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[MGTG-C-209; MGTGS-C-209]


About the Rural Immersion Programme (RIP):
Rural Immersion Programme (RIP) is a part of the MBA course at Department of Management,
North-Eastern Hill University (NEHU), Tura Campus, Meghalaya. It carries 2 credit points in
the Second Semester of MBA programme. In this programme, the students have to visit the
villages of any state in India to understand the rural landscape, the community, their cultures
and most importantly the problems faced by the villagers/communities. This programme is the
perfect blend of hands-on, real life learning experiences which enhances the multiple skills like
critical thinking, analytical skills, problem solving, decision making, leadership skills etc. The
duration of the programme will be 14 days (2 weeks).
The main objective is to provide the students with the real insights into rural society/economy
and their real issues faced by the people. It also aims to develop multiple managerial skills to
be possessed by an MBA graduate.
Learning Outcomes:
Through this programme, students will develop a broader perspective and a deeper
understanding of the rural society in India and help explore innovative solutions for various
rural problems. The students will get the opportunity to work and learn on various areas like
agriculture & farm management, water storage & conservation, irrigation system, education
system, healthcare system, solar power utilisation, water recycling etc.
Guidelines for the students:
1. Students are required to identify a village of their choice along with the justification
and inform their respective institutional guide before the commencement of the
2. Secondly, they need to identify their respective area from the following domain areas
(but not restricted to):
a) Gram Panchayats
b) Co-operative Societies
c) NGOs
d) Agriculture & farm management
e) water storage & conservation
f) irrigation system
g) education system
h) healthcare system
i) solar power utilisation
j) water recycling etc.
(The above areas are only suggestive; the students may select other areas
relevant to the particular rural areas/village as per their choice/in consultation
with their Departmental guides).
3. During the programme, the student needs to visit and stay in the village. They need to
interact with the villagers (minimum 20 in nos) and collect data/information related to
problems/issues within the area/domain of their choices.
4. During the programme, the students need to be in touch with their guides regularly to
provide updates and also for any doubts/queries related to the programme.
5. Once completed, the students need to prepare a report which needs to be submitted to
the department through their respective guides. Simultaneously, the students need to
prepare and give the presentation formally in front of the departmental committee. Both
the report and presentation will be considered for evaluation which carries 2 credit
points. The date of submission of Report/presentation will be in March.
6. The sections of the Report will ordinarily include: Title of the Study; Study backdrop
(Introduction); Significance of the Study; Study Profile; Methodology;
Analyses/Observation and Discussion; Suggestion and Conclusion; Implications of the
Study; References; Appendix (Pictures related to Rural Immersion Programme
including the student).


Industrial Tour Programme (ITP) is a part of the MBA course at Department of Management,
North-Eastern Hill University (NEHU), Tura Campus, Meghalaya. It carries 2 credit points in
the Second Semester of MBA programme. In this programme, the students have to visit
Industries (ordinarily selected from any two cities in India). This programme is the perfect
blend of hands-on, real life learning experiences which enhances the multiple skills like critical
thinking, analytical skills, problem solving, decision making, leadership skills etc. The duration
of the programme will be 14 days (2 weeks).
The main objective is to provide the students with the real insights into the corporate world and
their real issues faced by the organizations and their functioning. It also aims to develop
multiple managerial skills to be possessed by an MBA graduate.
Learning Outcomes:
Through this programme, students will develop a broader perspective and a deeper
understanding of the practical aspects of the company/industrial units on how they work and
functions. The students will get the opportunity to learn about the domains and practices of
marketing, finance, HR and so on.
Guidelines for the students:
1. During the industrial visits, the students need to interact with the officials to understand
the practical ground work scenario. Data/information related to the company/industrial
unit and associated problems/issues within the area/ subject domain should be made
clear through observations and interactions with the guide. The students are advised to
carry note pad and jot down the observations.
2. After the industrial tour is over, the students need to prepare a report which needs to be
submitted to the department. Simultaneously, the students need to prepare and give the
presentation formally either individually/group in front of the departmental committee.
Both the report and presentation will be considered for evaluation which carries 2 credit
points. The date of submission of Report/presentation will be in March.

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