustrates the level of agreement of the respondents on the advantages upon

using e-wallet application; the total average weighted mean of 4.13 was rated by the MSME

business owners which are equivalent to their agreement to most statements. This indicates a

generally positive perception of e-wallets among respondents.

Most respondents believed that with e-wallet, it is easier to conduct financial transactions

since they do not need to keep entering their personal details every time they make a purchase,

because it received the highest agreement scores (4.54). This is followed by the statement related

to ability to pay expenses via QR code, auto-pay, and Tap-and-Pay (4.51) which emphasizes the

attractiveness of e-wallets for their ease and contactless transactions. Likewise, e-wallet provides

an all-in-one view of all their transactions, making it easy to keep track of their spending and

budget (4.38). E-wallet also enables them to store their favourite payment methods in one place,

including credit cards, bank accounts, gift cards, and more hence, respondents agreed to the

statement with a mean of 4.37. Moreover, the MSMEs agreed that digital wallet uses biometric

authentication, tokenization, and encryption to keep their information safe (4.33), conveying that

respondents value security features as an advantage. Then, it appears like since transactions

through most e-wallets are instantaneous (4.27) and accepted worldwide (4.12), the e-wallet has

an edge over other payment methods. Meanwhile, agreement with "synchronizing across

devices" (3.89) and "promotions and rewards" (3.56) was lower, indicating that these might not

be major decision factors for all respondents. Lastly, it has been found that the respondents are
neither agreeing nor disagreeing with the fact that the digital wallets have small to zero

transaction fees (3.36), hence, it can be understood that they are unsure if this makes e-wallet a

competitive alternative to traditional money transfer methods.

Table 3.2
Level of Agreement on the Disadvantages of Using E-wallet Application

Frequency Weighted
(x) Mean Descriptive
Indicator Score
∑ wx Equivalent
SA A N D SD ∑ wx
1. Digital wallets are not
entirely immune to
security risks since hackers 168 119 46 0 0 1454 4.37 Agree
and cybercriminals can
still gain access to steal my
personal information.
2. If I misplace my
smartphone or do not have 1 Strongly
internet access, I may be 221 95 7 0 1526 4.58
0 Agree
unable to access my digital
wallet or make payments.
3. There are limitations to the
number of transactions I
can do in a day or the 145 110 71 7 0 1392 4.18 Agree
maximum amount of funds
that can be kept in my e-
4. If I accidentally share my
confidential information of Strongly
219 99 0 6 9 1512 4.54
mobile wallet with others Agree
then they can misuse it.
5. In some cases, digital
wallets have limited
compatibility with certain
stores and payment 105 169 51 5 3 1367 4.11 Agree
terminals because not all
support digital wallet
6. Errors can happen when I 215 77 41 0 0 1506 4.52
provide incorrect card
details, the wrong one-time Strongly
password (OTP), or have
insufficient fund in my
7. There are features of the
mobile wallet that I used 2
160 23 21 103 1110 3.33 Neutral
which I do not have 6
knowledge about.
8. Technical issues such as
software bugs, system
outage, or device 203 81 45 4 0 1482 4.45 Agree
malfunctions can make it
difficult to access my
digital wallet.
9. Some digital wallets
charge hidden fees, such as
transaction fees, foreign 143 12 36 6 136 1019 3.06 Neutral
exchange fees, or account
maintenance fees.
10. Regardless of the ability to
monitor my spending
within the digital wallet
app, it is still challenging 129 151 48 5 0 1403 4.21 Agree
to control my budget if I
can easily make
transactions with just one
Average Weighted Mean 4.14 Agree
Note: Highest frequencies are in boldface;
Legend: 4.51-5.0 (SA - Strongly Agree) 2.51-3.50 (N - Neutral) 1.0-1.50 (SD - Strongly Disagree)
3.51-4.50 (A - Agree) 1.51-2.50 (D - Disagree)
Table 3.2 shows total average weighted mean of 4.14 falls under the "Agree" category,

indicating that respondents generally agree with the statements presented as disadvantages of e-

wallets. This suggests a moderate level of concern about these drawbacks.

Upon receiving the highest agreement scores, it can be interpreted that the MSMEs

believed if they misplace their smartphone or do not have internet access, they will be unable to

access their digital wallet or make payments (4.58), highlighting concerns about dependence on

technology and potential disruption. Likewise, if they accidentally share their confidential
information with others then strangers can misuse it (4.54). The respondents also strongly agreed

that unlike the traditional payment method, errors can happen when they provide incorrect card

details, the wrong one-time password (OTP), or have insufficient fund in their account (4.52).

Subsequently, technical issues such as software bugs, system outage, or device malfunctions

probably make it difficult for the respondents to access their digital wallet because it has a 4.45

weighted mean. Moreover, MSMEs considered that digital wallets are not entirely immune to

security risks after having 4.37 weighted mean, reflecting their significant worry about data

security. Furthermore, statements related to funds and budgeting challenges such as the difficulty

to control spending (4.21), limitations to the number of transactions and amount of funds (4.18)

are rated high. Additionally, the fact that limited compatibleness with certain stores and payment

terminals received lower score (4.11) may be presumed that it might not be a major barrier to the

respondents for everyday use. However, statements like “there are features of the mobile wallet

that I used which I do not have knowledge about” (3.33), and “some digital wallets charge

hidden fees, such as transaction fees, foreign exchange fees, or account maintenance fees” (3.06)

somewhat make the respondents stand in the middle because these might not be a pressing issue

for most MSME business owners.

Part IV. Degree of Satisfaction with E-wallet

The degree of satisfaction of respondents towards the convenience, security, transaction

fees, speed, compatibility, customer support, and overall impact of the digital wallet have been

gathered through a likert scale and examined in order for the interpretation to be defined and

precise. Here, the researchers have presented the data in a tabular form after they have computed

and deduced it based on the formula and scale given in the Chapter 3 of this study.
Table 4
Level of Satisfaction to E-wallet’s Features

Frequency Weighte
(x) d Mean Descriptive
Indicator Score
V ∑ wx Equivalent
VS S N D ∑ wx
D n
1. How satisfied are you
with the convenience
that the e-wallet app 173 125 35 0 0 1470 4.41 Satisfied
provides for the
processing of payments
and transactions?
2. How satisfied are you Neither
with the safety and 79 48 128 12 66 1061 3.19 satisfied nor
security measures of e-
wallet? dissatisfied
3. How satisfied are you
with the speed and
efficiency of completing 235 98 0 0 0 1567 4.71 Very satisfied
transactions with e-
4. How satisfied are you
with the ability to track
and manage your 93 183 57 0 0 1368 4.11 Satisfied
business finances
through e-wallet?
5. How satisfied are you
with the transaction fees 51 129 136 17 0 1213 3.64 Satisfied
associated upon using e-
6. How satisfied are you
with the compatibility of Neither
your e-wallet with 85 66 60 98 24 1065 3.20 satisfied nor
certain payment dissatisfied
7. How satisfied are you
with the customer
support provided by 108 114 80 31 0 1298 3.90 Satisfied
your e-wallet service
8. How satisfied are you 127 155 51 0 0 1408 4.23 Satisfied
with the overall impact
of using e-wallet on your
Average Weighted Mean 3.92 Satisfied
Note: Highest frequencies are in boldface;
Legend: 4.51-5.0 (VS - Very Satisfied) 2.51-3.50 (N - Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied) 1.0-1.50 (SD - Very Dissatisfied)
3.51-4.50 (S - Satisfied) 1.51-2.50 (D - Dissatisfied)

Table 4 illustrates the level of satisfaction of respondents to the features of e-

wallet because they have an impact to their business. The total average weighted mean across all

features was 3.92, which falls within the category of "Satisfied." This indicates that, in general,

MSME business owners are positive about their e-wallet experience, however, they are still not

that contented with how digital wallets are right now.

The highest satisfaction rating (4.71) was with the statement related to the speed and

efficiency of completing transactions since with e-wallet, the respondents have experienced that

they can immediately pay their bills rather than queuing up. They are also deemed satisfied with

the convenience that the e-wallet provides upon processing payments and transactions because it

has a mean of 4.41. This highlights the core value proposition of e-wallets for efficiency and ease

of use. While moderate satisfaction, the ability to track and manage business finances (4.11)

received positive rating, suggesting that this aspect meet user needs. Lower satisfaction scores

were observed for "customer support" (3.90), "transaction fees" (3.64), and "compatibility with

payment terminals" (3.20). Furthermore, it is expected that the respondents are neither satisfied

nor dissatisfied with the security and safety measures (3.19) because they are double-edged

sword. Lastly, the overall impact of digital wallet to the operations of their business has been

satisfactory as it has a mean of 4.23, indicating that they are alright with the features of e-wallet.

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