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as I see it, words can not work alone, promises are just lies, apologies are just manipulation

acting the way you said it. but on the other hand, actions without affirmation might be seen or
interpreted as something else, it could lead to confusion. so I would like to that both of these is crucial in
a relationship although, no one is perfect so most of us can't realize the fact that these need to work
together for it to be understood. But nowadays, especially that this generation is growing up to be non-
affectionate, they just act up to show their love, while the other partner comprehends it which makes
actions louder than words. eventhough we do not say a thing, if we act right and with the right person, it
will be an effective bond. in addition to that is the family background of a person, when they grew up in
a home where saying affirmations and appreciations to each other is seen as "cringe" or it is just not
normal at home to say nice things to each other it will affect how a person treat everyone they meet
and interact with. but love can not be hidden, no matter how hard you try, it will still be obvious by your
actions and behavior. you can show affection to your loved ones by cooking meals for them, taking them
out, having quality time, hanging out, dates, hugs, kisses, movies, or by just simply showing up when
either needed or not, your presence will be appreciated. But remember to still have deep conversations
with your significant other because it is a way to help strengthen your relationship and that way you can
understand each other and no words are needed to be said the next time. Especially on fights, I mean it
is completely normal to have arguments that you never talk about, you can talk about it calmly so that it
can be avoided. Because our actions can also be reckless at some time, and that is totally fine in a
relationship. It is what keeps it alive, making mistakes and making up to it by changing yourselves,
together you can make an environment wherein you make mistakes and change for the better, improve
your emotional intelligence. Not only you can grow in that relationship but grow as a person. you can
effortlessly show it to someone you love if it is indeed genuine and by that, even without words the love
would still be felt to the bones even without a word coming out of you words can always mean
something else. people can say a lot, talk a lot but not act up to it. and with too much words but in lack
of actions, it would be a bunch of lies. the case is, many people do this, thinking that it is fine to create a
problem and apologize for it just like that, they think that it is what an apology is made for, that it is fine
to repeat unpleasant stimulus just because you can say sorry to make it all up again. but it would never,
it’s just like stabbing someone in the chest and do nothing but apologize thinking that it will be normal
again if you do so. words can be manipulation. we can not control everything in life, but we can control
how we cope with it, and even get away with troubles using our words. it is too powerful yet so
dangerous. we can say anything we would want to just to protect our selves and other people without
knowing that lying will hurt them more than the truth but it can't be redeemed after all. it can scar for a
lifetime. it could cause so much pain, and just like the other side of the coin, it could make us the
happiest. when someone complimented us, say appreciative words, etc. but we can never be sure if
those words came from the heart or they just want us to feel better. i believe that white lies were meant
to make you feel better but to make you look like a fool and an imbecile for not knowing it all along. it
would make you think that they are willing to lie to cover up a small problem and they could possibly do
it also in some big problems and circumstances that are hard to acknowledge. because of fake things
that could come out of someone’s mouth, it is extremely hard to trust to people, because even the most
trusted ones could betray you and lie about it in your face. actions carry more weight, it requires more
effort and sincerity than just saying that you will help but does nothing but to talk and affirm but not
acting up to it. Actions shows what it intends to, because It is sincere and genuine, that is why we need
to look to people not just by what they say but what they do.

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