Applications of Hadamard Matrices

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Invited paper

of Hadamard matrices
Haralambos Evangelaras, Christos Koukouvinos, and Jennifer Seberry

Abstract — We present a number of applications of Indeed we shall see that the set of the number of sign
Hadamard matrices to signal processing, optical multiplexing, changes in a Sylvester-Hadamard matrix of order n is
error correction coding, and design and analysis of statistics. f0; 1; :::; n 1g corresponding to the number of zero cross-
ings of the Walsh functions.
Keywords — Hadamard matrices, orthogonal sequences, In 1893 Jacques Hadamard [4] gave examples for a few
CDMA spreading codes, Walsh functions, optical multiplexing. small orders and conjectured they exist for every order di-
visible by 4. An example for order 12 is:

2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3
1. Hadamard matrices and definitions 6
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 77
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 77
6 77
A square matrix with elements 1 and size h, whose dis- 6
6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
tinct row vectors are orthogonal is an Hadamard matrix of 6
6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 77
6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 77
order h. The smallest examples are 6
6 77
2 3 6
6 77
1 1 1 6
6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 77
  6 77
  1 1 6 1 1 1 7 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 ; ; 6 7 6
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 77
1 4 1 1 1 5 6 77
6 77
1 1 1 6
4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
where we write for 1. These were first studied by 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
J. J. Sylvester [17] who observed that if H is an Hadamard
matrix then We now look at some basic properties of Hadamard matri-
H H ces:
H H Lemma 2: Let H be an Hadamard matrix of order h. Then:
is also an Hadamard matrix. Indeed, using the matrix of (i) HH T = hIh ;
order 2 we have
(ii) j det H j= h 2 h ;
Lemma 1 (Sylvester [17]): There is an Hadamard matrix
of order 2t for all integers t.
(iii) HH T = H T H;
We call matrices of order 2t constructed by Sylvester’s con-
struction Sylvester-Hadamard matrices. They are naturally (iv) Hadamard matrices may be changed into other
associated with discrete orthogonal functions called Walsh Hadamard matrices by permuting rows and columns
functions. Using Sylvester’s method the first few Hadamard and by multiplying rows and columns by 1. We call
matrices obtained are: matrices which can be obtained from one another by
2 3
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 these methods H-equivalent (not all Hadamard ma-
61 1 1 1 7 trices of the same order are H-equivalent);
2 36 7
  1 1 1 1 661 1 1 1 7
7 (v) every Hadamard matrix is H-equivalent to an
11 6
61 1 7 6
7 61 1 1 177
41 1 5 61 7 Hadamard matrix which has every element of its first
1 6 1 1 1 7 row and column +1 – matrices of this latter form are
1 1 661 1 1 17
41 called normalized;
1 1 15
1 1 1 1 (vi) if H is a normalized Hadamard matrix of order 4n,
then every row (column) except the first has 2n mi-
For these matrices we count, row by row, the number of nus ones and 2n plus ones in each row (column),
times the sign changes so 1 1 changes sign twice. This further n minus ones in any row (column) overlap
gives: with n minus ones in each other row (column);
for the matrix of order 2 : 0,1
for the matrix of order 4 : 0,3,1,2, (vii) the order of an Hadamard matrix is 1,2, or 4n, n pos-
for the matrix of order 8 : 0,7,3,4,1,6,2,5 itive integer.

Haralambos Evangelaras, Christos Koukouvinos, and Jennifer Seberry

Definition 1: If M = (mi j ) is a m  p matrix and N = (ni j ) cation to Newton’s rule, ornamental tile work and the the-
is an n  q matrix, then the Kronecker product M  N is ory of numbers” [17] had found such matrices for all orders
the mn  pq matrix given by which are powers of two. Nevertheless, Hadamard showed
matrices with elements 1 and maximal determinant could
m11 N m21 N  m1p N
exist for all orders 1, 2, and 4t and so the Hadamard con-
6 m12 N m22 N  m2p N 7 jecture “that there exists an Hadamard matrix, or square
MN = 6 matrix with every element 1 and all row (column) vec-
6 7
.. 7
4 . 5
tors orthogonal” came from here. This survey discusses
mm1 N mm2 N  mmp N some of the applications of hadamard matrices.

Example: 2.1. Hadamard codes

1 1 Definition 2: The rows of an Hadamard matrix H of order
Let M = and
1 1 4n give a (4n; 8n; n 1) block error correction code as
2 3 each of the rows has distance at least 2n from each of the
1 1 1 1 other rows. The block code is:
6 1 1 1 1 7  
N =6
7 then
1 1 1 1 5
1 1 1 1 H
MN =
N N In the 1960’s the U.S. Jet Propulsion Laboratories (JPL)
N N was working toward building the Mariner and Voyager
2 3 space probes to visit Mars and the other planets of the
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 solar system. Those of us who saw early black and white
6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7
6 7 pictures of the back of the moon remember that whole lines
6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7
6 7 were missing. The first black and white television pictures
6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7
6 7 from the first landing on the moon were extremely poor
7 quality. How many of us now take the glorious high qual-
6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7
6 7 ity colour pictures of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and
6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7
6 7 their moons for granted.
4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 In brief, these high quality colour pictures are taken by
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 using three black and white pictures taken in turn through
red, green and blue filters. Each picture is then considered
as a thousand by a thousand matrix of black and white
Lemma 3 (Sylvester-Hadamard): Let H1 and H2 be pixels. Each picture is graded on a scale of, say, one to
Hadamard matrices of orders h1 and h2 . Then by the prop- sixteen, according to its greyness. So white is one and
erties of Kronecker products H = H1  H2 is an Hadamard black is sixteen. These grades are then used to choose
matrix of order h1 h2 . a codeword in, say, an eight error correction code based
on, say, the Hadamard matrix of order 32. The codeword
is transmitted to Earth, error corrected, the three black and
2. Historical background white pictures reconstructed and then a computer used to
reconstruct the coloured pictures.
More than one hundred years ago, in 1893, Jacques Hadamard matrices were used for these codewords for two
Hadamard [4] found square matrices of orders 12 and 20, reasons, first, error correction codes based on Hadamard
with entries 1, which had all their rows (and columns) or- matrices have maximal error correction capability for
thogonal. These matrices, X = (xi j ), satisfied the equality a given length of codeword and, second, the Hadamard
of the following inequality matrices of powers of two are analogous to the Walsh func-
tions, thus all the computer processing can be accomplished
n n
jdet X j2  ∏ ∑ jxi j j2 using additions (which are very fast and easy to implement
in computer hardware) rather than multiplications (which
i=1 j =1
are far slower).
and had maximal determinant. Hadamard actually asked
the question of matrices with entries on the unit disc but
his name has become associated with the real matrices. 3. Walsh functions
Hadamard was not the first to study these matrices for
J. J. Sylvester in 1867 in his seminal paper “Thoughts on Sylvester’s original construction for Hadamard matrices is
inverse orthogonal matrices, simultaneous sign-successions equivalent to finding Walsh functions which are the discrete
and tesselated pavements in two or more colours with appli- analogue of Fourier series.

Applications of Hadamard matrices

Example: Let H be a Sylvester-Hadamard matrix of order 8 The hardest curve to model with Fourier series is the
and sequency order: step function wal2 (0; t ) and errors lead to the Gibbes phe-
0 1 nomenom. Similarly, the hardest curve to model with
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Walsh functions is the basic sin 2π t or cos 2π t curve. Still,
B 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 C
B C we see that we can transform from one to another.
B 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 C
B C Many problems require Fourier transforms to be taken, but
B 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 C
H =B
Fourier transforms require many multiplications which are
B 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 C slow and expensive to execute. On the other hand, the fast
B 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 C
B C Walsh-Hadamard transform uses only additions and sub-
@ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A
tractions (addition of the complement) and so is extensively
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 used to transform power sequency spectrum density, band
compression of television signals or facsimile signals or
The Walsh function generated by H is the following:
image processing.

1 1
wal3 (0; t ) 0
2 2 4. Desired characteristics of CDMA
spreading codes
1 1
wal3 (1; t ) 2 0 2 Hadamard matrices have a significant role to play in the
search for desirable CDMA spreading codes.
For bipolar spreading codes fs(ni) g and fs(nl ) g of length N,
1 1 the normalized discrete aperiodic correlation function is
wal3 (2; t ) 2 0 2 defined as [9]:
8 1 N 1 τ
> ∑ s(ni) s(nl+) τ ; 0τ N 1
< N n=0
1 Nτ
1 1
wal3 (3; t ) 2 0 2 ci;l (τ ) = N ∑n=0
1 N 1+τ
s(ni) τ s(nl ) ; < 0 :
0; jτ j  N
When fs(ni) g equals fs(nl ) g, the above equation defines the
1 1
wal3 (4; t ) 2 0 2
normalized discrete aperiodic auto-correlation function.
In order to evaluate the performance of a whole set of M
1 1 spreading codes, the average mean sqaure value of cross-
wal3 (5; t ) 2 0 2 correlation for all codes in the set, denoted by RCC , was
introduced by Oppermann and Vucetic [12] as a measure
of the set cross-correlation performance:
1 1
wal3 (6; t ) 2 0 2 M M N 1
∑ jci k (τ )j2
M (M 1) i∑ ∑
RCC = ;
=1 k=1 τ =1 N
1 1
wal3 (7; t ) 2 0 2 A similar measure, denoted by RAC was introduced there
for comparing the auto-correlation performance:
The points of intersections of Walsh functions are iden-
1 M N 1
∑ jci; j (τ )j2
tical with that of trigonometrical functions. By mapping
M i∑
RAC = :
w(i; t ) = waln (i; t ) into the interval [ 12 ; 0], then by map- =1 τ =1 N
τ 6=0
ping axial symmetrically into [0; 12 ], we get w(2i; t ) which is
an even function. By operating similarly we get w(2i 1; t ),
The RAC allows for comparison of the auto-correlation prop-
an odd function.
erties of the set of spreading codes on the same basis as
Just as any curve can be written as an infinite Fourier series
their cross-correlation properties.
∑ an sin nt + bn cos nt It is higly desirable to have both RCC and RAC as low as
possible, as the higher value of RCC results in stronger mult-
access interferance (MAI), and an increase in the value
the curve can be written in terms of Walsh functions of RAC impedes code acquisition process. Unfortunately,
decreasing the value of RCC causes increase in the value
∑ an sal (i t ) + bn cal (i t ) = ∑ cn wal (i t )
; ; ; :
of RAC , and vice versa.
n n

Haralambos Evangelaras, Christos Koukouvinos, and Jennifer Seberry

Both RCC and RAC are very useful for large code sets and have found that different constructions give different auto-
large number of active users, when the constellation of in- correlation and cross correlation coefficients when tested
terferers (i.e. relative delays among the active users and the for CDMA coding.
spreading codes used) changes randomly for every transmit-
ted information symbol. However, for a more static situa-
tion, when the constellation of interferers stays constant for 5. Boolean functions
the duration of many information symbols, it is also im-
portant to consider the worst-case scenarios. This can be Hadamard matrices are intimately related with two families
accounted for by analyzing the maximum value of peaks in of symmetric balanced incomplete block designs. These
the aperiodic cross-correlation functions over the whole set families of designs are also connected with boolean
of sequences and in the aperiodic auto-correlation function functions used in the construction of S-boxes for crypto-
for τ 6= 0. Hence, one needs to consider two additional graphic algorithms. The family SBIBD(4t 1; 2t 1; t 1)
measures to compare the spreading sequence sets. is related to linear boolean functions and the
Maximum value of the aperiodic cross-correlation func- SBIBD(4s2 ; 2s2  s; s2  s) to those functions which
tions Cmax : are “furthest” from linear functions the bent functions.

cmax (τ ) = max jci k (τ )j;

τ =( N +1); ;(N 1) :
i=1; ;M
k=1; ;M 6. The existence and construction
i6=k of a complete set
Maximum value of the off-peak aperiodic auto-correlation of orthogonal F (4t; 2t ; 2t )-squares
functions Amax

jck k (τ )j;
This material is from Walter T. Federer [2].
amax (τ ) = max ;

k=1; ;M
6.1. Introduction and definitions

Amax = maxfamax (τ )g : Hedayat [5] and Hedayat and Seiden [6] have defined an
τ 6=0
F-square as follows:
The known relationships between Cmax and Amax are due to Definition 3: Let A = [ai j ] be an n  n matrix and let
Welch [18] and Levenshtein [10]. Σ = (c1 ; c2 ; :::; cm ) be the ordered set of m distinct ele-
The Welch bound states that for any set of M bipolar se- ments or symbols of A. In addition, suppose that for
quences of length N each k = 1; 2;  ; m; ck appears exactly λk times (λk  1)
in each row and in each column of A. Then A will be
r called a frequency square or, more concisely, an F-square
on Σ of order n and frequency vector (λ1 ; λ2 ;  ; λm )
maxfCmax ; Amax g 
M 1
and will be denoted by F (n; λ1 ; λ2 ;  ; λm ). Note that
2NM M 1
(λ1 + λ2 +  + λm ) = n and that when λk = 1 and m = n,
A tighter Levenshtein bound is expressed by: a latin square results.
As with latin squares, one may consider orthogonality of
s a pair or a set of F-squares of the same order. The above
maxfCmax ; Amax g 
(2N 2 + 1)M 3N 2 cited authors give the following two definitions covering
3N 2 (MN 1) these cases:
Definition 4: Given an F-square F1 (n; λ1 ; λ2 ;  ; λk ) on
It must be noted here that both Welch and Levenshtein
a set Σ = (a1 ; a2 ; ::: ; ak ) and an F-square F2 (n; u1 ; u2 ; :::; ut )
bounds are derived for sets of bipolar sequences where
on a set Ω = (b1 ; b2 ; :::; bt ), we say F2 is an orthogonal mate
for F1 (and write F2 ? F1 ) if upon supposition of F2 on F1 , ai
the condition of orthogonality for perfect synchronization
is not imposed. Hence, one can expect that by introduc-
appears λi u j times with b j .
ing the orthogonality condition, the lower bound for the
aperiodic cross-correlation and aperiodic out-of-phase auto- Definition 5: Let Si be an ni -set, i = 1; 2;  ; t, and let
correlation magnitudes must be significantly lifted. Fi be an F-square of order n on the set Si with frequency
vector λi = (λi1 ; λi2 ;  ; λih ). Then F1 ; F2 ; :::; Ft is a set
of t mutually (pairwise) orthogonal F-squares if Fi ? Fj ,
i 6= j; i; j = 1; 2;  ; t. If every ni = n and every λi` = 1,
4.1. Constructions for Hadamard matrices for CDMA
There are many constructions for Hadamard matrices and ` = 1; 2;  ; n, a set of t mutually orthogonal latin squares

recent work of Seberry, B. Wysocki and T. Wysocki [15] results and is denoted as OL(n; t ).

Applications of Hadamard matrices

If a complete set of orthogonal latin squares exists, then resulting F-squares will be mutually orthogonal from the
t = n 1 and the set is denoted as OL(n; n 1). If a com- properties of Hadamard matrices. Hence, the CSOFS is
plete set of orthogonal F-squares of order n exists, the constructed in this manner. 
number will depend upon the values of the ni in Defini-
tion 5. This leads to the following definition:
7. Hadamard matrices and optimal
Definition 6: A complete set of orthogonal F-squares
of order n is denoted as CSOFS(; ; ), and the num- weighing designs
ber of F-squares with i distinct elements is given by the
terms in the summation ∑ni=2 Ni F (n; λ1 ; λ2 ;  ; λi ) where Suppose we are given p objects to be weighed in n weigh-
∑ h = 1i λh = n; ∑ i = 2n Ni (i 1) = (n 1)2 and Ni is the ings with a chemical balance (two–pan balance) having no
number of the squares with i distinct elements. bias. Let
The fact that ∑ i = 2n Ni (i 1) = (n 1)2 in order to have xi j = 1 if the jth object is placed in the left pan in
a CSOFS follows directly from analysis of variance the- the ith weighing,
ory and from factorial theory in that the interaction of two
n-level factors has (n 1)2 degrees of freedom and from xi j = 1 if the jth object is placed in the right pan
the fact that only interection degrees of freedom are avail- in the ith weighing,
able to construct F-squares. For each Fi (n; λ1 ; λ2 ;  ; λi )- Then the n  p matrix X = (xi j ) completely characterizes
square, there are (i 1) degrees of freedom associated with the weighing experiment.
the i distinct symbols of an F-square, there are Ni F-squares Let us write w1 ; w2 ;  ; w p for the true weights of the
containing i symbols, and hence (n 1)2 = ∑ni=2 Ni (i 1). p objects, and y1 ; y2 ;  ; yn for the results of n weighings
Federer [2] showed that a CSOFS exists for n = 4t and for (so that the readings indicate that the weight of the left
i = 2 distinct symbols. The results have application in zero- pan exceeds that of the right pan by yi in the weighing
one graph theory, in orthogonal arrays, in coding theory, of i), denote the column vectors of w’s and y’s by W and
and other areas. It illustrates now analysis of variance and Y respectively.
factorial theory can be used to construct the CSOFS and Then the readings can be represented by the linear model
thus provides a new tool for construction purposes.
Y = XW + e ;

6.2. Construction of a complete set where e is the column vector of e1 ; e2 ; : : : ; en and ei is the
of F (4t; 2t ; 2t )-squares error between observed and expected readings. We assume
that e is a random vector distributed with mean zero and
The use of orthogonal contrasts in the analysis of variance covariance matrix σ 2 I. This is a reasonable assumption in
for factorial experiments to construct latin squares was in- the case where the objects to be weighed have small mass
dicated by Federer et al [1], Mandeli [11] also used this compared to the mass of the balance.
procedure. It would appear that there is considerable po- We assume X to be a non-singular matrix. Then the best
tential in using the orthogonality of single degree of free- linear unbiased estimator of W is
dom contrasts from the interaction to construct F-squares
and latin squares. The following theorem represents one Ŵ = (X X ) 1X T Y
such example: with covariance of Ŵ
Theorem 1: There exists a complete set of (4t 1)2 mutu-
ally orthogonal F (4t; 2t ; 2t ) squares. Cov(Ŵ ) = σ 2 (X T X ) 1

Proof: A normalised Hadamard matrix is one in which Hotelling showed that for any weighing design the vari-
there are all plus ones in the first row and in the first col- ance of ŵi cannot be less than σ 2 =n. Therefore, we shall
umn. The remaining elements are plus and minus ones. call a weighing design X optimal if it estimates each of
Hadamard matrices of side 4t are known to exist for all the weights with this minimum variance, σ 2 =n. Kiefer [8]
1  t  105 and are presumed to exist for all 4t. In the proved that an optimal weighing design in our sense is actu-
last 4t 1 rows of a normalised 4t  4t Hadamard matrix, ally optimal with respect to a very general class of criteria.
the number of plus ones is equal to the number of minus It can be shown that X is optimal if and only if X T X = nI.
ones. The Kronecker product of two normalised Hadamard This means that a chemical balance weighing design X is
matrices, i.e. H4t  H4t , is a normalised Hadamard matrix optimal if it is an n  p matrix of 1 whose columns are
of side 16t 2 . Delete the first 4t rows of the resulting H16t 2 orthogonal, that is an Hadamard matrix.
and delete the 4t + 1st, the 8t + 1st, ..., 16t 2 4t + 1st row
of the H16t 2 matrix. 8t 1 rows are thus deleted, leav-
ing (16t 2 8t + 1) = (4t 1)2 rows having 2t plus ones 8. Hadamard matrices and optical
and 2t minus ones. Let the plus one be symbol a1 and multiplexing
the minus on be symbol a2 in these remaining (4t 1)2
rows. Thus, an F (4t; 2t ; 2t )-square will be formed from The connection between Hadamard designs and multiplex-
each row resulting in (4t 1)2 F (4t; 2t ; 2t )-squares. The ing optics is now straightforward. In the optical case

Haralambos Evangelaras, Christos Koukouvinos, and Jennifer Seberry

the unknowns wi represent intensities of individual spatial same procedure, and the process stops when N 1 rows
and/or spectral elements in a beam of radiation. In con- are generated. A row of -1’s is then added as the last row,
trast to scanning instruments which measure the intensities completing the design with N runs and N 1 columns. By
one at a time, the multiplexing optical system measures adding a column of all 1’s in a Plackett and Burman design
(i.e. weighs) several intensities (or wi ’s) simultaneously. with N runs we obtain a Hadamard matrix of order N. In
The yi ’s now represent the readings of the detector (in- fact, Plackett and Burman constructed Hadamard matrices
stead of the reading of the balance). Finally, the weighing of order N, for all N  100 except N = 92 which was later
design itself, X, is represented by a mask. More precisely, given by Baumert, Colomb and Hall in 1962. For more
one row of X, which specifies which objects are present in details see [16]. As an example, the first rows that generate
a single weighing, corresponds to the row of transmitting, the Plackett and Burman designs with N = 8; 12; 16; 20
absorbing or reflecting elements. We usually refer to such and 24 runs are given below.
a row as a mask configuration.
8 +++ +
The two types of weighing designs – chemical and spring
12 ++ +++ +
balance designs – are realized by masks which contain ei-
16 ++++ + ++ +
ther transmitting, absorbing and reflecting elements (for the
20 ++ ++++ + + ++
chemical balance design) or simply open and close slots
24 +++++ + ++ ++ + +
(for the spring balance design). Note that the former case
requires two detectors, whereas in the latter case the ref-
After the identification of the active factors, the original de-
erence detector can be omitted. In Hadamard transform
sign is then projected into k dimensions for further analysis,
spectrometry the separated light is sent to a mask. Various
that is, we select the columns that correspond to the active
parts of the mask will be clear, allowing the light to pass
factors to form a new design with N runs and k columns
through, reflective (sending light to a secondary detector),
which is called a projection.
or opaque. Let us represent clear, reflective and opaque
by 1; 1 respectively. Then the configuration of the mask Since the choice of k columns varies with the outcome
is represented by a sequence of elements 1; 1. of the analysis, it is desired to study the properties of all
projection designs that may arise.
Suppose k measurements are to be made, and suppose it is
convenient to measure the intensity of light at n points of Projection designs that arise from Hadamard matrices are
the spectrum. Then the experiment will involve k masks, either regular or non-regular factorial plans. Regular frac-
which can be thought of as n  k matrix of entries 1, tional factorial designs, have simple aliasing structures and
and 1. The efficiency of the experiment is the same as usually arise from Hadamard matrices of orders N = 2 p ;
the efficiency of the matrix as a weighing design. The best non-regular fractional factorial designs have complex alias-
systems of mask are thus derived from Hadamard matrices. ing structures.
The aliasing structure of regular factorial designs can eas-
ily be computed. On the other hand, the alias structure
9. Screening properties of Hadamard of non-regular designs cannot easily be computed. For
more details on fractional factorial designs and screen-
matrices ing experiments we refer the interested reader to Wu and
Hamada [20].
An array on two symbols with N rows and k columns is
a (N ; k; p) screening design if for each choice of p columns,
each of the 2 p row vectors appears at least once. Screen-
ing designs are useful for situations where a large number 10. Supersaturated designs
of factors (q) is examined but only few (k) of these are
expected to be important. Supersaturated designs are useful in situations in which the
Screening designs that arise from Hadamard matrices have number of active factors is very small compared to the total
traditionally been used for identifying main effects only, number of factors being considered.
because of their complex aliasing structures. Without loss The use of Hadamard matrices to construct supersaturated
of generality we can insist that the first column of any designs that can examine k = N 2 factors in n = N =2 runs,
Hadamard matrix contain only 1’s. Then, by removing where N is the order of the normalized Hadamard matrix
this column we obtain a (N ; N 1; p) screening design, used. The first column of all 1’s is not taken into considera-
with p  2. Some screening designs of this form were in- tion since it is fully aliased with the mean. Then, we choose
troduced by Plackett and Burman [13] and they are termed a branching column out of the remaining N 1 columns
as Plackett-Burman designs. These designs can be gen- and we split the N runs into two groups. Group I contains
erated from the first row, that consists of N 1 elements, all the runs with the sign +1 in the branching column and
by cyclic arrangement. The second row is generated by Group II contains the remaining runs. Then by deleting the
removing all the entries of the first row one position to branching column either from Group I or Group II causes
the right and placing the last element in the first position. the remaining N 2 columns to form a super saturated de-
The third row is generated from the second row with the sign to examine k = N 2 factors in N =2 runs.

Applications of Hadamard matrices

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! torial experiments”, Biometrika, vol. 33, pp. 305–325, 1946.
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HN = [14] J. Seberry and R. Craigen, “Orthogonal designs”, in Handbook
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! CRC Press, 1996, pp. 400–406.
1 C1 ::: CN =2 1 1 C1 ::: CN =2 1
= [15] J. Seberry, B. J. Wysocki, and T. A. Wysocki, “Golay sequences for
1 C1 ::: CN =2 1
1 C1 ::: CN =2 1 DS CDMA applications”, in Sixth Int. Symp. DSP Commun. Syst.
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is a Hadamard matrix of order N. [16] J. Seberry and M. Yamada, “Hadamard matrices, sequences and
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i ; Ci ) for 1  i  2
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(1; 1) ! 1
[19] J. Seberry Wallis, “Part IV of combinatorics: Room squares, sum-

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[1] W. T. Federer, A. Hedayat, E. T. Parker, B. L. Raktoe, E. Seiden,
and R. J. Turyn, “Some techniques for constructing mutually or- Haralambos Evangelaras received the B.Sc. degree in
thogonal latin squares”, MRC Technical Summary Report no. 1030,
Mathematics Research Centre University of Wisconsin, June 1971. mathematics from the University of Athens, Athens,
(A preliminary version of this report appeared in the proceedings Greece, in 1998. He is currently a Ph.D. student at the
of the Fifteenth Conference on the Design of Experiments in Army National Technical University of Athens in the area of
Research Development and Testing, ARO-D Report 70-2, July 1970, statistics.
The Office of Chief of Research and Development, Durham, North
Carolina). Department of Mathematics
[2] W. T. Federer, “On the existence and construction of a complete National Technical University of Athens
set of orthogonal F (4t;2t ; 2t )-squares”, Paper no. BU-564-M in the Zografou 15773
Biometrics Unit Mimeo Series, Department of Plant Breeding and Athens, Greece
Biometry, Cornell University, Ithica, New York, 14853, 1975.
[3] A. V. Geramita and J. Seberry, Orthogonal Designs: Quadratic
Forms and Hadamard Matrices. New York-Basel: Marcel Dekker, Christos Koukouvinos received the B.Sc. degree in math-
1979. ematics and the Ph.D. in statistics, both from the University

Haralambos Evangelaras, Christos Koukouvinos, and Jennifer Seberry

of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece, in 1983 and 1988, Jennifer Seberry received her B.Sc.(Hons), M.Sc. in math-
respectively. In 1996, he received the Hall medal (a re- ematics from the University of NSW and her M.Sc. and
search award) from the ICA. He is a fellow of the ICA and Ph.D. in mathematics from La Trobe University, Victoria,
since 2001 an elected member of the Council of the ICA. Australia. For the past twent years she has also been work-
He is in the Editorial Board for the Australasian Journal of ing in cryptography and computer security. In 1987 she
Combinatorics, and the Journal of Modern Applied Statis- founded the Centre for Computer Security Research. She
tical Methods. He is currently a Professor at the National is presently Professor of Computer Science at the Univer-
Technical University of Athens. His research interests in- sity of Wollongong. She has over 300 publication and has
clude statistics, combinatorics, matrix theory, coding theory successfully supervised 22 Ph.D. theses.
and computational mathematics. School of IT and Computer Science
Department of Mathematics University of Wollongong
National Technical University of Athens Wollongong, NSW, 2522
Zografou 15773, Athens, Greece Australia


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