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Article 14, Section 15 of the 1987 Constitution states that "The State shall conserve,
promote, and popularize the nation's historical and cultural heritage and resources, as
well as artistic creations." Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Chair, good afternoon. While
researching the primary issues in Barangay Potol, Dapitan City, we came across an
initiative from the Barangay Officials regarding the development of Ilihan Hill, a historical
and tourist attraction in the area. As Group 2, we fully support the restoration and
strongly encourage the continuation of this initiative. Local Government Units, including
Barangays, have the power, duties, and functions to initiate efforts for the preservation
of historical sites. Section 16 of the RA 7160 or Local Government Code of 1991 states
that "Within their respective territorial jurisdictions, local government units shall ensure
and support, among other things, the preservation and enrichment of culture."

Ilihan Hill, a significant elevation in Potol, Dapitan City, holds historical significance as
"Forte de Dapitan" from the Spanish Era. Despite its potential as a tourist attraction, the
hill has been left in a state of disrepair. The Barangay officials of Potol have taken
initiatives to develop the site, and the Mayor has expressed plans for its restoration.
However, the reconstruction of Ilihan Hill is not currently included in the City
Government's budget allocation for 2024, leaving the development uncertain for the
near future.

Ilihan Hill is an interesting elevation of nearly 500 feet located right in the middle of
Poblacion. But it is more than just a protrusion gracing the Dapitan skyline when one
stands anywhere in the Poblacion. A mute witness of times past, it was actually known
as "Forte de Dapitan," not unlike the other forts the Spanish government saw fit to
construct in order to protect early settlements from invaders. Since the Spanish Era,
Ilihan Hill has been waiting to be restored. A concrete staircase has been constructed to
simplify ascent to Ilihan Hill, but other than that, nothing much has been done.
According to the information we gathered from the City Tourism of Dapitan, "neglect and
unmindful visitors have left the place a virtual jungle and a garbage dump." The
Barangay officials of Potol have taken initiatives to develop the tourist spot. In an
interview, the Barangay Secretary, Mrs. Maria Venia N. Padao, said that Barangay
Captain Mr. Clifford D. Hamoy talked to Mayor Bullet Jalosjos, saying, in no verbatim,
"Mayor, duawa pud ang Ilihan." And just two weeks ago, the Mayor indeed visited the
spot together with the Barangay Officials of Potol and some employees of the City
Tourism. During this visit, the mayor verbally outlined his plans for the development of
Ilihan Hill. Among the things he mentioned were the return of the cannons, the purchase
of old lights as decorations, the reconstruction of the walls to make them look the same
as the old ones, putting up fences to avoid accidents, and the development of the
Barangay Hall at the foot of the hill into a souvenir store to be managed by the locals of
Potol. However, according to Admin Aide 4 of the City Tourism of Dapitan Cyril
Elumbaring, the reconstruction of Ilihan Hill is not part of the budget allocation of the
City Government for the year 2024, and it cannot be done this year. Furthermore, the
restoration of Ilihan depends on the priorities of the City Government. This means that
the development might or might not be done anytime soon.

The issue at hand is whether or not Ilihan Hill will be developed in 2025 and if the
Barangay Officials of Potol will take further initiatives to make it a reality. As Group 2, we
support the development and the continued efforts of the Barangay Officials for three
reasons: (1) Historic preservation, (2) Tourist attraction and income generation, and (3)
Safety Concerns

We support the development of Ilihan Hill for three reasons. Firstly, it is important for
historic preservation as it holds significant cultural value and provides insights into our
cultural heritage. Secondly, developing Ilihan Hill as a tourist attraction will generate
income for the locals and contribute to the local economy. Lastly, addressing safety
concerns through proper development and management will ensure a safe environment
for visitors. The restoration of Ilihan Hill will not only showcase its historical significance
but also offer breathtaking panoramic views of Dapitan Bay. The importance of historic
preservation is supported by the 1987 Constitution and the Local Government Code of
1991. Studies have shown that historical attractions with a strong historic appeal highly
satisfy tourists and contribute to economic activity. Safety concerns can be addressed
through the implementation of safety measures, such as building a fence and hiring
personnel to safeguard the area. The potential of Ilihan Hill as a tourist spot is
highlighted by its historical significance and the panoramic beauty it offers, as stated by
the City Tourism of Dapitan.

We support the development of Ilihan Hill for three reasons. First, historic preservation:
Historic preservation is the practice of protecting or preserving sites, buildings,
structures, objects, or districts that reflect elements of cultural, social, economic,
political, archaeological, or architectural history (source: Article
14, Section 15 of the 1987 Constitution states that "The State shall conserve, promote,
and popularize the nation's historical and cultural heritage and resources, as well as
artistic creations." Government Units, including Barangays, have the power, duties, and
functions to initiate efforts for the preservation of historical sites. Section 16 of the RA
7160, or the Local Government Code of 1991, states that "Within their respective
territorial jurisdictions, local government units shall ensure and support, among other
things, the preservation and enrichment of culture." Ilihan Hill holds significant cultural
value as a repository of collective memories. It provides a sense of continuity and
connection to the past, fostering a shared understanding of history and heritage among
community members. It offers insights into past events, lifestyles, and social structures,
enabling us to better understand our cultural heritage and the forces that have shaped
our societies over time. Most importantly, it symbolizes resilience and survival.
Second, Tourist Attraction and Income Generation: In an interview, the Barangay
Secretary of Potol mentioned that they are responsible for collecting entrance fees.
Currently, they charge 5 pesos per person, and the funds are used for maintenance.
Developing Ilihan Hill will enhance its historical appeal, attracting more tourists.
According to a study by RMD Mindanao et al. (2020) titled "Factors Influencing Tourist
Attendance at Historical Attractions," "historic visual appeal" is one of the top indicators
that highly satisfy tourists. Visitors expect to see the historic charm when they visit
historical attractions. The study found that visitors were highly satisfied with their travel
or visit when the attraction had a strong historic appeal, as it provides a sense of history
and reflects the past. Developing the "historic visual appeal" will eventually lead to
income generation for the locals. Peter Gould and Paul Burtenshaw (2014) conducted a
study titled "Heritage Sites: Economic Incentives, Impacts, and Commercialization,"
which found that tourism and other activities around heritage sites create opportunities
for governments or entrepreneurs to generate economic activity. For example, the local
construction workers in Barangay Potol may be involved in the restoration of Ilihan Hill,
creating job opportunities. Once the hill is restored, Barangay Potol can collect entrance
fees and generate income from the souvenir house. Investment in cultural heritage is
often beneficial for the local economy, not only in terms of cultural consumption but also
in terms of increased employment and income (source: Economic impacts of cultural
heritage–Research and perspectives E Bowitz, K Ibenholt - Journal of cultural heritage,
2009 - Elsevier). The role of Sangguniang Barangay in this respect is to submit
suggestions or recommendations for the improvement of the Barangay or the welfare of
its inhabitants and to assist in the establishment, organization, and promotion of
cooperative enterprises that will improve the economic condition and well-being of the
Third, safety concerns: One of the major reasons for the necessity of restoring Ilihan Hill
is the concern for safety. Due to its high elevation, tourists and visitors are advised not
to stay close to the edge of the cliff to avoid accidents such as falling. Although there is
personnel in charge, it is not enough. If the development is carried out and a fence is
built surrounding Ilihan Hill, along with hiring personnel to safeguard the place and
manage garbage problems, it will become a safe tourist spot. According to the
document obtained from the City Tourism of Dapitan, "If properly reconstructed and
developed as it once used to be – an early Spanish Fortress – one will not only
understand the ingenuity of converting this elevation into a fortress for the sheer
visibility of boats coming into the city through Dapitan Bay but also the immense view of
360° of panoramic beauty that the city offers."

One challenge to the development of Ilihan Hill is its dependency on the priorities set by
the City Government. However, there are two reasons why Ilihan Hill should be
prioritized. Firstly, it aligns with Dapitan City's "Tourism Goal" of becoming an eco-
tourism destination and heritage center. Developing Ilihan Hill as a tourist attraction
supports this goal. Secondly, there is a risk of losing its historical significance as it has
remained undeveloped since the Spanish Era. Restoring the walls may be challenging,
but development is crucial to preserve Ilihan Hill's historical value.
The main challenge is the budget, but there are ways to acquire funds. The
Sangguniang Barangay has powers to submit suggestions and hold fundraising
activities for Barangay projects. The Barangay officials can make recommendations to
the City Government and coordinate with agencies like the Department of Tourism and
the Philippine Historical Commission. If the City Government cannot cover the
expenses, they can seek assistance from the Province or the national level.
Prioritizing the development of Ilihan Hill is reasonable because the cost can be
recovered over time, while the loss of historical value is irreversible. Historical structures
play a vital role in preserving a city's way of life and cultural history. Saving buildings of
historic significance ensures their value for future generations.
Source: Rocchi, L. (2015). Historical structures: A key to city identity and heritage
tourism. RMD Mindanao.

One factor that poses a challenge to the development of Ilihan Hill, according to the
Admin Aide 4 of the City Tourism of Dapitan, is its dependency on the priorities set by
the City Government. However, there is a need to prioritize Ilihan Hill for two reasons.
Firstly, it will help Dapitan City reach its "Tourism Goal" as stated on their Official
Website, which aims for the full development and enhanced competitive position of
Dapitan City as an eco-tourism destination and heritage center. Developing Ilihan Hill as
a tourist attraction aligns with this goal and should not be delayed. Secondly, there is
the potential loss of historical significance. Apart from the 209 stairs leading to the top,
Ilihan Hill has remained undeveloped since the Spanish Era (1565 to 1898), putting the
original remnants at risk of being lost. Restoring the walls to their original look may be
challenging due to the difficulty of acquiring the original materials, but development is
the best way to preserve Ilihan Hill's historical value.
The biggest challenge for this development is the budget, but there are ways to acquire
funds. The Sangguniang Barangay has powers granted by the Local Government Code
of 1991, including submitting suggestions or recommendations for the improvement of
the Barangay and holding fundraising activities for Barangay projects without the need
for permits. The Barangay officials of Potol can make constant suggestions and
recommendations to the City Government regarding the allocation of funds and
prioritization of Ilihan Hill's development. The City Government can coordinate with
other agencies such as the Department of Tourism and the Philippine Historical
Commission. If the City Government cannot cover the expenses, they can reach out to
the Province, and if the Province cannot shoulder the expenses, they can seek
assistance from the national level.
When it comes to budget allocation and prioritization, it is reasonable to argue that the
development of Ilihan Hill should be prioritized and given a budget. The cost of
development can be recovered over time, but the loss of historical value is irreversible.
This argument is supported by Rocchi (2015), who emphasizes that historical structures
help preserve a city's way of life and cultural history. The preservation of historic
buildings ensures that they will be valued in the future. It is crucial to identify and save
buildings of historic significance because once a piece of history is destroyed, it is lost
forever (RMD Mindanao).

In conclusion, the development of Ilihan Hill is a matter of utmost importance for the
preservation of our historical and cultural heritage. As stated in the 1987 Constitution
and the Local Government Code of 1991, it is the duty of government units, including
Barangays, to ensure the preservation and enrichment of our culture. Ilihan Hill holds
significant cultural value as a repository of collective memories and provides insights
into our past. By developing Ilihan Hill as a tourist attraction, we not only promote
tourism and generate income for the locals but also contribute to the economic growth
of Dapitan City.
Moreover, the restoration of Ilihan Hill is essential to prevent the loss of its historical
significance. With proper development and safety measures, Ilihan Hill can become a
safe and enjoyable tourist spot, offering panoramic views and showcasing the ingenuity
of its early Spanish fortress.
While the budget may pose a challenge, there are ways to acquire funds through the
powers granted to the Sangguniang Barangay and by seeking support from other
agencies and levels of government. The long-term benefits of preserving our historical
structures far outweigh the costs, as they serve as reminders of our city's way of life and
cultural history.
Therefore, we urge the City Government, the Barangay Officials of Potol, and all
stakeholders to prioritize the development of Ilihan Hill. Let us work together to ensure
the preservation of our heritage and create a vibrant and thriving tourist destination that
will be cherished by future generations. Thank you.

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