BS ISO 15708-4-2017 - This British Standard Is The UK Implementation of ISO 1 5708-4-2017

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BS ISO 1 5708-4:201 7

BSI Standards Publication

Non-destructive testing
— Radiation methods for
computed tomography
Part 4: Qualification

National foreword
This British Standard is the UK implementation of ISO 1 5708-4:201 7.
The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted to Technical
Committee WEE/46, Non-destructive testing.
A list of organizations represented on this committee can be
obtained on request to its secretary.
This publication does not purport to include all the necessary
provisions of a contract. Users are responsible for its correct
© The British Standards Institution 201 7.
Published by BSI Standards Limited 201 7
ISBN 978 0 580 93363 9
ICS 1 9.1 00
Compliance with a British Standard cannot confer immunity from
legal obligations.
This British Standard was published under the authority of the
Standards Policy and Strategy Committee on 28 February 201 7.
Amendments/corrigenda issued since publication
Date Text affected
BS ISO 1 5708-4:201 7
STANDARD 15708-4
First edition

Non-destructive testing — Radiation

methods for computed tomography —
Part 4:
Essais non destructifs — Méthodes par rayonnements pour la
tomographie informatisée —
Partie 4: Qualification

Reference number
ISO 15708-4:2017(E)

© ISO 2017
BS ISO 1 5708-4:201 7
ISO 15708-4:2017(E)


© ISO 2017, Published in Switzerland
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Contents Page
Foreword ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ iv
1 Scope ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Normative references ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
4 Qualification o f the inspection ............................................................................................................................................................... 1
4.1 General ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
4. 2 Qualificatio n o f f de ect tes ting .................................................................................................................................................... 2
4.2.1 General...................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
4. 2 . 2 Qualityf eature................................................................................................................................................................... 2
4. 2 . 3 Feature detectab ility/tes t sys tem/sys tem p arameteris atio n ................................................... 2
4. 2 . 4 Verificatio n o f s uitab ility ........................................................................................................................................... 3
4. 2 . 5 C o ns is tency check ........................................................................................................................................................... 3
4.2.6 Documentation .................................................................................................................................................................. 4
4. 3 Qualificatio n o f dimens io nal tes ting .................................................................................................................................... 4
4.3.1 General...................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
4. 3 . 2 Tes t and meas urement tas k ................................................................................................................................... 4
4. 3 . 3 D imens io nal tes ting/tes t sys tem/sys tem p arameteris atio n ..................................................... 4
4. 3 . 4 D egree o f accuracy ......................................................................................................................................................... 5
4. 3 . 5 C o ns is tency check ........................................................................................................................................................... 5
4.3.6 Documentation .................................................................................................................................................................. 5
5 Qualification o f the CT system ................................................................................................................................................................ 6
5.1 General ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
5 .2 I ntegral overall s ys tem tes t .......................................................................................................................................................... 6
5 .3 C hecking the sys tem co mp o nents .......................................................................................................................................... 6
5.3.1 General...................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
5 .3 .2 M anip ulatio n sys tem .................................................................................................................................................... 6
5.3.3 Image scale............................................................................................................................................................................ 6
5 .3 .4 B eam axis p erp endicularity ................................................................................................................................... 6
5.3.5 Tube focal spot................................................................................................................................................................... 7
5 .3 .6 Tub e s tab ility ...................................................................................................................................................................... 7
5.3.7 Detector ................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
5.3.8 Reconstruction .................................................................................................................................................................. 7
5.3.9 Visualization ........................................................................................................................................................................ 7
5.4 Documentation ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
6 Example of CT system resolution evaluation methods ................................................................................................. 7
6.1 Pre-amble .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
6.2 Acquisition parameters ................................................................................................................................................................... 8
6.3 Recommendations for creating reference objects .................................................................................................... 8
6.4 D ens ity res o lutio n meas urement metho d ....................................................................................................................... 9
6.4.1 General...................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
6 . 4. 2 f
H igh energy re erence o b j ect ................................................................................................................................ 9
6 . 4. 3 f
Lo w energy re erence o b j ect ................................................................................................................................. 9
6.4.4 Experimental measurements ................................................................................................................................ 9
Bibliography ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 11

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ISO 15708-4:2017(E)

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work o f preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters o f
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The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular the di fferent approval criteria needed for the
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Attention is drawn to the possibility that some o f the elements o f this document may be the subject o f
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Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) see the following URL: www.iso. org/iso/foreword.html
This document was prepared by the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) (as EN 16016-4)
and was adopted, under a special “ fast-track procedure”, by Technical Committee ISO/TC 135, Non-
destructive testing , Subcommittee SC 5, Radiographic testing , in parallel with its approval by the national
bodies of ISO.
It takes into consideration developments in computed tomography (CT) and computational power over
the preceding decade.
A list of all parts in the ISO 15708 series can be found on the ISO website.

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BS ISO 1 5708-4:201 7

Non-destructive testing — Radiation methods for

computed tomography —
Part 4:
1 Scope
T h i s do c u ment s p e c i fie s gu idel i ne s for the qua l i fic ation o f the p er formance o f a C T s ys tem with re s p e c t

to variou s i n s p e c tion tas ks .

It is applicable to industrial imaging (i.e. non-medical applications) and gives a consistent set of CT
p er forma nce p ara me ter defi n ition s , i nclud i ng how tho s e p er formance p a rame ters relate to C T s ys tem

s p e ci fic ation s .

T h i s do c u ment de a l s with compute d a xi a l tomo graphy and e xclude s o ther typ e s o f tomo graphy s uch a s

tran s lationa l tomo graphy a nd tomo s ynthe s i s .

2 Normative references
T he fol lowi ng do c u ments are re ferre d to i n the tex t i n s uch a way th at s ome or a l l o f thei r content

con s titute s re qu i rements o f th i s do c u ment. For date d re ference s , on ly the e d ition cite d appl ie s . For

u ndate d re ference s , the late s t e d ition o f the re ference d do c ument (i nclud i ng a ny amend ments) appl ie s .

ISO 15708-2, Non-destructive testing — Radiation methods for computed tomography — Part 2: Operation
and interpretation

3 Terms and definitions

For the pu r p o s e s o f th i s do c u ment, the term s and defi nition s given i n I S O 1 5 70 8 -1 apply.

ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— IEC Electropedia: available at http: //w w w. ele c trop e d i a . org/

— ISO Online browsing platform: available at http: //w w w. i s o . org/obp

4 Qualification o f the inspection

4.1 General
C T i s us e d i n i ndu s tr y b o th for de fe c t te s ti ng a nd d i men s iona l te s ti ng and me a s u rement. Si nce C T do e s

no t d i re c tly provide me a s u rement o f de s i re d quantitie s s uch as , for example, p ore s i z e or wa l l th ickne s s ,

the s e quantitie s mu s t b e derive d from the X-ray l i ne a r attenuation data repre s ente d b y the C T grey

va lue s . T he de te c tabi l ity o f fe atu re s and the degre e o f acc u rac y re qu i re d dep end on the i n s p e c tion ta sk,

the s p e c i fic ation o f the avai lable te s t e qu ipment and the ana lys i s and eva luation me tho d s u s e d . When

de term i nation o f s uch quantitie s i s re qu i re d, a s p e c ia l tas k- s p e c i fic qua l i fication te s t o f the C T s ys tem

i s re qu i re d . T he qua l i fic ation me a s u re s are de s c rib e d i n 4.2 and 4.3 . T he qua l i fication shou ld b e c arrie d

out b y trai ne d p ers on nel . T he tra i ne d p ers on nel s ha l l b e able to prove they h ave u ndergone trai n i ng

and qua l i fic ation i n d igita l i ndu s tria l rad io graphy or rad io s cop y.

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ISO 15708-4:2017(E)

4.2 Qualification o f defect testing

4.2.1 General
Under te s t qua l i fic ation, the s u itabi l ity o f the C T i n s p e c tion te ch nique for me as u ri ng a quantity to

the re qu i re d pre ci s ion shou ld b e veri fie d . T he fol lowi ng s tep s de s crib e d are typic a l o f tho s e for the

s ucce s s fu l veri fic ation o f the s uitabi l ity o f C T for i ndu s tria l appl ication s .

4.2.2 Quality feature

Typic a l quantitie s to b e me as u re d are the s i z e s o f p ore s , c avitie s , cracks , i nclu s ion s , contam i nants as

wel l as s tud ie s o f the materia l d i s tribution a nd the as s embly and i n s ta l l ation p o s ition o f comp onents .

B e c au s e the te s t s a mple and the typ e, p o s ition and s i z e o f the fe ature s to b e de te c te d de term i ne the

prop er tie s o f a C T s ys tem to b e u s e d, i n formation s uch as the fol lowi ng s hou ld b e known:

a) test object:
1) dimensions;
2) weight;
3) materials;
4) p ath leng th to b e X-raye d i n the materia l;

b) test feature:
1) typ e;

2) position;
3) size;
4) d i s tribution, fre quenc y;

c) fe atu re de te c tabi l ity:

1) limiting defect;
2) limiting feature.
Si nce the fe atu re de te c tabi l ity s trongly i n fluence s the s p e ci fic ation a nd there fore the co s t o f a C T

s ys tem, s p e ci a l attention mu s t b e ta ken when defi n i ng the s en s itivity o f the te s ts re qu i re d . I f, due

to m i s s i ng i n formation, no l i m iti ng va lue s for fe atu re s a re defi ne d, it i s re com mende d th at the b e s t

p o s s ible s en s itivity i s u s e d for the s p e c i fic me tho d and C T s ys tem and the atta i ne d fe atu re de te c tabi l ity

i s veri fie d u s i ng , for exa mple, de s truc tive te s ts .

4.2.3 Feature detectability/test system/system parameterisation

T he u s abi l ity o f the CT s ys tem and the s ele c tion o f s ys tem p ara me ters a re de term i ne d by the

re qu i rements for fe ature de te c tabi l ity. Typic a l va ri able s a re:

a) spatial resolution:
1) overall spatial resolution of the CT image;
2) s c an ge ome tr y;

3) detector spatial resolution;

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ISO 15708-4:2017(E)

4) focal spot size of radiation source;

b) contrast resolution:
1) overall contrast resolution of the CT image;
2) detector settings;
3) tube voltage;
4) tube current;
c) reconstruction/visualization:
1) number of projections;
2) CT grey value dynamic range o f the reconstruction or visualization;
3) CT image size in X, Y and Z axes.
CT system set-up and image quality parameters are described in ISO 15708-2:2016, 4.1 and 5.1.

4.2.4 Verification o f suitability General
A reliable statement on the de fect detection sensitivity and the de fect detectability o f the CT system
used in a test shall be made by stating the degree o f accuracy o f the test required (tolerance, degree o f
fluctuation). Several alternative procedures are described in the following. Reference samples with natural defects
I f a re ference sample with a known de fect is available, inspection o f this sample is carried out and the
detectability is stated a fter the test has been done.
I f a re ference sample with unquantified de fects is available, inspection o f this part is carried out and
the de fect detectability is stated using a counter-check, using, for example, a destructive test a fter the
CT scan has been done. Reference sample with synthetic defect
I f the test feature can be simulated using a synthetic de fect, for example, a hole, the de fect detectability
verification can take place similar to the previous section. Re ference sample without specifications

I f no specifications are available for the re ference sample status and a counter-check is not possible, the
test is carried out using the system sensitivity. Sample structures like, for example, wall thicknesses and
external dimensional measurements can be used for estimating the de fect detectability. Alternatively,
re ference samples like, for example, wires or spheres o f known dimensions can be used.

4.2.5 Consistency check

The CT scan requires several very complex process steps for which the error sources cannot always be
excluded. After the scan, the following can be used to trace the possible error sources:
— reconstruction: size, CT slice positions, possible artefacts ;
— CT image scale;

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ISO 15708-4:2017(E)

— sinogram (CT grey value and curve progress) or CT projection sequence (comparison between
projections, image quality o f the projections, intensity changes);
— system status (error messages).
Where errors occur, either they shall be corrected or their causes shall be eliminated and the test
4.2.6 Documentation
In the qualification report, the relevant parameters and results o f the qualification steps are to be
described and presented. The CT images are to be archived for a period which is to be agreed with the
end-user. The test parameters are to be archived so that an identical test procedure is possible in the
case of recurrent test parts and features.
4.3 Qualification o f dimensional testing
4.3.1 General
CT inspection provides information about the 3D structure of a sample from which surface and
geometry data can be derived. Because these data are based on X-ray-physical absorption di fferences
at the contour transitions, small di fferences in measured values may arise compared to classical tactile
or optical measuring procedures. In the following sections, those CT scan parameters which influence
the results will be described, together with those process steps which a ffect the accuracy o f the results.
4.3.2 Test and measurement task
Dimensional measurement tasks include the measurement o f single dimensions in the test object, wall
thickness measurements, sur face extraction, volume extraction or nominal-actual comparisons. The
required measurement precision is to be defined for every task and i f necessary for di fferent parts o f
the sample.
4.3.3 Dimensional testing/test system/system parameterisation
The degree o f accuracy attainable depends on the test object, the limitations o f X-ray physics and the
subsequent data handling. An initial estimation o f the degree o f accuracy o f a CT-based dimensional
measurement can take place with the following parameters:
a) spatial resolution in the test object:
1) dimensions;
2) geometric magnification, voxel size;
3) detector resolution;
4) focal spot;
b) X-ray penetration o f test object:
1) material;
2) maximal wall thickness to be X-rayed;
3) contrast resolution;
c) 3D component data:
1) original CT image voxel size;
2) extraction steps and quality;

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ISO 15708-4:2017(E)

3) fur ther pro ce s s i ng s tep s and qua l ity;

4) registration method.
For th i s e s ti mation, it mu s t b e no te d th at -phys ic a l X-ray e ffe c ts ( l i ke s c attere d rad i ation a nd b e am

harden i ng) a s wel l as a r te fac ts due to the de te c tor and re con s truc tion me tho d ca n le ad to s trongly

var yi ng degre e s o f acc u rac y i n d i fferent p a r ts o f the s a mple . For a known me as u ri ng p oi nt, the lo c a l-

parameters should be used.

T he i n s p e c tion ta sk i s to be rej e c te d i f the s e t o f re qu i rements l ie outs ide the cap acity o f X-ray

te ch nolo g y or the C T s ys tem .

4.3.4 Degree of accuracy General
I n the fol lowi ng , the pro ce du re s a re de s c rib e d wh ich, dep end i ng on the me a s u rement tas k, p erm it a

s tatement to b e made on the degre e o f acc u rac y atta i ne d . T he me tho d s de s c rib e d provide the overa l l

de gre e o f acc u rac y o f the whole me a s u rement ch ai n . Reference sample

For the me a s u rement ta s k a re ference part is u s e d, wh ich is s ubj e c te d to a s tanda rd counter-

me as u rement te ch n ique, for exa mple tac ti le or op tic a l and i f ne ce s s ar y de s tr uc tive me as u rement

me tho d s . B y comp ari ng the me as u rement data, s tatements c a n b e made on the degre e o f acc u rac y

(wh ich may va r y i n d i fferent p ar ts o f the s ample) . T he de gre e s o f acc u rac y ach ieve d c a n b e tran s ferre d

to s i m i lar p a r ts for the s a me C T s ys tem p ara me ters a nd comp a rable te s t obj e c ts .

Typic a l s p e c i fic ation s are:

a) reference dimensions;
b) information on counter-measurement procedures;
c) standard deviation of measurement errors for a reference data record. Reference bodies
If a complete counter-measurement is not possible, a measurement of accessible sample geometries
with comparable attenuation values to the reference sample can be drawn on for estimating the degree
o f acc u rac y. T he u s e o f re ference b o d ie s s uch a s s phere s a nd du mbb el l s a l s o repre s ents a n op tion for
e s ti mati ng the de gre e o f acc u rac y.

Typic a l s p e c i fic ation s are:

a) reference dimensions;
b) information on counter-measurement procedures and on the different test zones within the sample;
c) standard deviation of the measurement error for a reference data record.
4.3.5 Consistency check
See 4.2.5.
4.3.6 Documentation
See 4.2.6.

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5 Qualification of the CT system

5.1 General
The ability o f a CT system to produce high quality, stable and reproducible results relies on the same
per formance from all the system components and their interactions. To ensure this in everyday
operation, a regular system inspection is recommended according to defined criteria.
A distinction should be made between inspections carried out at short intervals (e.g. weekly) by means
o f an “overall per formance” test and those done at longer intervals (e.g. annually) for a quality level
description and possible changes o f individual system components.

5.2 Integral overall system test

For regular system monitoring, the re ference sample should be similar to those typically used in the CT
system. The complete test cycle should be per formed using similar system parameters to those used
when inspecting using typical test samples.
For the evaluation o f system quality, the current test results are compared with re ference
measurements. It is recommended that measurements o f di fferent object structures like, for example,
material de fects (pores, cracks), thinnest and thickest position on the re ference block, wall thicknesses,
etc. are specified as quality criteria.
I f combined systems (two tubes and/or detectors) are used, several suitable re ference blocks are to be
used for the respective system combinations (e.g. micro- focus and mini- focus application).
The test results and system status which results from this are to be documented and archived.
If differences are found, further inspections are to be carried out to determine the cause (see also
5.3 ). The a forementioned inspections should be carried out a fter any repairs and other important
interventions in the overall system and be fore further use o f the system.

5.3 Checking the system components

5.3.1 General
The following system components, which could potentially be a ffected, are to be checked during the
initial operation when changes are suspected (after repairs and in the case of a crash) and at regular
5.3.2 Manipulation system
The track and positioning precision o f the axes are to be checked. Measurement instruments like those
used for checking coordinate measurement machines (CMMs) can be used.

5.3.3 Image scale

Sets o f high-precision spheres with a known spatial configuration (e.g. sphere bars, dumbbells) are
recommended for inspecting the CT image scale (see Figure 1 of ISO 15708-2:2016). Such samples have
the advantage that di fferences in the CT grey level threshold used do not a ffect the dimensional result
5.3.4 Beam axis perpendicularity
The perpendicularity o f the beam axis to the detector can be checked using suitable test samples (e.g.
tungsten wires or tips, spheres).

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5.3.5 Tube focal spot

The tube focal spot position shall be checked using a suitable method, for example by ensuring that
dimensions obtained from CT scans at di fferent magnifications are compatible (within stated error
5.3.6 Tube stability
The stability o f the X-ray tube output can be checked by means o f a dose rate measurement.

5.3.7 Detector
The dynamics o f the detector can be checked using a comparison with the as-delivered condition e.g. by
imaging a stepped re ference block. It is recommended that the detector is regularly checked for pixel
The detector stability can be checked using a time series o f intensity measurements.

5.3.8 Reconstruction
In the case of reinstallation, the exchange of hardware components or updates, it is recommended that
a known set o f projections is input. The reconstruction result (CT grey values and voxel size) is to be
evaluated against a previous reconstruction of these projections.
5.3.9 Visualization
In the case of reinstallation, the exchange of hardware components or updates, it is recommended that
a known CT image is loaded. The visualization result and quantitative measurements o f it are to be
evaluated against a previous visualization of this CT image.
5.4 Documentation
The date and time o f the system monitoring, the steps implemented and the achieved result are to be
documented and archived for a period to be specified.

6 Example of CT system resolution evaluation methods

6.1 Pre-amble
The per formance o f a CT system is related to numerous criteria with lesser or greater influence
depending on the type o f object tested (low or high attenuation), the type o f characterization per formed
(search for de fects, densitometry, etc.). Another way o f dealing with the problem is to be aware that the
per formance o f a CT system is always the result o f a compromise between various parameters such as:
— spatial resolution;
— density resolution;
— acquisition time.
These three parameters are interdependent. Attempting to improve one of these parameters will
degrade one or both o f the others. It thus seems pointless to try to evaluate the “absolute per formance”
o f a CT system. Such an evaluation shall in any case be per formed within the context o f the parts tested.
Nevertheless, per formance evaluation based on the quantification o f spatial and density resolution
is presented as an example. This method applies to most existing CT systems and the results will be
use ful for the majority o f examinations per formed.

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This method does not attempt to provide a detection limit for CT systems evaluated, but to quanti fy
performance to compare different installations, or monitor such performance over time. Such a method
can also be used to optimize acquisition parameters for a given context (type o f tested part, dose
constraints and acquisition time).
Reference objects shall be adapted for particular installations, such as microfocus installations and
high- energy systems. Generally, objects used for evaluation should be as close as possible in terms o f
the attenuation and size o f the parts tested. I f needed, more specific objects can be designed to better
meet the desired criteria.
The following clauses describe the reference objects and a method implemented as part of a comparative
system on several installations di ffering in design, manu facturing method and age.
The recommended method should be adapted according to the context of the examination. The
guidelines for creating these objects are indicated in 6.3.
The measurements shown in the following clauses apply in theory to all situations.

6.2 Acquisition parameters

Since each CT system has its own image acquisition and reconstruction properties, it is important that
a standardised resolution measurement be made for each system, using an optimal voltage, voxel size
and angular increment (where possible).
6.3 Recommendations for creating reference objects
The recommended method uses two types o f re ference object:
— one for measuring spatial resolution, comprised of one part containing a row of calibrated holes, see
Figure A.1 of ISO 15708-2:2016;
— the other for measuring density resolution, comprised o f one part containing inserts, see Figure 1.
Since all measurements are relative to the assumed properties of the reference objects, great care
should be taken when defining and creating them.
The reference objects shall meet certain requirements to ensure optimum measurement conditions.
A cylindrical geometry is chosen to avoid arte facts due to angular e ffects (edge arte fact in accordance
with ISO 15708-2:2016).
In order to measure density resolution, the inserts shall have a linear attenuation coe fficient close to
that o f the material comprising the matrix, in order to avoid arte facts known as “edge e ffects” (according
to ISO 15708-2:2016). The differences in attenuation between inserts shall remain low to ensure
greater sensitivity in the measurement. Proper beam hardening correction shall be applied during
reconstruction o f the CT image. Moreover, to ensure applicability, the material o f the re ference objects
shall be chemically similar and o f a similar density to the test samples. This is because a CT image
measures the X-ray linear attenuation coe fficient which is related to, but not directly proportional to,
the material density.
The materials making up the matrix and inserts shall be as homogeneous as possible; variations in
density shall in any case be at least less by a factor o f 10 than the expected precision o f the CT system.
The size shall be su fficient to allow an averaged measure on a ROI (region o f interest) with several tens
of pixels square.
When measuring spatial resolution, calibrated artificial de fects are necessary. The precision
o f machining is generally much less than the desired spatial resolution, which creates certain
manu facturing problems for re ference parts dedicated for micro- focus systems. I f high precision
cannot be obtained when creating the part, such precision shall be obtained by a posteriori and precise
measurement of the machining performed.

8 © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved

BS ISO 1 5708-4:201 7
ISO 15708-4:2017(E)

6.4 Density resolution measurement method

6.4.1 General
The following procedure defines how to measure the material density resolution from the CT image by
applying a calibration as described in 6.4.4 . An alternative way to measure density resolution is via the
contrast to noise ratio (CNR).
The extensive range o f energies used is leading to define two distinct re ference objects: one for low
energy installations (acceleration voltage < 200 kV) and the other for high energy installations
(acceleration voltage 200 kV and 450 kV).

6.4.2 High energy reference object

Such an object comprises an 80 mm diameter cylinder with a thickness o f 30 mm containing 6 inserts
with a diameter of 15 mm, see Figure 1 . The matrix and the inserts are made of thermosetting polymer
and aluminium and potassium chloride mineral fillers. The density o f each insert is obtained for di fferent
concentrations o f mineral fillers and shall be measured by using another appropriate technique.

1 inserts
Figure 1 — CT image of the high energy reference object

6.4.3 Low energy reference object

A reference object comprises separate media of different densities but which are near 1 and of similar
composition to avoid the strong influence o f atomic number on the attenuation.

6.4.4 Experimental measurements

The mean o f CT grey values o f the insert I, N i , is computed for a Region of Interest (ROI) centred on each
insert o f at least 100 voxels. The background CT grey value Nb is taken as the re ference and placed in
correspondence with the exact value o f density o f the background db.

© ISO 2017 – All rights reserved 9

BS ISO 1 5708-4:201 7
ISO 1 5 70 8-4: 2 01 7(E)

T he den s ity o f the i n s er ts , di, de term i ne d by tomo graphy i s given by the fol lowi ng formu la:

d = N / Nb × d
i i
) b
T he s e va lue s a re then comp a re d to the exac t den s ity va lue s di of each insert.
T he p er forma nce i s eva luate d us i ng c u r ve s relati ng C T grey va lue s di measured with the reference
densities di
of each insert.
NO TE S i nce the acqu i s itio n p a ra me ters a re no t s tr ic tl y identic a l b o th i n ter m s o f h igh vo ltage a nd the

phys ic a l fi lter, it m ay b e ne ce s s a r y to co r re c t the me a s u rements u s i ng a n o ffs e t, b ut th i s wi l l no t a lter the

p er for m a nce o f the C T s ys tem i n ter m s o f den s ity re s olution .

For e ach C T s ys tem, the l i ne ar regre s s ion co e ffic ient k o f the c u r ve i s compute d . σ̂ is the estimator of
the s tandard devi ation o f the C T grey va lue s me a s u re d i n e ach RO I , the materi a l den s ity re s olution i s

given b y:

∆d = k × 3σ̂ (2)
for a con fidence o f 3 σ̂
T h i s error on the den s ity do e s no t ta ke i nto accou nt the rep e atabi l ity u ncer tai nty a nd the den s ity

uncer ta i nty o f the re ference s ta ndard p a r ts .

S ome p olych romatic s ou rce i n s ta l lation s c an, u s i ng a s p e ci fic b e a m hardeni ng e ffe c t corre c tion, b e

qua ntitatively clo s e to the ab s olute den s ity va lue s o f the i n s er ts .

10 © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved

BS ISO 1 5708-4:201 7
ISO 15708-4:2017(E)


[1] ISO 15708-1:2016, Non-destructive testing — Radiation methods for computed tomography —
Part 1 : Terminology

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