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How to Manifest Your Soulmate Using the Law of Attraction Express Gratitude

Express Gratitude


Before you go into a hypnotic state, be sure that you have your clothes loosened in any
areas where they may be tight, and then get yourself into a very comfortable position,
close your eyes and begin inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly…

Continue inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly about five or six times …

Each time you exhale your whole body keeps relaxing more, you continue feeling
calmer, more peaceful and more at ease …

As you continue relaxing, I want you to use your imagination. Imagine yourself lying on
the grass in a soft, green meadow, the sun is shining gently, and there is an easy breeze
blowing over your body …

You continue feeling more comfortable and at ease …

Beautiful flowers are blooming all around you …

You can see the flowers moving gently in the breeze …

Notice the wonderful fragrance of the flowers …

Now, in your mind I want you to stand up …

Look over and see the beautiful mountain at the end of this meadow …

Let’s take a trip up that mountain …

© 2020 Victoria M. Gallagher All Rights Reserved. You may use this script for your own personal purposes. No commercial purposes are permitted.
For more resources go to:
How to Manifest Your Soulmate Using the Law of Attraction Express Gratitude

You look around and notice an easy flowing stream to the right of you …

You are walking over to the stream, and you bend over and put your hand in the water.
You notice the water is pure, clean, cool and refreshing. Listen to the gentle flow of the
rapids …

Since the stream seems to come from the mountains, let’s follow the stream up into
the mountains …

As we walk along, following the stream, we come to a pond at the head of the stream …

It looks so refreshing and so enjoyable, but it’s time to continue moving up the mountain

As we climb, you can hear the birds chirping …

You smell the pine trees …

Once in a while you can still see the meadow in small openings between the trees …

The breeze is blowing gently, and you can notice the smell of small cedar trees as we
are nearing the top of the mountain …

Just a few more steps and we will be at the top …

We finally made it …

You can see the deep canyon on the other side …

And from this side you can see the meadow below …

You can hear the birds chirping …

You can smell the fragrance of the flowers …

The meadow below is in full view from here …

The scene is really beautiful …

You decide to stop and rest …

© 2020 Victoria M. Gallagher All Rights Reserved. You may use this script for your own personal purposes. No commercial purposes are permitted.
For more resources go to:
How to Manifest Your Soulmate Using the Law of Attraction Express Gratitude

And now you are ready to receive suggestions

The Law of Increase is about expressing gratitude for what I already have. When
I express gratitude for that which I already have, I am resonating with the things I
appreciate and desire in my life and so I receive more of the same.

Whatever I am waiting for, hoping for, desiring on a deep level, whether it is love,
money, peace, health, intelligence, spiritual advancement … it will come to me when I
am ready to receive it with a grateful heart.

I take time to appreciate the gifts I already have.

Gratitude is the key to happiness.

Appreciation is one of the strongest positive emotions I can feel.

In order to have more of what I want, I acknowledge what I already have.

Today, I take a look around me and I see the beauty of it all.

What I focus on expands and so I focus on those things that I want to expand. I choose
my perspective and my perspective creates my reality.

I am changing my reality because I am changing my perspective to one of thankfulness.

Today I am thankful for all of my blessings.

Today I say thank you at every opportunity, beginning now.

Thank you.

Thank you for my body.

Thank you for this place where I am.

© 2020 Victoria M. Gallagher All Rights Reserved. You may use this script for your own personal purposes. No commercial purposes are permitted.
For more resources go to:
How to Manifest Your Soulmate Using the Law of Attraction Express Gratitude

Thank you for the air that I breathe. I feel my breath and I thank you for that breath.
Breathe in and be thankful. Breathe out and be thankful.

Thank you for the ability to listen and to understand.

Thank you for my heart, my brain, my life.

Today, whenever I look at anyone, I see the beauty in that person. I see what is right
with that person. I find a reason to be thankful for that person.

I am grateful. My life is good. My life is wonderful. I love my life.

I feel good right here and right now. For this moment, thank you.

I practice saying thank you all the time. As my appreciation and my gratitude grow
and expand, my life looks even better to me.

As my perspective on my life changes, so does my reality. Each and every day, my reality
is getting better. Great things are happening in my life. I experience the greatness and
the fullness of my life. I experience the joy that is already in my life. And I already know
my life is getting better in so many ways.

What am I paying attention to? Am I paying attention to what’s right or what’s wrong?
Am I paying attention to what’s good or what’s bad? Am I paying attention to what I
have or what I don’t have? Am I paying attention to what I want or what I don’t want?

Today, I really notice what is wonderful about my life.

I stop and smell the roses in my life.

Who am I grateful for right now?

I now bring this person to mind and send them thanks … I send them positive energy
… I wish them well.

What am I grateful for right now?

I now bring one thing to mind that I have in my life. I notice it. I notice the joy it has
brought to me. I feel grateful for at least this one thing in my life.

© 2020 Victoria M. Gallagher All Rights Reserved. You may use this script for your own personal purposes. No commercial purposes are permitted.
For more resources go to:
How to Manifest Your Soulmate Using the Law of Attraction Express Gratitude

What else am I grateful for right now?

I now bring whatever comes up to mind. And I experience deep appreciation.

I plan to stay this way all day today. I plan to remain in gratitude just for today, and I
notice how much better my day is working for me.

And what I notice is that the more I focus on what I already have, the better I feel. And
the better I feel, the more I attract that which I want to create.

What do I want to create?

For a moment, I think about what it is that I want to create.

I imagine myself with my creation. I show my appreciation of it. I experience the

gratitude I feel having it. I express thanks. It’s coming my way. The seed has already
been planted and soon I will have it.

I feel good now.

I water and nourish that seed. I now find another good thing that I can feel happy and
grateful for and am thankful.

Being grateful is contagious. The more I practice gratitude, the more I realize I have to
be grateful for.

I take time to appreciate the things and the people and the experiences I already have.
It’s perfectly fine to have more, be more, do more and want more. And … it’s just as
important to be thankful for what I already have.

At one point, I wanted the things that I have attracted and created in my life. And even
if I never knew I wanted what I have now, I know I have attracted and created those
things on some level and for some purpose.

I take time to thank God or the Universe or myself, or whoever brought these things
to me.

I count my blessings … I show my thanks. I say thank you.

© 2020 Victoria M. Gallagher All Rights Reserved. You may use this script for your own personal purposes. No commercial purposes are permitted.
For more resources go to:
How to Manifest Your Soulmate Using the Law of Attraction Express Gratitude

Thank you!

Thank you!

Thank you!

Thank you is just another way of saying to the universe, Yes, I like this, and I’ll have even
more of this please.

And I am even thankful for those things that are on the way to me, that haven’t shown
up yet. I am thankful because I know that it’s on the way.

Let’s think about one of those things that are on the way to me now.

Let’s be very specific. For instance, if I am thinking about love being on the way, that’s
just fine. Let’s go one step beyond love, to one specific way I will feel because of that

What is one thing I will do, be, or have when I have love?

Good …

Now let’s think about one more thing that is on the way to me now.

Again, let’s be very specific. Maybe it’s a relationship. Maybe it’s making some aspect
of my existing relationship better. And if that’s something I want … let’s imagine a
situation or a scene with me and this ideal person with an ideal quality or behavior.

Good …

Now let’s think about one more thing that is on the way to me right now.

Perhaps this time it is with my health. Now, let’s get very specific about how I want
myself to be. Maybe it’s an action I am able to do now that I am completely healthy.
Or maybe it’s a way that I want my body or my face to look. Whatever it may be … let’s
imagine that however I can … see it or feel it or even hear something I or someone else
has said to me.

Good …

© 2020 Victoria M. Gallagher All Rights Reserved. You may use this script for your own personal purposes. No commercial purposes are permitted.
For more resources go to:
How to Manifest Your Soulmate Using the Law of Attraction Express Gratitude

I am now creating the things I really want in my life.

Each day I find more and more already existing creations to feel really good and really
happy about.

I pay attention to the frequencies I am emitting to the universe through careful

observation of my thoughts and my feelings. I am aware that my thoughts and
my feelings affect my ultimate reality. It is like a command. I choose to experience
gratitude. This is the most positive vibration I can feel. I feel really good when I set
out to experience the gratitude for the things that I have in my life. I am so much more
appreciative and happier now when I think about my life. My life is getting better and
better all the time.

I take time at least each day to be thankful. Whenever anything positive happens, even
if it is the most minor thing … I take that moment to REALLY pay attention to it, validate
it, and focus on that ONE positive thing, big or small, and notice every detail about it
and really say and feel the words THANK YOU!

I’m getting better and better at paying attention to the good things, big or small that
I have in my life.

There is magic in doing this as I embrace it fully. I embrace it. It is simple. I just
remember to say thank you. I am grateful for what I DO have, and I choose to feel
good. I choose to have a positive day today. I notice the wonder in everything around
me and I watch my environment, the people around me and the things I have in my life
magically change, flourish and grow.

As you begin to return to conscious awareness, you realize you are a person of great
value and you deserve the best that life has to offer.

Just sit here for as long as you want and when your eyes feel that they are naturally
ready to open, they will open, and you will make it your intention to come back to full
waking consciousness and reflect on your experience.

© 2020 Victoria M. Gallagher All Rights Reserved. You may use this script for your own personal purposes. No commercial purposes are permitted.
For more resources go to:

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