Write Medical Term For The Definitions.

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-ectomy: cắt bỏ, loại bỏ -stomy: cắt, khoan, tạo (lỗ) mới -otomy: cắt mở 1 bộ phận

Write the medical terms for the following situations

1. Disease of bone and joints oste/o: bone arthr/o: joint osteoarthrpathy

2. Surgical excision (cắt bỏ) of cartilage (sụn) chondrectomy

3. Pertaining to the neck (cổ) and arm

Cervical: cổ brachial: cánh tay cervicobrachial

4. Softening of the bones caused by vitamin D deficiency Osteomalacia

-malacia: làm mềm

5. Excision (cắt bỏ) of a vertebra (đốt sống) vertebrectomy

Vertebr/o: vertebra, spinal column

6. Hardening (làm cứng) of the bone ostesclerosis

Scler/o: hard/cứng

7. The rupture (vỡ) of a muscle myorrhexis

My/o: muscle (disease) muscul/o: muscle (pertaining to)

Rrhexis: rupture (vỡ) rrhaphy: suture (khâu)

8. Surgical repair (sửa chữa) of a bone osteoplasty

9. Twitching (co giật) of a muscle is myospasm

-spasm: co giật -ismus: co thắt

10. The tumor of smooth muscle leiomyoma

Leiomy/o: cơ trơn -oma: ung thư

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