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Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng.

Aspects 229 (2003) 121–127

Poly-aluminum-silicate-chloride (PASiC)—a new type of

composite inorganic polymer coagulant
B.Y. Gao a,∗ , Q.Y. Yue a , B.J. Wang a , Y.B. Chu a
a School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Shandong University, No.27 Shanda South Road,
Jinan 250100, Shandong, China

Received 28 February 2003; accepted 10 July 2003


A new inorganic polymer coagulant, poly-aluminum-silicate-chloride (PASiC), was prepared by two approaches: (1) hydrox-
ylation of the mixture of AlCl3 and fresh polysilicic acid in Al/Si ratios ≥5, (PASiCc); (2) hydroxylated poly-aluminum-chloride
(PAC) combined with polysilicic acid aged 2 h in Al/Si ratios ≥5, (PASiCm). The hydrolysis-polymerization process of Al(III)
in PASiC solution was examined with pH titration method. The performances of PASiC in comparison with PAC were charac-
terized by various experimental methods. The results have shown that there exist some interactions between aluminum species
and polysilicic acid, especially at low basicity (B) value, which can play a part in the chemical structure, the molecular weight
distribution, the electrokinetic characteristics and the coagulating properties of PASiC. The complexes formed when different
charged aluminum species and polysilicic acid are combined have a less positive charge but a larger molecular weight than
the corresponding aluminum hydrolysis products at the same pH value. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the aggregating
efficiency and charge effectiveness when developing PASiC coagulant. In general, PASiC has shown a high coagulation effect,
superior to that of PAC for both turbidity and color removal.
© 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Coagulation and flocculation; Electrokinetic chemical characterization; Inorganic polymer coagulant; Molecular weight
fractionation; Turbidity and color removal

1. Introduction can be considered as the second generation of metal

salt coagulants [1]. The merits of IPF are reflected in
The production and the application of inorganic their superior efficiency compared to traditional salts
polymer flocculants (IPF) are increasing rapidly and much lower cost than organic polymer flocculants
throughout the world. Since these compounds have (OPF). However, concerning their morphology and
different behaviors from traditional water treatment coagulating-flocculating characteristics, the IPF may
reagents in many respects, the pre-produced varieties remain in a position between the common metal salts
and organic flocculants [2]. Their molecular weight
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +86-531-8364832; and size for aggregating action and their stability to
fax: +86-531-8364513. resist further hydrolysis are still much lower than
E-mail address: (B.Y. Gao). those of the OPF. These are the main weaknesses

0927-7757/$ – see front matter © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
122 B.Y. Gao et al. / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 229 (2003) 121–127

of IPF to be improved. This is the impetus for the poly-aluminum-silicate-sulfate (PASS), have appeared
research to develop a variety of composite inorganic in the patent literatures [5,6]. The PSAS contains lower
polymer flocculants. concentration of aluminum with Si/Al = 1∼5, but
In the operation of water treatment process using the PASS contains high concentration of aluminum
traditional coagulants, there were many approaches to with Si/Al = 0.05. In Japan and China, some studies
improve their aggregating efficiency by adding aids, demonstrated that adding Al or other salts can delay
such as activated silica and lime, separately from the the gelation time of activated silica [7,8]. Also, there
coagulants. With the success of tailor-made produc- are several reports indicating that aluminum-silicate
tion of IPF, it is logical to combine the aids into a uni- polymer composites are highly effective for removal
fied reagent for simplification of the operation in water of turbidity and humics and for treatment of cold water
treatment plants. This may be the first aim when study- [3,9]. However, there is little information about the
ing the composite flocculants. Accordingly, to com- preparation of PASiC and its coagulation behavior.
bine the aids with original metal salt coagulants is also When aluminum chloride or PAC is used to pro-
a concomitant approach in developing the new type duce the aluminum-silicate composite, there are two
of reagents. The combination of activated silica (i.e. ways of designing the aluminum-silicate composite.
a special form of polymerized silicic acid) with alu- If the silicate component is dominant and aluminum
minum sulfate may be an example of this strategy [3]. salts are added as a stabilizer to improve its reten-
The salts of aluminum and silicate are usually the tion after preparation, it is still a modified anionic
main materials used to prepare the composites. They inorganic polymer flocculant (PSiAC). When the alu-
may be pre-polymerized by hydroxylation individu- minum component is dominant and silicate is added
ally or mixed initially in their original form and then to promote aggregation, it would be a cationic in-
hydrolyzed together. Nevertheless, eventually they be- organic polymer flocculant (PASiC). Nevertheless,
come the polymeric components of the composite. The pre-combination of cationic and anionic polymer
other additives may be inorganic or organic ligands or flocculants would result in a decrease in net charge.
organic polymer flocculants. In this paper, PASiC was prepared by two proce-
The contribution of each individual component of dures, and the hydrolysis-polymerization process of
a composite in the coagulation–flocculation process aluminum existing with polysilicic acid was investi-
may be positive or negative in different respects [4]. gated by means of pH titration method. The study also
How to successfully enhance one function and to attempted to determine the molecular weight distribu-
avoid the concomitant loss of another efficiency is tion of PASiC with B = 2.0 and different Al/Si ratios
the problem. For example, improving the aggregat- by using ultrafiltration membranes. B = [OH]/[Al]
ing function with a negatively-charged additive often ratio, where [OH] and [Al] are the total concentration
decreases the charge-neutralization function of the of OH and Al added in PASiC solution, respectively.
positively-charged components. In this situation, a net The charge-neutralization function of PASiC was also
positive profitable treatment result would be the aim examined by streaming current (SC) and zeta poten-
of modification. tial (ZP) measurement. The coagulation for removal of
Finding a suitable ratio among the components and turbidity and color was conducted by jar test. All these
a successful procedure of preparation are the important experiments were conducted in comparison with PAC.
goals of this research. The morphology, the molecu- The initial results of the experiments will be useful for
lar weight distribution, the electrokinetic characteris- the development of a new kind of aluminum-silicate
tics, the chemical speciation and the transformation polymer composite coagulant.
of each component in preparation are the key points
in the studies. Detection using chemical methods and
instrumentation is a primary requisite along the exper- 2. Materials and methods
imental progresses. 2.1. Materials
More recently, descriptions of the preparations of
aluminum-silicate polymer composite coagulants, for All reagents used are analytically pure chemicals
example, poly-silicate-aluminum-sulfate (PSAS) and except water glass is commercial grade and humic acid
B.Y. Gao et al. / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 229 (2003) 121–127 123

is a commercialized product bought from the Aldrich stored overnight at 20◦ prior to the initiation of
Chemical Co. Deionized water was used to make all analysis.
2.4. Measurement of nominal molecular weight
2.2. Preparation of polysilicic acid solution (NMW) by ultrafiltration

Water glass containing 26.5% SiO2 was diluted to For the measurement, an aliquot 100 ml sample of
a concentration of 0.5 M SiO2 with deionized water. coagulant was poured into a stirred vessel, in which
The diluted water glass solution was neutralized to an ultrafilter was placed at the bottom of the ves-
pH 2.0 with 0.5 M HCl under magnetic stirring. The sel. After the stirred vessel was sealed, a pressure
neutralized water glass solution contained 0.3187 M of 3.0 kg/cm2 was applied to the vessel by nitrogen
SiO2 . gas. The sample was thus filtered until all the filter-
able sample was obtained. The filtrate was acidified
2.3. Preparation of poly-aluminum-silicate-chloride with 1:1 HCl solution to about pH 0.5. By means of
(PASiC) coagulant Al-ferron timed complex colorimetric method [10,11],
the concentration of aluminum in the acidified filtrate
Stock solution of 1.0781 M AlCl3 was diluted with was determined at 370 nm wavelength with a spec-
deionized water to 0.25 M AlCl3 before the PASiC trophotometer. The nominal molecular weight dis-
coagulant was prepared. There were two approaches tribution of the samples was calculated accordingly.
to prepare PASiC as follows: (1) quantitative diluted The ultrafilters used, made of anisotropic polysulfone
AlCl3 solution was slowly titrated with 0.5 M NaOH and poly-n-phenyleneisophthalicamide, have nomi-
solution to obtain the desired [OH]/[Al] ratio PAC nal fractionation molecular weights of 3000, 6000,
solution using a 655 Dosimat Micro-Titration appa- 10,000, 60,000 and 100,000.
ratus. The [OH]/[Al] ratio was denoted hereafter by
B, where [OH] and [Al] were the total concentration 2.5. Measurement of streaming current (SC)
of OH and Al added in the solution, respectively.
The titration rate was 0.05 ml/min NaOH solution. SC was detected successively by a SC-303 Stream-
During titration, the 655 Dosimat Micro-Titration ing Current Detector, or SCD. For experiments, dif-
apparatus was used to record the change of pH and ferent coagulant doses were added into 2.5 l test water
the solution was vigorously stirred (∼300 rpm) to made up of 50% deionized water and 50% tap water.
ensure that homogeneous solution was obtained. The A variable speed stirrer working at 240 rpm was used
final aluminum concentration (denoted AlT ) of PAC to mix the water sample well at all time. SC values
solution was 0.1 M. Then, the PAC was combined were recorded under different coagulant dosage. Dur-
with polysilicic acid aged for 2 h in Al/Si ratio ≥5 ing the experiment, the pH of the water was regulated
to obtain poly-aluminum-silicate-chloride (PASiCm) with 0.1 M HCl or 0.1 M NaOH solution and main-
coagulant, in which the AlT was 0.094–0.098 M. tained constant.
(2) The diluted AlCl3 solution and fresh polysilicic
acid were mixed at different Al/Si ratios before the 2.6. Measurement of electrophoretic mobility
base was added. Then the 0.5 M NaOH solution
was added slowly (0.05 ml/min) under vigorously The measurement of electrophoretic mobility (EM)
agitation to obtain desired B value and different of particles after addition of coagulant under different
Al/Si ratio poly-aluminum-silicate-chloride coagulant pH and coagulant dosages was carried out by using
(PASiCc), which was with 0.1 M AlT . Also, during a JS94E Micro-Electrophoresis Apparatus (Jiecheng
titration, the 655 Dosimat Micro-Titration apparatus Company, Ltd., Shanghai, China). Samples of about
was used to record the change of pH and the so- 0.5 ml were taken from the stirred vessel by a 2 ml sy-
lution was vigorously stirred (∼300 rpm) to ensure ringe and transferred directly into the cuvette. Timing
that homogeneous solution was obtained. The pre- of the particles was carried out using a microcomputer
pared coagulant samples were capped, sealed and keyboard as a ‘stopwatch’. Typically, 10 particles
124 B.Y. Gao et al. / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 229 (2003) 121–127

were timed in one direction, and the mean mobility 8

was computed directly from the 20 readings. Zeta PAC
7 PASiC Al/Si=15
potentials (ZP) were calculated from the EM value. PASiC Al/Si=10
6 PASiC Al/Si=5.0

2.7. Jar-test experiments


Coagulation tests were performed by using a syn- 4

thetic suspension containing 50 mg/l kaolinite and 3

10 mg/l humic acid, which was made up of 50%
deionized water and 50% tap water. The particle 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
diameter and the specific surface of kaolinite are B value
0.5–6.25 ␮m and 23.2 m2 /g, respectively. The tap wa-
ter is mainly characterized by pH of 7.45, turbidity of Fig. 1. Titration curves of Al(III) solutions with base addition for
PAC and PASiC with AlT = 0.1 M.
0.7 NTU and CODMn of 3.0 mg/l, respectively. The
initial turbidity, absorbance and pH of the suspen-
sion were 26.2 NTU, 0.207 and 7.02, respectively. point occurs at about B = 2.5. Before the second
The coagulation experiments were conducted in 1.0 l inflection point, the pH value changes smoothly and
plexiglass beakers using a conventional jar-test ap- slightly with the increasing of B value. The curves of
paratus, DC-506 Laboratory Stirrer (Huashui New PASiC are different from that of PAC because of coex-
Technological Development Co., Shanghai, China). istence of hydrolyzed aluminum species and polysili-
The 800 ml suspension solutions were dosed with cic acid. Fig. 1 shows that the influence of polysilicic
different coagulants to give final concentrations in acid on the curves of PASiC depends on the Al/Si ratio
the range of 0.00–0.12 mmol/l Al. The solutions were and B value. The less the Al/Si ratio and B value, the
stirred rapidly at 200 rpm for 2 min during coagulant more obvious the difference between PAC and PASiC
addition. Directly after the rapid mixing, about 15 ml curves. The curve of PASiC with Al/Si = 15 is similar
of the suspension was taken by a 20.00 ml syringe to that of PAC, which has two inflection points, occur-
for EM measurement. Then a 15 min period of slow ring at about B = 0.5 and B = 2.5, respectively. For
stirring (40 rpm) and 10 min sedimentation followed. PASiC with Al/Si ratios of 10 and 5, the pH-B curves
After sedimentation, a supernatant sample was with- only displayed one inflection point at about B = 2.5.
drawn for turbidity and UV absorbance measurement. The results above suggest that there is some interaction
Turbidity was measured by a YZD-1A turbidimeter, between hydrolyzed aluminum species and polysilicic
and the content of humic acid expressed as absorbance acid. The polysilicic acid can have combined with alu-
in the treated suspension was analyzed with a UV-754 minum and its hydrolysis products by Al-O-Si bonds
spectrophotometer at 370 nm using 1 cm quartz cells. [12,13] to form hydroxyaluminosilicate species, which
can retard the hydrolysis-polymerization of aluminum
to some extent.
3. Results and discussion
3.2. Nominal molecular weight distribution
3.1. Character of hydrolysis-polymerization of
aluminum (III) in PASiC solution The nominal molecular weight distribution of PA-
SiC with B = 2.0 and various Al/Si ratios was com-
When base was slowly added to the mixed solutions pared to that of PAC with B = 2.0 by way of the
of AlCl3 and fresh polysilicic acid with different Al/Si molecular weight fractionation described in the pre-
ratios, the pH of the solution increased with increas- ceeding section. The results obtained are shown in
ing of base addition, as shown in Fig. 1. It is seen that Table 1. It is obvious that the molecular weight of
the curve of PAC has one plateau bounded by two in- all polymers in PASiC was increased owing to the
flection points. The first inflection point approximately addition of polysilicic acid to AlCl3 solution. The
occurs at about B = 0.5, and the second inflection more the concentration of polysilicic acid (i.e. the less
B.Y. Gao et al. / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 229 (2003) 121–127 125

Table 1
Molecular weight distribution of PASiC and PAC (B = 2.0)
Sample AlT (M) Nominal molecular weight

>3000 >6000 >10,000 >60,000 >100,000

PAC 0.1 62.2 53.7 37.5 21.5 11.5

PASiCc Al/Si =5 0.1 89.2 85.5 78.5 72.3 68.2
PASiCm Al/Si =5 0.094 80.2 75.8 64.3 51.2 40.3
PASiCc Al/Si = 10 0.1 79.4 73.3 65.3 57.6 50.8
PASiCm Al/Si = 10 0.097 70.6 63.3 45.2 38.2 21.4
PASiCc Al/Si = 15 0.1 73.5 68.1 56.4 41.9 20.1
PASiCm Al/Si = 15 0.098 67.3 58.2 39.8 22.5 13.1

the Al/Si ratio) in PASiC, the higher the molecular as the polysilicic acid fraction increases. The results
weight of the polymers. PASiCc has higher molecu- also show that the preparation technique of PASiC
lar weight in comparison with PASiCm at the same has some effect on the electrokinetic chemical char-
Al/Si ratio. These results suggest that when PASiC is acteristics of PASiC. PASiCc gives little stronger
used in water and wastewater treatment, much stronger charge-neutralizing capacity than PASiCm at the
bridge-formation than that of using PAC can occur in same ratio of Al/Si. The results discussed above
the flocculation step [14]. demonstrate that charge-neutralization occurred when
the different charged polymers were combined. This
3.3. Electrokinetic chemical characteristics of PASiC suggests that the combination of PAC and polysilicic
and PAC acid could be enhanced in aggregating efficiency due
to the higher molecular weight but weaken charge
PASiC with B = 2.0 and different Al/Si ratios and effect in the coagulation process.
PAC with B = 2.0 were selected for these experi- Fig. 3 shows the change of zeta potential (ZP)
ments. The relationship between SC and the dosage with respect to pH for PASiC with B = 2.0 and
of coagulants in the test water made up of 50% deion- different Al/Si ratio and PAC with B = 2.0 at the
ized water and 50% tap water is shown in Fig. 2. dosage of 0.5 mmol/l as Al. In every case, a similar
Because the SC-dose curves of PASiCc and PASiCm pattern was obtained as to the change of ZP over a
at Al/Si = 15 completely overlap, only 6 curves are wide range of pH, however, the curves of ZP versus
shown in Fig. 2. Table 2 shows the required dosage pH for PASiC are all lower than that for PAC. The
when SC reaches zero. From Fig. 2 and Table 2, it more the proportion of polysilicic acid in PASiC, the
is clear that the positive charge of PASiC decreases lower the curve of ZP versus pH. With increasing
value of pH from the very acidic side, the ZP took
3 a maximum value at a pH range from 5.0 to 6.0
on the positive side both for PAC and PASiC, then
0 Table 2
SC (mA)

PASiCc Al/Si=5.0 Required dose for PASiC and PAC at SC = 0 (B = 2.0)
-1 PASiCm Al/Si=5.0
PASiCc Al/Si=10 Coagulant Dose (mmol/l)
-2 PASiCm Al/Si=10
PASiCc Al/Si=15 PAC 0.028
-3 PASiCm Al/Si=15
PASiCc Al/Si =5 0.048
-4 PASiCm Al/Si =5 0.060
0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14 0.16
PASiCc Al/Si = 10 0.034
Al(mmol/L) PASiCm Al/Si = 10 0.036
PASiCc Al/Si = 15 0.031
Fig. 2. Streaming current graphs of PASiC compared to PAC PASiCm Al/Si = 15 0.032
(B = 2.0).
126 B.Y. Gao et al. / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 229 (2003) 121–127

40 20

ZP[m V]

10 PAC B=2.0
PASiCc Al/Si=5 -20 PASiCc B=2.0 Al/Si=5.0
0 PASiCm Al/Si=5 PASiCm B=2.0 Al/Sl=5.0
PASiCc Al/Si=10 -30 PASiCc B=2.0 Al/Si=10
-10 PASiCm Al/Si=10 PASiCm B=2.0 Al/Si=10
PASiCc Al/Si=15 PASCc B=2.0 Al/Si=15
-20 PASiCm Al/Si=15 -50 PASCm B=2.0 Al/Si=15
-30 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 -5
Al dose[X10 mol/L]
Fig. 3. Change of ZP with respect to pH for PASiC and PAC 0.14
PAC B=2.0
(B = 2.0). 0.12 PASiCc B=2.0 Al/Si=5.0
PASiCm B=2.0 Al/Si=5.0

0.10 PASiCc B=2.0 Al/Si=10

PASiCm B=2.0 Al/Si=10
decreased monotonically to reach an isoelectric point 0.08 PASCc B=2.0 Al/Si=15
at slightly higher pH than the neutral, and finally 0.06 PASCm B=2.0 Al/Si=15

moved into the negative side. In addition, when the 0.04

Al/Si ratio was changed from 15 to 5, the isoelectric
point moved toward the acidic side of pH for both
PASiCc and PASiCm. Again, the results of ZP mea- 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
surements demonstrate that the charge-neutralization -5
Al dose(X10 mol/L)
occurred when the different charged polymers were
combined. 22
20 PAC B=2.0
3.4. Evaluation of coagulation performance 18 PASiCc B=2.0 Al/Si=5.0
16 PASiCm B=2.0 Al/Si=5.0
PASiCc B=2.0 Al/Si=10

The coagulation performance of PASiC with differ- 12 PASiCm B=2.0 Al/Si=10
PASCc B=2.0 Al/Si=15
ent Al/Si ratios and B = 2.0 was evaluated in com- 10 PASCm B=2.0 Al/Si=15
parison with PAC (B = 2.0) at pH = 7.0 with the 8
synthetic suspension. The results given in Fig. 4 show 4
that the ZP, absorbance and residual turbidity (RT) 2
of the suspension varies with increasing of dosages 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
of PASiC and PAC. The ZP for all the coagulants
tested increases with increasing of dosages of the co- Al dose(X10 mol/L)
agulants from negative ZP changing into positive ZP, Fig. 4. Comparative coagulation performance of PASiC and PAC
however, the ZP for microflocs freshly formed with (B = 2.0) at pH value of 7.02.
PASiC are all lower than that formed using PAC with-
out polysilicic acid. As the proportion of polysilicic means that preparation technique of PASiC has less
acid increases, the ZP of PASiC decreases accordingly. effect on its charge-neutralization capacity.
When the ratio of Al/Si is 5, the ZP of all PASiC co- The RT and the absorbance in the jar tests re-
agulants is negative for all doses. This means that the flected the coagulation efficiency of coagulants. No
charge-neutralization effectiveness of PASiC in coag- matter what the ratio of Al/Si was, both RT and ab-
ulation processes is weakened owing to the interaction sorbance could approach zero at high dose, but the
between hydrolyzed aluminum species and polysili- effect differed at lower doses. PASiCm with the ratio
cic acid. It is known from Fig. 4 that the differences of Al/Si = 5 had the most negative ZP, and its coag-
of ZP between PASiCc and PASiCm are slight, which ulation effect was less than that of PAC. All the other
B.Y. Gao et al. / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 229 (2003) 121–127 127

PASiC coagulants, regardless of the Al/Si ratio, were ever. The preparation procedure, chemical structure
more efficient than PAC, although some of their ZP and coagulation–flocculation behaviors all remain to
were in the negative zone. This means that preparation be optimized in further research.
technique of PASiC has a great effect on its coagula-
tion efficiency, especially at lower ratio of Al/Si.

The authors thank the Chinese National Foundation

4. Conclusions
of Natural Sciences for support.
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