Inversions Exercise

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Task 1:

Task 2
Ex 1: Viết lại câu với hình thức đảo ngữ
1. She had never been so happy before.
2. I have never heard such nonsense!
3. I have never seen such a mess in my life.
4. Public borrowing has seldom been so high.
5. They had seldom participated in such a fascinating ceremony.
6. They little suspected that the musical was going to be a runaway success.
7. The embassy staff little realized that Ted was a secret agent.
8. I had hardly begun to apologize when the door closed.
9. The shop can in no way be held responsible for customers' lost property.
10. The couple had no sooner arrived than the priest started the ceremony.
11. Tom only understood the meaning of the comment when he saw his wife's face.
12. The restaurant cannot accept animals under any circumstances.
13. The artist rarely paid any attention to his agent's advice.

Ex 2: Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa không thay đổi.

1. Her grief was so great that she almost fainted.
–> So………………………………………….
2. He got down to writing the letter as soon as he returned from his walk.
–> No sooner……………………………………………………..
3. She had hardly begun to speak before people started interrupting her.
–> Hardly……………………………………………………………..
4. I only realized what I had missed when they told me about it later.
–> Only when……………………………………………………
5. You won’t find a more dedicated worker anywhere than Mrs John.
–> Nowhere…………………………………………..
6.–> The outcome of the election was never in doubt.
–> At no time…………………………………….
7. He forgot about the gun until he got home.
–> Not until………………………………
8. The only way you can become a good athlete is by training hard every day.
–> Only by…………………………………………………………

Ex 3 Complete the following sentences to make a more dramatic version

1. You mustn't press this red button under any circumstances.
Under no circumstances ........................................................................
2. She'd only just stubbed out one cigarette when she lit another.
3. We didn't see a soul all day.
4. As soon as I put the phone down, it rang again!
No sooner................................................................................................
5. He spoke so quietly that I didn't hear a thing he said.
6. They didn't win a game all season.
7. Life is like that.
Such ........................................................................................................ .
8. She didn't realise who he was until she'd been speaking to him for ten minutes.
Only after ............................................................................................... .
9. Kate not only spilled wine on the carpet but she also broke six glasses.
Not only..................................................................................................
10. I'd never seen such a gigantic fish before!
Never ...................................................................................................... !

Ex 4: Rewrite these sentences, using inversion with NEVER

1. She had never been so happy before.
2. I have never heard such nonsense!
3. I have never seen such a mess in my life.
4. Our profits this year are higher than they have ever been.
5. She would never again trust her own judgment when buying antiques.

Ex 5: Rewrite these sentences, using inversion with RARELY, SELDOM or LITTLE

1. One rarely finds good service these days.
2. She has rarely travelled more than fifty miles from her village.
3. It is very unusual for a military campaign to have been fought with so little loss of life.
4. It is unusual for the interior of the island to be visited by tourists.
5. Public borrowing has seldom been so high.
6. They had seldom participated in such a fascinating ceremony.
7. They little suspected that the musical was going to be a runaway success.
8. The embassy staff little realized that Ted was a secret agent
9. She didn't realize what would happen to her next.
10. I didn't think that one day I'd be appearing in films rather than just watching them.

Ex 6. Rewrite these sentences, using inversion with ONLY.

1. I only realized how dangerous the situation had been when I got home.
2. It wasn’t until last week that the Agriculture Minister admitted defeat.
3. I understood Hamlet only after seeing it on the stage.
4. They didn’t get round to business until they had finished eating.
5. They had to wait for twelve hours before their flight left.

Ex 7. Rewrite each of the following sentences with the given words in such a way that it means
the same as the sentence printed above it.
1. He spent all his money. He even borrowed some from me.
"Not only______________________________________________ _________
2. He had hardly left the office when the telephone rang.
" No sooner __________________________________________________ ___
3. I had only just put the phone down when the boss rang back.
" Hardly __________________________________________________ _____
4. He didn’t finish his work until the bell rang.
" Not until __________________________________________________ ____
5. We only began to see the symptoms of the disease after several months.
" Only __________________________________________________ _______
6. I have never seen anyone in my life drink as much as you.
" Never __________________________________________________ ______
7. A sleeping dog was lying under the table.
" Under the table _________________________________________________
8. His brother had rarely been more excited.
"Rarely____________________________________________ _____________
9. The facts were not all made public until later.
"Only______________________________________________ ____________
10. If I had realized what would happen, I wouldn’t have accepted the job.
"Had_______________________________________________ ____________

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