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Reading (Fill in the blanks)

Reading 1.

Read the following passage and circle the best answer to fill in the blanks

Vitamins and Minerals

The two substances every human body needs are vitamins and minerals. Many people think the
substances are the same, but they are different, though both are (1) necessary to keep the body
functioning properly, strong, and healthy.

Vitamins are organic substances, meaning they are made by plants and
animals. Minerals are inorganic, which come from the soil and water and (2) are absorbed by
plants and eaten by animals.

Both vitamins and minerals come (3) from the foods, but some foods have more vitamins or
minerals than other foods. For example, a mineral called calcium is needed in(4) larger amounts
than another mineral, iron, which is a trace mineral because you only need small amounts of it
each day. In addition, there are some vitamins found in certain foods though not in other foods,
such as Vitamin A, which comes from eating carrots, it is not found in milk, which (5) contains
Vitamin D.

1. A. necessary cần thiết

B. good

C. bad

D common

2. A. absorbed

B. are absorbed được hấp thụ

C. is absorb

D. absorbs

3. A. to

B. from
C. in

D. at

4. A. large

B. largest

C. larger

C. the large


A. contains

B. contain

C. consists

D. consit

Reading 2.

The common cold

The common cold, also known simply as the cold, is a viral infectious disease of the upper (1)
respiratory tract that primarily affects the nose. It is also possible that the throat, sinuses, and
voice box get also (2) affected . It is the most frequent infectious disease in humans. The
average adult gets two to four colds a year, while the average child may get six to eight. They
occur more(3) commonly during the winter. These infections have been with humanity (4)
throughout history.

Signs and symptoms may begin less than two days following exposure. They include
coughing, sore throat, runny nose, sneezing, headache, and fever. People usually recover in
seven to ten days. Some symptoms may last up to three weeks. In those with other health
problems, pneumonia may (5) occasionally develop.

1. A. breathing

B. breathless

C. respiratory

D respiration
2. A. affected ảnh hưởng

B. effected thực hiện

C. resulted

D. provided

3. A. common

B. in common

C. in commonly

D. commonly thông thường

4. A. in

B. on

. throughout

C. among

5. A. occasion

B. occasionally

C. occasional

D. occasionality

Reading 3.

Fresh water

water can become polluted in many ways. Aside from the (1) fortunate dumping of trash into
the fresh water, it becomes polluted as the rain or snow picks up pollutants in the air as the
precipitation falls (2) on earth. There are chemicals in the air that makes the rain turn into
acid. Acid rain harms both living things and property.

Water also gets (3) . polluted when there is runoff water. This is water that runs off the land and
becomes in contact with the trash on the ground therefore polluting the fresh water supply.

Groundwater is a (4) difficult hazard to keeping water fresh. As groundwater soaks down
through the sol it can pick up chemicals such as pesticides that contaminate the fresh water.
There are also water supplies that get polluted by industries. For example, water that is used to
produce paper is (5) faster filled with fibers and chemicals.

And water is polluted in the household as you flush toilets, wash dishes, brush teeth, or take a
bath. Water becomes polluted with waste and is pumped to a plant to recycle. This helps recycle
our fresh water supply because it is so small and in great demand. The fresh water cycle is
complex and vital to life. Aquifers, reservoirs, and pollution all are key factors in supplying fresh
water to earth.

Because only a small portion of the earth's water supply is fresh water, it is important to not only
keep it fresh, but also to keep the water cycle running.


A. fortunate không may

B. fortunately

C. unfortunate

D. unfortunately

2. A. on

B. to

C. in

D. under

3. A. pollution

B. pollutants

C. polluting

D. polluted

4. A. difficult

B. heavy

C. potential

C. hard

5. A. slow
B. slowly

C. fast

D. faster

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