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Detailed Lesson Plan/Self-Instruction Packet (SIPack)





Content Standard: The learner recognizes that communicative competence requires

understanding of speech context, speech style, speech act and communicative strategy.

Performance Standard: The learner demonstrates effective use of communicative strategy in a

variety of speech situations.

Learning Competency / Most Essential Learning Competency (MELC):

a. Watches and listens to sample oral communication. (MELC No. 7)
b. Identifies the speaker’s purpose. (MELC No. 8)
c. Ascertains that verbal and non-verbal cues that each speaker uses to achieve his or her ideas.
(MELC No. 9)

At the end of the lesson, the learners are able to:
a. differentiate the types of speech according to delivery (Extemporaneous, Impromptu,
manuscript, Memorized);
b. determine the types of speech according to purpose;
c. identify the speaker’s purpose; and
d. watch, listen and read sample oral communication.

a. Concepts/Topics:
I. Types of Speech According to Delivery
II. Types of Speech According to Purpose

a) References:
Oral Communication in Context for Senior High School by Philippe John Fresnillo Sipacio
& Anne Richie Garcia Balgos

A. Reviewing of Previous Lesson or Presenting the New Lesson
Activity 1
Directions: Tick the column that determines how often you practice what statements you say. Do
this as objectively as possible. Bear in mind that there are no wrong answers.
Usually Sometimes Seldom Never

1. I use an appropriate type of speech delivery.

2. I am aware of different speaking situations.

3. I use a conversational style in my speech.

4. I establish and maintain eye contact effectively.

5. I adjust the volume of my voice depending on

the size of the audience.

6. I vary my speed.
7. I modulate my voice.

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8. I use pauses effectively.

9. I pronounce words correctly.

10. I avoid mannerisms or distracting movements.

Usually – 3 points 28-30 Advanced
Sometimes – 2 points 25-27 Proficient
Seldom – 1 point 23-24 Approaching Proficiency
Never - 0 21-22 Developing
20 and above Beginning

B. Establishing a Purpose for the Lesson

Activity 2: Answer the questions orally.
Questions to ponder:
1. Which among the episodes in Fernandino Teens TV left an impact in your life as a
2. Is there an episode which you can consider as your favorite one?
3. What makes it your favorite episode?
4. What can you say about the Teacher-Lecturer on screen?
5. How did he/she present his/her topic?

C. Presenting Examples/Instances of the Lesson


To be effective in your delivery, watch and emulate people who speak in public
excellently. While observing, take note of the following.
• How they approach their audience (formal, informal, personal, conversational, intimate,
among others)
• How they connect with their audience (using eye contact, body movements, and facial
• How they present themselves (stage presence: how they look, stand, walk, use
nonverbal cues, act on and off the stage)
• How they use their voice in terms of volume (loudness or softness), pitch (highness or
lowness), rate or speed, pauses to show emphasis and strengthen the clarity of the
message, vocal variety (effective changes in volume, pitch, rate and pauses), and
The items enumerated are the tools that can help you develop your speech. Practice in front of
a mirror and observe your own delivery with these tools in mind. Alternatively, you can practice
in front of your family, friends, classmates, or those who have done public speaking.


Following are more techniques and tips to help you deliver your speech well:
1. Use a conversational style more often. This is the more natural style; it is the style that
you always use when you express yourself with your family and friends. Audience
members do not like the speaker to sound unnatural or exaggerated.
2. Look your audience members in the eye, so they will feel that they are part of your
speech. Eye contact should be maintained.

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3. `Remember to adjust your volume to the size of the audience and venue.
4. Vary your rate of speed to keep your audience interested and to avoid monotone
5. Master your voice and find your pitch level.
6. Use pauses when you emphasize the most important words, phrases, or sentences.
Your pauses should not last for three seconds. Otherwise, it will result in dead air or
moment of awkward silence.
7. Pronounce and enunciate words correctly. You will confuse the audience if you
mispronounce words, and it could distract them and affect your credibility.
8. Avoid fillers (“like,” “um,” “ah,” and “er.”) or expressions that substitute actual words in
your speech.
9. Start your speech by standing straight and balancing your weight. This will give a
positive first impression.
10. Use precise movements. Avoid distracting mannerisms like swaying back and forth,
leaning on the podium, licking or biting your lips, playing with your wristwatch or jewelry.
11. Avoid having a poker face or a highly animated face. These facial expressions appear
distracting and may even be annoying. Instead, follow the most highly suggested tip:
12. Dress properly and appropriately. Wearing the proper attire will make you look more
confident and professional. Make sure not to overdress.
13. Observe ethics by coming prepared, being honest with your words, being polite,
avoiding offensive words and back-biting about or talking negative things about other
people or copying someone’s work without proper documentation.
14. Breath in and out, relax before your speech. Most importantly have fun.

Values Integration:
Reflect to connect!
“Public speaking requires making connections with your audience and
presenting yourself formally to the public.”-anonymous

D. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing New Skills #1

1. Extemporaneous
Description • Speaking with limited preparation
• Guided by notes or outline
• Delivered conversationally
• Most popular type
Speaking Situations • When you are a candidate for a post in a student government,
you deliver your campaign speech before a voting public.
• When you are assigned to report a topic in class
Advantages • Helps you look confident
• Engages the audience
Disadvantages • May not have adequate time plan, organize and rehearse

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2. Impromptu
Description • Speaking without advanced preparation
• Unrehearsed speech
• Spoken conversationally
Speaking Situations • In an event where you are asked to say a few words
• First day at work or in class, or during an interview
Advantages • Spontaneous or natural speaking
• More focused and brief
Disadvantages • The tendency to be disorganized
• Lacks connection with the audience
• Nerve-racking for inexperienced and beginners

3. Manuscript
Description • Speaking with advanced preparation
• Planned and rehearsed speech
• Reading aloud a written message
Speaking Situations • Newscasting with a TelePrompter or an autocue device
• Presenting the legal proceedings and verdict in court
• Reading the rules and criteria in a contest.
Advantages • Exact repetition of the written words
• Guided speech
Disadvantages • Boring and uninteresting presentation
• Lacks audience rapport or connection

4. Memorized
Description • Speaking with advanced preparation
• Planned and rehearsed speech
• Reciting a written message word-for-word from memory
Speaking Situations • When you perform in a stage play
• When you deliver a declamation. An oratorical, or literary piece
• When an actor or actress in a sense performs a script from
Advantages • Exact repetition of the written words from memory
• Free to move around the stage
Disadvantages • Speakers might end up speaking in a monotone pattern.
Alternatively, he/she might take a fast pace
• When the speaker cannot control his/her stage fright, he/she
might have difficulty remembering his/her memorized speech.

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E. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing New Skills #2
1. To inform – an informative speech provides the audience with a clear understanding
of a concept or idea.
Ex: Lecture of the teachers.
2. To entertain - an entertainment speech amuses the audience.
Ex: Humorous speeches of comedians and performers.
3. To persuade – a persuasive speech seeks to provide the audience with favorable or
acceptable ideas that can influence their own ideas and decisions.
Ex: The campaign speeches of running candidates in government.

F. Developing Mastery
Activity 3
Directions: Write a FACT if the statement is true, BLUFF if not.
1. Good delivery conveys the speaker’s ideas clearly, interestingly, and without distracting
the audience.
2. Public speaking is simply reading your speech or talking about your topic.
3. As a public speaker, you need to be ready to deal with the most common challenges in
different speaking environments.
4. When speaking in public, observe your mannerisms and learn how to avoid them.
5. Most of the best public speakers underwent intensive formal training or got involved in
several speaking situations that, over time, enabled them to hone the skill.
G. Finding practical application of concepts and skills in daily living.
Activity 4. (Written Work: 12 points)
Directions: Construct at least 3 more tips on how to effectively execute each type of speech
A. Extemporaneous 1. Create an outline.

2. Use facts and real-life experiences as your examples.

B. Impromptu 1. Once you are requested to say something, pause for a moment
to plan in your head what to say.
2. State your main point briefly and deliver it at a pace your
audience can follow.
C. Manuscript 1. Rehearse the speech over and over again until you sound
2. Observe accomplished news anchors and note how
conversational they sound when they deliver the news.

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D. Memorized 1. Rehearse the speech over and over again until you sound
natural and feel confident.
2.Observe how actors/actresses perform their script in a theater,
television, or movie scene.

H. Making Generalization and Abstractions about the lesson

Activity 5
Directions: Reflect on what you’ve learned after taking up this lesson by completing the chart
What were your thoughts or ideas about the I thought...
principles of speech delivery prior to the
discussion of the lesson?
What new or additional ideas did you learn I learned that...
after taking up the lesson?

I. Evaluating Learning
Activity 6
A. Directions: Identify the phrases/excerpts taken from different speeches. Write
Informative, Persuasive, and Entertainment on the space provided.
1. If possible, buy your fruit and vegetables from local suppliers. And try to avoid
imported goods.
2. The idea of hybrids dates back to the mythology of ancient times. Folktales
were full of animal-human hybrid stories like mermaids and Minotaurs!
3. Relax and swing under the dead oak trees, jump into crystal brown lake
waters and be sure to stay within your designated 25 by 40-foot site for days at a time; that’s right!
You’re going camping.
4. Caffeine, which comes from the leaves, seeds, and fruits of about 63 different
plants, is well known as a stimulant.
5. One of the effects of using illegal drugs such as disturbance in our health can
lead to an increased risk of heart failure.
(Performance Task: 40 points)
B. Direction: There are two tasks indicated below. Choose ONLY ONE activity you wish to
perform. Follow the instruction and answer the question of the activity that you selected.


Watch the video on YouTube entitled “Everything Sucks And It’s Okay” by Bea Legaspi,
TEDxYouth@ASHS. You may also access the video by typing this link in the search bar.
Directions: After watching the speech, answer the following questions. (5 points for each
1. What is the video all about?
2. What type of speech does the speaker use? Is it extemporaneous, impromptu, memorized
or manuscript speech?
3. What do you think is/are the intention/s or purpose/s of the speaker in delivering the
speech? Is it to inform, to persuade or to entertain?
4. Do you think the speaker was successful in delivering her speech? Why or why not?

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Direction: Read the speech below entitled “There’s No Winning in Life” by Lloyd Luna, a
Filipino motivational speaker in Manila, Philippines and answer the questions that follow.
There’s No Winning in Life
By Lloyd Luna
For the longest time, I believed in winning. I believed that in any competition, someone
has to lose so that one can win. I believed in winning since my early exposures in competitions
and quiz bees way back in the 90s. Oh, God. When we compete, the goal is always to win.
And why not? The winners always take it all—the trophy, the medals, the honor. And if
you go home losing, it’s depressing, it’s painful, it’s just one of those things we can’t really be
proud of. Of course, people would pacify your sadness by telling you, it’s OK. You can try again
next time.
We believe them. So, we would join the competition again. This time, we believed we
are better and therefore would have a greater chance of winning. Regardless of the result,
people would always have something to say whether we win or lose.

All our lives, we are made to believe in winning. That, should we want to really be happy,
we have to win. They didn’t really require us to win big. Winning is sometimes enough. Just win
because losing isn’t good. Losing means you are weak, unprepared, disorganized. You are
less when you lose, they say.
So, everyone now wants to win. Whatever happens, the goal is to win. Yes, sometimes
whatever it takes.
Today, allow me to say what I discovered. In life, there’s no winning. There’s only
learning. We can’t win in life. But we can only learn.
When we were still in pre-school, we were told to pass to enter the primary school. We
did. And then we were told to go through another six years so we can go to high school. We
did. And then we were told to study for another four years or more so we can either get a job
or start our own business. For some, they were asked to take a Master’s or Doctor’s degree
and they did.
In all those years, have we won? Oh, yes. We certainly did. We won in different levels.
But we won. We got our diplomas and marched during the graduation rites. We made it.
But have you also noticed that this is a never-ending game? That whatever you do, how
much you believe you are winning, you are always on to another game? That however good
and worthy you have become; you will end up starting a brand-new level again. That every now
and then, something new is about to begin and that this life is a never-ending game?
I saw it.
It may appear that we are winning but in truth, we are not. We are just learning. And
even losers get the same chance to learn. That explains why some losers now become winners
of tomorrow and some winners now become losers in the future.
I’m writing this not because I don’t want people to win and that I encourage people to
lose. I simply want to emphasize that in this life, in this game, don’t focus on winning. Focus on
learning because that’s all there is in this life. Whatever we do, we will have to take another
game and that will happen until our last day.
We can’t win in life. And we can’t finish the game alive. But every day in every game,
big or small, we have the opportunity to learn. You don’t have to win to be happy. You just have
to learn. Maybe that’s enough reason to move on—knowing that you’ve learned and you can
face another game with the lessons in your heart.

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Direction: After reading the speech indicated above, answer the following questions. (5 points
for each question)
1. What is the speech all about?
2. What do you think is/are the intention/s or purpose/s of the speaker/author in writing the
speech? Is it to inform, to persuade or to entertain?
3. How did you say so? (continuation of number 2 question)
4. What do you think the author means when he says “We can’t win in life?” Do you agree
with him? Why or why not?

J. Additional Activities for Application or Remediation

Activity 7
Direction: In no more than 30 words, answer the question below.

What makes a good public speaker?


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