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Methods in Business Research

MKT 404

Research Topic:
Submitted by:
S.No. Name Reg. No.
1 RUSHDA AMJAD 20231-33828
3 UMER AHMED 20191-26647
5 MUHAMMAD HAMMAD 20231-33792


RESEARCH OBJECTIVE:...........................................................................................................................4
LITERATURE REVIEW:.............................................................................................................................4
PROBLEM STATEMENT:.........................................................................................................................5
RESEARCH QUESTIONS:.........................................................................................................................5
HYPOTHESES TESTING:..........................................................................................................................6
CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK:.................................................................................................................7
RESULTS & DISCUSSIONS.......................................................................................................................9

This study looks into the connection between students' academic achievement and their
coffee drinking habits. The study examines how students evaluate coffee's impact on their
performance in their studies and grades. Data is collected on a number of topics using a
comprehensive survey, such as the frequency of coffee consumption, time management
preferences, the effects on concentration and focus that are experienced, and any possible
relationships with sleep patterns and study schedules. The study also looks at students'
views of how students who drink coffee compare academically to those who don't, and it
looks at any relationships between grades and friend coffee consumption. The purpose of
this study's conclusions is to provide a light on the complex connections that exist between
coffee consumption patterns and academic performance, as well as the varied effects that
this popular coffee has on student achievement.

I want to start by expressing my gratitude to everyone in my group for their dedication, hard
work, cooperation, and support in producing this research paper. Without the constant
work that our group has been doing for the past two months, this study article would not
have been possible. We spent a great deal of time and energy performing this study and
writing this research paper throughout the course of the semester.
Additionally, we would like to express our gratitude to everyone who completed our survey
and gave up some of their valuable time to participate in our research. We truly thank them
and are very appreciative of them. We could not have planned this study or arrived at the
conclusion without their input.

A lot of students depend on coffee to get them through their demanding educational
schedules. Coffee is an essential for students, helping people study late at night or get up
early for classes. In order to determine whether the common coffee has an effect on
academic performance, this study investigates the potential effects of coffee consumption
on students' grades.

Caffeine, which a chemical found in coffee, is believed to improve focus, memory, and
alertness. It makes sense to consider whether students who regularly consume coffee will
benefit academically from these mental benefits. However, it's not just about the caffeine.
Students' coffee preferences may also be an indicator of their lifestyle decisions in general,
including how they study, sleep, and eat. Each of these elements may influence a student's
academic achievement.

The purpose of this study is to clarify how coffee drinking affects students' academic
performance. Understanding the relationship holds significance not only for academic
objectives but also for students, educators, and politicians in their daily lives. The goal of this
research is to better understand the elements that lead to student achievement so that
students can realize their full potential and achieve better academic results.

To investigate into and figure out the connection between coffee intake and
student's academic performance. The purpose of the study is to examine the impact on
students' grades of different coffee consumption factors, including duration, amount, and
time. Additionally, the research aims to determine relevant mediating and moderating
elements, including study practices, sleeping habits, and caffeine sensitivity, that could
impact this correlation. The goal is to obtain an understanding of how coffee drinking affects
students' academic performance and to develop methods for promoting healthy habits and
improving academic performance by investigating these dynamics.

Coffee is an essential for many students, helping them stay up late studying and accomplish
their academic goals. This review of the literature explores the relationship between coffee
consumption and students' academic performance, with particular focus on the impact on
grades. We hope to resolve any confusion on the possible effects of coffee drinking on
students' grades and how they work by evaluating the literature.

Effects of Coffee Consumption on Cognitive Function

Coffee is the primary booster in coffee, and its effects on memory have been thoroughly
studied. After a thorough review of numerous studies, Smith et al. (2019) concluded that
drinking coffee is associated with improved mental performance, awareness, and attention.
Similarly, a long-term study by James et al. (2020) discovered a favourable relationship
between university students' academic achievement and coffee drinking.
Mediating Role of Study Habits
The relationship between coffee consumption and grades could be impacted by the way
students’ study. Rodriguez and Perez (2018) discovered that students who drank more coffee
tended to have more productive study habits, such as regular study schedules and active
learning techniques. The survey was conducted among high school students. These results
suggest that coffee consumption influences study habits, which in turn impacts academic
achievement in an indirect manner.

Moderating Role of Sleep Quality

A student's ability to succeed academically depends on the quality of their sleep, which
could reduce the link between coffee consumption and grades. In a long-term study of
college students, Patel et al. (2017) found a correlation between higher coffee intake and
lower sleep, which in turn predicted lower academic achievement. On the other hand,
students with regular sleep patterns and moderate coffee consumption outperformed those
with irregular sleep patterns academically, according to Taylor and Smith (2019).
Confounding Factors: Caffeine Sensitivity
The correlation between students' grades and coffee drinking may be complicated by
individual variances in coffee sensitivity. Through genetic study, Gomez et al. (2018)
discovered a connection between changes in caffeine metabolism genes and differences in

how people respond mentally to coffee. Higher coffee awareness in students may result in
greater mental improvement from coffee drinking, which could affect their academic
Conclusion and Future Directions
To sum up, the present collection of data indicates a complex connection influenced by a
variety of mediating, moderating, and confounding factors between students' grades and
coffee intake. To fully understand the basic processes and investigate potential
interventions to maximize the benefits of coffee drinking on academic performance, more
research is required. Further research utilizing experimental methods, surveys, and
objective measurements of cognitive function may be conducted to investigate this

The objective of the research is to examine the impact of coffee consumption on students'
academic grades. The study specifically seeks to determine whether there is a relationship
between students' coffee consumption and grades. In order to understand how these
variables may influence students' grades, the research will examine a number of variables,
including study habits, sleep quality, coffee consumption—both frequency and quantity—
and dietary habits. By looking at these interactions, the research aims to put light on how
coffee intake could affect academic performance and provide solutions for methods that
support both the academic success and general well-being of students.

1) What is the highest degree of education you have completed?
 Some high School
 Bachelor's Degree
 Master's Degree
 PHD or Higher
2) How often do you drink coffee in a week?
 Never
 1-2 times
 3-4 times
 5 or more times
3) What time of day do you usually consume coffee?
 Morning
 Afternoon
 Evening
 Night
4) How do you typically drink your coffee?
 Black
 With Sugar
 With Cream/Milk
 With flavorings (e.g., vanilla, caramel)
5) On average, how many hours per week do you spend studying?

6) Do you consume coffee while studying?

 NO
7) If yes, how often do you drink coffee while studying?
 Occasionally
 Frequently
 Rarely
 Never
8) What is your current GPA or average grade in your classes?

9) How do you feel your academic performance is impacted by your coffee consumption?
 Positively
 Negatively
 No Impact
10) What type of coffee do you usually drink?
 Espresso
 Latte
 Cappuccino
 Americano
 Cold Brew
 Other (please specify)
11) What are the main reasons you drink coffee?
 To stay awake/alert
 Enjoyment/taste
 Socializing with friends/colleagues
 Boost productivity while studying
 Other (please specify)
12) Does your coffee consumption affect your sleep schedule or study routine?
 Yes, it disrupts my sleep/study schedule
 No, it doesn't affect my sleep/study routine
 I'm not sure


 Null Hypothesis (H0): There is no significant relationship between coffee

consumption and students' grades.
 Alternative Hypothesis (H1): There is a significant relationship between coffee
consumption and students' grades.


Sleep Quality

Coffee consumption Study Habits Student grades

1. Independent Variable: Coffee Consumption

a. Frequency of consumption (daily, weekly, monthly)

b. Quantity of consumption (cups per day or week)

2. Dependent Variable: Students' Grades

a. Grades obtained in academic subjects (e.g., mathematics, science, language arts)

b. Grade point average (GPA) or equivalent measure of academic achievement

3. Mediating Variable: Study Habits

a. Time spent studying per day or week

b. Study environment (e.g., quiet room, library)

c. Use of study aids (e.g., textbooks, online resources)

4. Moderating Variable: Sleep Quality

a. Duration of sleep per night

b. Sleep disturbances (e.g., insomnia, restless sleep)

c. Sleep hygiene practices (e.g., bedtime routines, screen time before sleep)

5. Confounding Variable: Caffeine Sensitivity

a. Variable that might be linked to both coffee intake and students' grades.

b. Refers to how individuals react to caffeine differently.

c. Could skew results if not considered, as students with varying caffeine sensitivity
might have different academic outcomes.

6. Control Variable: Dietary Habits

a. Factor regulated in the study to isolate coffee's impact on grades.

b. Refers to eating and drinking patterns excluding coffee.

c. By controlling dietary habits, researchers can better discern coffee's specific

influence on academic performance.

The purpose of the research is to understand how coffee drinking affects students' academic
performance. Understanding the relationship offers significance not only for academic
objectives but also for students, educators, and politicians in their daily lives. The goal of this
research is to better understand the elements that lead to student achievement so that
students can realize their full abilities and achieve better academic results.
2) Questionnaire Design:
Quantitative Analysis:
Descriptive statistics, such as means, frequencies, and percentages, will be used to
summarize participants' characteristics and responses to survey questions.
Correlation analysis and regression analysis will be conducted to examine the relationships
between coffee consumption, study habits, sleep quality, dietary patterns, and students'
Qualitative Analysis:
Thematic analysis will be employed to identify recurring themes, patterns, and insights from
the qualitative interview data.
Transcripts will be coded and analyzed iteratively to develop a comprehensive
understanding of the qualitative findings.
Self-report bias may impact the accuracy of survey responses.
The study's cross-sectional design limits the ability to establish causality.
The generalizability of findings may be limited to the specific sample and context of the
By employing a mixed-methods approach, this study aims to provide a comprehensive
understanding of the impact of coffee consumption on students' grades, considering various
factors that may influence this relationship.



Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

responses 29 1.00 29.00 15.0000 8.51469

coffee_comsumption 29 1.00 2.00 1.5172 .50855
study_hours 29 5.00 12.00 7.9655 1.95453
sleep_hours 29 4.00 10.00 6.9310 1.30742
CGPA 29 2.50 3.82 3.2645 .36918
healthydiet 29 1.00 2.00 1.3448 .48373
Valid N (listwise) 29


coffee_comsu study_hours sleep_hours CGPA healthydiet


Pearson Correlation 1 -.053 .163 -.041 -.025

coffee_comsumption Sig. (2-tailed) .784 .398 .831 .897

N 29 29 29 29 29
Pearson Correlation -.053 1 .013 -.319 -.214
study hours Sig. (2-tailed) .784 .947 .092 .266
N 29 29 29 29 29
Pearson Correlation .163 .013 1 -.070 .039
sleep hours Sig. (2-tailed) .398 .947 .720 .841
N 29 29 29 29 29
Pearson Correlation -.041 -.319 -.070 1 -.019
CGPA Sig. (2-tailed) .831 .092 .720 .922
N 29 29 29 29 29
Pearson Correlation -.025 -.214 .039 -.019 1

healthy diet Sig. (2-tailed) .897 .266 .841 .922

N 29 29 29 29 29


Variables Entered/Removeda

Model Variables Entered Variables Method


healthydiet, . Enter
on, sleep_hours,

a. Dependent Variable: CGPA

b. All requested variables entered.

Model Summaryb

Model R R Adjusted R Std. Error of Change Statistics Durbin-

10 | P a g e
Square Square the Estimate R Square F df1 df2 Sig. F Watson
Change Change Change
1 .340 .116 -.031 .37494 .116 .787 4 24 .545 2.322

a. Predictors: (Constant), healthydiet, coffee_comsumption, sleep_hours, study_hours

b. Dependent Variable: CGPA


Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Regression .442 4 .111 .787 .545b

1 Residual 3.374 24 .141

Total 3.816 28

a. Dependent Variable: CGPA

b. Predictors: (Constant), healthydiet, coffee_comsumption, sleep_hours, study_hours


Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized t Sig.


B Std. Error Beta

(Constant) 4.032 .567 7.116 .000

coffee_comsumption -.039 .142 -.053 -.272 .788

1 study_hours -.064 .037 -.340 -1.727 .097

sleep_hours -.015 .055 -.053 -.272 .788

healthydiet -.069 .150 -.091 -.462 .648

a. Dependent Variable: CGPA

Residuals Statisticsa

Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation N

Predicted Value 3.0096 3.4284 3.2645 .12570 29

Residual -.56311 .62851 .00000 .34713 29
Std. Predicted Value -2.028 1.304 .000 1.000 29
Std. Residual -1.502 1.676 .000 .926 29

a. Dependent Variable: CGPA

11 | P a g e

12 | P a g e

α =0.05
If our P-Value is less than α value of 0.05 we will reject the null hypothesis.
Since our P-Value 0.788 is greater than α value of 0.05 we will not reject the null hypothesis.


At α = 0.05 we have insufficient evidence to reject the null hypothesis.

Therefore there is no significant relationship between coffee consumption and students



13 | P a g e

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