Soil Compaction Source 2

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110.) Specifications on a job required a fill using borrow soil to be compacted at 95% of its standard
Proctor maximum dry density. Tests indicate that this maximum is 19.5 KN/m with 12% moisture. The
borrow material has void ratio of 0.60 and a solid sp. gr. of 2.65

111.) An undisturbed sample of material taken from a borrow pit has a void ratio of 0.70. Results of the
Proctor compaction test indicate that the material as compacted on the roadway will have a void ratio of
0.48, What Shrinkage factor should be used in computing borrow and embankment quantities?

112.) The relative compaction of a sand in the field is 94%. The max. and min. dry unit weights o/ the
sand are 16.2 kN/m and 14.9 m respectively.

113.) A compacted soil with a wet density of 18.5 kN/m has 97% of its pore spaces filled with water at a
moisture content of 29.5%. What is the specific gravity of the soil solids? Determine also the porosity
and void ratio.

113A.) A saturated clay having a thickness of 20 m. has a void ratio of 0.68 and a specitic gravity of 2.7.

113B.) The total weight of soil when saturated 1526g and the weight of the soil after drying is 1053 g. If
the specific gravity of soil is 2.84.

113C.) The unit weight of soil is 15.10 kN/m. The moisture content is 17% when the degree of saturation
is 60%. Determine the following:

114.) In order to determine the relative density of a soil sample the following data were obtained using a
compaction mold having a mass of 5325 g and a volume of 948 cm

115.) A field compacted of sandy loam was found to have a wet density of 136 1b/cu.ft at a water
content of 10 percent. The maximum dry density of the soil obtained in a Standard Proctor Test was 125
lb/cu.ft. Assume specific gravity (G,) to be 265. Compute the following:

116.) Specifications for a proposed earth fill require that a soil be compacted to 95 per cent of Starderd
Proctor dry density. Tests on a glacial-till borrowmaterial indicate Ymax = 124 lb/cuft at an optimum
water content of 12percent. The borrow material in its natural condition has a void ratio of0.60. If G =

117.) The following data were obtained from a field-density test on a compacted fill of sandy clay.
laboratory moisture density test on the fill material indicated a maximum dry density of 120 lb/cu.ft. at
an optimum water content of 11 percent.

118.) An embarkment with a total volume of 20000 cu.m. is to be constructed as part of a highway
project. The soil to be used in the embankment will come from a borrow pit where the average moist
unit weight and water content of the soil is 17.6 kN/in and 12% respectively. Assuming that the soil will
be compacted to a dry density of 18.2 kN/m? at a moisture content of 16%.

119.) A sample of soil compacted according to the Standard Proctor Test has & unit weight of 131.1 pcf
at 100 percent compaction and at the optimum water content of 14 per cent. Assume that the solid
matter has a specific. gravity of 2.67.
120.) The field unit weight of the soil sample is 1960 kg/m', and the unit weight of the soil particle is
2700 kg/m'. If the emax = 0.69 and emin = 0.44

121.) A measure of density of compacted fils as part of the specification requirement was performed by
digging a hole in the soil, weighing the extracted soil and measuring the volume of the hole. The soil
(moist) weighed 900 grams, and the volume of the hole was 420 cm?. After drying. the sample weighed
779 grams. Of the dried soil. 410 grams was poured into a vessel in a very loose state. Its volume was
subsequently determined to be 280 cm?. The same 410 grams of dried soil was then vibrated and
tamped to a volume of 220 cm?. If the of the soil sample is 2.70.

122.) Specifications for a proposed earth fill require that the soil be compacted to 95% of Standard
proctor dry density. Tests or glacial till borrow materialindicates Ymax = 19.51 kN/m at an optimum
water content of 12%. Theborrow material in its natural cundition has a void ratio of 0.60. If is

123.) Sand cone equipment is used to perform a field density test on a compacted carth fill. Sand is used
in the cone and is known to have a bulk density of 15.74 kN/m.

123A.) A sand-cone in place unit test was conducted on the field during the construction of a proposed
embankment of the North Diversion Extension.The following data were obtained in the field.

123B.) The Laboratory cempaction test has a max. dry density of 19 kN/m' with an optimum moisture
content of 11%. Following are the results of a field unit weight determination test perforned on the same
soil by means of sand cone method.

124.) A balloon - type apparatus is used to perform a field density test.The volume of the test hole
determined by reading the water level graduations on the apparatus cylinder before and after digging
the test hole is 0.0007 cu.m. The wet weight of soil obtained from the test hole is 0.0138 kN. The water
content is determine to be 14 percent by drying a small sample on a field stove. If the tested soil is a
compacted fill whose maximum density from laboratory compaction tests is 18.57 kN/m.Compute the

125.) Determine the max. dry unit weight of the soil.® Determine the optimom moisture
content.Determine the degree of saturation at the optimum moisture content ifG, - 260

126.) The laboratory test results of a Standard Proctor Test are given in the following table.

127.) Laboratory Compaction test results for a clayey silt are given in the following table.

128.) Following are the details for the backfill material in a vibroflotation project.

129.) The maximum and minimum dry unit weights of a sand were determined in the laboratory to be
18.31 kN/nr and 15.25 kN/m respectively.

130.) The relative compaction of a sand in the field is 93.5%. Given that id max =16.98 kN/m and Yd
(min) = 14.46 kN/m.

131.) The relative compaction of a sand in the field is 94%. The maximom and minimum dry unit weights
of the sand are ya (max) - 16.2 kN/m and ya(min) = 14.9 kN/m3. For the field conditions.
132.) The max. and min. dry unit weights of sand were determined in the Inboratory to be 16.5 kN/m3
and 14.6 kN/m3 respectively. The relative density of compaction in the field of the same sand is 70 %.

132A.) A loose, uncompacted sand fill 1.8 m. depth has a relative density of 40% Laboratory tests
indicated that the minimum an maximum void ratios of the sand are 0,46 and 0.90 respectively. Specific
gravity of the solids of the sand is 2.65.

132B.) A sample of sand has à relative density of 40% with a solid specific gravity of2.65. The minimum
void ratio is 0.45 and the max. void ratio is 0.97.

133.) The results of a Standard Proctor Test is tabulated as follows:

134.) The resulting of a Standard Proctor Test is as follows:

135.) A Proctor compaction test has been performed on a soil that has Gs = 2.70.The test results were as

136.) A sand cone test has been performed in a compacted fill performed on a soil sample. The test
results were as follows:

137.) A sand cone test has been performed in a recently compacted fill. The test results were as follows:

138.) Given below are the tabulated results in the field compaction test.

139.) The teble shown below are results of a compaction test using a mold having a volume of 0.00094

140.) Compaction test results are tabulated for a soil as shown.

141.) The results of a Standard Proctor test are given in the following table

142.) A highway embankment is to be constructed along the North Diversion road using soil from a
selected borrow pit. DPWH specifications state that the soll must be placed in layers and compacted to
at least 95% of the maximum density. Also the water should be added to the fill so that the soil is
compacted at the optimum moisture content. A laboratory test to determine maximum density and
optimum moisture content has been conducted by placing a small sample of this soil into a steel cylinder
and compacting it with a drop hammer. The volume of the cylinder is 0.00094 cu.m. The following data
has been obtained from this test.

143.) A proposed embankment fil requires 5000 m' of compaction soil. The void ratio of the compacted
fill is specified as 0.70. Four borrow pits are available, as described in the following table, which lists the
respective void ratios of the soil and the cost per cu.m. for moving the soil to the preposed construction

144.) There were 6 undisturbed soil samples from borings in a proposed cut area for a highway
construction. The average dry unit weight achieved in theMeld ya = 16.90 kN/m and the average
moisture content is 9.1% A Proctorcompaction test produces a max. dry unit weight ya(mar) = 19.5 kN/m
- andan optimum moisture content of 12.8%. The estimated plan calls for a 9100 cu.m. of cut and 8800
cu.m. of fill and the DPWH requires a relative compaction of 93%.
145.) 4 proposed grading plan of C-5 requires 224000 m of cut and 205000 m3 of fill. Labortory tests on
a series of undisturbed samples from the cut arca produced the following results,

146.) The following data were obtained from a field density on a compacted fill of sandy clay. Laboratory
moisture density test on the fill material indicated a max. dry density of 18.88 kN/m at an optimum
water content of 11 percent.

147.) A highway embankment needs 150000 cu.m. to be completed. DPWH requires 95% compaction
and the contractor is to provide soil from a borrow site.

148.) In a construction of a portion of a highway embankment, it uses a granular soll as a sub-base. The
required compacted thickness of the sub-base Is 300 mal and the material is to be compacied at a water
content of 12% to a dry unit weight of 173 kN/m'. The borrow material is found to weigh 100 kN per
truck load when it was dumped loosely into a truck having a capacity of 6 cu.m. The water content of the
borrow material was determined from a sample taken from the truck and found to be 10%. If the width
and length of the portion of a highway is 30 m. and 3600 m. respectively.

149.) The in-situ moisture content of o Soil is 18% and the moist unit weight is 105 pot. The specine
gravity of soil solids is 2.75. This soil is to be essavated and transported to a construction site for use in a
compacted fil.It the specifications calls for the soil to becompacted to a minimum dry unit weight of
103.5 pef. at the same moisture content of 18%.

150.) From a Proctor test for a sample of soil, the max. dry density and optimum moisture content were
determined as follows.151.) For a compacted soil, Gs = 2.72, water content = 18% ard Yd = 0.90 Yzav

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