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Universidade Católica de Moçambique

Instituto de Educação à Distância

Rua Correia de Brito, 613, Ponta Gêa
C.P 90 - Beira - Moçambique
Tel: (+258) 23 32 64 05 Fax: (+258) 23 32 64 06

Trabalho de Campo da Disciplina de Inglês.

Curso de Biologia, 1o Ano,

Topics: Active and passive voices;

__ Direct speech and Reported Speech

Instruction: Given the topics above, develop them in a research work.

Structural criteria
a) The work must be done individually.
b) Plagiarism will lead the student to get zero.
c) The marks are from 0 (zero) to 20 (Twenty).
d) The work has as deadline for submission 30th November, 2023.
e) Font: Times New Roman, size 12, spacing 1.5, upper and left margins 3cm, inferior and
right margins 2cm.
f) The work must have 10 pages in maximum including the introduction.
g) The work should have: cover, undercover, feedback sheet for the tutors, content list/index,
introduction, objectives, body of the work (development), conclusion, Bibliography.

Beira, July 2023

Tutor’s name: Olga Mussa

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