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[ {

"categoryName" : "!DEV232",
"reportsList" : [ {
"reportName" : "CSV DEV",
"reportDefinition" : "SELECT s.Name Source_Name,\n d.File_Number,\n
d.File_Date,\n (SELECT Listagg(Zs.Name, '|') Within GROUP(ORDER BY Zs.Name)\n
FROM Zone_Entity_Statuses Zes\n JOIN Zone_Statuses Zs\n ON
Zes.Zone_Status_Id = Zs.Zone_Status_Id\n WHERE Zes.Hlevel = 12\n
AND Zes.Entity_Id = d.Ins_File_Id) Zone_Statuses,\n d.Total_Amount,\n
d.Total_Balance,\n (SELECT Abt.Branch_Name\n FROM Account_Branch_Types
Abt\n WHERE Abt.Account_Branch_Type_Id = d.Account_Branch_Type_Id)
Account_Branch_Type,\n d.Ssn,\n d.Name,\n d.Customer_Id,\n
d.Comments,\n d.No_Pa_Kept,\n d.No_Pa_Broken,\n d.No_Pa_Made,\n
d.Guaranteed_Flag,\n (SELECT Ac.City_Name\n FROM Address_Cities Ac\n
WHERE Ac.Address_City_Id = d.Address_City_Id) City,\n (SELECT
Acn.County_Name\n FROM Address_Counties Acn\n WHERE
Acn.Address_County_Id = d.Address_County_Id) County,\n d.Ins_Court_Id,\n
d.Approval_Date,\n d.Total_Amount_Goinsolv,\n d.Action_Flags,\n
(SELECT Pt.Pa_Type\n FROM Pa_Types Pt\n WHERE Pt.Pa_Type_Id =
d.Pa_Type_Id) Pa_Type,\n d.Total_Recovered_Amount,\n d.Special_Note,\n
(SELECT It.Name\n FROM Ins_Types It\n WHERE It.Ins_Type_Id =
d.Ins_Type_Id) Ins_Type,\n d.Sectia,\n d.Total_Expenses,\n
d.Ins_Liquidator_Id,\n d.Faliment_Date,\n d.Faliment_Details,\n
d.Ins_Suppliant_Types,\n (SELECT Itp.Tp_Name\n FROM Ins_Third_Parties
Itp\n WHERE Itp.Ins_Third_Party_Id = d.Ins_Third_Party_Id)
Ins_Third_Party_Name,\n d.Sale_Regulation,\n (SELECT Ist.Name\n
FROM Ins_Suppliant_Types Ist\n WHERE Ist.Ins_Suppliant_Type_Id =
d.Ins_Suppliant_Type_Id) Ins_Suppliant_Type,\n d.Ins_Suppliant_Details,\n
d.Lawer_Id,\n d.Closing_Date,\n d.Closed_Flag,\n
d.Ins_Open_Date,\n d.Ins_Close_Date,\n d.Begin_Ins_Date,\n
(SELECT Itp.Tp_Name\n FROM Ins_Third_Parties Itp\n WHERE
Itp.Ins_Third_Party_Id = d.Special_Ins_Third_Party_Id)
Special_Ins_Third_Party_Name,\n d.Payed_Interest_Flag,\n
d.Exp_Treatment,\n (SELECT Ibc.Ins_Bankruptcy_Cause\n FROM
Ins_Bankruptcy_Causes Ibc\n WHERE Ibc.Ins_Bankruptcy_Cause_Id =
d.Ins_Bankruptcy_Cause_Id) Ins_Bankruptcy_Cause,\n d.Data_Inscriere_Creanta,\
n d.New_Procedure_File_Flag,\n d.Open_Procedure_Amount,\n
d.Open_Procedure_Currency,\n d.Procedure_Ack_Date,\n
d.Bankrp_Closing_Date,\n d.Bankrp_Cause_Obs,\n (SELECT Trt.Name\n
FROM Task_Resolution_Types Trt\n WHERE Trt.Task_Resolution_Type_Id =
d.Last_Task_Resolution_Type_Id) Task_Resolution_Type,\n
d.Last_Task_Resolution_Date,\n d.Lichidator_Numit_De,\n d.Erased_Flag,\
n d.Erased_Decision_Date,\n d.Creation_Date,\n (SELECT Pst.Name\n
FROM Pa_Status_Types Pst\n WHERE Pst.Pa_Status_Type_Id =
d.Pa_Status_Type_Id) Pa_Status_Type,\n d.Gdpr_Scramble_Flag\nFROM Ins_Files
d\nJOIN Customers c\nON d.Customer_Id = c.Customer_Id\nJOIN Sources s\nON
d.Source_Id = s.Source_Id\nWHERE d.Active_Flag = 1",
"reportDescription" : "dev",
"reportParametersList" : [ ]
}, {
"reportName" : "XLS DEV",
"reportDefinition" : "select * from customers where customer_id=2",
"reportDescription" : "DEV",
"reportParametersList" : [ ]
}, {
"reportName" : "Clone of XLS DEV",
"reportDefinition" : "select * from customers where customer_id=2",
"reportDescription" : "DEV",
"reportParametersList" : [ ]
}, {
"reportName" : "CSV DEV_20240108140634",
"reportDefinition" : "select * from customers where customer_id=2",
"reportDescription" : "dev",
"reportParametersList" : [ ]
}, {
"reportName" : "XLS DEV_20240108140634",
"reportDefinition" : "select * from customers where customer_id=2",
"reportDescription" : "DEV",
"reportParametersList" : [ ]
}, {
"reportName" : "Clone of XLS DEV_20240108140634",
"reportDefinition" : "select * from customers where customer_id=2",
"reportDescription" : "DEV",
"reportParametersList" : [ ]
} ]
} ]

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