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Forum: General Assembly

Issue: Impose Embargo on Trade and Medicine on Russia

Main Submitter: The Federal Republic of Nigeria

Preambulatory Clause:
Stressing the importance of international humanitarian laws,
Acknowledging the diplomatic relations between Russia and Nigeria,
a. Acknowledging the bilateral trade agreement between Russia and Nigeria, wherein having
considered that Russia is a major trade partner of Nigeria,
Expressing concern to the economic effect of the embargo on Russia in The Federal Republic of
a. Taking into consideration the livelihood of the people, in particular, the farmers,
b. Alarmed that the cost of Nigeria's subsidies has increased and inflation has occurred,
Deeply concerned on the threat of the embargo on Nigeria’s rising population,
a. Observing the threat to Nigeria’s food security,
Emphasizing the importance of world peace and the diplomacy of each country.

Operative Clause:
1. Acknowledging the importance on international humanitarian law, which provides
protection to the civilians and other noncombatants from hazard of armed conflicts,
therefore, envisioning the development of the rule of law at all levels as a critical method
of improving collaboration and establishing long-term peace and security within and
between states;

2. Recognizes the critical role of Russia being one of the top importers of different products
in Nigeria, taking into consideration how the embargo would affect the availability of
these products in Nigeria
i. Urges the United Nations and members to suggest alternative importer of
goods that are vital for the Federal Republic of Nigeria, encompassing
various essential products including but not limited to products such as:
1. Wheat, considering that it is the third highest consumed grain in
Nigeria, with emphasis on Russia being the second largest importer
2. Oil
3. Military Hardware
4. Fertilizers, a vital component for agricultural activity, with
emphasis on Russia being the top supplier of different fertilizers,
play a crucial role in optimizing crop yields and ensuring food
security worldwide;

3. Calls upon the United Nations and its member states to urgently provide vital supplies to
alleviate the severe economic repercussions inflicted by the embargo on Nigeria, ensuring
that essential goods are made available to alleviate the hardships faced by its people
a. Take notes of the scarcity for farmers in Nigeria due to the lack of fertilizers
b. Stresses the price surge resulted from the embargo including but not limited to
inflation in prices of:
i. Food
ii. Fossil Fuels;

4. Considers that the rising population of Nigeria would be affected by this action,
potentially leading to socio-economic implications, necessitating a carefully planned
strategy to mitigate any adverse consequences and ensure sustainable development for
the country's citizens
a. Reiterates the imperative of identifying alternative markets for food supply; this
strategic approach aims to eliminate any potential threats to food security caused
by the imposition of the embargo, ensuring the well-being and sustenance of the

5. Strongly encourages the involved parties to prioritize open and constructive

communication, engaging in long-term peaceful dialogues and negotiations that foster
understanding, in order to resolve their differences and pave the way towards a
sustainable and lasting solution to the present circumstances, recognizing that peaceful
resolution is the foundation of long-term peace and stability, it is crucial for all
individuals, communities, and nations to prioritize dialogue, understanding, and mutual
respect, fostering a harmonious world for present and future generations;

6. Strongly advises the United Nations, in order to ensure a comprehensive understanding of

the situation, to thoroughly examine the repercussions of the embargo on global trade
dynamics and the accessibility of vital medications, considering the utmost significance
of fostering peace worldwide and the well-being of the people;

7. Requests the United Nations to evaluate the economic repercussions of the embargo on
The Federal Republic of Nigeria, as well as its effects on the global economy, as it is
crucial for informed decision-making and understanding the potential ramifications for all
stakeholders involved;

8. Decides to keep a close eye on the situation in order to assess the effectiveness of
sanctions in promoting world peace while assuring the humanitarian and economic
effects on the Federal Republic of Nigeria of utmost importance, considering the potential
implications for global stability and the well-being of its citizens.

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