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n important feature of a standard issued by the International

A Comparison of precision seeder’s perfor- Organization for Standardization, 1984)
Seeding mance is its ability to place
seeds singularly a given distance apart.
included multiple index, miss index,
quality of feed index, and precision.
Uniformity of Recent studies evaluating seeding uni- Multiple index (MULT) indicated mul-
formity of vacuum and belt vegetable tiple seed drops and was the percentage
Agronomic and seeders (Bracy and Parish, 1998; Par- of seed spacings that were less than or
ish and Bracy, 1998) detected incon- equal to one-half of the theoretical seed
Vegetable sistencies in the metering uniformity spacing. Miss index (MISS) indicated
of vegetable seeders previously assumed missed seed locations or skips and was
Seeders to be very uniform (Parish et al., 1991). the percentage of spacings greater than
Bracy and Parish (1998) determined a 1.5 times the theoretical spacing. Qual-
belt seeder was as effective at singulating ity of feed index (QFI) indicated single
Regina P. Bracy1 and spherical seeds [cabbage (Brassica seed drops and was the percentage of
Richard L. Parish2 oleracea var. capitata)] and nearly spacings that were more than half but
spherical seeds [onion (Allium cepa no more than 1.5 times the theoretical
var. cepa)] as the most precise vacuum spacing. QFI was an alternative way of
seeder, but seeding uniformity of all presenting the information contained
ADDITIONAL INDEX WORDS. seed metering, seeders with elongated [carrot (Daucus in MISS and MULT. Precision (PREC)
planters, precision seeders, seed carota) and cucumber (Cucumis sati- was the coefficient of variation of the
vus)] or angular [spinach (Spinacia spacings after omitting the missed and
SUMMARY. Manufacturers of certain oleracea)] seeds was inadequate for multiple seed drops (outliers). PREC
vegetable seeders have promoted their precision seeding. The belt seeder was was a measure of the uniformity of
products as precision seeders and also more effective than the vacuum spacings classified as singles, whereas
implied that their products are more seeders at spacing the seeds uniformly MULT, MISS, and QFI were measures
accurate at seeding uniformity than within the target area when outliers of singulation or lack thereof. A more
typical agronomic seeders. A compari- (missed and multiple seed drops) were complete discussion of these terms and
son of the seeding uniformity of removed. examples of calculations was given by
several vegetable seeders and agro- Parish and Bracy (1998) assessed Kachman and Smith (1995).
nomic seeders was made to evaluate
the uniformity of metering size-graded Although the mean (MEAN) and
this assumption. Two vegetable
seeders and two agronomic seeders and ungraded turnip (Brassica rapa var. coefficient of variation (CV) have been
were evaluated for seeding uniformity rapifera) seeds with belt and vacuum used in research publications to describe
and precision using soybean seed. The vegetable seeders. They concluded that spacing uniformity (Hudspeth and
Stanhay S870 (belt-type) vegetable neither the belt nor the vacuum seeder Wanjura, 1970; Parish, 1972; Parish et
seeder had the best seeding uniformity gave the singulation and uniformity a al., 1991; Wilkins et al., 1992), Kachman
and precision spacing of all the grower would expect from a precision and Smith (1995) judged MEAN and
seeders tested. The Gaspardo SV255 seeder. CV as inappropriate measures of seeder
(vacuum) vegetable seeder and the Wanjura and Hudspeth (1969) accuracy. MEAN does not reflect varia-
John Deere 7200 MaxEmerge found that a 3-inch (8-mm) seed drop tion in spacing, and CV does not iden-
(fingermeter) agronomic seeder were
height consistently produced a better tify the types of nonuniformity (e.g.,
comparable in seeding uniformity and
precision, although fewer skips were seed pattern than a 6-inch (15-mm) misses, multiples, or nonuniform basic
noted with the John Deere. The Great drop height with a cotton (Gossypium spacing).
Plains 8030 (brushmeter) agronomic hirsutum) vacuum seeder. They recom-
seeder had a large number of skips mended that the metering device on a Materials and methods
and multiples and poor seeding planter should be located as low as Spacing measurements of soybean
precision. practical, and seed should fall freely to (Glycine max) seed from two precision-
the bottom of the soil trench. drill vegetable seeders [belt-type Stanhay
Breece et al. (1981) stated that model S870 (Hestair Farm Equipment,
irregular seed placement in the row is Suffolk, England) and vacuum-type
often blamed on the seed metering Gaspardo SV255 (Gaspardo,
mechanism when it is actually caused by Pordenone, Italy)] and two agronomic
Louisiana State University Agricultural Center, Louisi-
ana Agricultural Experiment Station, Hammond Re- the seed placement mechanism. They seeders [fingermeter John Deere 7200
search Station, 21549 Old Covington Highway, also speculated that the effect of seed MaxEmerge (John Deere, Moline, Ill.)
Hammond, LA 70403. and brushmeter Great Plain 8030 (Great
bounce in a seed tube caused what
Approved for publication by the Director of the Loui- appears to be skips and doubles but is Plains Manufacturing, Saline, Kans.)]
siana Agricultural Experiment Station as manuscript
number 00-68-0371. Use of trade names does not really poor seed-to-seed spacing. were used in this study. The seeders
imply endorsement of the products named or criticism Kachman and Smith (1995) com- were operated over a 20-ft (6-m) long
of similar ones not named. The cost of publishing this greased board at a ground speed of 1.5
paper was defrayed in part by the payment of page
pared alternative measures of accuracy
charges. Under postal regulations, this paper therefore in seed placement for planters and, based miles/h (2.4 km·h–1), with seed spacing
must be hereby marked advertisement solely to indicate on the theoretical seed spacing, recom- measurements recorded over a center
this fact.
mended using four measures for evalu- distance of 10 ft (3 m). The ground
Professor of horticulture. speed was based on the manufacturer
ating seeding uniformity. Their recom-
Professor of agricultural engineering. mended measures (based on a seeder recommendations for vegetable seeders
(to minimize skips that can result at every 100 drops were singulated seed. Stanhay vegetable seeder. The Stanhay
higher plate or belt speeds). Although Researchers have demonstrated greater seeder also had the lowest MULT value
the ground speed was slower than typi- than 95% accuracy with agronomic plant- of all the seeders, with only 5% of the
cally used for most agronomic seeders, ers, indicating the metering accuracy drops being multiple seeds. QFI was
all seeders were operated at this speed (ACCU) to be within 5% of the theo- greater with the Stanhay than the other
for consistency in the testing procedure retical seeding population (Bateman, seeders as 90% of the drops with the
and to accommodate the accurate place- 1972; Halderson, 1983; Snyder and Stanhay were single seed. Although the
ment of the equipment over the greased Hummel, 1985). ACCU, like MEAN, greatest PREC occurred with the
board. The board was coated with grease gives an indication of total seed meter- Stanhay seeder (22%), PREC was not
to prevent seed from bouncing and to ing but does not measure singulation. considered acceptable for any seeder
retain exact placement of the seed. All The Prairie Agricultural Machinery In- tested.
seeder operations were conducted in stitute (1984) indicated a QFI of 95%, The Gaspardo vegetable seeder had
dry, fair weather conditions and usually or better, was considered to be excel- greater MISS than either the Stanhay or
on the same day. lent. JD seeder. Multiple seed drop (MULT)
Soybean seed was selected to evalu- Kachman and Smith (1995) re- was lower with the Gaspardo than with
ate the seeders due to its spherical (nearly ported a practical upper limit of 29% for the agronomic seeders but almost five
round) shape and medium size. Better the value of PREC, since a 29% value times greater than with the Stanhay.
seeding uniformity is expected with would be obtained with any random Mediocre seed singulation occurred with
spherical seeds (Bracy and Parish, 1998; scattering of seeds within the target the Gaspardo, but the QFI was similar
Parish et al., 1991). Mean diameter of range. An acceptable PREC for seed to that of the JD seeder. Precision within
the soybean seed used in these experi- measurements taken in the lab should the target range (PREC) was unaccept-
ments was 0.25 inches (6.4 mm). The fall below 10%, which would mean that able with the Gaspardo and did not
agronomic seeders tested have meter- the standard deviation of spacings within differ significantly from that of the agro-
ing components sized for agronomic the target region would be 10% or less of nomic seeders.
crops such as corn, cotton, and soybean the theoretical spacing. MISS with the JD was significantly
seeds and would not realistically meter Although not considered a valid smaller than with the Gaspardo and GP
small vegetable seeds. measure of uniformity by Kachman and seeders. Although MISS with the JD
Each seeder was operated at its Smith (1995), MEAN is the only mea- was nominal (8%), this was still twice the
smallest possible spacing for soybean sure that a grower can readily obtain to amount of skips with the Stanhay. Mul-
seeds. Nominal spacing was based on determine seeder performance. MEAN tiple seed drop (MULT) with the JD
the manufacturer’s calibration for the was included to illustrate fallibility of the was less than with the GP but greater
Gaspardo, John Deere 7200 (JD), and typical seeder calibration checks (catch- than with the Gaspardo. The JD had
Great Plains 8030 (GP) seeders. The ing the seed while the drive tire is ro- almost six times more multiple seed
Gaspardo, JD, and GP seeders were tated) used by growers for determining drops than with the Stanhay. This high
operated with theoretical spacings of seeding uniformity of the seeder. MULT value is the reason the mean
3.0 inches (76 mm), 3.8 inches (97 Data were analyzed using the GLM [3.1 inches (79 mm)] reflects a smaller
mm), and 1.0 inches (25 mm), respec- statistical procedure (SAS, 1995). seed spacing than indicated in the theo-
tively. A seed belt with 48 holes, 22/64 MEAN was calculated using the PROC retical seed spacing [3.8 inches (97
inches (8.7 mm) in diameter, was used MEAN procedure (SAS, 1995). mm)]. Seed singulation (QFI) and
in the Stanhay seeder to obtain theoreti- PREC with the JD were poor and
cal spacing of 1.9 inches (48 mm). Six Results and discussion similar to those recorded with the
replications of seed spacing measure- Means for Stanhay, Gaspardo, and Gaspardo seeder.
ments were recorded for each seeder. GP seeders were very close to the theo- The GP seeder had greater MISS
All data for seed spacings were retical spacing (Table 1). The mean for and MULT values than any of the
analyzed using the methods (MULT, the JD seeder was within 80% of the seeders tested. The mean seed spacing
MISS, QFI, and PREC) described by theoretical spacing. The mean, how- is identical to the theoretical spacing
Kachman and Smith (1995). Accept- ever, was not indicative of the unifor- and does not reflect the nonunifor-
able QFI values were established at 85% mity and precision of the seeders. mity of MISS and MULT. Seed
or greater, indicating that 85 or more of Skips (MISS) were lowest with the singulation (QFI) with this seeder was
Table 1. Seeding uniformity of selected agronomic and vegetable seeders using soybean seeds.

Theoretical Measurez
Seeder inches (mm)y inches (mm) (%) (%) (%) (%)
Stanhay 1.9 (48) 1.8 (46) 4 ax 5a 90 a 22 a
Gaspardo 3.0 (76) 2.8 (71) 14 c 23 b 62 b 28 b
John Deere 3.8 (97) 3.1 (79) 8b 29 c 63 b 26 b
Great Plains 1.0 (25) 1.0 (25) 23 d 38 d 38 c 28 b
zMISS = missed seed locations (skips), MULT = multiple seed drops, QFI = quality of feed index (single seed drops), PREC = precision (variation of the spacings within target

ySmallest possible spacing for soybean seeds based on manufacturer’s recommended setting.
xMeans within a group followed by same letter are not significantly different at P = 0.05 by Duncan’s multiple range test.
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Conclusion ment of cotton seed. Trans. Amer. Soc.
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a high number of skips and multiple 38(2):379–387.
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wide variation in seeding uniformity
and precision among precision veg- Parish, R.L., P.E. Bergeron, and R.P. Bracy.
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Stanhay vegetable seeder can be pro-
Prairie Agricultural Machinery Institute.
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SAS. 1995. SAS System for Windows. re-
Literature cited lease 6.11. SAS Institute, Cary, N.C.
Bateman, H.P. 1972. Planter metering, Snyder, K.A. and J.W. Hummel. 1985.
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