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Section1 (network setup)

Types of networks
• LAN(with cables)
• WLAN (using WiFi or Bluetooth
• Intranet / extranet

Shaimaa El-Adl & Mostafa Mahdy

J22-13 (10)

10(a)(i) Two from:

Public access
Its world wide/International

Shaimaa El-Adl & Mostafa Mahdy

Vast collection of computers and networks/network of networks/WAN/Wide Area

10(a)(ii) Two from:

Private network
Restricted access
Used in companies and organisations
Used to share internal documents, internal emails

10(b) Six from:

Vast amount of information
Faster to access information
Search engines allow the user to search quickly vast amounts of information
Information increases all the time
Its widely available
Allows users to meet other people/like minded people/communicate with friends over
long distances
Easy for all people to use
Allows people to easily join specialist world wide groups
Allows social networking
Pages are hyperlinked so easier/quicker to find related pages
Allows online shopping/banking
Allows online up to date news, sports around the world/TV on demand
Allows interactivity, such as watching a video to see how to do a task/training aid
Helps vulnerable people to communicate with others
Allows people to be creative/make own websites

Shaimaa El-Adl & Mostafa Mahdy

N22-13 (11)

Two from:
Type in a web address
Use a search engine
Type what you need on the search bar

Four from:
The internet
Network of Networks//WAN
It is the infrastructure
Contains email, FTP
The World Wide Web
Collection of websites
Accessed from the internet
Service of the internet
To gain full marks the explanation must have correct answers for both the internet
and World Wide Web

Shaimaa El-Adl & Mostafa Mahdy

J21-12 (9)

9(a) Two from:

Send/receiving emails
Send/receive attachments/files
Internal file transfer within the company
Allows the creation of extranets
Surf internal information/webpages
Sharing/use of applications/resources

9(b) Four from, with descriptions:

Online chat
Online conferencing , internet telephone
File transfer

Shaimaa El-Adl & Mostafa Mahdy

J21-13 (7)

Shaimaa El-Adl & Mostafa Mahdy

Two from:
So that other people cannot access the router using the known default password
So that people cannot make changes to/access personal data on the router
It would increase security of the data
Four from:
The computer/device sends data to its wireless adapter
The data is converted into radio waves
The radio waves are transmitted
A wireless adapter receives the radio waves
Radio waves are converted into data
The computer initiates a handshake with the wireless router
The wireless router responds
Establishes a session/pairing
Wireless router checks the password/key is correct
Data is transmitted
User has to enter a password/passkey/automatic entry of key for known connections

Four from:
Create a cloud storage account
Ensure sufficient storage in the cloud account
Log into the cloud at home
Upload/transfer the diagrams from his home computer to the cloud
At university: access/login to his cloud storage account
At university: download/access the stored diagrams

Shaimaa El-Adl & Mostafa Mahdy

N21-11 (7)

7 Four from:
Smartphone sends data to its Bluetooth connector
Data is converted to radio waves
The smartphone automatically detects nearby devices
The smartphone pairs to the other device if in range
The connection is established
Sends the radio wave to the other device

Shaimaa El-Adl & Mostafa Mahdy

N21-11 (8)

8(a) Four from:

Internet is used to share and distribute information outside the organisation
whereas the intranet within an organisation
Internet is used to send and receive emails and messages outside the
organisation whereas intranet sends and receives messages within an
The intranet meets the needs of the organisation whereas internet aims to
meet the needs of everybody
The internet facilitates collaboration with others whereas the intranet is only
used to collaborate with other members within an organisation
The internet is used to browse the World Wide Web

8(b) password voice facial password

Shaimaa El-Adl & Mostafa Mahdy

Network devices
• General
• Bridge
• Network card
• Hub
• Switch
• WAN (internet)
• Modem
• Router

J22-11 (1)

Bridge Hub

J22-12 (3)

3(a) Modem 3(b) Router

3(c) Switch 3(d) Network interface Card/NIC

Shaimaa El-Adl & Mostafa Mahdy

J22-13 (9)

9(a) Three from:

Internet protocol address
Assigned to your computer/NIC/device when it connects to a network
Uniquely identifies NIC/device on an IP network/unique number
Locates individual devices on a network/internet
Can show/indicate/track the physical location of the device

9(b) Three from:

The router creates data packets
The router receives the data packet
The data packet contains the destination/IP address
The router looks at the destination/IP address in the packet
The router uses its/has a routing table
Router compares the destination address in the packet with the addresses in its routing
The router then determines the best route to the next router/network/destination

Shaimaa El-Adl & Mostafa Mahdy

J21-11 (8)

8 Six from:
Both are network devices
Both are hardware devices
Both have computers and devices connected to them
Both send data to devices//Both are communication devices
In a hub data packets/data are broadcast to every device connected to it
A hub is less secure than a switch in distributing data
Switch checks the data packet
Switch sends to an appropriate device
To gain full marks both contrast and comparison is needed

Shaimaa El-Adl & Mostafa Mahdy

N21-12 (4)

4(a) Switch
4(b) Hub
4(c) Router
4(d) Bridge

Shaimaa El-Adl & Mostafa Mahdy

Section2 (network effects)
• Accessing websites (URL, HTTP, HTTPS, FTP)
• Wikis
• Blogs
• Forums
• Social networking websites
• Communicating
• e-mail
• instant messaging
• video conference
• audio conference
• web conference
• internet telephony (VOIP)

J22-12 (8)

8(a) 2193733.pdf
8(b) igcse-ICT-0417
8(d) Secure internet protocol (hyper text transfer protocol secure)

Shaimaa El-Adl & Mostafa Mahdy

J21-11 (6)

6(a) Two from:

File transfer protocol
Network protocol
Used for transferring files from one computer to another

J21-13 (5)

5(a) Web browser

5(b) Blog
5(c) Wiki

Shaimaa El-Adl & Mostafa Mahdy

J21-13 (15)

Four from:
Files can be larger therefore it can save physical storage space
More likely to get the music you need
More likely to get more up to date music
Can be accessed in more places as only need the internet
Don’t need physical storage space
Don’t need optical drives to view/listen to movie/audio
Can be viewed on mobile devices with internet connection
Copyright owners have more control over who can watch the movie/listen to the audio as
no physical copy exists to be copied/pirated
Don’t have to wait for the whole/large file to be downloaded before viewing
Physical copies can be lost/stolen/damaged rendering them useless/have to buy again
but steamed movies are always available
Needs a connection to the internet
Never own a physical copy of the file
The playback is dependent on the internet connection therefore may not be as good a
A subscription may be needed to be paid therefore may be more expensive
To gain full marks there needs to be advantages and disadvantages

Shaimaa El-Adl & Mostafa Mahdy

N21-11 (12)

12(a) Two from:

Dedicated website/app/platforms
It interacts with other users
Can be used to find people with similar interests
12(b) Six from:
Communicating with friends and colleagues all over the world
Instant communication
Easy to find other people with common interests
Allows the exchange of content or documents
Allows people to share best practice/knowledge/skills
It can help in community projects
Gives up to date information
As it is seen by a lot of people helps advertising
Easier for online buying and selling//market products
Can be used more easily for analytics and market research
It can promote talent quickly, musicians
Make/socialise with new friends

Shaimaa El-Adl & Mostafa Mahdy

N21-12 (13)

13 Four from:
Online discussion forum/social platform/website
Where the posts are controlled/monitored by an administrator
Those that break the rules are banned
Filters out inappropriate posts
Moderated forums have rules/policy

N21-13 (6)

6 Four from:
Online discussion forum/social platform/website
Do not have an administrator
Posts are not controlled/monitored
Relies on a voluntary code from its users

Shaimaa El-Adl & Mostafa Mahdy

People write what they want
There are no rules//Users cannot be banned for what they write

N21-13 (7)

7(c) Two from:

Secure Socket Layer
Communication protocol
Security technology
Encrypted link…
…between the server and the client
Ensures all data remains private
7(d) https://
One from:
This is the hypertext transfer protocol secure // ensures site is secure
Set of rules//protocol
Tawarabank This shows the domain name/company name that the company have
.com The company/domain is registered in multiple countries

Shaimaa El-Adl & Mostafa Mahdy

Risks & security

• Virus
• Anti-virus
• Hacking
• Authentication
• Firewall
• Encryption
• Phishing
• Smishing
• Vishing
• Pharming
• Key logging
• Shoulder surfing
• Card cloning
• Non-policed internet
• Stealing personal info online
• E-safety

J22-11 (12)

Shaimaa El-Adl & Mostafa Mahdy

12(b) Three from:
Report/block cyberbullies
Respect other players
Check game ratings for age
Reduce the amount of time spent gaming
Be careful of in-app purchases
Turn on privacy settings
Don’t use your real name//use a nick name
Don’t give away personal information
Don’t use webcam/mic while playing the game

12(c) Max two from:

Part of the authentication system
Needed to improve security
Max three from:
Combined they are unique
User ID is an identifier for the user
Password is a string of characters
Passwords verify the user in the authentication process

Shaimaa El-Adl & Mostafa Mahdy

J22-12 (7)

7(b) One mark for the explanation

Personal data is data relating to an individual/person that can be identified
One mark per example
Name, address, date of birth, gender, biometrics, mobile/cell phone number, credit/debit
card number, personnel ID
number, personal appearance, medical record, criminal record, ethnic origin, picture of
yourself, political opinions, religious
or philosophical beliefs, trade-union membership record, genetic data, IP address, racial

7(c) Four from:

The person can be identified from the data
The data is confidential as it links directly to the person

Shaimaa El-Adl & Mostafa Mahdy

If someone gets access to the data then they can use the information to attack the
If not kept confidential and secure it could lead to home burglaries as people post
holiday details on social media
If not kept confidential and secure it could lead to the chance of users suffering physical
Protects sensitive data

J22-12 (14)

Shaimaa El-Adl & Mostafa Mahdy

14(a) Two from:
Spam is junk mail
Sent in large numbers to inboxes
Unwanted/unsolicited emails
Fills the inbox
Used for advertising
Used for phishing/spreading malware

14(b) Max four from:

Multiple spelling/grammatical errors
Asked to carry out tasks immediately
Asking to click on a link
Does not ask for you by name
Stored in a SPAM folder
Email asks for personal information
Large amount of repeated emails from same user
Lots of other similar email addresses in the send to box
Max four from:
Use a spam filter
Not filling your details on online form
Not replying to spam emails
Not having an auto reply set
Not consenting to marketing when providing details to a company / don’t subscribe to
mailing lists
Do not give email address

J22-13 (9)

9(c) Four from:

It is needed for network security
It controls/checks the incoming and outgoing network traffic

Shaimaa El-Adl & Mostafa Mahdy

A firewall is a barrier between a trusted secure internal network and the internet//network
and the user
It can log incoming and outgoing traffic
It stops malicious traffic/cyber attacks/checks incoming data against criteria
It prevents computers connecting to unwanted sites
It prevents untrusted/un-recognised/un-authorised computers/users accessing data on
the system
Protects data
Sends warnings/alerts the user

J22-13 (12)

Shaimaa El-Adl & Mostafa Mahdy

12(a) Four from:
Be careful of impersonators/people pretending to be officials
Safely dispose of personal information / read agreement / terms before entering
personal info
Encrypt your data
Keep passwords private/Use a strong password
Don’t share personal data
Keep privacy settings high
Use security software/anti-spyware
Avoid phishing emails
Use a nickname/alias online

12(b) Four from:

For policed
Prevents illegal material being readily available
Prevents young children accessing unsuitable material
Ensures copyright laws are maintained
Prevents hate comments/foul language/racial comments
Against policed
Governments block text/viewpoints/their own bias viewpoint
Unsuitable material is easily available in other ways
Control would cost money and users would have to pay
Control would be very difficult to enforce
Could cause less people to use it
Laws are different in each country but the internet is world wide
Creates a feeling of always being watched
To gain full marks the discussion must have correct answers for both for and
against policed

Shaimaa El-Adl & Mostafa Mahdy

N22-11 (3)

Max three from:
Weak password is easy to guess
Weak passwords consist of all letters or all digits or all digits with one letter/all letters
with one digit//words found in a dictionary//Strong passwords use a mixture of upper
case, lower case, symbols and digits
Weak password is one that has less than 8 characters
Weak password has repeated characters
Weak password has characters next to each other on a QWERTY keyboard
Weak passwords are ones that are similar to the username
Weak passwords can use personal information
All of the examples given in the question are weak passwords
Max two from:
A good example of a strong password
A good example of a different weak password

Shaimaa El-Adl & Mostafa Mahdy

N22-11 (7)

Six from:
I block unwanted messages/suspicious users…
…and report the sender
I never arrange to meet strangers alone
I always tell a responsible adult if I plan to meet someone
I always meet in a public place
I avoid giving away personal information
I report abusive messages from a sender of the messages
I report cyber-bullying
When sending messages I always use appropriate language
If someone messages me with private and personal information about themselves I
respect their confidentiality/privacy
I always read carefully the messages before I send
I avoid sarcasm
I am not offensive when replying
I carefully check that I am replying to the correct person
I do not enable my location when messaging

Shaimaa El-Adl & Mostafa Mahdy

N22-11 (11)

Six from:
The data will have the name/medical information attached therefore it needs protecting
The data is confidential as it links directly to the person
The data will be sensitive
To prevent blackmail/bullying from using medical results
To prevent fraud from using financial information
To prevent identity theft using contact details
To avoid the doctor’s surgery getting fined if it got made public
The doctor’s surgery’s reputation would suffer
Patients would lose trust

Shaimaa El-Adl & Mostafa Mahdy

N22-12 (4)

Two from:
Password is too short
Easy to guess
Contains personal information
Doesn’t contain a mixture of uppercase, lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols
Contains repeated letters

Two from:
Use drop-down lists
Use biometric passwords
Use one use tokens/OTP
Use a device instead of a password
Use on screen keyboard

Shaimaa El-Adl & Mostafa Mahdy

N22-13 (13)

Six from:
Do not give away personal information
Do not use your real name as your username
Do not use your face image as your avatar
If you receive messages from unwanted users block and report them
Do not meet unknown users in real life//use a chaperone
Do not give financial information to other users
If you receive unwanted and abusive messages report the sender of the messages
When sending messages always us appropriate language
Think before you reply to a message

Shaimaa El-Adl & Mostafa Mahdy

N22-13 (15)

Use of the Cloud
The cloud does not require a physical device
Storage size is not an issue with the cloud
Cloud is operated by a third party therefore security could be an issue
Require a stable internet to access to upload and download the data
Portable device: pen drive/Hard drive
The device uses USB port therefore it is easy to plug in
Does not require access to the internet to access the data
May be lost/damaged in transit

Shaimaa El-Adl & Mostafa Mahdy

Magnetic drives can be affected by strong magnets/x rays
Limited number of read/writes
Email as an attachment
Do not require physical device
Require access to the email account both at home and in the office
The memory size could be an issue
Requires the use of the internet

Max two from:
Scrambling data
Changing plain text into cipher
Encryption converts text into a meaningless form
Max two from:
To prevent data/information from being understandable to people who access/intercept
the data
Protects data

J21-11 (1)

Full name , Gender

Shaimaa El-Adl & Mostafa Mahdy

J21-11 (7)

7(d) Eight from:

Factors increasing effectiveness
Strong passwords are difficult to crack
Biometric passwords are harder to crack
Regularly changing passwords increases security
Use of two-factor authentication
Using different passwords for parts of the computer system makes it more
difficult to gain access to the full system
Firewall required to stop attacks from computers
Firewall stops fraudulent sites attacking the computer
Anti-spyware stops passwords being seen when typed in
Factors reducing effectiveness
Too complex a password can be easily forgotten
Passworded files may not be backed up
Using a number of different passwords can become cumbersome
Regularly changing passwords means that passwords may be forgotten
May be difficult to choose unique password if it is changed every few weeks

Shaimaa El-Adl & Mostafa Mahdy

Passwords may become more easy to guess if regularly changed
Hackers can breach most passwords
The firewall can affect the operation of the computer and stop some uploads
The firewall may need to be shut down at times to upload files therefore
making computer unsafe
Some legitimate software can be blocked by the firewall
To gain full marks both sides of the discussion are needed

J21-11 (11)

11(a) Gaining unauthorised access to a computer system – 1 mark

Two from:
Can lead to the identity theft of data
Can lead to the misuse of/access to personal data
Data can be deleted
Data can be changed
Data can be corrupted
Place malicious files/software

Shaimaa El-Adl & Mostafa Mahdy

11(b) Three from:
Use of firewalls to block unauthorised computer systems
Use of passwords
Use of intrusion detection software/anti-spyware
Use two-factor authentication
Switch off WiFi/computer when not in use

J21-12 (4)

4(a) Hacking
4(b) Spyware
4(c) Smishing

Shaimaa El-Adl & Mostafa Mahdy

J21-12 (9)

9(c) Benefits
Max four:
Can reduce cyber bullying/hate speech/sexual harassment
Can reduce social media from being used for illegal activities
Can reduce the ability to incite violence/trolling
Could prevent people from being subjected to inappropriate messages
Can reduce illegal/inappropriate images
Reduce copyright breaking
Freedom of speech is reduced
Would be very difficult to police as there is a massive amount of information
Different rules in different countries and social media crosses borders
Very costly to create an effective deterrent
Could force individuals to use other un-policed methods of communication
Who decides what is acceptable and what is not acceptable

Shaimaa El-Adl & Mostafa Mahdy

Privacy issues as people checking could read messages
Difficult to police as users can be anonymous
To gain full marks there needs to be benefits and drawbacks

J21-12 (11)

11 Max four from:

Adds a level of security
Verifies the email comes from a known and trusted source
Provides the receiver with a means of reply/private key
Used for initialising secure SSL connections between web browsers and web servers
Max three from:
Details of the owner of the digital certificate
Serial number
Public key
Digital signature
Subject name
Valid from
Valid to//Expiry date

Shaimaa El-Adl & Mostafa Mahdy

J21-12 (12)

12(a) Four from:

Information overload
Web sites at the top of the list may not be relevant
May be more irrelevant information

Shaimaa El-Adl & Mostafa Mahdy

Search engines may not include all web pages
If a website loads faster, it is given priority
Search engine company may be paid to display certain web pages

12(b) Six from:

Check the author of the website as anybody can publish their understanding
of a topic
Check if the website has excessive advertising
Check the content/advertising of its own products of a website to see if it
Check the final part of the domain name of the URL
Example .ac, .gov, .org
Check if site is endorsed by reliable/reputable people/organisations
Check if it has links to other reliable sites
Check if it has testimonials/reviews
Check if the author’s credentials are good
Check if information is comparable to other information from reliable
authenticated experts
Check if the date of the last update was a long time ago
Check if website has excessive spelling and grammar mistakes
Can compare information from other sites to see if it is reliable

J21-13 (7)

Shaimaa El-Adl & Mostafa Mahdy

Four from:
Install security devices/firewalls
Use a VPN
Install security software/anti-virus/anti-spyware
Set up security settings in the router/operating system
Data backup in case of data loss/corruption
Restrict access to the network infrastructure
Train the family in the safe and secure use of the equipment
Not opening emails/attachments from unknowns/phishing emails
Not downloading files from unknowns/phishing emails
Use a dongle to restrict use of software

J21-13 (9)

Shaimaa El-Adl & Mostafa Mahdy

Four matched pairs:
I never send personal data to people I do not know ...
... because people can use it against me
… as other people can access my personal details
I do not reply by using reply button unless I know the person ...
... because it may be a scam
I use a list of known email addresses ...
... so I don’t accidently send it to the wrong email address
I check before opening an email/email attachment ...
... because it might be a phishing attack
I scan both the email and attachment ...
... in order to avoid viruses
I never send images of myself to people I do not know ...
... so they cannot recognise me in the street
I do not set auto reply to my email system ...
... as this could alert a spammer that the email is active
I use email filtering ...
... this stops spam emails
I always report any phishing emails ...
... so the authorities can take action
I change my email password regularly ...
... so that others cannot access my email account
I use a strong password …
… so that others cannot access my email account
I logout of email after I have finished using it ...
... to stop others gaining access to my emails
I keep my password safe …
… so that others cannot access my account
To gain full marks at least three matched pairs are required

Shaimaa El-Adl & Mostafa Mahdy

N21-11 (11)

Shaimaa El-Adl & Mostafa Mahdy

11(a) Two from for example:
Email address
Real names
Home address
Contact phone number
Membership card number
Location data
Internet Protocol (IP) address
Picture of yourself

11(b) Two from:

Password should not relate to personal details
Should be a long password
Not previously used password
Should not include repeating/obvious patterns//predictable words
Password should be strong

11(c) Six from:

Use anti-spyware/up to date antivirus software
Play the games with the firewall operational
Play only with authorised versions of games which you have purchased from
the correct sources and for which you have a licence
Download/buy files and new software from reputable sources
Do not forget to delete your account details when you are not playing again
Keep the game software up to date.
When disposing of your gaming device ensure all of your personal information
has been deleted.
Choose a username that does not reveal any personal information
Be aware of criminals buying or selling ‘property’ that exists inside a computer
game, in the real world

Shaimaa El-Adl & Mostafa Mahdy

N21-12 (5)

5 Six from:
Change default name/usernames and passwords on the router
Change the default privacy//use a strong privacy setting
Disable features not in use
Use strong WiFi encryption
Separate the IoT from the home WiFi account
Keep software/hardware up to date
Avoid public WiFi networks
Ensure firewall is operational
Use anti-spyware/up to date anti-virus
Use strong passwords
Use unique passwords for each device
Change passwords regularly

Shaimaa El-Adl & Mostafa Mahdy

N21-12 (12)

12 These are points they will need to be expanded upon to gain the mark
Six from:
Removes freedom of speech
International therefore would be difficult to police
Laws are different in each country/state
The dark net would increase
Electronic crimes would move away from the internet to other places, making
them harder to intercept
Internet users can be anonymous therefore it will be difficult to track down
Who chooses what is blocked could affect day to day browsing
Concern that everything you do is being watched therefore privacy is lost
Could be breaches in sending/receiving confidential/personal data as others
could not see it
Increase in cost of security
Reduction in speed of browsing/search
Could lead to corruption/bribery//police may use the data
No one owns the internet so it would be impossible to police effectively
Very expensive to police the internet as extra police force has to be set up
As the internet it so big it is hard to keep track on all the activity
As the internet is dynamic it would be impossible to check everything

Shaimaa El-Adl & Mostafa Mahdy

N21-12 (14)

14(a) Two from:

Could be hardware or software
Sits between the computer/network and the router
Filters/controls/monitors data/traffic coming in and out of the college network
Four from:
Checks whether the data passing through it meets a given set of rules
Blocks data that does not satisfy the rules

Shaimaa El-Adl & Mostafa Mahdy

Alerts user about unwanted data
Can log all incoming and outgoing data/traffic to check later
Can prevent/block access to undesirable/inappropriate websites/IP addresses
Keeps a list of undesirable IP addresses
Can prevent hackers gaining access to the system
Can send out warnings
Can block the unwanted traffic in and out of the network
Keeps a list of desirable IP addresses/websites
It can block IP addresses

14(b) Four from:

Anyone can post information on the internet
Websites may contain incorrect information
Any information found will need to be checked against reliable sources
Similar websites may have conflicting data on the same topic
The search engines tend to be generalised
Search engines do not necessarily give the most reliable searches at the top
of the list//paying to have information at the top of the list
Data on the website could be out of date

Shaimaa El-Adl & Mostafa Mahdy

N21-13 (5)

5(a) Four from:

Scrambling of data
Changes the data into a form that is not understandable
Requires a decryption key/encryption key to decode
Encrypted using a encryption key/code
Changes plain text into cypher text

5(b) Four from:

Use anti-spyware to prevent key logging
Change passwords regularly//Do not repeat the same password
Use a different password for each system
Avoid common/predictable patterns as they are easier to guess
Use longer passwords as they are harder to guess
Use strong passwords
Use two-factor authentication so that hackers need both parts
Use a dropdown list for password entry

Shaimaa El-Adl & Mostafa Mahdy

Use a biometric password
Do not use passwords that directly links to the user
Do not allow webpages/device to remember the password

N21-13 (10)

10 Problem:
Award a mark for each problem identified
Max four from:
If I receive requests from unwanted users/people I do not know
If I get approached from people I do not know
If I receive unwanted and abusive messages
If I wish to post images of myself on the social media site
When talking to people on social media
If someone tells me private and personal information about themselves
Max five from:
I never arrange to meet them alone/take a chaperone
I always tell a responsible adult if I plan to meet someone
I always meet in a public place
I always chat to them in the main room
I avoid giving away personal information
I block them and report them
I report the sender of the messages
I avoid publishing inappropriate images/videos

Shaimaa El-Adl & Mostafa Mahdy

I avoid showing images of myself in school uniform
I always use appropriate language/content
I respect other people’s confidentiality
Make your account private
I only follow friends
I do not post my location until I have left it

Shaimaa El-Adl & Mostafa Mahdy

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