Lerning Task 2 - Using Polya's PRoblem Solving Strategy

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Understand the Problem:

We need to determine the number of bird and dogs in the pet store. We know that birds have 2 legs and
dogs have 4 legs, and there are 50 legs in total.

Device A Plan:

Since we know that number of legs in the pet store, we can make a reasonable guess and use the result
to make a better guess util we determine each number of bird and dog legs that would total to 50 legs.

Carrying Out the Plan:

Guess the answer by using the same number of birds and dogs.

Guess 1 9 Birds 9×2= 18

9 Dogs 9×4= 27

Revise your guess. Use more number of dogs to increase the answer.

Guess 2 8 Birds 8×2= 16

10 Dogs 10×4= 40

Revise your guess again. Increase the number of bird land lessen the number of dogs to get a lower

Guess 3 10 Birds 10×2= 20

8 Dogs 8×4= 32
Lessen the number of dogs again and increase the number of birds.
Guess 4 11 Birds 11×2= 22
7 Dogs 7×4= 28
Answer: There are 11 birds and 7 dogs in the pet store.
Review the Solution:
I made 4 guesses. Since we know that birds have 2 legs and dogs have 4 legs, it was checked that 11
birds and 7 dogs are in the pet store.

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