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Social Network: An Overview

1. What is a social network?

A social network is a set of social entities connected by relationships. These
relationships can represent various interactions like friendship, communication, or
professional ties.

2. Why is it important to study social networks?

Studying social networks helps understand how information flows, how influence
spreads, and how connections between individuals can impact various outcomes in
social, business, and technological contexts.

3. Name some applications of social networks.

Applications include marketing analysis, public health surveillance, social influence
modeling, and community detection

4. Discuss the history of social network analysis.

Social network analysis has roots in sociology and anthropology, where researchers
initially studied the impact of social structures on decision making and behavior.

5. What are the three levels of social network analysis?

Individual level, Dyadic level, and Whole network level.

6. Which tool is commonly used for graph visualization? Name one and describe
its features.
Gephi is a popular tool for graph visualization known for its powerful rendering
capabilities and ability to handle large networks.

Social Network Structure, Measures & Visualization

1. Define the components of a social network structure.

Components include nodes (or actors) and ties (or edges) that connect these nodes.

2. What is meant by 'Network Visualization'?

Network visualization refers to the graphical representation of social networks
where nodes represent individuals or entities and edges represent the relationships
between them.

3. Explain the term 'Scale Issues' in social network analysis.

Scale issues refer to the challenges encountered in analyzing networks as they
grow larger in size, particularly in terms of computational resources and the clarity
of visual representations.
4. What are 'Common Network Terms' used in social media analytics?
Common terms include 'degree', 'betweenness centrality', 'closeness centrality', and
'eigenvector centrality'.

5. Describe the purpose of using a graph layout tool.

Graph layout tools help in positioning nodes and edges in a visually coherent
manner that reflects the structure of the underlying data.

6. What challenges are faced in visualizing network features?

Challenges include managing overlap of nodes and edges, depicting large-scale
networks clearly, and choosing appropriate visual attributes like colors and sizes.

Social Media Text, Action & Hyperlink Analytics

1. What is the purpose of text analytics in social media

It involves processing and analyzing text data from social media to extract useful
information, identify trends, and gauge public opinion.

2. What are social media actions, and how are they analyzed?
Social media actions include likes, shares, comments, and tweets. Analyzing these
actions helps in understanding user engagement and the spread of content.

3. Explain the significance of hyperlink analytics in social media.

Hyperlink analytics examines the role and impact of URLs shared across social
platforms, helping to trace information dissemination and influence.

4. What are 'Social Media Text Analysis Tools'?

These tools, such as NLTK and TextBlob, help in sentiment analysis, topic detection,
and keyword extraction from social media text.

5. How do analytics tools help in understanding social media actions?

These tools analyze the frequency and pattern of actions to predict trends, user
behavior, and potential viral content.

6. Discuss the types of hyperlink analytics.

Types include tracking the number of clicks, analyzing the sources of links, and
studying the content and context in which links are shared.

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