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Foreign policy refers to a government's set of strategies, principles, and actions designed to manage

its relations with other countries, international organizations, and non-state actors. It encompasses a
range of diplomatic, economic, military, and cultural instruments that a nation employs to pursue its
national interests, promote its values, and achieve its objectives in the global arena. Foreign policy is
shaped by a country's geopolitical context, historical experiences, domestic priorities, and perceptions
of security and prosperity on the international stage.
Nigeria's foreign policy implementation has evolved over the years, utilizing various instruments
to achieve its diplomatic objectives. Here are some key instruments Nigeria has employed:

1. **Diplomacy:** Traditional diplomacy remains central to Nigeria's foreign policy. This includes
bilateral and multilateral engagements, diplomatic missions, and participation in international
organizations like the United Nations and African Union.

2. **Economic Diplomacy:** Nigeria has leveraged its economic power to advance its foreign policy
interests. This includes trade agreements, investment partnerships, and economic aid programs to
foster relationships with other nations.

3. **Soft Power:** Nigeria has used cultural exchanges, education initiatives, and public diplomacy to
enhance its image abroad and build goodwill with other countries.

4. **Military Diplomacy:** Nigeria has engaged in military cooperation, peacekeeping missions, and
security partnerships regionally and globally to address security challenges and promote stability.

5. **Regional Leadership:** As a major African power, Nigeria has played a leadership role in regional
organizations like ECOWAS (Economic Community of West African States) and the African Union,
driving regional integration and conflict resolution efforts.

6. **Development Assistance:** Nigeria has provided development aid and technical assistance to
other countries, especially within Africa, as part of its foreign policy strategy.

7. **Crisis Management:** Nigeria has been involved in conflict resolution and peacekeeping efforts
in various African countries, contributing troops and resources to international peacekeeping

8. **Multilateral Engagement:** Nigeria actively participates in multilateral forums and initiatives,

advocating for issues such as climate change, human rights, and global governance reforms.
In conclusion, These instruments collectively reflect Nigeria's multifaceted approach to foreign
policy, which aims to promote national interests, regional stability, and global cooperation.

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