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Master Leader Course (MLC)
Operations Learning Competency

Lesson M446 OPORD


HQ, 1st Armored Division

28 February 2017


(U) References
a. JOG-A series 1:250,000 scale NJ 38-3, NJ 38-4, NJ 38-7, NJ 39-1, NJ 39-5, NK 38-8, NK 38-9,
NK 38-11, NK 38-12, NK 39-7, NK-39-10, NK 39-11

b. FORSCOM Regulation 350-50-1 (20 JAN 10).

c. III Corps OPLAN.
d. World Equipment Guide.

(U) Time Zone Used Throughout the OPORD: ZULU

(U) Task Organization: Refer to Annex A
1. (U) Situation.
A. (U) Area of Interest. The 1st AD area of interest includes the airways and land areas of the
provinces surrounding the Vetlia, Erdabil, and Hackzi Provinces in Atropia and the Gilan Province in
Donovia, (Refer to Appendix 2 (Operations Overlay) to Annex C (Operations). In the west are the
Atropian provinces of Agdash and Muhksa through which 1AD’s lines of communication and supply
pass. Further west is the nation of Gorgas, where the Corps’ SPODs and APODs are located. To the
east are the provinces of Hachzi and Sirvaki, both critical as 1st AD considers the protection of its
eastern flank. Vetlia contains the Gabala Airport which serves as a major airbase for the Air
Component, while Sirvaki Province, experiencing a low-level Lezgin insurgency, poses a threat to the
Division’s right flank and rear areas.
B. (U) Area of Operations. The 1st AD area of operations includes the land areas and airways of the
Atropian provinces of Vetlia, Erdabil, the eastern portion of Agdash, the western portion of Hackzi and
the southern part of the Donovian Gilan Province where additional heavy Donovian (DON) ground
forces are assembling. Refer to Tab B (1AD Area of Operations Map) to Appendix 2 (Operations
Overlay) to Annex C (Operations).
(1) (U) Terrain. For details refer to Tab A (Terrain) to Appendix 1 (Intelligence Estimate) to Annex
B (Intelligence).
(2) (U) Weather. From October - March, the weather in the 1st AD AO impacts military operations
in four ways. First, the average daytime temperatures from October - March range in the high
30s at night and mid 50s during the day. If Soldiers and Leaders do not ensure proper hydration
and regular meals, the likelihood of cold weather injuries greatly increases. In addition, long term
use of vehicles and power generation equipment during cold temperatures can result in
equipment breakdown. With regard to chemical weapons employment, non-persistent chemical
attacks will dissipate more quickly during high temperature time periods. During the colder and
wetter months between November and March, non-persistent chemicals will linger for longer
periods. The second weather impact on military operations is winds. During the months of
October - March units can expect periods of high winds that restrict rotary wing and UAS
operations. Winds will also restrict the use of certain communications equipment that becomes
unstable as winds increase. The third weather impact on military operations is precipitation.
Between the months of October and March Northern Atropia and southern Donovia experience
their highest yearly rainfall. Although not much compared to other areas in the world, rain in the
region can result in flash flooding that will damage unimproved roads and wash-out equipment
located in wadis. In addition, the increased rainfall can result in the increased likelihood of cold
weather injuries including immersion foot. Soldiers must be prepared for rapid and unexpected
shifts in weather conditions between October and March. Finally, the dry environment in the 1st



AD AO results in the high likelihood of dusty conditions. Large formations of mechanized and
wheeled vehicles traveling off road produce dust trails that can be observed over long distances.
Vehicles traveling in close proximity can create dusty conditions that can result in vehicle
collisions and damage to equipment or injury to personnel. During aviation operations, dusty
conditions can result in damage to equipment, and additional risk while taking off and landing. For
greater detail on the impact weather has on military operations refer to Tab B (Weather) (TAB B
is not provided. Instead use local light and weather data) to Appendix 1 (Intelligence
Estimate) to Annex B (Intelligence).
C. (U) Enemy Forces. Refer to Tab D (Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield Products) to
Appendix 1 (Intelligence Estimate) to Annex B (Intelligence).
(1) (U) Drivers of Instability.

(a) (U) Donovian Influence: Donovia’s political objectives are to reclaim territory which was
previously held by the Donovian Empire, to establish control of key areas containing strategic
natural resources, and to unify the ethnic Bilasuvian people found in the three northern
provinces of Vetlia, Erdabil, and Hachzi. Perceiving the international community possesses
little will to contest its ambitions in the region; Donovia boldly seeks to shape conditions in
those provinces through a combination strategy employing a comprehensive INFOWAR
campaign, political and armed proxies, Commando actions inside neighboring states, and
conventional forces. The end state is Donovian control of the disputed area with sufficient
military force to ensure a favorable diplomatic solution resulting in a negotiated annexation of
the provinces. Maintaining strong historical, ethnic, religious, and economic motivations to
overthrow or subvert Atropia control of the Vetlia, Erdabil, and Hachzi Provinces, the
Donovian Government has made multiple public statements revealing their desire to re-unify
the three provinces with the homeland. To that end, the Donovian leadership will continue to
politically pressure Atropia, both regionally and internationally; support separatist and
destabilizing forces inside Atropia; and seek an opportunity to inject Donovian armed forces
inside the disputed provinces as a precursor to annexation. In shaping the conditions for
intervention, the Donovian Government will support its’ proxies inside Atropia in order to
foment violence and increase consternation. Donovia’s desired result is to destabilize the
region, demonstrate the inability of the Atropian security forces to provide security and order,
prevent the growth of Western influence in the region, and discredit the government of

(b) (U) Donovian Military Forces. Indications point to deterrence failing; DON Army forces
have been conducting combined arms maneuver exercises for the past five months. Recently
these exercises have risen in scale to multidivisional-level offensive exercises integrating
both surface-to-surface and joint fires. There are also indications that the DON Army is
establishing the infrastructure for tactical assembly areas in numerous locations throughout
the Gilan Province. These indications and warnings support the assessment that the
Donovian military is reaching the peak of offensive preparations. Based on Army-level
exercises over the past ten years and current reporting, Donovia has organized their forces
facing Atropia into one Operational-Strategic Command (OSC), the OSC-South (OSC-S),
under the control of the Southern Army, headquartered in Stavropol. OSC-S is currently
comprised of the following Division Tactical Groups (DTG); 81st Mechanized DTG (APC), 98th
Armored DTG, 86th Motorized Infantry DTG, 80th Mechanized Infantry DTG (IFV), 76th
Airborne Infantry DTG, and 84th Motorized Infantry DTG.
(1) (U) Composition. OSC-S’s equipment and weapons largely reflect a Tier I
capability throughout. OSC-S possesses the equipment to operate in all terrain with
the ability to conduct successful day and night operations.
(2) (U) Movement and Maneuver. The 81st Mechanized Division is OSC-S’s best
equipped unit, consisting of three Mechanized Infantry Brigades, and one Tank
Brigade. The 81st Division’s primary maneuver systems are BTR-90A’s and T-90’s.



(3) (U) Intelligence. The 879th Information Warfare Brigade is OSC-S’s primary
intelligence collection and analysis element. The 879th Information Warfare Brigade is
comprised of an integration battalion, Human Intelligence (HUMINT) battalion,
Signals Reconnaissance battalion and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) battalion.
OSC-S has not established an OSC-level reconnaissance element, but all
subordinate DTGs have reconnaissance battalions.
(4) (U) Fires. OSC-S has extensive Fires capabilities organized under an Integrated
Fires Command (IFC) comprised of the 82 nd Combat Helicopter Brigade (HIND-E),
382nd Artillery Brigade (G5, 2S5, 2S3) and the 388th Multiple Rocket Launcher
Brigade (FAJR-3, WM-80, FADJR-3). OSC-S also possesses Electronic Warfare
(EW) capabilities from the 879th IW Brigade’s EW battalion (TRC 274, R-330K,
Aviaconversia GPS/GLONASS Jammer).
(5) (U) Sustainment. Each Division in OSC-S has an organic Material Support
Brigade, with no significant shortages at this time.
(6) (U) Command and Control. Each Division has an organic Signal battalion while
the 876th Signal brigade supports at the OSC-S level.
(7) (U) Protection. Donovia has a significant chemical warfare capability, which it
may employ at the onset of hostilities or to cover a withdrawal. OSC-S IFC
possesses several hundred artillery rounds filled with non-persistent nerve, blister,
choking and blood agents. The 187th Air Defense Brigade provides OSC-S Air
Defense with SA-15’s.
(8) (U) Disposition. OSC-S is positioned close to the international border with Atropia
and its units are conducting extensive sustainment type operations, e.g. refitting
units, receiving new equipment, conducting re-supply and increasing manning levels.
Donovia previously activated the 98th Armor Division (reserve) in Gilan Province. It is
assessed that if the 98th Armor Division can achieve full mobilization prior to an
offensive action into Atropia and the 98th Armor Division will be allocated to OSC-S to
act as a reserve. In the event that the 98th Armor Division cannot reach full
mobilization, OSC-S will still be capable of conducting sustained offensive cross-
border operations within 30 days. It is believed that Donovian (DON) Commando
(CMDO) forces have begun infiltrating into Atropia in order to augment DON Special
Operations Service (SOS) agents, conduct unconventional warfare alongside
Bilasuvar irregular elements, collect strategic intelligence, conduct route
reconnaissance and assess the capabilities and limitations of Atropian Border and
conventional forces.
(9) (U) Strength. OSC-S has recently completed aggressive offensive training and
maintains an overall 85% operational readiness rate. Reports indicate that current
Donovian Army morale is high.
(c) (U) Irregular Threats in Atropia.
(1) (U) The Bilasuvar Freedom Brigade (BFB). The BFB is a nationalist separatist
militant faction operating within the Atropian border provinces, which supports
Donovian expansionist political ambitions. The BFB is centered in Erdabil and
received direction/support from Donovia for the following functions: operational
direction, financial aid, tactical training, and equipment (specifically with low-tech,
high-payoff weapons). They are conducting a campaign of violence and intimidation
intended to expel non-Bilasuvars and establish a Bilasuvar voting majority in all three
provinces. The radical BFB leader, Arash Golzar, won the provincial governorship
following the January 2014 elections. Since his win, the Bilasuvar nationalist fervor
has spread to Vetlia and Hachzi Provinces. In Erdabil, as a result of the continuing
displacement of non-Bilasuvars out of the province, Golzar appears ready to make



good on his campaign promise to initiate a provincial referendum aimed at gaining

political legitimacy for secession.
(a) (U) The BFB primarily attacks soft targets such as relief convoys, government
offices in district capitals, economic targets, and non-Bilasuvar ethnic
communities, mostly in Erdabil Province and the northern portion of Vetlia
(b) (U) From training camps inside Donovia’s Gilan Province, Donovian
Commandos (CMDO) train, organize, assist, and otherwise support insurgents
for operations in Atropia modeled after Hezbollah and its’ successful operations
in Southern Lebanon. It is assessed that Donovia will use the BFB as a surrogate
force to augment and complement their conventional military capability in the
event of conflict with Atropian and potentially U.S. forces.
(2) (U) Provisional Army of Lezgin (PAL). The PAL is a small group of militants
operating within the Atropian provinces of southern Erdabil and western Hackzi. The
PAL is made up of ethnic Lezgins, primarily from southern Donovia, who are opposed
to what they perceive as unfair treatment of minority groups within Atropia and
corruption within the Atropian Government. The PAL conducts attacks in order to
intimidate ethnic Atropians and government officials, and influence on regional
political issues.
(a) (U) The PAL primarily attacks soft targets such as convoys, government
offices, economic targets, and Atropian ethnic communities, mostly in southern
Erdabil and western Hackzi Provinces. Attacks are usually carried out with a
combination of improvised explosive devices and small arms.
(b) (U) The PAL does not receive training or aid from foreign states, but they
often work with elements of organized crime so that they can fund their
operations and acquire weapons from black market weapons dealers. Training
camps in the mountains of western Hackzi are utilized to instruct new recruits in
basic ambush techniques and IED building.
(3) (U) Organized Criminal Enterprises.
(a) (U) Al Iksir Cartel: The Al Iksir Cartel is an organized crime entity that
operates a transnational smuggling operation that is based in Gilan Province,
Donovia. The cartel uses Atropia as the crossroads for smuggling drugs into
Donovia and other Western countries. Their enterprise primarily focuses on drug
smuggling, human trafficking, money laundering, and illegal weapons
transportation. The cartel maintains major branches in Akhty, Donovia and Anykh
in Erdabil Province, Atropia. The cartel deals with the BFB and PAL as profit
opportunities arise. Many of those involved in illegal activities in Atropia live in
IDP camps and blend in with the ethnic Atropians who fled from southern
Donovia. Al Iksir is divided into three groups who operate primarily within
Erdabil Province. Those groups are known as Səbəkəsi (The Network),
Qardaşlığı “The Brotherhood”, and Yasaqlığı (The Sanctuary). All of the groups
are capable of conducting a range of smuggling operations, but each group
specializes in certain areas. The Network focuses on narcotics smuggling and
weapons trafficking. The Brotherhood deals in opium and weapons smuggling,
but also is involved in the hydrocarbon black market that includes hijacking oil
trucks. The Sanctuary group is responsible for much of Al Iksir’s recruiting efforts
and human trafficking, and they prey on the population of the refugee camps.
The members of The Sanctuary solicit money from their targets for transportation
from Atropia into neighboring countries or into European Union countries. They
guarantee jobs and a brighter future outside of Atropia. After receiving payment,
they are then sold into bondage or prostitution. They also use the refugees as
mules for their illicit narcotics trade and for the smuggling of small arms and IED



components. It is likely the criminal elements in the region will initially lay low
upon 1st AD’s entry but will eventually openly oppose the 1st AD as the profits
from illicit activity dwindles as a result of increased security.
(b) (U) Atropian Organized Crime (AOC): The AOC operates mainly in the
capital city of Baku, but use the Atropian and Donovian border as a transit point
for smuggling drugs into Donovia and Western Countries. AOC is involved in
illegal narcotics, smuggling, and human trafficking. Like the Al Iksir Cartel, the
AOC recruits IDPs living in refugee camps to transport narcotics and other black
market goods across the Donovian border.
(d) (U) Commandos. Donovia will employ Special Purpose Forces (SPF) Commandos
(CMDO) in advance of an invasion to carry out direct action attacks against command and
control nodes, logistics capabilities, and population centers. Also, these forces will carry out
sabotage operations against transportation infrastructure in order to delay deployments into
theater and to deal a psychological blow to the U.S. and Host Nation images and to publicize
an instance of a military force defeat. The CMDOs will defend all sensitive material sites in
southern DON.
(2) (U) Enemy Courses of Action (COA). Refer to Appendix 1 (Intelligence Estimate) to Annex B.
(a) (U) Enemy Most Likely COA (MLCOA). OSC-S attacks with exploitation force (one DTG)
advancing from the east along AA5 IOT seize Vetlia, Erdabil and Hachzi Provinces.
(b) (U) Enemy Most Dangerous COA (MDCOA). OSC-S conducts a dispersed attack utilizing
2 DTGs assaulting along AA’s 1 and 5 to seize Vetlia, Erdabil and Hachzi Provinces.
(3) (U) Endstate. OSC-S mechanized and armor forces establish defensive positions along key
terrain in Vetlia Province. A disruption zone is established to protect the main battle forces and to
select and destroy specific 1st AD systems (engineer, recon, and C2) critical for offensive
operations. The road intersections around Akdas and Goycay are secured denying 1st AD forces
LOCs in Vetlia Province and preventing a counter-attack into Erdabil Province.
(4) (U) Enemy Centers of Gravity and Vulnerabilities. OSC-S’s operational center of gravity is the
81st Mechanized Infantry DTG.
(a) (U) Critical Capabilities. The 81st Mechanized Infantry DTG’s Critical Capabilities are its
ability to conduct rapid armored maneuver and protection of its forces with organic and
attached Air Defense systems.
(b) (U) Critical Requirements. The 81st Mechanized Infantry DTG’s Critical Requirements
include fuel (for offensive in depth), Integrated Air Defense Systems (IADS),maintaining
operational tempo while retaining the initiative prior to Coalition forces completing Reception,
Staging and Onward Integration (RSO&I) and maintaining the active support of the local
Bilasuvar population along the axis of advance.
(c) (U) Critical Vulnerabilities. The 81st Mechanized Infantry DTG’s Critical Vulnerabilities
include logistical elements ability to keep pace with main combat forces, extended Lines of
Supply (LOS), digital and voice communication systems susceptibility to electronic attack and
lack of civilian popular support in southern Vetlia and Hackzi Province.
D. (U) Friendly Forces.
(1) (U) Higher Headquarters Mission and Intent.
(a) (U) Combined Joint Task Force – Caucasus (CJTF-C) (two levels up).
(1) (U) Mission. As requested by the Government of the Republic of Atropia (GoRA)
CJTF-C executes Flexible Deterrent Options to ensure Atropian sovereignty against
Donovian aggression. On order (O/O), CJTF-C deploys additional forces to the area of
operations and conducts unified action to deter Donovian aggression and, if deterrence
fails, conduct decisive action to restore regional security.



(2) (U) Commander’s Intent.

(a) (U) Expanded Purpose. The initial purpose of CJTF-C operations is the deterrence of
an attack against Atropia and, if deterrence fails, the defeat of offensive hostile military
forces, the expulsion of those forces from Atropian territory, and restoration of the Atropia
– Donovian internationally recognized border which includes a demilitarized zone (DMZ)
free of WMD sites in southern Donovia. The CJTF-C is also charged to support the
GoRA’s National Development Strategy (NDS), 2014-2020, especially, in training and
advising Atropian military forces to develop security force capacity. The Atropian
population must see Atropian forces as a fair and just instrument of a legitimate GoRA.
The military is only one part of the NDS, and the CJTF-C will be in support of the US
embassy in Baku during all phases of the campaign. The CJTF will assist other US
government agencies, NGOs and PVOs at the direction of the Ambassador, in supporting
GoRA to develop security, infrastructure, and economic capacity, and to provide
humanitarian aid.
(b) (U) End state. Regional States support Coalition intervention, Donovia deterred from
aggression and participating in diplomatic engagement with Atropia. If deterrence fails,
Donovian forces are defeated and expelled from and are incapable of violating Atropian
territory, thus, maintaining Atropia’s sovereignty. Regional State support to irregular
threats has ceased and such threats are neutralized. Regional transnational threat
networks and groups are unable to disrupt legitimate Atropian governance and society.
Regional States increase security force capacity (training, equipping, and manning).
Regional oil and gas infrastructure protected ensuring future economic prosperity.
(b) (U) III Corps (US) - Joint Task Force – Phantom (JTF-P).
(1) (U) JTF-P Mission. O/O, JTF-P deploys forces within Atropia to deter Donovian
aggression. If deterrence fails, defend Atropian territory against aggressing Donovian
forces that violate Atropian territorial integrity and attack to expel aggressing forces in
order to restore Atropian international borders. O/O, establish a DMZ free of WMD sites
in southern Donovia. O/O conduct stability operations ICW GoRA to neutralize irregular
threat organizations and disrupting transnational threat networks and groups in order to
enable legitimate GoRA governance. O/O, transition full security responsibilities to
Atropian Security Forces and develop Friendly State security capacity to promote
regional stability.
(2) (U) Higher Intent. JTF-P will rapidly deploy forces into Atropia, array arriving force
packages, initially, in a manner portraying strength so as to deter Donovian aggression.
As JTF-P builds combat power, forces will position and posture to conduct decisive action
operations, in the event deterrence fails. Upon restoring Atropian sovereignty, JTF-P
forces will support the GoRA’s National Development Strategy (NDS), 2014-2020,
especially, security force assistance and the effort to neutralize internal irregular threats.
The Atropian population must see GoRA as capable and caring, possessing security
forces that are fair and just instruments of a legitimate GoRA. The military is only one part
of the NDS, and the JTF-P will be in support of the US Embassy in Baku during
deterrence all phases of the campaign. The JTF-P will assist other US government
agencies, NGOs and PVOs at the direction of the Ambassador, in supporting GoRA to
develop security, infrastructure, and economic capacity, and to provide humanitarian aid.
(a) (U) Concept of the Operations. JTF-P forces conduct decisive action in four
phases, with stability operations occurring throughout: (I) Deter Donovian aggression
into Atropia through the build-up of forces into theater, (II) Seize the initiative by
conducting defensive operations to defeat Donovian attack into Atropia in order to set
the conditions to assume the offensive, (III) Dominate the AO by conducting offensive
operations to expel Donovian forces in order to restore Atropian territorial integrity
and establish a DMZ free of WMD sites in southern Donovia, and (IV) Stabilize the
regional operational environment assisting GoRA and other aid organizations in re-



establishing Atropia’s internal security by neutralizing irregular threats, restoring

essential services to the Atropian population, and providing humanitarian assistance
to internally displaced persons and refugees. The phases of the operation may
(b) (U) Phases of the Operation.
(1) (U) Phase I (Deter – Force Build-Up) Phase I begins with JTF-P arrival at the
APOD and SPOD (N-Day) and ends with Donovia deterred, Unambiguous
Warning of a Donovian attack issued (W-Day), or a Donovian Attack without
warning (D-Day).
(U) The purpose of this phase is to rapidly deploy forces into Atropia, array
arriving force packages, initially, in a manner portraying strength so as to deter
Donovian aggression. JTF-P sets conditions to conduct decisive actions in order
to maintain Atropia’s territorial integrity in the event that deterrence fails. This
phase ends with the JTF-P postured inside Atropia with either Donovia adhering
to UNSCRs and no longer threatening Atropia, or declaration of W-Day or D-Day.
(2) (U) Phase II (Seize the Initiative – Defense) Phase II begins with W-Day or D-
Day declared (O/A W/D+10), and ends when Donovian forces attacking south
into Atropia are no longer capable of offensive operations.
(U) The purpose of this phase is to defeat any Donovian attacks into Atropia IOT
allow JTF-P and 1AD to seize the initiative and conduct offensive operations.
(3) (U) Phase III (Dominate – Offense – Decisive Operations) Phase III begins
when Donovian forces are no longer capable of offensive operations (estimated
as 20 days from O/A D+10 to O/A D+30). Phase III ends when Donovian forces
are expelled from Atropia, 1AD hold key terrain and infrastructure in southern
Donovia (DMZ established), and sensitive site exploitation has been completed.
(U) The purpose of this phase is to clear all Donovian forces from Atropian
territory and set the conditions for Phase IV by preventing Donovian ground
counterattacks (DMZ) or use of WMD (site seizure and exploitation.
(4) (U) Phase IV (Stabilize - Establish Security/Restore Essential Services)
Phase IV begins when the DMZ is established, WMD site exploitation completed
and Donovia no longer can threaten Atropia via ground or WMD attack from
Gilan province, Donovia. Phase IV ends with 1AD units redeploying to home
(U) The purpose of this phase is to set the conditions that will allow Atropian
and/or UN forces to provide for the security of GoRA. This includes military and
police training/mentoring, support to NGOs and PVO wrt providing humanitarian
assistance to refugees and IDPs, and in returning IDPs to population centers,
and other stability tasks as assigned by the US Ambassador.
(3) (U) Missions of Adjacent Units.
(a) (U) Atropian Land Forces. (Initially, under control of Atropian National Command
Authority – During Phase I, TACON to JTF-P).
(1) (U) 344th Mechanized Infantry Brigade – The 344 MECH is currently conducting a
screen mission along the international border in the eastern portion of the 1AD AO.
During Phase I operations, 344 MECH becomes TACON to 1 AD.
(2) (U) 346th Mechanized Infantry Brigade – The 346 MECH is currently conducting a
screen mission along the international border in the western portion of the 1AD AO.
During Phase I operations, 346 MECH becomes TACON to 1 AD.



(3) (U) 358th Aviation Brigade – The 358th is in TAA Samaxi in the southeastern portion
of 1AD AO. During Phase I operations, 358th AVN becomes TACON to 1 AD.
(b) (U) U.S. Ground Forces.
(1) (U) 1st Calvary Division – Occupies TAAs southwest of 1st AD AO in Agdash, Mukhsa,
Janga, and Agstafa Provinces. O/O, 1st Calvary Division conducts strategic deployment
to Intermediate Staging Base (ISB) ALEXANDRIA in the Republic of Gorgas (ROG),
marshals, and prepares for forward tactical movement to AO SHIELD in the Republic of
Atropia (ROA). O/O, Division deploys into AO SHIELD to posture for decisive operations
to defeat regional threats (Ariana, Donovia, and Minaria, respectively) and neutralize
insurgent threats IOT preserve or restore sovereignty and integrity of Atropia. O/O,
Division transitions control of AO SHIELD to ASF control and initiates redeployment
(2) (U) 4th Infantry Division – Occupies TAAs southeast of 1st AD AO in Tramaz Province.
O/O, 4th Infantry Division conducts decisive operations in vicinity of TRAMAZ Province to
deter aggression by Arianan forces or Donovian irregular threats, and if deterrence fails,
conducts defensive, offensive, and stability operations to restore and maintain
internationally recognized boundaries, while safeguarding critical populations and
resources. 4th ID is the JTF-P reserve throughout the campaign.
(3) (U) 1st Infantry Division – Occupies TAAs south of 1st AD AO in Goychay, Hajigabul,
and Zardab Provinces. O/O, 1st Infantry Division conducts decisive operations in
Goychay Province to deter aggression by Arianan forces or Donovian irregular threats,
and if deterrence fails, conducts defensive, offensive, and stability operations to restore
and maintain internationally recognized boundaries, while safeguarding critical
populations and resources.
(c) (U) Interagency, Intergovernmental, and Nongovernmental Organizations. Refer to Annex
V for Interagency Coordination.
(1) (U) United States Agency for International Development (USAID). USAID has been
conducting projects to enhance the health and educational well-being of the residents of
Erdabil Province. Due to the BFB violence over the past year, USAID withdrew its project
team from Erdabil, while continuing its projects in the more stable Vetlia Province.
(2) (U) Mercy Corps. Mercy Corps is a non-governmental organization (NGO) based in
both the US and UK that exists to alleviate suffering, poverty, and oppression. Mercy
Corps programming in Atropia includes community development, health care,
microfinance & business development services. With additional funding from
USAID/OFDA, UNHCR and WFP, Mercy Corps is able to respond to IDP crises. Mercy
Corps serves as a direct implementing partner for UNHCR. Mercy Corps also distributes
food on behalf of the WFP.
(3) (U) World Islamic Humanitarian Aid Group (WIHAG). The WIHAG will assist with
emergency relief efforts, and intend to provide reconstruction and redevelopment efforts
upon completion of hostilities.
(4) (U) International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). The Red Cross’s primary
purpose in the region will be to coordinate international relief efforts, provide medical
assistance, and promote humanitarian law and universal humanitarian principles. They
have begun to shift more and more of their limited resources in the region to address the
increasing number of IDPs and refugees. They are coordinating their efforts with other
IGOs such as the WIHAG and the United Nations High Commission for Refugees
(5) (U) United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). The UN General
Assembly charged the UNHCR, in its 1950 Statute, with seeking permanent solutions to
the problem of refugees by assisting governments to facilitate the voluntary repatriation of



such refugees, or their assimilation within new communities, and by providing protection
to refugees. The UNHCR has been working in Atropia since the mid-nineties to assist in
caring for the large number of Donovia’s expelled ethnic Atropians from the Gilan
(6) (U) World Health Organization (WHO). The WHO began providing medical care to
the Donovian refugees shortly after Donovia expelled them. The WHO assists in ensuring
potable drinking water, vaccinations and immunizations, and preventative medical
screenings for the populations of the refugee camps in addition to emergency care.
(7) (U) World Food Program (WFP). The WFP is the United Nations frontline agency in
the fight against hunger. WFP is continually responding to emergencies, saving lives of
the victims of war, civil conflict and natural disasters by getting food to the hungry fast.
WFP's expertise in logistics meant that in 2005 the agency was mandated to lead
logistics operations whenever a humanitarian emergency requires a joint response from
UN agencies and the humanitarian community. The group of agencies or organizations,
which work together, is called the Logistics Cluster. In Atropia, WFP leads the logistics
cluster and is supporting other humanitarian organizations to deliver assistance.
(d) (U) Civil Considerations.
(1) (U) The majority of the population in Vetlia resides along HWY 56 and M4 in the
southern part of the province with the largest town, and the provincial capital, being
Akdas. In Erdabil Province, the majority of the population resides in the town of Anykh.
Anykh is the economic and political center for the province. The portion of the 1AD AO in
the Hackzi Province contains small rural enclaves located off of the RTE 4 corridor. The
only major population center in the Gilan Province of Donovia is Akhty, which is along the
Caspian Sea. The rest of the population is dispersed throughout the province in small
rural enclaves and farms.
(2) (U) The Atropian Armed Forces have no units specifically designated as civil affairs
units; however, they are trained to conduct effective localized civil-military operations-
type missions, to include emergency disaster relief and population control operations
during civil disturbances. Their capacity to support IDP operations is limited but may vary
depending on location. The country’s local and central administrations will exercise
jurisdiction as prescribed by their laws. Atropia’s emergency legislation will supplement
peacetime legal conditions and provide the legal prerequisites for wartime administration.
(e) (U) Attachments and Detachments. Refer to Annex A (Task Organization).
(f) (U) Assumptions.
(1) (U) Flexible Deterrent Options have failed to deter Donovia aggression.
(2) (U) Donovia will employ the full range of capabilities within its disposal to include non-
persistent chemical munitions; proxy irregular forces (BFB and emerging Vetlian
Bilasuvar separatist elements); theater ballistic missiles ranging 1st AD troop
concentrations, host-nation population center, and economic infrastructure; Commandos
conducting terrorist actions and sabotage against 1st AD forces (LSAs, LOCs, and TAAs)
and Atropian urban centers.
(3) (U) The Atropian 344th MECH, 346th MECH, and 358th AVN alone will be insufficient to
stop a Donovian invasion to seize Erdabil, Hachzi, and Vetlia Provinces.
(4) (U) There will be no sizable Atropian reinforcement of the 344th, 346th MECH, or 358th
AVN. Due to its perceived threat from its historical enemies, Minaria to the west and
Ariana to the south, Atropia will commit its remaining available combat power to other
missions - two mechanized brigades along the southern border with Ariana and one
mechanized brigade along its western border with Minaria.



(5) (U) Sufficient 1st AD forces will be available for employment IAW the Time-Phased
Force & Deployment Data List (TPFDDL) and positioned in Erdabil, Vetlia and Hackzi
Provinces in time to respond to the initial stages of a Donovian invasion.
(6) (U) The Government of Atropia will not restrict entry and pre-positioning of U.S. forces
inside Erdabil, Vetlia, and Hackzi Provinces during Phase I due to military and political
(7) (U) In Vetlia Province, the Bilasuvar population does not widely accept separatism
and will generally remain neutral with respect to accepting or opposing 1AD presence in
the area; however extreme nationalist elements exist and may pose a great force
protection danger to 1st AD forces throughout the operation.
(8) (U) In Erdabil Province, the popular response to Coalition intervention will be divided.
The Bilasuvar population in Erdabil will be hostile to any 1AD intervention, while the
Atropian ethnicity will generally support intervention. The Lezgins will tip either way, but
will support the 1AD efforts in the Province and the Atropian Government if their
grievances are addressed.
2. (U) Mission. O/O, 1st AD conducts decisive operations in Vetlia, Erdabil, Hackzi Provinces, and
southern Donovia to deter, and defeat Donovian forces, neutralize insurgent and separatist elements,
seize key terrain and key facilities in sector. Conduct sensitive site exploitation IOT maintain Atropia’s
pre-conflict territorial integrity and eliminate Donovian threat capabilities. BPT assist the Government of
the Republic of Atropia (GoRA) to secure the population, provide humanitarian assistance, and re-
establish local governance.
3. (U) Execution.
A. (U). 1st AD Commander’s Intent. The purpose of our operation is to ensure the territorial integrity
of Atropia. In the event of Donovian attacks, whether by conventional and unconventional forces or
proxy irregular forces, we will accomplish this by conducting a combination of Offensive, Defensive,
and Stability Operations in Atropia’s Erdabil, Vetlia, Hackzi Provinces, and southern Donovia. Our
initial decisive operation is destroying Donovia’s OSC-S Assault and Exploitation forces attacking into
Hackzi Province (main effort), while conducting shaping operations to defeat Donovian forces in
Erdabil and Vetlia Province, to protect the left flank and rear of the Division’s main effort. Once OSC-
S offensive forces reach culmination, the Division will attack to destroy, capture, or expel the
organized Donovian forces from sovereign Atropian territory and Gilan Province, Donovia. We must
seize key terrain and key facilities in Gilan Province IOT conduct sensitive site exploitation and to
establish a DMZ to ensure Donovia cannot mount a counteroffensive. Simultaneously with Offensive
and Defensive Operations, it is imperative that we clear the provinces of defeated and bypassed
Donovian regular forces, neutralize irregular anti-government elements, and retain the territory in
order to prevent reinsertion of enemy forces and undesirable influences, to prevent power vacuums
and the resurgence of destabilizing elements, to promote host nation Government legitimacy, to
enable host nation security forces, and to enhance their capabilities. These Stability Operations will
take place in conjunction with US Department of State initiatives led by the US Ambassador.
(1) (U) Key Tasks.
(a) (U) Defeat Donovian offensive capabilities south of the International Border.
(b) (U) Clear Donovian forces from Atropia.
(c) (U) Re-establish the international border.
(d) (U) Neutralize insurgent / separatist elements.
(e) (U) Establish DMZ in southern Donovia.
(f) (U) Conduct site exploitation of Donovian WMD sites in Gilan Province.
(g) (U) Support GoRA in restoring essential services and internal security.



(h) (U) Provide security of key oil infrastructure.

(i) (U) Facilitate Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) / Private Volunteer Organization
(PVO) humanitarian assistance to displaced civilians, refugees, and civilians impacted by the
(2) (U) Endstate. Donovia deterred from attack on Atropia or if deterrence fails, Donovian forces
that entered Vetlia, Hackzi, and Erdabil Provinces are destroyed, captured, or expelled. DMZ
established in southern Donovia. WMD sites secured and exploited. Separatist and anti-
government elements are neutralized and unable to influence the population of Atropia. 1st AD is
prepared to transfer control to Atropian or UN Observer Forces. Essential services are restored to
the population and 1st AD is supporting governance and infrastructure development. 1st AD forces
are transitioning all stability and internal security operations to the Governments of Atropia. 1st AD
is initiating redeployment operations.
B. (U) Concept of Operations. 1st AD will conduct operations in four phases: (I) Deter – Force Build-
Up. (II) Seize the Initiative – Defense. (III) Dominate – Offense – Decisive Operations. (IV) Stabilize –
Establish Security / Restore Essential Services.
(1) (U) Phase I (Deter – Force Build-Up) Phase I begins with 1AD arrival at the APOD and SPOD
(N-Day) and ends with Donovia deterred, Unambiguous Warning of a Donovian attack issued (W-
Day), or a Donovian Attack without warning (D-Day).
(U) The purpose of this phase is to rapidly deploy 1AD forces into Atropia, array arriving force
packages, initially, in a manner portraying strength so as to deter Donovian aggression.1AD sets
conditions to conduct decisive actions in order to maintain Atropia’s territorial integrity in the event
that deterrence fails. This phase ends with the 1AD postured in sector with either Donovia
adhering to UNSCRs and no longer threatening Atropia, or declaration of W-Day or D-Day.
(2) (U) Phase II (Seize the Initiative – Defense) Phase II begins with W-Day or D-Day declared
(O/A W/D+10), and ends when Donovian forces attacking south into Atropia are no longer
capable of offensive operations.
(U) The purpose of this phase is to defeat any Donovian attacks into 1AD sector IOT allow 1AD to
seize the initiative and conduct offensive operations.
(3) (U) Phase III (Dominate – Offense – Decisive Operations) Phase III begins when Donovian
forces are no longer capable of offensive operations (estimated as 20 days from O/A D+10 to O/A
D+30). Phase III ends when Donovian forces are expelled from 1AD sector, 1AD holds key
terrain and infrastructure in southern Donovia’s Gilan Province (DMZ established), and sensitive
site exploitation has been completed.
(U) The purpose of this phase is to clear all Donovian forces from Atropian territory and set the
conditions for Phase IV by preventing Donovian ground counterattacks (DMZ) or use of WMD
(site seizure and exploitation).
(4) (U) Phase IV (Stabilize - Establish Security/Restore Essential Services) Phase IV begins
when the DMZ is established, WMD site exploitation completed and Donovia no longer can
threaten Atropia via ground or WMD attack from Gilan province, Donovia. Phase IV ends with
1AD units redeploying to home station.
(U) The purpose of this phase is to set the conditions that will allow Atropian and/or UN forces to
provide for the security of GoRA. This includes military and police training/mentoring, support to
NGOs and PVO wrt providing humanitarian assistance to refugees and IDPs, and in returning
IDPs to population centers, and other stability tasks as assigned by the US Ambassador.
C. (U) Scheme of Maneuver.
(1) (U). Phase I (Deter- Force Build-Up). This phase begins with priority of force flow IAW the
Time –Phased Force Deployment List (TPFDL). All 1st AD elements conduct RSOI, move to



designated sectors/assembly areas (refer to Phase I graphics, Annex C, Appendix?), and prepare
to defend in sector or occupy forward TAAs.
(a) (U) 1-1 SBCT accept TACON 346th MECH Bde (Atropian) and prepare to defend in
(b) (U) 2-1 HBCT accept TACON 344th MECH Bde (Atropian) and prepare to defend in
(c) (U) 4-1 HBCT prepare to defend in sector, BPT conduct rearward passage of lines with 3-
(d) (U) 3-3 CAV prepare to defend in sector.
(e) (U) 3-1 IBCT coordinate with 4-1 HBCT and occupy TAA 3-1, BPT conduct forward
passage of lines with 4-1 HBCT and defend in sector.
(f) (U) 1st CAB is the Division Reserve, occupy TAA 501. Accept TACON 358th AVN Bde
(Atropian) currently occupying TAA Samaxi.
(2) (U) Phase II (Seize the Initiative – Defense). This phase begins with CJTF-C declaring W-
Day or D-Day.
(a) (U) 1-1 SBCT defend in sector to destroy Donovian forces that penetrate south of PL
(b) (U) 2-1 HBCT defend in sector to destroy Donovian forces that penetrate south of PL
(c) (U) 4-1 HBCT defend in sector to destroy Donovian forces that penetrate south of PL
MICAH, BPT to conduct rearward passage of lines with 3/1 IBCT, BPT assume Division
reserve mission.
(d) (U) 3-3 CAV defend in sector to destroy Donovian forces that penetrate south of PL
(e) (U) 3-1 IBCT, locate in TAA 3-1, BPT conduct forward passage of lines with 4-1 HBCT,
BPT defend in sector.
(f) (U) 1st CAB is the Division reserve, locate in TAA 501, O/O execute Division Phase II
deep attack plan.
(3) (U) Phase III (Dominate – Offense – Decisive Operations). This phase begins when
Donovian forces can no longer conduct offensive operations.
(a) (U) 1-1 SBCT attack in zone to clear Donovian forces, secure key terrain and
infrastructure and establish a DMZ in zone between PL MICAH and PL IVAN, conduct WMD
site seizure and exploitation.
(b) (U) 2-1 HBCT attack in zone to clear Donovian forces, secure key terrain and
infrastructure and establish a DMZ in zone between PL MICAH and PL IVAN, conduct WMD
site seizure and exploitation.
(c) (U) 4-1 HBCT attack in zone to clear Donovian forces, secure key terrain and
infrastructure and establish a DMZ in zone between PL MICAH and PL IVAN, conduct WMD
site seizure and exploitation. BPT conduct rearward passage of lines with 3-1 IBCT.
(d) (U) 3-3 CAV attack in zone to clear Donovian forces, secure key terrain and infrastructure
and establish a DMZ in zone between PL MICAH and PL IVAN, conduct WMD site seizure
and exploitation.
(e) (U) 3-1 IBCT, follow and support 4-1 HBCT. BPT conduct forward passage of lines with
4-1 HBCT and attack in zone to clear Donovian forces, BPT secure key terrain and



infrastructure and establish a DMZ in zone between PL MICAH and PL IVAN, conduct WMD
site seizure and exploitation.
(f) (U) 1st CAB is the Division Reserve. O/O execute Division Phase III deep attack plan.
(4) (U) Phase IV (Stabilize - Establish Security/Restore Essential Services). This phase begins
when Donovian forces are defeated or expelled from the Division AO, DMZ is established, and
WMD sites are secure and exploitation complete.
(a) (U) 1-1 SBCT defend in sector against Donovian counterattack, secure WMD sites,
conduct stability operations in sector, and set the conditions to transfer security mission to
Atropian and/or UN forces.
(b) (U) 2-1 HBCT defend in sector against Donovian counterattack, secure WMD sites,
conduct stability operations in sector, and set the conditions to transfer security mission to
Atropian and/or UN forces.
(c) (U) 4-1 HBCT defend in sector against Donovian counterattack, secure WMD sites,
conduct stability operations in sector, and set the conditions to transfer security mission to
Atropian and/or UN forces.
(d) (U) 3-3 CAV defend in sector against Donovian counterattack, secure WMD sites,
conduct stability operations in sector, and set the conditions to transfer security mission to
Atropian and/or UN forces.
(e) (U) 3-1 IBCT is the Division reserve, occupy TAA 3-1.
(f) (U) 1st CAB, occupy TAA 501 and BPT conduct deep operations against counterattacking
Donovian forces.
(5) (U) Scheme of Fires.
(a) (U) Purpose of Fires (ME, SE1, SE2, SE3): 1st AD synchronizes and masses fires to
disrupt Donovian rocket, artillery and mortar attacks and to neutralize insurgents, terrorists,
IEDs, and BFB or PAL ambushes against the 1st AD and the people of Atropia. Fires will
accomplish this objective with 4 Fire Support Tasks for the Main Effort and all Supporting
Efforts through Phase III.
(1) (U) Fire Support Task 1: Suppress Enemy Air Defense (SEAD). Purpose: IOT
interdict Donovian ADA assets in the Division Battlespace and support 1st AD rotary and
fixed wing attacks by preventing loss of aircraft. Execution: SEAD is a continuous
campaign to engage the enemy Air Defense radar and ADA systems with destructive and
suppressive fires. Assessment: OSC-S Donovian Air Defense network suppressed
before employed effectively during rotary and fixed wing air missions.
(2) (U) Fire Support Task 2: Destroy (30%) Donovian artillery (Proactive Fires / Reactive
Counterfire). Purpose: IOT deny enemy the ability to place massed fires on 1st AD
forces. Execution: DS, GS and GSR Artillery assets conduct proactive fires and
Counterfire as acquired. Assessment: Donovian Artillery unable to mass effects against
1st AD forces.
(3) (U) Fire Support Task 3: Disrupt reinforcing/repositioning Donovian Forces.
Purpose: IOT limit OSC-S freedom of maneuver. Execution: Artillery, MLRS, and or
CAS able to mass fires on reinforcing / repositioning Donovian forces. Assessment:
Donovian Maneuver forces in OSC-S unable to utilize main avenues of approach without
significant loss of combat power (10%) or forced to deploy combat power into more
restrictive terrain.
(4) (U) Fire Support Task 4: Disrupt Donovian logistic and personnel replacement
operations. Purpose: IOT to disrupt Donovian logistical elements ability to keep pace
with main combat forces, extending the Lines of Supply (LOS) Execution: Use CAS, GS



fires and all non-lethal methods available to destroy enemy C2 and logistical assets.
Assessment: Enemy units are unable to resupply CL V, heavy weapons, and personnel.
(b) (U) Restrictions: The 1st AD RFLs are the eastern and western 1st AD boundaries.
Effective on receipt of this order: Division FSCL is initially PL MICAH (International Border),
O/O PL IVAN. CFL is initially PL ALLEN, O/O PL IVAN.
(6) (U) Scheme of Electronic Warfare: 1st AD employs Electronic Attack (EA) effects to deny,
disrupt and neutralize DONOVIAN force’s communication systems and electronically suppress
enemy IADS capabilities through Phase III and Phase IV as required.
(a) (U) EW Task 1: Deny enemy tactical communication systems IOT degrade, disrupt or
neutralize the enemy’s ability to conduct C2 and coordinate attacks.
(b) (U) EW Task 2: Deny enemy use of portions of the Electromagnetic Spectrum (EMS) and
electronic protect techniques beyond 1AD’s collection capability IOT enhance 1AD SIGINT
efforts throughout the AO.
(c) (U) EW Task 3: Deny unconventional forces the use of COTS communications systems
IOT eliminate the ability of nonconventional forces to coordinate attacks against 1st AD as
well as limit nonconventional forces communications to Donovian conventional forces.
(d) (U) EW Task 4: Suppress RCIEDs through the utilization of CREW systems.
(e) (U) Priority of EA Effects: 4-1 HBCT (ME), 2-1 SBCT (SE1), 1-1 HBCT (SE2), 1 CAB
(Deep Attack) (SE3), then 3-3 CAV (SE4).
(f) (U) Allocation: 1st AD will be able to request EA effects from JTF-P Combined Air
Operations Center. JTF-P is supported by 4 x EC-130 (Compass Call), 5 x EA-6B (Prowler)
and 5 x EA-18G (Growler). 1st AD Electronic Warfare Coordination Cell (EWCC) maintains
Jamming Control Authority (JCA) on all target frequencies. JCA will be delegated to the Bde
level when AEA assets are approved and on station. Refer to Appendix 7 (Electronic
Warfare) of Annex D (Fires).
(7) (U) Scheme of Engineer Operations: 36th engineers BPT emplace obstacles ISO of 4-1
HBCT, 1-1 SBCT, 2-1 HBCT, and 3-3 CAV defense of PLs SAM, ALLEN, CLYDE, and MICAH
(Phase I and II). BPT conduct mobility operations in all zones (Phase III). Clear, maintain, and
upgrade 1st AD MSRs/ASRs south of PL JACK in Atropia to facilitate sustainment of the division
in all phases.
(a) (U) Task (1): Employ situational obstacles assigned to EA as designated by 4-1, 2-1, 1-1
BCTs, and 3-3 CAV in priority. Purpose: 1st AD prevents the 80th, 81st, and 84th DTGs from
penetrating PLs MICAH, CLYDE, ALLEN, and SAM. Method: In conjunction with maneuver
elements employ appropriate scatterable munitions and other CM systems. Endstate:
Effective engagement area(s) contribute to the defeat of Donovian threats between PLs
MICAH and SAM in all BCT/CAV sectors.
(c) (U) Task (2): Breach and/or bypass obstacles. Purpose: Assure the continuous mobility
of 4-1 IBCT. Method: Effective task organization, uninterrupted resourcing and positive
command and control. Endstate: 4-1 IBCT quickly overcomes Donovian obstacles
preserving momentum in the offense to PL MICAH initially, then to PL IVAN.
(d) (U) Task (3): Maintain and repair routes. Purpose: Assure the continuous mobility of the
Division. Method: Effective task organization, uninterrupted resourcing and positive
command and control. Endstate: MSRs/ASRs continuously open.
(e) (U) Priority of Engineer Support: 4-1 HBCT,2-1 SBCT, 1-1 HBCT and 3-3 CAV.
(f) (U) Priority of Engineer Effort: Counter-Mobility, Mobility, Survivability, and General



(8) (U) Intelligence: 504th BfSB conduct ISR ICW 1st CAB IAW Appendix 2 (ISF Synch Matrix) to
Annex B (Intelligence). The priority of ISR efforts during Phase I, II, and III is identifying the
location of the 81st, 84th, 80th, and 86th DTG’s assault force and exploitation forces in order.
(9) (U) Tasks to Subordinate Units.
(a) (U) 1-1 SBCT.
(1) (U) Establish defensive positions in sector between PLs MICAH and JACK IOT halt
Donovian attack south of PL MICAH.
(2) (U) Accept TACON 346th MECH Bde (Atropian) IOT leverage 346th combat capability.
(3) (U) Attack in zone to clear Donovian forces, secure key terrain and infrastructure and
establish a DMZ in zone between the PL MICAH and PL IVAN, conduct WMD site
seizure and exploitation.
(4) (U) Defend in sector against Donovian counterattack, secure WMD sites, conduct
stability operations in sector, and set the conditions to transfer security mission to
Atropian and/or UN forces.
(b) (U) 2-1 HBCT.
(1) (U) Establish defensive positions in sector between PLs MICAH and JACK IOT halt
Donovian attack south of PL MICAH.
(2) (U) Attack in zone to clear Donovian forces, secure key terrain and infrastructure and
establish a DMZ in zone between the PL MICAH and PL IVAN, conduct WMD site
seizure and exploitation.
(3) (U) Defend in sector against Donovian counterattack, secure WMD sites, conduct
stability operations in sector, and set the conditions to transfer security mission to
Atropian and/or UN forces.
(c) (U) 3-1 HBCT.
(1) Occupy TAA 3-1, BPT conduct forward passage of lines with 4-1 HBCT and defend in
(2) Follow and support 4-1 HBCT. BPT conduct forward passage of lines with 4-1 HBCT
and attack in zone to clear Donovian forces, BPT secure key terrain and infrastructure
and establish a DMZ in zone between PL MICAH and PL IVAN, conduct WMD site
seizure and exploitation.
(3) In phase IV become the Division reserve, occupy TAA 3-1.
(d) (U) 4-1 HBCT.
(1) Prepare to defend in sector, BPT conduct rearward passage of lines with 3-1 IBCT.
(2) (U) Accept TACON 344th MECH Bde (Atropian) IOT leverage 344th combat capability.
(3) Defend in sector to destroy Donovian forces that penetrate south of PL MICAH, BPT
to conduct rearward passage of lines with 3/1 IBCT, BPT assume Division reserve
(4) Attack in zone to clear Donovian forces, secure key terrain and infrastructure and
establish a DMZ in zone between PL MICAH and PL IVAN, conduct WMD site seizure
and exploitation. BPT conduct rearward passage of lines with 3-1 IBCT.
(5) Defend in sector against Donovian counterattack, secure WMD sites, conduct stability
operations in sector, and set the conditions to transfer security mission to Atropian and/or
UN forces.



(e) (U) 3-3 CAV.

(1) Prepare to defend in sector.
(2) Defend in sector to destroy Donovian forces that penetrate south of PL MICAH.

(3) Attack in zone to clear Donovian forces, secure key terrain and infrastructure and
establish a DMZ in zone between PL MICAH and PL IVAN, conduct WMD site seizure
and exploitation.

(4) Defend in sector against Donovian counterattack, secure WMD sites, conduct stability
operations in sector, and set the conditions to transfer security mission to Atropian and/or
UN forces.
(f) (U) 1st CAB.
(1) (U) Conduct IC as directed to support ground unit tasking IAW Appendix 2
(Information Collection Tasking Matrix) to Annex L (Information Collection) during all
(2) (U) Conduct MEDEVAC operations during all phases.
(3) (U) Accept TACON 358th AVN Bde (Atropian) IOT leverage 358th combat capability.
(4) (U) Provide C2 aircraft to 1st AD during all phases.
(5) (U) Conduct aerial resupply ISO 15th Sustainment Brigade during all phases.
(6) (U) Provide 2 attack aircraft and sufficient lift assets to support the movement of the
Division QRF consisting of one Infantry Company in Phase IV.
(7) (U) BPT support movement of IDP and humanitarian operations during phase IV
(8) (U) BPT conduct deep attacks ISO Division deep operations matrix (TBP).
(g) (U) 4th MEB.
(1) (U) OPCON one EOD CO to 15th SB (Phase I-II).
(2) (U) OPCON one Route Clearance CO to 15th SB (Phase I-IV).
(3) (U) OPCON one EOD CO to 4-1 HBCT (Phases III).
(4) (U) OPCON one MOB AUG CO to 4-1 HBCT (Phase III).
(5) (U) Provide counter-mobility and survivability support to 1st AD in Vetlia Province
(Phase I-III).
(6) (U) OPCON one EOD CO to 2-1 HBCT (Phase II-IV).
(7) (U) OPCON one EOD CO to 1-1 SBCT (Phase II-IV).
(8) (U) Integrate into IO coordination cell at 1st AD HQs to assist I/O campaign and
delivery of key messages to Donovian forces, separatist element, IDPs, and coalition
governments and forces (Phase I-IV).
(9) (U) Establish Civil-Military Operations Center (CMOC) at 1st AD HQ within G3 Current
Operations (Phase I-IV).
(10) (U) Coordinate with International and Non-governmental organizations and with
Atropian host-nation authorities to ensure integration of military activities with US
interagency activities to achieve a unity of effort toward humanitarian missions and to
restore essential services (Phase I-IV).



(11) (U) Coordinate with Atropian government agencies to integrate military operations
with civilian government attempts to restore and maintain law and order, essential
services, and civilian government legitimacy (Phase I-IV).
(12) (U) Establish and coordinate population control measures and the humanitarian care
of displaced civilians in Atropia fleeing from points of hostilities. These measures will be
closely coordinated with local and national government agencies (Phase I-IV).
(13) (U) Work with MISO units to reinforce legitimate local government among the civilian
population and to encourage displaced persons to return (Phase IV).
(14) (U) Promote NGO self-sufficiency while providing military support to NGO missions
(Phase I-IV).
(h) (U) 15th SB.
(1) (U) Conduct all sustainment operations ISO 1st AD Operations during all phases IAW
Annex F (Sustainment) (Phase I-IV).
(2) (U) Establish DSAs Lucky and Hope.
(3) (U) Secure 1st AD LOC M4 in the Division rear area across the Division AO to ensure
unimpeded forward movement of supplies and materiel and to maintain 1st AD freedom of
movement during all phases. (Phase I-IV)
(4) (U) Coordinate with Atropian Security Forces and police authorities to integrate
security actions during all phases. (Phase I-IV)
(i) (U) 504th BfSB.
(1) (U) Execute Information Collection plan IAW Annex L (Information Collection).
(2) (U) Conduct reconnaissance to assess enemy activity across the international border
IOT provide early warning to CF of enemy presence prior to the arrival of the main body.
(3) (U) Establish 1 x detainee holding area (DHA) co-located with 1st AD HQ in DSA
Lucky IOT rapidly exploit enemy intelligence and provide a secure environment for
detainees (Phase I-IV).
(4) (U) Conduct SIGINT operations IAW Appendix 4 (Signal Intelligence) to Annex B
(Intelligence) and assess enemy activity IOT provide early warning of enemy activity
(Phase I-IV).
(j) (U) 212st Fires BDE.
(1) (U) O/O, execute SEAD / ATACM missions in support of 1st CAB and CFACC
elements allocated to the Division (Phase II-IV).
(2) (U) O/O, execute FIRES operations IAW Annex D (Fires) of this OPORD (Phase II-
(k) (U) 3-4 ADA BN.
(1) (U) Establish coordinated air defense to provide early warning, air, counter RSTA, and
missile defense for 1st AD (Phase I-IV).
(2) (U) Provide Patriot Minimum Engagement Packages (MEPs) to protect maneuver
forces from TBM and Air Breathing Threats (ABT) in Vetlia, Erdabil, and Hackzi
(3) (U) Defeat TBM and ABT attacks against CSSBs and sustainment/support areas to
ensure the flow of logistics is uninterrupted in Vetlia, Erdabil, and Hackzi Provinces.
(4) (U) Defeat TBM and ABT attacks against critical Atropian transportation and
hydrocarbon infrastructure along HWY M15.



(10) (U) Coordinating Instructions.

(a) (U) This OPORD becomes effective upon receipt.
(b) (U) CCIR.
(1) (U) Priority Intelligence Requirements.
(a) (U) Phase I.
(i) (U) PIR #1: Will OSC-S, commit their Exploitation Force along RTE M1?
(ii) (U) PIR #2: Will OSC-S, execute ECOA 2?
(iii) (U) PIR #3: Will OSC-S, commit forces to Erdabil Province?
(b) (U) Phase II.
(i) (U) PIR #4: Will OSC-S, commit the 86th DTG in 4-1 HBCT sector?
(ii) (U) PIR #5: Have Donovian Forces penetrated 1-1 SBCT or 4-1 HBCT
(iii) (U) PIR #6: Have Donovian Forces penetrated PL CLYDE?
(c) (U) Phase III.
(i) (U) PIR #7: Will OSC-S employ NP Chemical weapons in defense of the
Donovian border?
(ii) (U) PIR #8: Will OSC-S attempt to defend any territory gained in northern
(iii) (U) PIR #9: Will OSC-S defend DMZ or continue to withdraw north?
(iv) (U) PIR #10: Will OSC-S, attempt to destroy critical Atropian oil
(2) (U) Friendly Force Information Requirements (FFIRs).
(a) (U) Phase I.
(i) (U) FFIR #1: Status of 1st AD unit preparations for Phase II operations.
(ii) (U) FFIR #2: Loss of 1st AD Soldiers or Atropian Security Force personnel
due to attack by any threat element.
(iii) (U) FFIR #3: Did any BCT major end items, sensitive items, or personnel not
arrive at designated defensive sectors as scheduled?
(iv) (U) FFIR #4: Will any BCT’s have to delay moving to assigned defensive
(b) (U) Phase II.
(i) (U) FFIR #5: Is the 344th (M), 346th (M), or 358th ANV BDE combat power less
than 65%?
(ii) (U) FFIR #6: Are there any weather conditions that will restrict UAS or rotary
wing operations?
(iii) (U) FFIR #7: Is 1-1 SBCT, 2-1 HBCT, 3-1 IBCT, 4-1 HBCT, 3-3 CAV, or 1st
CAB combat power less than 65%?
(c) (U) Phase III.
(i) (U) FFIR #8: Any maneuver element with combat power below 70%?
(ii) (U) FFIR #9: Any Cyber Attack to 1st AD digital network?



(iii) (U) FFIR #10: Will 4-1 HBCT have sufficient combat power to conduct Phase
III tasks?
(iv) (U) FFIR #11: Crash of any aircraft or UAS?
(v) (U) FFIR #12: Missing Personnel?
(d) (U) Phase IV. TBP
(3) (U) Essential Elements Friendly Information. TBP
(4) (U) Serious Incident Report (SIR): Report immediately to 1st AD DTOC.
(a) (U) SIR #1: Death or serious injury to any Soldier.
(b) (U) SIR #2: Accident or incident resulting in damage to equipment or sensitive
(c) (U) SIR #3: Crash of UAS.
(d) (U) SIR #4: Crash or Hard landing of any Aircraft for any reason.
(e) (U) SIR #5: Any Accidental/Negligent Discharge.
(5) (U) Key Information Requirements (IR): Due at the DIV O&I Update.
(a) (U) IR #1: Number of computers IA Compliant / Total number of computers in the
Division by unit.
(b) (U) IR #2: Number of vehicles with installed and functioning CREW devices /
Total number of vehicles designated to receive CREW devices.
(c) (U) IR #3: Number of vehicles FMC in the BCT/CAV SQD to include CREW, and
Maintenance / Total number of vehicles in the BCT/CAV SQD.
(6) (U) Fire Support Coordination Measures. Refer to Annex D (Fires).
(7) (U) Airspace Coordination Measures. Refer to Appendix 10 (AC2) to Annex C
(8) (U) Inform and Influence Activities. Subordinate commands will use the following
Inform and Influence Themes and Messages during the specified Phases of OPN
(a) (U) Phase I (Deter – Force Build-Up).
(i) (U) Theme: The current international borders of the sovereign states of
Atropia and Donovia are recognized by the international community.
(ii) (U) Message 1: US and 1st AD do not support Donovian claims to the Hachzi,
Vetlia, and Erdabil Provinces.
(iii) (U) Message 2: US and 1st AD will support Atropian deterrence from
Donovian aggression in accordance with the United Nations Security Council
(iv) (U) Message 3: 1st AD continues to show US resolve for the security of the
region by assisting the Atropian Military.
(b) (U) Phase II (Seize the Initiative – Defense).
(i) (U) Theme: The current international borders of the sovereign states of
Atropia and Donovia are recognized by the international community.
(ii) (U) Message 1: US, and 1st AD will militarily assist Atropia in the defense of
their international borders.



(iii) (U) Message 2: The US and 1st AD will conduct military operations in order to
protect the Atropian people from Donovian Aggression.
(iv) (U) Message 3: The US and 1st AD are here at the request of the Atropian
Government. Likewise, the US and 1st AD will withdraw forces at the request of
the Atropian Government.
(c) (U) Phase III (Dominate – Offense – Decisive Operations).
(i) (U) Theme: The current international borders of the sovereign states of
Atropia and Donovia are recognized by the international community.
(ii) (U) Message 1: The US and 1st AD will conduct military operations in order to
protect the Atropian people from Donovian aggression.
(iii) (U) Message 2: The US and 1st AD will fight to destroy, capture, or expel all
Donovian forces from Atropia and assist in securing it’s border.
(iv) (U) Message 3: The US and 1st AD are here at the request of the Atropian
Government. Likewise, the US and 1st AD will withdraw forces at the request of
the Atropian Government.
(d) (U) Phase IV: (Stabilize – Establish Security / Restore Essential Services).
(i) (U) Theme: The Republic of Atropia is responsible for the security and stability
of their respective territories.
(ii) (U) Message 1: The US and 1st AD will assist the legitimate government of
Atropia re-establish security and stability in the Vetlia, Erdabil, and Hachzi
(iii) (U) Message 2: The US and 1st AD are here at the request of the Atropian
Government. Likewise, the US and 1st AD will withdraw forces at the request of
the Atropian Government.
(iv) (U) For additional Inform and Influence Activities guidance, refer to Annex J
(IIA) to this OPORD.
(9) (U) Rules of Engagement. Refer to Appendix 11 (ROE) to Annex C (Operations).
(10) (U) Risk Reduction Control Measures. Current MOPP level is ZERO. At W-Day
MOPP level is ONE. At Phase II, MOPP level is TWO. Fratricide avoidance: No vehicle
may depart LSA’s without an operational Blue Force Tracker Beacon. Minimum of two
vehicles with operational communications are required for movement outside 1AD
staging and assembly areas prior to Phase II.
(a) (U) All US ground vehicles will display markings IAW 1st AD TACSOP.
(b) (U) Non-US vehicles will display VS-17 panels as directed in the event similar
marking systems used by US vehicles is not feasible.
(c) (U) Special Operations Support Teams will advise Division headquarters of all
non-US ground movements of company size or larger. No aircraft may operate within
Division airspace without an operational MODE I-IV transponder. Aircrew members
will refer to daily ATO / ACO / SPINS to determine appropriate transponder codes
and downed aircrew procedures. Each aircraft will have not less than one blood chit
and one operational PRC-112 radio with PLS. Whenever possible, host nation
interpreters will accompany all convoys.
(11) (U) Boundaries. Refer to Annex C (Operations) to this OPORD.
(12) (U) Be prepared to provide liaison teams to other friendly nations.
(13) (U) Be prepared to receive and embed media.



(14) (U) Reporting requirements. IAW the 1st AD SOP.

(15) (U) All units will conduct CBRN defense operations.
(16) (U) United Nations Country Team (UNCT) Representatives. 4th MEB, and 15th SB,
BPT receive and integrate a UNCT Civilian-Military Coordinator from the UN Assistance
Mission to Atropia into brigade level inform and influence activities.
(a) (U) Background: The UN assistance mission to Atropia was mandated by a UN
Security Council Resolution in 1996 in response to the influx of ethnic Atropian’s
displaced by the Donovian government. The UN Country Team (UNCT), under the
leadership of the UN Resident Coordinator (RC), supports the Government in its
efforts to provide humanitarian assistance, refugee registration, and asylum
assistance to refugees and internally displaced persons. The UNCT also works with
the Government to improve critical areas, including security, governance and
economic development, and regional cooperation. The UNCT coordinates the United
Nations agencies, funds and programs that provide a wide range of humanitarian
support to the Atropian people, as well as policy and programs support to various
Government Ministries on development matters set out in the UN Development
Assistance Framework (UNDAF). These objectives include:
(i) (U) Poverty Reduction aims to advance inclusive development, employment
creation and access to health, education and essential social services, especially
for vulnerable groups.
(ii) (U) Democratic Development aims to promote balanced, independent, fair
and participatory governance systems and processes at all levels, based on the
Rule of Law, human rights and equality principles.
(iii) (U) Disaster Risk Reduction aims to build up Atropia’s resilience to disasters
through prevention and minimizing damage and loss in case of emergencies.
(17) (U) Ministry of Internal Affairs LNO. During Phase IV operation, all BDEs BPT
receive and integrate an LNO from the Atropian Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) into
brigade operations. Brigade MIA LNOs will join their partnered units during their RSOI.
LNOs will assist BDEs by coordinating with Atropian Security Forces for support during
(a) (U) The Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) of Atropia is a paramilitary agency. It is
divided into several sub branches i.e. basic law and order, border control and
maintenance of public order such as riot control. As part of other paramilitary
organizations, like the Ministry of Intelligence, it may be tasked to protect critical
infrastructure. MIA's border police, besides being assigned general border control
duties, are tasked with anti-smuggling and enforcing importation laws.
(b) (U) As a Host National asset, the MIA LNO to BDE can be expected to provide
focused assistance with reestablishment of both local and provincial law and order in
the troubled provinces of Vetlia, Erdabil and Hachzi. He will be especially useful in
understanding and helping to remedy issues among rival ethnic groups like the
Lezgins. He should be called upon to assist in the following:
(i) Security of IDPs.
(ii) Control of refugee camps.
(iii) Liaison with town and village political leaders and representatives.
(iv) Conflict resolution regarding issues with the local population.
(v) Maintaining public order and control in population centers --to include
reestablishing rule of law.



(vi) The MIA will also act as the LNO for the BCT to other host nation ministries
as is required.
(c) (U) In addition to the above, the MIA LNO provides an important Host Nation
perspective on sovereign issues, has a needed cultural bias, and brings significant
operational experience.
(18) (U) Electronic Warfare Coordination Measures. Refer to Appendix 7 (Electronic
Warfare) to annex D (Fires).
4. (U) Sustainment. . Refer to ANNEX F (SUSTAINMENT)
5. (U) Command and Signal.
A. (U) Command.
(1) (U) Location of Commander.
(a) (U). Phase I. Commander is located with DTOC vic. LSA LUCKY.
(b) (U). Phase II. Commander is located with DTOC vic. LSA LUCKY.
(c) (U). Phase III. Commander will be located with DTAC.
(d) (U). Phase IV. TBD
(2) (U) Succession of Command. DCG-O; DCG-S; CDR-2/1 HBCT; CDR- 4/1 HBCT; CDR-1/1
(3) (U) Liaison Requirements. Each subordinate units will embed a liaison at the Division TAC
located vic. TAA 3-1 during all phases of operation.
B. (U) Signal.
(1) (U) Current SOI is in effect.
(a) (U) 1st AD Tactical hub will be installed in LSA LUCKY by Phase I.
(b) (U) Signal assets will provide mobile and static Network Capability to national forces as
well as connectivity to multinational forces throughout the operation.
(c) (U) 1st AD organic signal assets will provide strategic backbone network to 1AD forces
operating in all three Atropian Provinces and in southern Donovia.





Annex A (Task Organization)

Appendix 1 (344-346 (M) BDE, 358th AVN Bde Task Organization)
Appendix 2 (1st AD AO Array)



Annex B (Intelligence)
Appendix 1 (Intelligence Estimate)
Tab A (Terrain)
Tab B (Light-Weather) – Not provided, use local light and weather data
Tab C (Civil Considerations) – Not Provided
Tab D (Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield Products) – Not Provided
Exhibit 1 (Enemy Order of Battle – EOoB)
Exhibit 2 (Modified Combined Obstacle Overlay – MCOO)
Exhibit 3 (Enemy Courses of Action Sketch)
Appendix 2 (Information Collection Tasking Matrix) – Refer to Annex L (Information Collection) –
Appendix 3 (Counter Intelligence)
Appendix 4 (Signal Intelligence)
Appendix 5 (Human Intelligence)
Appendix 6 (Geospatial Intelligence)
Annex C (Operations)
Appendix 1 (Design Concept) – Omitted
Tab A (Tactical Road March Concept) Not Provided
Tab B (Course of Action Sketch)
Appendix 2 (Operations Overlay)
Tab B (1st AD AO Map)
Tab C (Grid Reference Sheets – Excel) – Not Provided
Exhibit 1 (1stAD AO Map Data) – Omitted
Appendix 3 (Decision Support Products) – Omitted
Tab A (Decision Support Template and Matrix)
Tab B (High Payoff Target List)
Tab C (High Value Target List)
Appendix 4 (Gap Crossing Operations) – Omitted
Appendix 5 (Air Assault Operations) – Omitted
Appendix 6 (Airborne Operations) – Omitted
Appendix 7 (Amphibious Operations) – Omitted
Appendix 8 (Special Operations) – Omitted
Appendix 9 (Battlefield Obscuration) – Omitted
Appendix 10 (Airspace Command and Control) - Omitted
Tab A (Air Control Points)
Tab B (Air Corridors/Standard Army Aviation Flight Routes)
Tab C (Minimum Risk Routes)
Tab D (No Fire Areas)
Tab E (Restricted Operation Zones/Areas)
Tab F (Low Level Transit Routes)
Tab G (Joint Land – Attack Cruise Missle Elevated Netted Sensor (JLENS) Tower and Aerostat
Tab H (Entry/Exit Gates (IPs and CPs) for CAS)
Tab I (GARS (Kill Boxes)
Tab J (Attack/Recon Air Mission Request)
Tab K (Lift Air Mission Request)



Tab L (Manual Airspace Control Means Request(ACMR)/Jabber Format

Tab M (Helicopter Landing Zones)
Tab N (Helicopter Bed Down Report)
Tab O (Emergency Radar Airfields and Approaches) - Not Provided
Tab P (SUAS Request Format)
Tab Q (LZ/Airport Wagon Wheel Sectors)
Appendix 11 (CJFLCC Rules of Engagement - ROE)
Tab A (No Strike List)
Tab B (Restricted Target List) – Not Provided
Tab C (Weapons Release Authority Matrix)
Tab D (Request for Change to ROE)
Appendix 12 (Law and Order Operations) – Omitted
Appendix 13 (Internment and Resettlement Operations) – Omitted
Annex D (Fires)
Appendix 1 (Fire Support Overlay)
Appendix 2 (Fire Support Execution Matrix)
Appendix 3 (Targeting)
Tab A (Target Selection Standards/Attack Guidance Matrix)
Exhibit 1 (No Fire Area/Restrictive Fire Area List)
Tab B (Fires Support Task Matrix)
Tab C (Attack Guidance Matrix) – Document combined with Tab A
Tab D (Target List Worksheets) – Omitted
Tab E (Battle Damage Assessment)
Exhibit 1 (CDM Flow Chart)
Exhibit 2 (Population Density) – Omitted
Exhibit 3 (Risk Estimate Distances)
Exhibit 4 (Minimum Safe Distances)
Exhibit 5 (Target Packet Instructions)
Exhibit 6 (Fire Support Coordination Measure Scrub Script)
Appendix 4 (Field Artillery Support) – Omitted
Tab A (Survey Control Points) – Omitted
Tab B (General Support Fires)
Tab C (GMLRS Flow Chart)
Appendix 5 (Close Air Support)
Tab A (Air Request Numbering System) – Not Provided
Tab B (Check Points/Initial Points)
Appendix 6 (Naval Fire Support) – Omitted
Appendix 7 (Electronic Warfare) – Omitted
Annex E (Protection)
Appendix 1 (Air and Missile Defense)
Tab A (Enemy Air Avenues of Approach)
Tab B (Enemy Air Order of Battle)
Tab C (Enemy Theater Ballistic Missile Overlay)
Tab D (Air and Missile Defense Protection Overlay)



Tab E (Critical Asset List and Defended Asset List)

Appendix 2 (Personnel Recovery)
Appendix 3 (Fratricide Avoidance)
Appendix 4 (Operational Area Security)
Appendix 5 (Antiterrorism) – Not Used
Appendix 6 (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear – CBRN Defense)
Tab A (Toxic Industrial Chemical and Toxic Industrial Material – TIC & TIM Listing) - Omitted
Tab B (Chemical Defense Equipment Report) - Omitted
Tab D (HAZMAT Spot Report - Blank) - Omitted
Tab E (TIC & TIM Spot Report) - Omitted
Tab F (CBRN IPAO) - Omitted
Tab G (CBRN Mission Analysis) - Omitted
Tab H (Mission Oriented Protective Posture (MOPP) Level and Use of M9 Paper) - Omitted
Appendix 7 (Safety) - Omitted
Appendix 8 (Operations Security)
Tab A (Force Protection Posture Matrix)
Appendix 9 (Explosive Ordnance Disposal – EOD)
Appendix 10 (Force Health Protection) – Not Provided
Annex F (Sustainment)
Annex G (Engineer)
Appendix 1 (Mobility & Counter-Mobility) – Refer to Annex G Para 3.a.1.c and 3.b.2.a.1
Tab A (Obstacle Overlay)
Tab B (Scatterable Munition Request (SCATMUNREQ) Form)
Tab C (Route Status Report)
Tab D (Blue 26 Report)
Tab E (Lines of Communications (LOC) Responsibility)
Tab F (1stAD EOCA/R2C2-S Blow in Place Policy)
Tab G (IED Tracking Report)
Tab H (Culvert Protection Emplacement) - Omitted
Tab I (UXO IED Report)
Tab J (Class V Push Package) - Omitted
Appendix 2 (Survivability) – Refer to Annex G Para 3.b.1.c
Appendix 3 (General Engineering) – Omitted
Tab A (Standards of Construction)
Tab B (US Army Corps of Engineers Forward Engineering Support Team – Augmenting)
Tab C (Engineer Specific CCLs)
Appendix 4 (Geospatial Engineering) – Omitted
Tab A (Terrain) – Refer to Tab A (Terrain) to Annex B (Intelligence)
Exhibit 1 (Modified Combined Obstacle Overlay) – Refer to Exhibit 2 (MCOO) to Annex B
Annex H (Signal)
Annex I – Not Used
Annex J (Inform and Influence Activities)



Appendix 1 (Public Affairs)

Tab A (Media Ground Rules)
Exhibit 1 (Ground Rules Agreement) – Not Provided
Tab B (Approved Media)
Tab C (CFLCC Approved Media Badge) – Not Provided
Tab D (Public Affairs Guidance)
Tab E (CFLCC Embedded Strategy)
Appendix 2 (Military Deception) – Omitted
Appendix 3 (Military Information Support Operations)
Tab A (MISO Product Development Request) - Omitted
Exhibit 1 (MISO Objectives & Supporting MISO Objectives & Potential Target Audience List)
Tab B (MISO Themes and Messages)
Tab C (MISO Approval Process)
Appendix 4 (Soldier and Leader Engagement)
Annex K (Civil Affairs Operations)
Appendix 1 (Erdabil Province Study)
Appendix 2 (Hackzi Province Study)
Appendix 3 (Vetlia Province Study)
Appendix 4 (Hachzi Province Study)
Appendix 5 (Gilan Province Study)
Appendix 6 (Civil Affairs Operations Situation Report)
Appendix 7 (Internally Displaced Persons Plan)
Appendix 8 (Protected Targets List)
Appendix 9 (Civil Affairs Operations Execution Matrix – Erdabil Province)
Appendix 10 (Civil Affairs Operations Execution Matrix – Gilan Province)
Appendix 11 (Population and Resources Control Plan)
Appendix 12 (Civil Information Management Plan)
Annex L (Information Collection)
Appendix 1 (Named Area of Interest Overlay)
Tab A (Named Area of Interest Grid Reference Sheet)
Tab B (Named Area of Interest Numbering Convention)
Appendix 2 (Information Collection Tasking Matrix)
Annex M – (Assessment) – Not Used
Annex N – (Space Operations) – Not Used
Annex O – Not Used
Annex P (Host Nation Support) - Omitted
Annex Q – Not Used
Annex R (Reports) - Omitted
Annex S (Special Technical Operations) – Not Used
Annex T – Not Used
Annex U (Inspector General) – Not Used
Annex V (Interagency Coordination)
Appendix 1 (Foreign Humanitarian Assistance)
Tab A (Foreign Humanitarian Assistance - Background)



Annex W (RSOI) - Omitted

Annex X – Not Used


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