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Phosphoric Acid:

The way phosphoric acid affects humans is that it helps them keep
their mouth clean like with mouthwash and toothpastes, something we
all use in our everyday lives. It has medication in it. Things that are
used to save people’s lives it really does help a lot of stuff we use in
our lives that we don’t know about. But it can also cause problems in
our bodies if using the wrong amount or even the regular amount can
cause digestive systems. So yes, phosphoric acid has goods and bads
but in my opinion the pros are outweighing the cons because
phosphoric acid helps grow crops, the food we eat, that keeps us alive
and keeps us alive. The way it would affect me in my everyday life
because I brush my teeth and use mouthwash 2 times a day, so only
god knows how much phosphoric acid I've ingested, and I get random
heartburns all the time, maybe this contributed to it.

The way lead effects humans is that it helps them power things
because they are used to make batteries and it’s so moldable we can
use it to make weights, the things people use to work out. Lead can
affect humans by going into the air and environment and the more
lead in the environment the more the growth in plants and animals
decreases. It can even affect our kidney function. The way I think lead
can affect me is that it being in the air can cause many health
problems to me, not just to me but almost every human

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