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International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme

Physics Test
Option D: Astrophysics and Topic 8

Time Allowed: 40 minutes

Total Marks: 50


Section A: Option D Section Q

Answer all questions from this section.

1. Multiple Choice Questions (5 marks)

Choose the correct answer from the given options. Each question is worth 1 mark.
1.1. [Question related to basic concept or definition]
1.2. [Question related to basic concept or definition]
1.3. [Question related to basic concept or definition]
1.4. [Question related to basic concept or definition]
1.5. [Question related to basic concept or definition]

2. Short Answer Questions (9 marks)

Answer briefly. Each question is worth 3 marks.
2.1. [Question involving calculations or applications]
2.2. [Question involving calculations or applications]
2.3. [Question involving calculations or applications]

3. Long Answer Question (10 marks)

Provide a detailed response. This question is worth 10 marks.
3.1. [Question requiring detailed explanation or calculation]


Section B: Option D Whole Topics

Answer all questions from this section.

1. Multiple Choice Questions (10 marks)

Choose the correct answer from the given options. Each question is worth 1 mark.
1.1. [Question covering a range of sub-topics]
1.2. [Question covering a range of sub-topics]
1.10. [Question covering a range of sub-topics]

2. Short Answer Questions (12 marks)

Answer briefly. Each question is worth 3 marks.
2.1. [Question involving deeper understanding]
2.4. [Question involving deeper understanding]

3. Long Answer Questions (20 marks)

Provide detailed responses. Each question is worth 10 marks.
3.1. [Complex problem or extended theory explanation]
3.2. [Complex problem or extended theory explanation]

Section C: Topic 8
Answer all questions from this section.

1. Multiple Choice Questions (10 marks)

Choose the correct answer from the given options. Each question is worth 1 mark.
1.1. [Question assessing knowledge of the topic]
1.10. [Question assessing knowledge of the topic]

2. Short Answer Questions (12 marks)

Answer briefly. Each question is worth 3 marks.
2.1. [Question testing application of theories]
2.4. [Question testing application of theories]

3. Long Answer Question (10 marks)

Provide a comprehensive answer. This question is worth 10 marks.
3.1. [Problem requiring comprehensive answer]


- Use a blue or black pen to answer the questions.
- Write your answers in the spaces provided.
- Begin each new section on a fresh page.
- Check your work before handing in the test.

Good luck!


Please note that the actual questions need to be filled in according to the specific topics and learning
objectives of the IBDP Physics syllabus. The structure provided here is a template to guide the
creation of your test.

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